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2 | Hand Abrasives | FleeceBest for F<strong>in</strong>ish fleece hand abrasives:particularly fast work progress andExtremely flexible and adaptable to contoursThe Best for F<strong>in</strong>ish fleece hand abrasives are much more flexible and adaptable to contours thanbacked hand abrasives, therefore enabl<strong>in</strong>g a more consistent surface to be achieved on everyworkpiece. They make it <strong>in</strong>credibly easy to work without produc<strong>in</strong>g burrs, and the open structureprevents the abrasive from clogg<strong>in</strong>g.Fleece hand abrasives are optimal for metallic surfaces, plastics, coat<strong>in</strong>gs and composites.Discolourations can beremoved with ease, withoutalter<strong>in</strong>g the geometry of theworkpiece. The structureof the welded seam can bereta<strong>in</strong>ed while achiev<strong>in</strong>g aconsistent, beautiful sand<strong>in</strong>gpattern.Light dirt can be removedwith ease. Surfaces can bemanually prepared for subsequentoperations, such aschrome plat<strong>in</strong>g or also solder<strong>in</strong>g,without any problems.Fleece hand abrasives canalso be used with mach<strong>in</strong>es.Work with low cutt<strong>in</strong>g speedand low feed pressure.

Fleece | Hand Abrasives | 3constantly high-quality f<strong>in</strong>ishFleece hand abrasives for particularly fast work progressn Very consistent sand<strong>in</strong>g pattern.n Highest tear resistance.n Constantly high-quality f<strong>in</strong>ish over the entire lifetime.StandardSand<strong>in</strong>g performance decreases as the fleecebecomes more worn. Less and less grit is useddue to the lack of grit penetration.Bosch Best for F<strong>in</strong>ishConsistently high-quality sand<strong>in</strong>g pattern thanksto constant grit distribution and penetration.

4 | Hand Abrasives | FleeceThe fast way to a perfect surface:Best for F<strong>in</strong>ish fleece hand abrasivesParticularly fast work progressYou achieve an optimal f<strong>in</strong>ish with Best for F<strong>in</strong>ish fleece hand abrasives. They are up to 25% faster thanconventional fleece hand abrasives.The Best for F<strong>in</strong>ish fleece hand abrasives are manufactured us<strong>in</strong>g a unique technology that enables optimalgrit penetration deep <strong>in</strong>to the three-dimensional structure of the fleece hand abrasives. Extremely consistentgrit distribution is also achieved.n Faster work progress.n Consistent sand<strong>in</strong>g pattern.n Longer lifetime.Up to 25% fasterTime required <strong>in</strong> seconds30252015105018 sec.26.5 sec.Particularly fast progress on Inox plate.Tested by Bosch on an area of 150 cm 2 .Bosch Best for F<strong>in</strong>ish – very f<strong>in</strong>e (A)CompetitorTests by Bosch.

Fleece | Hand Abrasives | 5ProductGrit designationGra<strong>in</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ish<strong>in</strong>g on sta<strong>in</strong>lesssteel – matt f<strong>in</strong>ishGra<strong>in</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ish<strong>in</strong>g on sta<strong>in</strong>lesssteel – bright f<strong>in</strong>ishSat<strong>in</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ish<strong>in</strong>g onnon-ferrous metalsPreparation for coat<strong>in</strong>g /electroplat<strong>in</strong>gDiscolouration removalon sta<strong>in</strong>less steelGeneral clean<strong>in</strong>gLight oxide removalPart<strong>in</strong>g l<strong>in</strong>e removal –non-ferrous metalsVarnish – matt f<strong>in</strong>ishBest for F<strong>in</strong>ish CoarseCoarse (A)Best for F<strong>in</strong>ish BrightMedium (S)Best for F<strong>in</strong>ish MattVery f<strong>in</strong>e (A)Expert for F<strong>in</strong>ishVery f<strong>in</strong>e (GP)very suitablesuitableGrit Coarse: K80Medium: K120Very f<strong>in</strong>e: K320Grit type A: Alum<strong>in</strong>ium oxideS: Silicon carbideGP: General purposeThe fleece hand abrasives are wellsuited to the leach<strong>in</strong>g of pa<strong>in</strong>t.The fleece hand abrasives can alsobe used to achieve a perfect f<strong>in</strong>ish onall metallic surfaces.

6 | Hand Abrasives | FoamEasiest handl<strong>in</strong>gBest for Profile, Best for Flat and Edge, Best for ContourThe Best for Profile and Best for Flat and Edge abrasive blocks and the Best for Contour abrasive spongesstrike a perfect balance between high removal rate and very good surface quality. Foam hand abrasives aremuch easier to handle than backed abrasives. What’s more, the foam hand abrasives are easy to clean andare also suitable for wet sand<strong>in</strong>g.n For outstand<strong>in</strong>g surface results, particularly on wood, pa<strong>in</strong>ts, varnishes, roughcast.The advantages at a glance132Low clogg<strong>in</strong>gn The comb<strong>in</strong>ation of soft back<strong>in</strong>g material and flexible grit bondreduces clogg<strong>in</strong>g. The dust is cont<strong>in</strong>ually released from the spacesbetween the grit.n Multiple use of the abrasive.3Pressure-equalis<strong>in</strong>gn Optimum pressure distribution because the foam hardness ismatched to the application. This results <strong>in</strong> a consistent sand<strong>in</strong>gpattern.n No sand<strong>in</strong>g-through of varnish, the soft back<strong>in</strong>g material preventspressure spots from f<strong>in</strong>gers.3Adaptable to contoursn Very adaptable to contours, especially on hard-to-reach andprofiled surfaces.n No formation of folds or creases <strong>in</strong> the abrasive, which ensuresa consistent sand<strong>in</strong>g pattern without scratch<strong>in</strong>g.1 Abrasive grit f Alum<strong>in</strong>ium oxide / White alum<strong>in</strong>ium oxide2 Bond<strong>in</strong>g agent f Flexible grit bond3 Foam f Various material hardnesses

