Pengedaran Borang Soal Selidik Kajian Pelajar Ijazah Tinggi UUM

Pengedaran Borang Soal Selidik Kajian Pelajar Ijazah Tinggi UUM

Pengedaran Borang Soal Selidik Kajian Pelajar Ijazah Tinggi UUM


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UNIVERSITISAINSMALAYSIAPejabatPendaftarOffice ofThe RegistrarKepada:I MemorandumSemua Dekan/Pengarah/Penyelaras/KetuaSemua Pegawai PentadbiranPusat Pengajian/Pusat/lnstitut/JabatanJabatanKampus Induk/Kampus Kejuruteraan/Kampus KesihatanBangunan Canselori11800USMPulau PinangMalaysiaTel: 04-6533888www.usm.myAssalamu' alaikum Wrt. Wbt'/Salam Sejahtera,y. Bhg. Dato'/Datin/Tuan/Puan, Tarikh: 7 Januari 2011KEBENARAN UNTUK MENGEDARKAN BORANG SOAl SEUDIKDengan segala hormatnya saya merujuk kepada perkara di atas.2. Untuk makluman Y. Bhg. Dato'/Datin/tuan/puan, En. Abdul Shukor bin Shamsudin, PenolongPendaftar Kanan, Jabatan Pendaftar, Universiti Utara Malaysia (<strong>UUM</strong>), yang juga merupakan pelajar <strong>Ijazah</strong><strong>Tinggi</strong> dalam bidang Pentadbiran Perniagaan di <strong>UUM</strong>, sedang dalam usaha menyiapkan penyelidikan beliaubertajuk 'Emotional intelligence and leadership practices among middle level administrators'. Sehubunganitu, pihak Universiti telah bersetuju untuk membenarkan borang soal selidik beliau diedarkan kepada parapegawai kumpulan pengurusan dan profesional yang terdiri daripada semua skim perkhidmatan (bukanakademikGred 41 hingga 54) di USM.3. Bersama-sama ini disertakan surat rasmi dan borang tersebut untuk perhatian dan tindakan Y. Bhg.Dato' /Datin/tuan/puan. <strong>Borang</strong> yang telah lengkap diisi hendaklah dikembalikan kepada beliau melaluiemel di alamat shukor@uum.edu.my atau melalui pos ke ala mat di bawah selewat-Iewatnya pada 24Januari 2011.Encik Abdul Shukor bin Shamsudind/a Jabatan PendaftarUniversiti Utara Malaysia06010 <strong>UUM</strong> SintokKedah Darul AmanTel: +6019-45169474. Dengan ini, kerjasama y. Bhg. Dato'/Datin/tuan/puan untuk mengedarkan borang soal selidiktersebut kepada pegawat ~pentadbiran di PTJ masing-masing amatlah saya harapkan dan saya dahuluidengan ucapan terima kasih.Sekian. Wassalamu'alaikum/Salam Hormat.'Memastika« Kelestarian Hari Esok'lB/Isi- <strong>UUM</strong> -SurQt Kebenaran <strong>Soal</strong><strong>Selidik</strong>1

UNlVERSITIUTARA MALAYSIA06010 <strong>UUM</strong> Sint~ Kedah Darul AmaD, Malaysia. Tel: 604 - 928 4000<strong>UUM</strong> eouege of Business"KEDAHSEJAHTERA"- <strong>UUM</strong>ICOBlA-3 (91594)July 12, 2010- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN_Dear Sir/Madam.-CERTIFICATIONOF STUDYThis is to certify that Abdul Shukor B. Shamsudln is currently studying in Universiti Utara Malaysiaand the following details apply:Matric No.NRlCIPasspOrt No,ProgrammeCollegeAdmission SessionProgramme StructureMode of StudyDuration of StudyLanguage of Study91594660731-2-5329Doctor of Business Administration<strong>UUM</strong> CoUege of BusinessA07~ Dee 2007/2008Couraework & DisertatlonFull Time4 - 10 SemesterSEnglishThank you."ILMUBUDI BAKTI"7f-Yours faithfully.ROSLEE BIN MARDANAssistant RegistrarCollege of .BusinessC.CFile[l]~- •. --TY•.- ,-=UK" •.1IO ••• :•• __ IIO.MMn

