422 (c) Regulation on Graduate Medical Education (Amendment ...

422 (c) Regulation on Graduate Medical Education (Amendment ...

422 (c) Regulation on Graduate Medical Education (Amendment ...


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Assessment andTreatment Strategies forPsychiatric Patients in theEmergency DepartmentSara Gilbert, RN, CEN, MACPCheshire <strong>Medical</strong> CenterKeene, NH

68 th Vacancy69 th Vacancy70 th Vacancy71 st Vacancy72 nd Vacancy73 rd Vacancy74 th Vacancy75 th Vacancy76 th Vacancy77 th Vacancy78 th Vacancy79 th Vacancy80 th Vacancy81 st Vacancy82 nd Vacancy83 rd Vacancy84 th Vacancy85 th Vacancy86 th Vacancy87 th Vacancy88 th Vacancy89 th Vacancy90 th Vacancy91 st Vacancy92 nd Vacancy93 rd Vacancy94 th Vacancy95 th Vacancy96 th Vacancy97 th Vacancy98 th Vacancy99 th Vacancy100 th VacancyScheduled CasteBackward Class (E. C.)GeneralScheduled CasteGeneral (Pers<strong>on</strong>s with disabilities)General (E. C.)Scheduled TribeGeneralGeneralGeneral (E. C.)Scheduled Caste (E. C.)GeneralGeneralGeneralScheduled CasteGeneralGeneralGeneral (E. C.)Scheduled Caste (E. C.)General (E. C.)GeneralBackward ClassScheduled CasteGeneralGeneralScheduled Tribe (E. C.)GeneralGeneralGeneralScheduled Caste (E. C.)GeneralGeneralGeneral (E. C.)(E. C. means Exempted Categories)2. The Governor is also pleased to direct that the reservati<strong>on</strong> for pers<strong>on</strong>s withdisabilities, as provided for under the Pers<strong>on</strong>s with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protecti<strong>on</strong>of Rights and Full Participati<strong>on</strong>) Act, 1995 shall be implemented as follows:Each of the (3) Three Points (12 th , 42 nd and 72 nd ) of the 100-point roster, reserved for thepers<strong>on</strong>s with disabilities shall be filled up by pers<strong>on</strong>s suffering from (i) Blindness or low visi<strong>on</strong>,(ii) Hearing impairment and (iii) Locomotor disability or Cerebral Pasly – respectively in orderto ensure 1% (<strong>on</strong>e per cent) reservati<strong>on</strong> for each of the three categories of pers<strong>on</strong>s withdisabilities.426

3. The Governor is further pleased to direct that (a) Vacancy in Group – ‘C’ posts atany point in each “Block of 20-points” of the aforesaid 100-point roster shall be filled up by anEx-servicemen irrespective of the Category like General/SC/ST/and BC (other than ExemptedCategory) to which the candidate may bel<strong>on</strong>g; (b) vacancy in Group – ‘D’ post at any point ineach “Block of 10-points” of the aforesaid roster shall be filled up by an Ex-servicemanirrespective of the category like General/SC/ST/ and BC (other than Exempted Category) towhich the candidate may bel<strong>on</strong>g.Ex-Servicemen may be appointed against SC/ST/BC vacancies <strong>on</strong>ly if theybel<strong>on</strong>g to SC/ST/BC, otherwise they may be appointed against “General” vacancies.4. All appointing authorities should obtain names from Exempted Category Cellunder the Directorate of Employment, West Bengal, to fill up the vacancies meant for ExemptedCategory candidates in the above roster except the cases of Employment <strong>on</strong> compassi<strong>on</strong>ateground, viz. death-in-harness and premature retirement due to permanent incapacitati<strong>on</strong>.5. The relevant Notificati<strong>on</strong>s issued by the Finance Department relaxing upper agelimits for SC, ST, BC pers<strong>on</strong>s with disabilities, ex-servicemen and Exempted Categorycandidates may be kept in view while calling for names from the sp<strong>on</strong>soring agencies c<strong>on</strong>cernedand at the time of offering employment.6. As no curtailment of existing percentage of reservati<strong>on</strong> for SC, ST and BC can bemade, the reserved points for SC (E. C.), ST (E. C.) and BC (E. C.) shall be filled up by theExempted Category Candidates bel<strong>on</strong>ging to SC, ST and BC <strong>on</strong>ly. In case of n<strong>on</strong>-availability ofa suitable Exempted Category Candidate bel<strong>on</strong>ging to SC, ST or BC for any of such reservedpoint, the said vacancy shall be filled up by a n<strong>on</strong>-Exempted Category Candidate bel<strong>on</strong>ging toSC, ST or BC, as the case may be.7. (a) The guidelines c<strong>on</strong>tained herein should be followed with immediate effect inrespect of all existing and future vacancies coming under the purview of the aforesaid Act.(b) This supersedes earlier circulars issued by the Labour Department prescribingroster points for filling up aforesaid vacancies.By order of the Governor,Sd/ Manish GuptaChief Secretary to the Governmentof West Bengal427