Foam | Hand Abrasives | 7Top sand<strong>in</strong>g resultsand the longest lifetimeSolvent-free abrasive spongesThe volatility of solvents causes the grit adhesion on conventional abrasive sponges to become weakerover time. The abrasive gra<strong>in</strong>s fall out and the abrasive effect is reduced.Bosch abrasive sponges and pads, on the other hand, are made <strong>in</strong> a cont<strong>in</strong>uous, solvent-free and environmentallyfriendly production process. A particularly flexible and durable grit adhesion is achieved thanks tothe unique bond<strong>in</strong>g agent technology.The unique scatter method guarantees a perfect grit coat<strong>in</strong>g, even at the edges of the abrasive.n For outstand<strong>in</strong>g surface results, even on hard-to-reach areas.75% longer lifetimeRoughness [Rz]1614121086420100 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500Number of sand<strong>in</strong>g movementsTests by Bosch.Longest lifetime due to perfect gritadhesion.Bosch Best for Flat and Edge –super f<strong>in</strong>eCompetitor <strong>AC</strong>ompetitor BThe graph uses the measured roughness toshow the decreas<strong>in</strong>g performance of theabrasive with the <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g number of sand<strong>in</strong>gmovements.Bosch foam abrasives stand out from competitor products due to the follow<strong>in</strong>g:n Higher sand<strong>in</strong>g performance and higher quality of the sand<strong>in</strong>g pattern over the entire lifetime.n Considerably longer lifetime.

8 | Hand Abrasives | FoamFoam hand abrasives:optimal for all application rangesProductGrit designationIntermediate varnishsand<strong>in</strong>gKey<strong>in</strong>g of pa<strong>in</strong>t, filler andold varnishKey<strong>in</strong>g of wood, metal,plasticKey<strong>in</strong>g of pa<strong>in</strong>t coats <strong>in</strong>rebates and on surfacesRemov<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t runs andcoat<strong>in</strong>g defectsSand<strong>in</strong>g on profiledworkpiecesSand<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> rebates andon surfacesSand<strong>in</strong>g of contouredsurfacesBest for Flat and EdgeMediumBest for Flat and EdgeF<strong>in</strong>eBest for Flat and EdgeSuper f<strong>in</strong>eBest for ProfileF<strong>in</strong>eBest for ContourMediumBest for ContourF<strong>in</strong>eBest for ContourSuper f<strong>in</strong>every suitablesuitableGrit Medium: P180 – P240F<strong>in</strong>e:P240 – P320Super f<strong>in</strong>e: P320 – P500Best for ContourIdeal for sand<strong>in</strong>g off andkey<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, filler and oldvarnish on wood, metalor plastic.Best for Flat and EdgeOptimally suitable for woodsand<strong>in</strong>g before varnish<strong>in</strong>g.Best for ProfileIdeal for profiled workpiecesthanks to special shape.

Fleece | Hand Abrasives | 9Fleece pad, Best for F<strong>in</strong>ish CoarseDimensions mmProduct propertiesGradeProduct colourPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qty152 x 229 Coarse A Brown 2 608 608 211 P0f 1 10 583848Barcode3165140...Fleece pad, Best for F<strong>in</strong>ish Bright152 x 229 Medium S Black 2 608 608 212 P0f 1 10 583855Fleece pad, Best for F<strong>in</strong>ish Matt152 x 229 Very f<strong>in</strong>e A Red 2 608 608 213 P0f 1 10 583862Fleece pad, Expert for F<strong>in</strong>ish152 x 229 Very f<strong>in</strong>e GP Green 2 608 608 214 P0f 1 10 583879

10 | Hand Abrasives | FleeceFleece roll, Best for F<strong>in</strong>ish CoarseRoll width mmProduct propertiesRoll length mGradePart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qty100 10 Coarse A 2 608 608 215 P0f 1 1 583886115 10 Coarse A 2 608 608 219 P0f 1 1 583923Barcode3165140...Fleece roll, Best for F<strong>in</strong>ish Bright100 10 Medium S 2 608 608 216 P0f 1 1 583893115 10 Medium S 2 608 608 220 P0f 1 1 583930Fleece roll, Best for F<strong>in</strong>ish Matt100 10 Very f<strong>in</strong>e A 2 608 608 217 P0f 1 1 583909115 10 Very f<strong>in</strong>e A 2 608 608 221 P0f 1 1 583947Fleece roll, Expert for F<strong>in</strong>ish100 10 Very f<strong>in</strong>e GP 2 608 608 218 P0f 1 1 583916115 10 Very f<strong>in</strong>e GP 2 608 608 222 P0f 1 1 583954

Foam | Hand Abrasives | 11Combi abrasive sponge, Best for ProfileProduct propertiesDimensions mmGradePart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qty69 x 97 x 26 F<strong>in</strong>e 2 608 608 224 C1d 1 10 58397869 x 97 x 26 F<strong>in</strong>e 2 608 608 223 C0a 1 50 583961Barcode3165140...Abrasive sponge, Best for Flat and Edge69 x 97 x 26 F<strong>in</strong>e 2 608 608 227 C1d 1 10 58400569 x 97 x 26 Medium 2 608 608 225 C0a 1 50 58398569 x 97 x 26 F<strong>in</strong>e 2 608 608 226 C0a 1 50 58399269 x 97 x 26 Super f<strong>in</strong>e 2 608 608 228 C0a 1 50 584012Contour sand<strong>in</strong>g pad, Best for Contour98 x 120 x 13 Super f<strong>in</strong>e 2 608 608 198 C1d 2 10 58404398 x 120 x 13 Medium 2 608 608 229 C0a 1 50 58402998 x 120 x 13 F<strong>in</strong>e 2 608 608 230 C0a 1 50 58403698 x 120 x 13 Super f<strong>in</strong>e 2 608 608 231 C0a 1 50 583718For fleece and foam abrasives where the sales package quantity=1, the price refers to a s<strong>in</strong>gle piece.The m<strong>in</strong>imum order quantity, however, is 10, 20 or 50 pieces.

