may 29, 2011 sixth sunday of easter - Parafia św. Ferdynanda w ...

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May 29, 2011 6th Sunday of Easter Page Twelve

May 29, 2011 6th Sunday of Easter Page ThirteenON BEING ORPHANED…NOTCopyright 2011 by John B. Reynolds ( Little Orphan Annie, our heroine is abused at theorphanage by Miss Hannigan, the mean-spirited supervisor.Annie escapes to look for her parents, and though thepolice return her to Miss Hannigan, Annie ends up with DaddyWarbucks and all goes well for her. Not so much for Miss Hannigan.In A Little Princess, Sara is placed in a boarding housewhile her well-to-do British father goes off to fight in WorldWar I. When word comes back that he dies there and his fortuneis lost, the school owner Miss Minchin--who never liked Sara--grows even meaner. Eventually, though, it all goes well for thegirl. Not so much for Miss Minchin. And in the Cinderella-likeEver After, Danielle, the daughter of a nobleman, is raised by hiswidow Rodmilla who has two daughters of her own. All threeare cruel to Danielle at first, but with time, one of the daughters--Jacqueline--softens. In the end, it all goes well for Danielle andthe kind stepsister. Not so much for Rodmilla and Marguerite.If I had to sum up all these plotlines in a single sentence, Iprobably go with: Be nice to orphans, or else! We all seem tolike it when the bad guys get theirs, and while biblical precedentdoesn’t take it quite that far, we get plenty of Scriptural directionto shower orphans with kindness. In Deuteronomy, for example,Moses puts down the law for his people concerning suchthings. “You shall not violate the rights of the orphan,” he says,adding “…when you pick your grapes, you shall not go over thevineyard a second time; let what remains be for the orphan.” InPsalms, the psalmist puts his (orphaned) trust in God: “Thoughmy father and mother forsake me, yet will the Lord receive me.”And according to James, “If a man who does not control histongue imagines that he is devout, he is self deceived; his devotionis pointless. Looking after orphans…in their distress andkeeping oneself unspotted by the world make for pure worshipwithout stain before our God and Father.” In today’s JohannineGospel, Jesus continues his farewell to the disciples on the nightbefore he dies which we began reading last Sunday. Now,though, he introduces the Holy Spirit into the conversation, tellinghis friends that if they keep his commandments, he will askhis Father to send to them “…another Advocate to be with youalways, the Spirit of Truth…” Advocate. According to my lectors’workbook, only in the Gospel of John is the Holy Spiritacknowledged as such. And per the same workbook, the wordadvocate “…comes from a legal setting and means a defenseattorney, one who defends and consoles another.” Orphans, itwould seem, need defense and consolation “It’s the Hard-Knock Life,” after all. But Jesus tells us--and he seems to say itwith great love, “I will not leave you orphans. I will come toyou.” He comes to us, of course, in the Spirit, who comes to usin turn when we love God and keep his commandments. Anniewas always hopeful for “Tomorrow.” We are too, certainly, butjust as certainly, even today, we have all we really need.Support StaffMrs. Dorota Gołda, Parish SecretarySr. Bernadetta Gościniak, Administrative AssistantMs. Elizabeth Ceisel-Mikowska, Bulletin EditorLiturgicalMrs. Betty Hotcaveg, Lector CoordinatorDeacon Irv Hotcaveg, Coordinator of Eucharistic Ministers &Ministers of CareMs. Jane Lohrmann, Homebound Ministers of Care SchedulerParish CouncilMrs. Sophie Kass—President, Mrs. Mary Bucaro, Mr. Stan Mastalerz,Mr. Antonio Supan, Violet Del Vecchio, Tony Mangiaracina, HerbertMarros, Elzbieta Kata, Jan Bobek, and Rob Heidelbauer .ExOfficio Members: Dr. Lucine Mastalerz , Sr. Anna StrycharzParish Finance CommitteeMr. Tom Bucaro-Chairperson, Fr. Jason Torba, Mrs. Mary Ann Barnhart,Mr. Gene Szaben, ExOfficio Members: Mr. Martin Wojtulewicz-Parish Accountant, Sr. Bernadetta Gościniak, Dr. Lucine MastalerzParish Organizations and Prayer GroupsBoy Scout: Mr. Vince Clemente, CoordinatorFish Fry: Mrs. Pat Wenzl, CoordinatorFriendship Club: Mrs. Patricia Flynn, PresidentGirl Scout: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss, CoordinatorKnights of Columbus—Mater Christi Council:Mr. Camilo Trujillo, Grand KnightKnights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary: Jenny HartnettLadies of St. Anne: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio, PresidentSt. Ferdinand ParishLegion of Mary: Mr. Thomas Sobczak & Miss Aurora Almeida,Co-PresidentsLegion of Mary, Juniors: Mrs. Emma Camara, PresidentIrving Park Catholic Woman’s Club: Mrs. Dolores SchoeweMarket Day: Mrs. Connie Glorioso, CoordinatorPolish Altar Servers — Fr. Michael Rosa, ModeratorEnglish Altar Servers: Fr. Robert Pajor, ModeratorPolish Club of the Good Shepherd: Mr. Andrzej Parada, PresidentPolish Rosary Group: Mrs. Helena Lesak, PresidentPolish Saturday School: Sr. Genowefa Potaczała, DirectorPolish School Parents’ Assn.: Mrs. Władysława Mitoraj, Pres.Radość: Miss Marzena Kulesza, Music TeacherKropeczki: Sr. Anna StrycharzZawaternik: Bernadetta i Jan BobekSt. Ferdinand Athletic: Mrs. Linda WardSt. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club:Mr. Tadeusz Kulasik, PresidentSt. Ferdinand School Board:Mrs. Mary Ann Barnhart, ChairpersonSt. Vincent DePaul Society: Mr. Stanley Mastalerz, PresidentTeens of Our Church (TORCH):Mr. & Mrs. Rob (Irene) Heidelbauer, Youth MinistersThe “Faustinum” Association of Apostles of the Divine Mercy:Fr. Jason Torba, ModeratorUshers Club: Mr. Peter Holod, PresidentPro-Life Coordinators: Tony Mangiaracina, Helena LasakChapel Choir – Conductor Julie Kania 773-742-2611Word of Life — Dito Camara 773-344-8514Holy Spirit Missionary Association: Sr. Elwira DziukNotre Dame Athletics: Mr. Nicholas MarzecNotre Dame Board of Directors: Mrs. Dia Weil, Chairperson

May <strong>29</strong>, <strong>2011</strong> 6th Sunday <strong>of</strong> Easter Page Twelve

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