------------------------_...._---.-.-------• , I_~:._.~~~. "'.... ~'. ..~.\""KEDAHSEJAHTERA"<strong>UUM</strong>/COB/A-3 (91594)'.,-;!.•,••....• _,e 13 December 2010'/'TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN'!.. -,.1 ."Dear Sir/MadamDATA COLLECTIONCOURSECOURSE CODELECTURERDoctor of Business AdministrationBDMZ8024Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hj. Hamzah B. Dato' Abdul RahmanThis is to certify that the following is a postgraduate student from the College of Business,Universiti Utara Malaysia. He is pursuing the above mentioned course which requires him toundertake an academic study at any organization. The details are as follows:.tRICNO.Abdul Shukor B. Shamsudin 91594In this regard, I hope that you could kindly provide assistance and cooperation for him tosuccessfully complete the assignment given. All the information gathered will be strictly used foracademic purposes only,, ',:'",,-,,",. : . ~.:~.~.,..(:-Your cooperation and assistance is very much appreciated.Thank you."ILMUBUDI BAKTI"Yours faithfully.,': .. 'r"'«!~""~':~r- .,",.',f,'''~'' .ROSLEE BIN 'MARDANAssistant RegistrarCollege of Businessc.c Student's File (91594)M~~C:Status Institution

Abdul Shukor bin Shamsudind/a Jabatan PendaftarUniversiti Utara Malaysia06010 <strong>UUM</strong> SintokKedah Darul Aman 5 January 2011Tel: 019-4516947Fax: 04-9285767Email: shukorremum.edu.mvDear respondentT am a graduate candidate working on my doctoral degree in Business Administration atUniversiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah. The title of my research is Emotional intelligence andleadership practices among middle level administrators. This study focuses 011 therelationship between emotional intelligence and leadership practices among middle leveladministrators in public universities.This letter is being sent, with permission from the management, to invite you to take partin my research. Your participation is totally voluntary and will require approximately 15- 20 minutes of your time. I can assure that all the data will be treated strictlyconfidential.I would be most grateful if you could complete and submit the questionnaire before 24January 2011. Please feel free to contact me at the above number or email address ifyou have any questions concerning this study. Thank you in advance for; yourcooperation.Yours sincerely,~ii::t/--------~-~-------------

, .. ,QUESTIONNAIREThis survey is to examine emotional intelligence, Islamic work ethics and leadership practices.Instructions are given at the beginning of each section. Please read carefully and there are no trickquestions. All responses will be kept fully confidential. Please answer all questions as honestly andfrankly as possible. Participation is strictly voluntary and no compensation is promised.Thank you for your kind cooperation.Abdul Shukor bin Shamsudin (NM 91594)College of BusinessUniversiti Utara MalaysiaTel. 019-4516947Email. shu kor~({uumedu .mvSECTION A EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE (SSEIT)Each of the following items asks you about your emotions or reactions associated 'with emotions. Afterdeciding whether a statement is generally true for you, use the 5-point scale to respond to the statement.Please give the response that best describes you.Please circle your response on the scale 1 to 5..)I 2 " 4 5Strongly disagree Somewhat Neither agree nor Somewhat agree Strongly agreedisagree disagree ..l. .)I know when to speak about my personal 2 " 4 5problems to others.2. When I am faced with obstacles, I remember 2.)" 4 5times I faced similar obstacles and overcamethem..). .)" I expect that I will do well on most things I try. 2 " 4 5.)4. Other people find it easy to confide in me. 2 " 4 55. I find it hard to understand the non-verbal 2.)" 4 5messages of other people.

..6. Some of the major events of my life have led 2me to re-evaluate what is important and notimportant....,.)4 5"7. When my mood changes, I see new 2 3 4 5possib ilities.8. Emotions are one of the things that make 1 2my life worth living.9. I am aware of my emotions as I experience 2them.10. I expect good things to happen. 1 211. I like to share my emotions with others. 212. When I experience a positive emotion, 2I know how to make it last....,.)...,.)...,.)...,.)...,.)4 54 54 54 54 513. I arrange events others enjoy. 1 2 3 4 514. I seek out activities that make me happy. 215. I am aw-are of the non-verbal messages 2I send to others.16. I present myself in a way that makes a good 2impression on others.17. When I am in a positive mood, solving 2problems is easy for me.18. By looking at their facial expressions, 2I recognize the emotions people areexpenencmg.19. I know why my emotions change. 1 2~-,20. When I am in a positive mood, I am able 2to come up with new ideas....,.)...,.)...,.)...,.)...,.)...,.)...,.)4 54 54 54 54 54 54 521. I have control over my emotions. 222. I easily recognize my emotions as I 2experience them.23. I motivate myself by imagining a good 2outcome to tasks I take on.24. I compliment others when they have done 1 2something well....,.)...,.)...,.)...,.)4 54 54 54 52