Government of West BengalFinance DepartmentAudit BranchNo. 9759-F Dated, the 18 th October, 2001NOTIFICATIONIn exercise of the powers c<strong>on</strong>ferred by the proviso to article 309 of the C<strong>on</strong>stituti<strong>on</strong> ofIndia, the Governor is pleased hereby to make the following amendment in the West BengalServices (Determinati<strong>on</strong> of Seniority) Rules, 1981 published with this Departments notificati<strong>on</strong>No. 1882-F, dated the 11 th March, 1981 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules) :-<strong>Amendment</strong>After sub-rule ( 4 ) of rule 5 of the said rules, insert the following sub-rule :-“( 5 ) Notwithstanding anything c<strong>on</strong>tained in the foregoing provisi<strong>on</strong>s of this rules, if acandidate bel<strong>on</strong>ging to the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe is promoted to an immediatehigher post or grade against a reserved vacancy earlier than his senior General or otherBackward Classes candidate and the said General or other Backward Classes candidate ispromoted later to the said higher post or grade the General or other Backward Classes candidateshall regain his seniority in the immediate higher post or grade over the said Scheduled Caste orScheduled Tribe candidate promoted earlier to the said immediate higher post or grade.”By order of the Governor,Sd/ B. K. SahaJoint Secretary to theGovernment of West BengalFinance Department428

Government of West BengalLabour DepartmentEmp. CellWriters’ Buildings, Kolkata – 700 001.No. 35(100) – Emp. Dated : 8 – 2 – 2005.N O T I F I C A T I O NTo: 1) The Principal Secretary / Secretary----------------------------------- Department.2) The Commissi<strong>on</strong>er,------------------------------- Divisi<strong>on</strong>.3) The District Magistrate,----------------------------------------------4) The Director of Employment, West Bengal.It is felt necessary to issue to issue certain clarificati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> how the vacancies meant forGeneral Exempted Category candidates should be filled up when suitable General Exemptedcandidates are not available in the Exempted Categories Cell of the Directorate of Employment,regarding implementati<strong>on</strong> of the Labour Department Notificati<strong>on</strong> No. 240-Emp/1M-5/2000,dated 2-8-2001, <strong>on</strong> Model 100-Point Roster of Vacancies.After careful c<strong>on</strong>siderati<strong>on</strong> of the matter, it is hereby laid down that in case suitableGeneral Exempted Category candidates are not available, the vacancies meant for GeneralExempted Category candidates under the Model 100-Point Roster of vacancies may be filled upby way of recruitment of candidates bel<strong>on</strong>ging to General n<strong>on</strong>-Exempted Categories sp<strong>on</strong>soredby Employment Exchanges.Sd/- ( Asok Gupta )Chief Secretary,West Bengal.429

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