12 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Random Orbit Sanders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheetsfor random orbit sandersnn Robust sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets <strong>in</strong> Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>t, Best forWood, Best for Stone versions.nn For sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, varnish, wood and non-metallicmaterials such as glass, stone and car pa<strong>in</strong>t.nn With Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>g for rapid sheet changesand extraction holes for <strong>in</strong>ternal dust extraction.nn Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for mach<strong>in</strong>es of all conventionalbrands and diameters.The optimum sand<strong>in</strong>g sheet for every materialSand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for random orbit sanders, Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>t, 125 mm diameter, 8 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, varnish, filler.nn With calcium stearate coat<strong>in</strong>g that reduces premature clogg<strong>in</strong>g.n n Appropriate for random orbit sanders from Bosch, AEG, Atlas Copco, Black & Decker,DeWalt, Elu, Festo/Festool, Fe<strong>in</strong>, Hitachi, Kress, Makita, Metabo, Skil, Wegoma.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 8 holesProduct propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 50125 40 2 608 607 984 C0a 50 1 552196125 60 2 608 607 985 C0a 50 1 552202125 80 2 608 607 986 C0a 50 1 552219125 100 2 608 607 987 C0a 50 1 552226125 120 2 608 607 988 C0a 50 1 552233125 180 2 608 607 989 C0a 50 1 552240125 240 2 608 607 990 C0a 50 1 552110125 320 2 608 607 991 C0a 50 1 552257125 400 2 608 607 992 C0a 50 1 552264

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Random Orbit Sanders | 13Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for random orbit sanders, Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>t, 125 mm diameter, 9 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, varnish, filler.nn With calcium stearate coat<strong>in</strong>g that reduces premature clogg<strong>in</strong>g.n n Appropriate for random orbit sanders from Festo/Festool, PROTOOL.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 9 holesProduct propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 50125 40 2 608 608 002 C0a 50 1 552349125 60 2 608 608 003 C0a 50 1 552356125 80 2 608 608 004 C0a 50 1 552363125 100 2 608 608 005 C0a 50 1 552370125 120 2 608 608 006 C0a 50 1 552387125 180 2 608 608 007 C0a 50 1 552394125 240 2 608 608 008 C0a 50 1 552400125 320 2 608 608 009 C0a 50 1 552417125 400 2 608 608 010 C0a 50 1 552424Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for random orbit sanders, Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>t, 150 mm diameter, 6 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, varnish, filler.nn With calcium stearate coat<strong>in</strong>g that reduces premature clogg<strong>in</strong>g.n n Appropriate for random orbit sanders from Bosch, AEG, DeWalt, Elu, Felisatti,Flex, Hilti, Hitachi, Kress, Metabo, Milwaukee, Peugeot, PROTOOL, Stayer,Wegoma.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 6 holesPack of 50150 40 2 608 607 993 C0a 50 1 552271150 60 2 608 607 994 C0a 50 1 552288150 80 2 608 607 995 C0a 50 1 552103150 100 2 608 607 996 C0a 50 1 552097150 120 2 608 607 997 C0a 50 1 552295150 180 2 608 607 998 C0a 50 1 552301150 240 2 608 607 999 C0a 50 1 552318150 320 2 608 608 000 C0a 50 1 552325150 400 2 608 608 001 C0a 50 1 552332

14 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Random Orbit Sanders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for random orbit sanders, Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>t, 150 mm diameter, 9 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, varnish, filler.nn With calcium stearate coat<strong>in</strong>g that reduces premature clogg<strong>in</strong>g.n n Appropriate for random orbit sanders from Festo/Festool, PROTOOL.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 9 holesProduct propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 50150 40 2 608 608 011 C0a 50 1 552431150 60 2 608 608 012 C0a 50 1 552448150 80 2 608 608 013 C0a 50 1 552455150 100 2 608 608 014 C0a 50 1 552462150 120 2 608 608 015 C0a 50 1 552479150 180 2 608 608 016 C0a 50 1 552486150 240 2 608 608 017 C0a 50 1 552493150 320 2 608 608 018 C0a 50 1 552509150 400 2 608 608 019 C0a 50 1 552516Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for random orbit sanders, Best for Wood, 125 mm diameter, 8 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g hardwood, chipboard, construction boards and metal.n n Appropriate for random orbit sanders from Bosch, AEG, Atlas Copco,Black & Decker, DeWalt, Elu, Festo/Festool, Fe<strong>in</strong>, Hitachi, Kress, Makita,Metabo, Skil, Wegoma.Pack of 50Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 8 holes125 40 2 608 607 824 C0a 50 1 550352125 60 2 608 607 825 C0a 50 1 550369125 80 2 608 607 826 C0a 50 1 550376125 100 2 608 607 827 C0a 50 1 550383125 120 2 608 607 828 C0a 50 1 550390125 180 2 608 607 829 C0a 50 1 550406125 240 2 608 607 830 C0a 50 1 550413125 320 2 608 607 831 C0a 50 1 550420125 400 2 608 607 832 C0a 50 1 550437