25. I am aware ofthe non-verbal messages other 2 3 4 5people send..)26. When another person tells me about an 2 " 4 5important event in his or her life, I almostfeel as though I experienced this event myself..)27. When I feel a change in emotions, I tend 1 2 " 4 5to come up with new ideas..)28. When I am faced with a challenge, I give up 2 " 4 5Because I believe I will fail.29. I know what other people are feeling just 1 2 3 4 5by looking at them.30 Thelp other people feel better when they 1 2.)" 4 5are down.31. .)I use good moods to help myself keep trying 1 2 " 4 5in the face of obstacles.!j.)32. I can tell how people are feeling by listening 2 " 4 5Ito the tone of their voice. I .)33. It is difficult for me to understand why people 2 " 4 5feel the way they do.ISECTION B ISLAMIC WORK ETHICPlease circle your response on the scale 1 to 5..)1 2 " 4 5Strongly disagree Somewhat Neither agree nor Somewhat agree Strongly agreedisagreedisagree34. Laziness is a vice. 2 3 4 535. Dedication to work is a virtue. 2 3 4 536. Good work benefits both one's self and 2 " 4 5others..)..)37. Justice and generosity in the workplace 2 " 4 5are necessarv . conditions for societv's.welfare..)38. Producing more than enough to meet one's 2 " 4 5personal needs contributes to the prosperityof society as a whole..,.)

"39. One should carry work out to the best of 1 2one's abilitv.40. Work is not an end in itself but a means 1 2to foster personal growth and social relations.41. Life has no meaning without work. 242. More leisure time is good for society. 1 243. Human relations in organizations should 2be emphasized and encouraged.44. Work enables a person to control nature. 1 245. Creative work is a source of happiness 2and accomplishment.46. Any person who works is more likely to 2get ahead in life.47. Work gives one the chance to be 2independent...,.)..,.)..,.)..,.)..,.)..,.)..,.)..,.)..,.)4 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 548. A successful person is the one who meets 1 2 3 4 5deadlines at work.49. One should constantly work hard to meet 2responsibilities.50. The value of work is derived from the 2accompanying intention rather than itsresults...,.)..,.)4 54 5SECTION C LEADERSHIP PRACTICESPlease circle your response on the scale 1 to 5...,.)1 24 5Rarely or Once in a while Sometimes Fairly often Very frequently orverv seldomalmost always51. I seek out challenging opportunities that 2test mv skills and abilities.52 I stay up-to-date on the most recent 1 2developments affecting our organization...,.)..,.)4 54 54

, ,,

70. I am consistent in practicing thevalues I espouse.2 34571 I take the time to celebrateaccomplishments when projectmilestones are reached.2..,.J4572. I make sure that people are recognizedfor their contributions to the successof our projects.2..,.J4573. I praise people for a job well done. 2 34574. I give the members of the team lotsof appreciation and support for theircontributions.2 34575. I find ways to celebrate accomplishments. 2 345SECTION D DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMA nONPlease specify' your answers for questions no. 76 - 77 and check your answer in the blank for the rest ofthe questions76. Your institution~ ID77. How many years have you been working at the institution?78. Please specify your job classification.D Permanent DTemporary DParttime79. Please specify the highest level of education you have completed.DDDBachelor degree or equivalentMasterdegreeOther (please specify) . _6

80. Please specify your monthly pay (inclusive fix allowances).Dthan RM 3,000 RMDlessDRMDRM4,001 to 5,0006,001 and above8l. Please specify your age.DRM3,001 to 4,0005,001 to 6,000DlessD36D46than 30- 40- 50D30D41-D51- 3545and above82. Please specify your gender.CMaleDFemale83. Please specify your marital status.DMarriedDSingleDDivorcee84. Please specify your race/ethnicity.D..'.....•D D DMalay Chinese Indian OtherThank you for your valuable time.7

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