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Random Orbit Sanders | 15Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for random orbit sanders, Best for Wood, 125 mm diameter, 9 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g hardwood, chipboard, construction boards and metal.n n Appropriate for random orbit sanders from Festo/Festool, PROTOOL.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 9 holesProduct propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 50125 40 2 608 607 860 C0a 50 1 551335125 60 2 608 607 861 C0a 50 1 551342125 80 2 608 607 862 C0a 50 1 551359125 100 2 608 607 863 C0a 50 1 551366125 120 2 608 607 864 C0a 50 1 551373125 180 2 608 607 865 C0a 50 1 551380125 240 2 608 607 866 C0a 50 1 551397125 320 2 608 607 867 C0a 50 1 551403125 400 2 608 607 868 C0a 50 1 551410Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for random orbit sanders, Best for Wood, 150 mm diameter, 6 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g hardwood, chipboard, construction boards and metal.n n Appropriate for random orbit sanders from Bosch, AEG, DeWalt, Elu, Felisatti,Flex, Hilti, Hitachi, Kress, Metabo, Milwaukee, Peugeot, PROTOOL, Stayer,Wegoma.Pack of 50Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 6 holes150 40 2 608 607 833 C0a 50 1 550444150 60 2 608 607 834 C0a 50 1 550451150 80 2 608 607 835 C0a 50 1 550468150 100 2 608 607 836 C0a 50 1 550475150 120 2 608 607 837 C0a 50 1 550482150 180 2 608 607 838 C0a 50 1 550499150 240 2 608 607 839 C0a 50 1 550505150 320 2 608 607 840 C0a 50 1 551137150 400 2 608 607 841 C0a 50 1 551144

16 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Random Orbit Sanders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for random orbit sanders, Best for Wood, 150 mm diameter, 8 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g hardwood, chipboard, construction boards and metal.n n Appropriate for random orbit sanders from AEG, Casals, Fe<strong>in</strong>, Makita.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 8 holesProduct propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 50150 40 2 608 607 842 C0a 50 1 551151150 60 2 608 607 843 C0a 50 1 551168150 80 2 608 607 844 C0a 50 1 551175150 100 2 608 607 845 C0a 50 1 551182150 120 2 608 607 846 C0a 50 1 551199150 180 2 608 607 847 C0a 50 1 551205150 240 2 608 607 848 C0a 50 1 551212150 320 2 608 607 849 C0a 50 1 551229150 400 2 608 607 850 C0a 50 1 551236Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for random orbit sanders, Best for Wood, 150 mm diameter, 9 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g hardwood, chipboard, construction boards and metal.n n Appropriate for random orbit sanders from Festo/Festool, PROTOOL.Pack of 50150 40 2 608 607 851 C0a 50 1 551243Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 9 holes150 60 2 608 607 852 C0a 50 1 551250150 80 2 608 607 853 C0a 50 1 551267150 100 2 608 607 854 C0a 50 1 551274150 120 2 608 607 855 C0a 50 1 551281150 180 2 608 607 856 C0a 50 1 551298150 240 2 608 607 857 C0a 50 1 551304150 320 2 608 607 858 C0a 50 1 551311150 400 2 608 607 859 C0a 50 1 551328Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for random orbit sanders, Best for Wood, 150 mm diameter, 16 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g hardwood, chipboard, construction boards and metal.n n Appropriate for random orbit sanders from AEG, Atlas Copco, Fe<strong>in</strong>, Holz-Her.Pack of 50150 40 2 608 607 869 C0a 50 1 551427Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 16 holes150 60 2 608 607 870 C0a 50 1 551434150 80 2 608 607 871 C0a 50 1 551441150 100 2 608 607 872 C0a 50 1 551458150 120 2 608 607 873 C0a 50 1 551465150 180 2 608 607 874 C0a 50 1 551472150 240 2 608 607 875 C0a 50 1 551489150 320 2 608 607 876 C0a 50 1 551496150 400 2 608 607 877 C0a 50 1 551502

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Random Orbit Sanders | 17Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for random orbit sanders, Best for Stone, 125 mm diameter, 8 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g extremely hard materials such as stone, glass, perspex, car pa<strong>in</strong>t orstove enamel.n n Appropriate for random orbit sanders from Bosch, AEG, Atlas Copco, Black & Decker,DeWalt, Elu, Festo/Festool, Fe<strong>in</strong>, Hitachi, Kress, Makita, Metabo, Skil, Wegoma.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 8 holesProduct propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 50125 80 2 608 608 020 C0a 50 1 552523125 100 2 608 608 021 C0a 50 1 552530125 120 2 608 608 022 C0a 50 1 552547125 180 2 608 608 023 C0a 50 1 552554125 240 2 608 608 024 C0a 50 1 552561125 320 2 608 608 025 C0a 50 1 552578125 400 2 608 608 026 C0a 50 1 552585125 600 2 608 608 027 C0a 50 1 552592125 1200 2 608 608 028 C0a 50 1 552608Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for random orbit sanders, Best for Stone, 125 mm diameter, 9 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g extremely hard materials such as stone, glass, perspex,car pa<strong>in</strong>t or stove enamel.n n Appropriate for random orbit sanders from Festo/Festool, PROTOOL.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 9 holesPack of 50125 80 2 608 608 038 C0a 50 1 552707125 100 2 608 608 039 C0a 50 1 552714125 120 2 608 608 040 C0a 50 1 552721125 180 2 608 608 041 C0a 50 1 552738125 240 2 608 608 042 C0a 50 1 552745125 320 2 608 608 043 C0a 50 1 552752125 400 2 608 608 044 C0a 50 1 552769125 600 2 608 608 045 C0a 50 1 552776125 1200 2 608 608 046 C0a 50 1 552783

18 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Random Orbit Sanders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for random orbit sanders, Best for Stone, 150 mm diameter, 6 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g extremely hard materials such as stone, glass, perspex, car pa<strong>in</strong>t orstove enamel.n n Appropriate for random orbit sanders from Bosch, AEG, DeWalt, Elu, Felisatti, Flex,Hilti, Hitachi, Kress, Metabo, Milwaukee, Peugeot, Stayer, Wegoma.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 6 holesProduct propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 50150 80 2 608 608 029 C0a 50 1 552615150 100 2 608 608 030 C0a 50 1 552622150 120 2 608 608 031 C0a 50 1 552639150 180 2 608 608 032 C0a 50 1 552646150 240 2 608 608 033 C0a 50 1 552653150 320 2 608 608 034 C0a 50 1 552660150 400 2 608 608 035 C0a 50 1 552677150 600 2 608 608 036 C0a 50 1 552684150 1200 2 608 608 037 C0a 50 1 552691Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for random orbit sanders, Best for Stone, 150 mm diameter, 9 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g extremely hard materials such as stone, glass, perspex,car pa<strong>in</strong>t or stove enamel.n n Appropriate for random orbit sanders from Festo/Festool, PROTOOL.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 9 holesPack of 50150 80 2 608 608 047 C0a 50 1 552790150 100 2 608 608 048 C0a 50 1 552806150 120 2 608 608 049 C0a 50 1 552813150 180 2 608 608 050 C0a 50 1 552820150 240 2 608 608 051 C0a 50 1 552837150 320 2 608 608 052 C0a 50 1 552844150 400 2 608 608 053 C0a 50 1 552851150 600 2 608 608 054 C0a 50 1 552868150 1200 2 608 608 055 C0a 50 1 552875

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Random Orbit Sanders | 19Accessories forBosch Random Orbit Sandersnn Sand<strong>in</strong>g plate as extension or as replacement padfor random orbit sanders.nn Pagoda-shaped plate edge geometry leads tolower rigidity <strong>in</strong> the edge zones and improvedsand<strong>in</strong>g properties for curves and edges.nn Improved polished f<strong>in</strong>ish on surfaces due to moreadaptable foam quality.Sand<strong>in</strong>g plates for Bosch Random Orbit Sandersn n Hard sand<strong>in</strong>g plates (blue) for rough sand<strong>in</strong>g with high material removal rate and lowersurface quality.nn For sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, filler, plaster and untreated natural woods on even surfaces.nn High edge firmness – ideal for narrow edges.n n Medium-hard sand<strong>in</strong>g plates (black) for standard to rough sand<strong>in</strong>g.n n Soft sand<strong>in</strong>g plates (grey) for standard sand<strong>in</strong>g tasks.nn Good material removal and good surface quality – universal applications.n n Extra-soft sand<strong>in</strong>g plates (grey) for f<strong>in</strong>e sand<strong>in</strong>g tasks and sand<strong>in</strong>g on radii and shapedparts.nn Highest surface quality with low material removal. For <strong>in</strong>termediate and f<strong>in</strong>al polish<strong>in</strong>g atcarpentry, pa<strong>in</strong>t, fitted kitchen, Corian workshops.blue – hardProduct propertiesVersionDiameter mmPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatSand<strong>in</strong>g plateAppropriate for Bosch GEX 12 A; GEX 12 AE; GEX 125 A; GEX 125 <strong>AC</strong> Professionalblack – medium-hardextra-soft 125 2 608 601 117 C1c 1 1 219488Soft 125 2 608 601 118 C1c 1 1 219495Hard 125 2 608 601 119 C1c 1 1 219501Sand<strong>in</strong>g plateAppropriate for Bosch GEX 150 <strong>AC</strong>; GEX 150 Turbo Professionalextra-soft 150 2 608 601 114 C1c 1 1 219457Soft 150 2 608 601 115 C1c 1 1 219464Hard 150 2 608 601 116 C1c 1 1 219471grey – soft/extra-soft

20 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Random Orbit Sanders ​​Sand<strong>in</strong>g plates for Bosch Random Orbit SandersProduct propertiesVersionDiameter mmPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatSand<strong>in</strong>g plateAppropriate for Bosch GEX 150 Turbo ProfessionalSoft 150 2 608 601 185 C1c 1 1 375214blue – hardSand<strong>in</strong>g plateAppropriate for Bosch PEX 12; PEX 12 A; PEX 125; PEX 400 A; PEX 400 AESoft 125 2 608 601 063 C1c 1 1 077460medium-hard 125 2 608 601 062 C1c 1 1 077453Hard 125 2 608 601 061 C1c 1 1 077446black – medium-hardSand<strong>in</strong>g plateAppropriate for Bosch GEX 150 <strong>AC</strong> Professional; PEX 15 AEgrey – soft/extra-softSoft 150 2 608 601 051 C1c 1 1 063074medium-hard 150 2 608 601 052 C1c 1 1 063081Hard 150 2 608 601 053 C1c 1 1 063098Sand<strong>in</strong>g plateAppropriate for GEX 125-1 AE Professionalextra-soft 125 2 608 000 351 C1c 1 1 465489medium-hard 125 2 608 000 349 C1c 1 1 454957Hard 125 2 608 000 352 C1c 1 1 465496Sand<strong>in</strong>g plateAppropriate for GEX 150 <strong>AC</strong>E Professionalmedium-hard 150 3 608 601 006 C1c 1 1 018616Drive plateAppropriate for Bosch GEX 150 <strong>AC</strong>E Professional- 150 3 607 031 211 C1c 1 1 019125Sand<strong>in</strong>g plateAppropriate for GEX 270 A; GEX 270 AE Professionalmedium-hard 125 2 608 601 173 C1c 1 1 294751

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Random Orbit Sanders | 21​Sand<strong>in</strong>g plates for Bosch Random Orbit SandersProduct propertiesVersionDiameter mmPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatSand<strong>in</strong>g plateAppropriate for Bosch PEX 115Soft 115 2 608 601 066 C1c 1 1 079174medium-hard 115 2 608 601 065 C1c 1 1 079181Hard 115 2 608 601 064 C1c 1 1 079198Sand<strong>in</strong>g plateAppropriate for Bosch PEX 220 Amedium-hard 125 2 608 601 175 C1c 1 1 329217Sand<strong>in</strong>g plate with screws and hexagon socket spannerAppropriate for Bosch PEX 270 A; PEX 270 AEmedium-hard 125 2 608 601 169 C1c 1 1 260459Sand<strong>in</strong>g plateAppropriate for Bosch PEX 15; PEX 420 AEmedium-hard 150 2 608 601 179 C1c 1 1 331944Auxiliary handle for random orbit sandersProduct properties​Part numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatAuxiliary handleAppropriate for Bosch GEX 125; GEX 150 <strong>AC</strong>; GSS 230 A; GSS 230 AE; GSS 280 A; GSS 280AE Professional; PEX 11​ 2 602 026 070 P0b 1 1 113816Auxiliary handleAppropriate for Bosch PEX 115​ 2 602 026 046 P0b 1 1 014847

22 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Delta Sanders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheetsfor delta sandersnn Powerful sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets <strong>in</strong> Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>t, Best forWood, Best for Stone versions.nn For sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, varnish, wood, stone and carpa<strong>in</strong>t <strong>in</strong> corners and surfaces.nn With Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>g for rapid sheet changesand extraction holes for <strong>in</strong>ternal dust extraction.nn Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for mach<strong>in</strong>es of all conventionalbrands and diameters.Sand cleanly and precisely <strong>in</strong>corners smaller than 90° withtriangular sand<strong>in</strong>g sheetsSand<strong>in</strong>g plate can be rotated<strong>in</strong> 120° stages and changedwithout tools thanks to theSDS systemSand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for delta sanders, Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>t, 93 mm, 6 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, varnish or filler.nn With calcium stearate coat<strong>in</strong>g that reduces premature clogg<strong>in</strong>g.n n Appropriate for delta sanders from Bosch, Casals, Makita, Metabo, Skil.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 6 holesProduct propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 5093 40 2 608 608 056 C0a 50 1 55288293 60 2 608 608 057 C0a 50 1 55289993 80 2 608 608 058 C0a 50 1 55290593 100 2 608 608 059 C0a 50 1 55291293 120 2 608 608 060 C0a 50 1 55292993 180 2 608 608 061 C0a 50 1 55293693 240 2 608 608 062 C0a 50 1 55294393 320 2 608 608 063 C0a 50 1 552950

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Delta Sanders | 23Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for delta sanders, Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>t, 95 mm, 6 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, varnish or filler.nn With calcium stearate coat<strong>in</strong>g that reduces premature clogg<strong>in</strong>g.n n Appropriate for delta sanders from Festo/Festool.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 6 holesProduct propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 5095 40 2 608 608 064 C0a 50 1 55296795 60 2 608 608 065 C0a 50 1 55297495 80 2 608 608 066 C0a 50 1 55298195 100 2 608 608 067 C0a 50 1 55299895 120 2 608 608 068 C0a 50 1 55300195 180 2 608 608 069 C0a 50 1 55301895 240 2 608 608 070 C0a 50 1 55302595 320 2 608 608 071 C0a 50 1 553032Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for delta sanders, Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>t, 100 x 150 mm, 7 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, varnish or filler.nn With calcium stearate coat<strong>in</strong>g that reduces premature clogg<strong>in</strong>g.n n Appropriate for delta sanders from Festo/Festool.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 7 holesPack of 50100x150 40 2 608 608 072 C0a 50 1 553049100x150 60 2 608 608 073 C0a 50 1 553056100x150 80 2 608 608 074 C0a 50 1 553063100x150 100 2 608 608 075 C0a 50 1 553070100x150 120 2 608 608 076 C0a 50 1 553087100x150 180 2 608 608 077 C0a 50 1 553094100x150 240 2 608 608 078 C0a 50 1 553100Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for delta sanders, Best for Wood, 93 mm, 6 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g hardwood, chipboard, construction boards and metal.n n Appropriate for delta sanders from Bosch, Casals, Makita, Metabo, Skil.Pack of 5093 40 2 608 607 878 C0a 50 1 551519Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 6 holes93 60 2 608 607 879 C0a 50 1 55152693 80 2 608 607 880 C0a 50 1 55153393 100 2 608 607 881 C0a 50 1 55154093 120 2 608 607 882 C0a 50 1 55155793 180 2 608 607 883 C0a 50 1 55156493 240 2 608 607 884 C0a 50 1 55157193 320 2 608 607 885 C0a 50 1 55158893 400 2 608 607 886 C0a 50 1 551595

24 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Delta Sanders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for delta sanders, Best for Wood, 95 mm, 6 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g hardwood, chipboard, construction boards and metal.n n Appropriate for delta sanders from Festo/Festool.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 6 holesProduct propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 5095 40 2 608 607 895 C0a 50 1 55056795 60 2 608 607 896 C0a 50 1 55057495 80 2 608 607 897 C0a 50 1 55058195 100 2 608 607 898 C0a 50 1 55059895 120 2 608 607 899 C0a 50 1 55060495 180 2 608 607 900 C0a 50 1 55061195 240 2 608 607 901 C0a 50 1 55062895 320 2 608 607 902 C0a 50 1 55063595 400 2 608 607 903 C0a 50 1 550642Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for delta sanders, Best for Wood, 100 x 150 mm, 7 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g hardwood, chipboard, construction boards and metal.n n Appropriate for delta sanders from Festo/Festool.Pack of 50Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 7 holes100x150 40 2 608 607 887 C0a 50 1 551601100x150 60 2 608 607 888 C0a 50 1 551618100x150 80 2 608 607 889 C0a 50 1 551625100x150 100 2 608 607 890 C0a 50 1 550512100x150 120 2 608 607 891 C0a 50 1 550529100x150 180 2 608 607 892 C0a 50 1 550536100x150 240 2 608 607 893 C0a 50 1 550543100x150 320 2 608 607 894 C0a 50 1 550550Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for delta sanders, Best for Stone, 93 mm, 6 holesn n Suitable for coarse to gloss sand<strong>in</strong>g of extremely hard materials such as stone,glass, perspex, car pa<strong>in</strong>t or stove enamel.n n Appropriate for delta sanders from Bosch, Casals, Makita, Metabo.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 6 holesPack of 5093 80 2 608 608 079 C0a 50 1 55311793 100 2 608 608 080 C0a 50 1 55312493 120 2 608 608 081 C0a 50 1 55313193 180 2 608 608 082 C0a 50 1 55314893 240 2 608 608 083 C0a 50 1 55315593 320 2 608 608 084 C0a 50 1 55316293 400 2 608 608 085 C0a 50 1 55317993 600 2 608 608 086 C0a 50 1 55318693 1200 2 608 608 087 C0a 50 1 553193

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Delta Sanders | 25Accessories forBosch Delta SandersSand<strong>in</strong>g plate for Bosch Delta SandersProduct properties​Part numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatSand<strong>in</strong>g plateAppropriate for GDA 280 E Professional; PDA 180; PDA 180 E; PDA 240 E​ 2 608 000 211 C1d 1 1 109505Sand<strong>in</strong>g plateAppropriate for PDA 100; PDA 120 E​ 2 608 000 149 C1d 1 1 076401Sand<strong>in</strong>g plateAppropriate for Bosch-PRIO; PSM 80 A​ 2 608 000 320 C1c 1 1 357227Sand<strong>in</strong>g plateAppropriate for PSM 160 A; PSM 160 AE; PSM Ventaro 1400​ 2 608 601 181 C1c 1 1 332293Louvre sand<strong>in</strong>g attachment for Bosch Delta Sandersn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g louvre doors and shutters.Louvre sand<strong>in</strong>g attachmentAppropriate for GDA 280 E Professional;​PDA 180; PDA 180 E; PDA 240 E; PSM 160 A; PSMVentaro 1400​ 2 608 000 200 C1d 1 1 109499Louvre sand<strong>in</strong>g attachment ​Appropriate for PDA 100; PDA 120 E​ 2 608 000 145 C1d 1 1 073127Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>g replacement material for louvre sand<strong>in</strong>g attachmentAppropriate for GDA 280 E Professional; ​ PDA 180; PDA 180 E; PDA 240 E; PSM 160 A; PSMVentaro 140​ 2 601 099 044 C1d 2 1 076395

26 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Delta Sanders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g f<strong>in</strong>gers for Bosch Delta Sandersn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> tight gaps.n n Appropriate for GDA 280 E Professional; PDA 180; PDA 180 E; PDA 240 E; PSM 160 A;PSM Ventaro 1400.Product properties​Part numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatVelcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>g replacement material for sand<strong>in</strong>g f<strong>in</strong>ger​ 2 601 099 074 C1c 2 1 110907Sand<strong>in</strong>g f<strong>in</strong>ger, flat​ 2 608 000 199 C1d 1 1 109482Sand<strong>in</strong>g f<strong>in</strong>ger, oval​ 2 608 000 198 C1d 1 1 109475Adapter for Bosch Delta SandersVelcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 6 holesn n Suitable for especially soft work, ideal for sand<strong>in</strong>g contours or curved surfaces.n n Appropriate for delta sanders GDA 280 E Professional; PDA 100; PDA 120 E;PDA 180; PDA 180 E; PDA 240 E; PSM 80; PSM 160 A; PSM Ventaro 1400;Bosch-Prio.Adapter​ 2 608 601 137 C1c 1 1 223782

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Orbital Sanders | 27Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheetsfor orbital sandersnn Powerful, ready-cut sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets <strong>in</strong> Best forPa<strong>in</strong>t, Best for Wood versions.nn For work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> pa<strong>in</strong>t, varnish and roughcast,wooden materials, hardwood, chipboard,construction boards and metal.nn With Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>g for rapid sheet changesand extraction holes for <strong>in</strong>ternal dust extraction.nn Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for mach<strong>in</strong>es of all conventionalbrands and diameters.The optimum sand<strong>in</strong>g sheet for every materialSand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for orbital sanders, Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>t, 80 x 133 mm, 8 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, varnish, filler.nn With calcium stearate coat<strong>in</strong>g that reduces premature clogg<strong>in</strong>g.n n Appropriate for orbital sanders from Bosch, AEG, Atlas Copco, Black & Decker, Felisatti,Festo/Festool, Hitachi, Milwaukee.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 8 holesProduct propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 5080x133 40 2 608 607 952 C0a 50 1 55163280x133 60 2 608 607 953 C0a 50 1 55164980x133 80 2 608 607 954 C0a 50 1 55165680x133 100 2 608 607 955 C0a 50 1 55166380x133 120 2 608 607 956 C0a 50 1 55167080x133 180 2 608 607 957 C0a 50 1 55168780x133 240 2 608 607 958 C0a 50 1 55169480x133 320 2 608 607 959 C0a 50 1 551700

28 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Orbital Sanders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for orbital sanders, Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>t, 93 x 180 mm, 8 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, varnish, filler.nn With calcium stearate coat<strong>in</strong>g that reduces premature clogg<strong>in</strong>g.n n Appropriate for orbital sanders from Festo/Festool.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 8 holesProduct propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 5093x180 40 2 608 607 960 C0a 50 1 55171793x180 60 2 608 607 961 C0a 50 1 55172493x180 80 2 608 607 962 C0a 50 1 55173193x180 100 2 608 607 963 C0a 50 1 55174893x180 120 2 608 607 964 C0a 50 1 55175593x180 180 2 608 607 965 C0a 50 1 55176293x180 240 2 608 607 966 C0a 50 1 55177993x180 320 2 608 607 967 C0a 50 1 551786Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for orbital sanders, Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>t, 93 x 186 mm, 8 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, varnish, filler.nn With calcium stearate coat<strong>in</strong>g that reduces premature clogg<strong>in</strong>g.n n Appropriate for orbital sanders from Bosch, AEG, Atlas Copco, Casals, E<strong>in</strong>hell,Festo/Festool, Hitachi, Makita, Metabo, Peugeot, Skil.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 8 holesPack of 5093x186 40 2 608 607 968 C0a 50 1 55179393x186 60 2 608 607 969 C0a 50 1 55180993x186 80 2 608 607 970 C0a 50 1 55181693x186 100 2 608 607 971 C0a 50 1 55182393x186 120 2 608 607 972 C0a 50 1 55183093x186 180 2 608 607 973 C0a 50 1 55184793x186 240 2 608 607 974 C0a 50 1 55185493x186 320 2 608 607 975 C0a 50 1 551861

30 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Orbital Sanders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for orbital sanders, Best for Wood, 93 x 180 mm, 8 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g hardwood, chipboard, construction boards and metal.n n Appropriate for orbital sanders from Festo/Festool.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 8 holesProduct propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 5093x180 40 2 608 607 913 C0a 50 1 55074193x180 60 2 608 607 914 C0a 50 1 55075893x180 80 2 608 607 915 C0a 50 1 55076593x180 100 2 608 607 916 C0a 50 1 55077293x180 120 2 608 607 917 C0a 50 1 55078993x180 180 2 608 607 918 C0a 50 1 55079693x180 240 2 608 607 919 C0a 50 1 55080293x180 320 2 608 607 920 C0a 50 1 55081993x180 400 2 608 607 921 C0a 50 1 550826Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for orbital sanders, Best for Wood, 93 x 186 mm, 8 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g hardwood, chipboard, construction boards and metal.n n Appropriate for orbital sanders from Bosch, AEG, Atlas Copco, Casals, E<strong>in</strong>hell,Festo/Festool, Hitachi, Makita, Metabo, Peugeot, Skil.Pack of 50Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 8 holes93x186 40 2 608 607 922 C0a 50 1 55083393x186 60 2 608 607 923 C0a 50 1 55084093x186 80 2 608 607 924 C0a 50 1 55085793x186 100 2 608 607 925 C0a 50 1 55086493x186 120 2 608 607 926 C0a 50 1 55087193x186 180 2 608 607 927 C0a 50 1 55088893x186 240 2 608 607 928 C0a 50 1 55089593x186 320 2 608 607 929 C0a 50 1 55090193x186 400 2 608 607 930 C0a 50 1 550918

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Orbital Sanders | 31Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for orbital sanders, Best for Wood, 115 x 230 mm, 14 holesn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g hardwood, chipboard, construction boards and metal.n n Appropriate for orbital sanders from Bosch, Atlas Copco, Black & Decker, Casals,E<strong>in</strong>hell, Elu, Fe<strong>in</strong>, Festo/Festool, Hitachi, Holz-Her, Kress, Makita, Metabo, Peugeot,RYOBI, Skil.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, 14 holesProduct propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 50115x230 40 2 608 607 931 C0a 50 1 550925115x230 60 2 608 607 932 C0a 50 1 550932115x230 80 2 608 607 933 C0a 50 1 550949115x230 100 2 608 607 934 C0a 50 1 550956115x230 120 2 608 607 935 C0a 50 1 550963115x230 180 2 608 607 936 C0a 50 1 550970115x230 240 2 608 607 937 C0a 50 1 550987115x230 320 2 608 607 938 C0a 50 1 550994115x230 400 2 608 607 939 C0a 50 1 551007

34 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Belt Sanders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g beltsfor belt sandersnn Very sturdy and durable sand<strong>in</strong>g belts <strong>in</strong> Best forWood and Best for Metal versions.nn Specific application-oriented belt jo<strong>in</strong>ts <strong>in</strong> consist-ently high quality for perfect surfaces.nn Dust-free sand<strong>in</strong>g belts, workpieces and powertools thanks to antistatic structure.nn High material removal rate and f<strong>in</strong>e surfaces.nn Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts with highly precise, clean belt runwithout glue residues for best surface quality.nn Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders of all conventionalbrands and dimensions.High-performance abrasives for large areas and high materialremoval rate on wooden materialsSand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Wood, 60 x 400 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards, metal.n n Appropriate for Bosch Belt Sanders PBS 60; PBS 60E.Belt dimensions, widthmmProduct propertiesBelt dimensions, lengthmmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 360 400 40 2 608 606 000 C1e 3 4 16336160 400 60 2 608 606 001 C1e 3 4 16337860 400 80 2 608 606 002 C1e 3 4 16338560 400 100 2 608 606 003 C1e 3 4 16339260 400 150 2 608 606 004 C1e 3 4 16340860 400 220 2 608 606 005 C1e 3 4 16341560 400 280 2 608 606 006 C1e 3 4 16342260 400 60801002 608 606 007 C1e 3 4 163439Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Wood, 63 x 406 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards,metal.n n Appropriate for Skil Belt Sanders.Pack of 363 406 40 2 608 606 008 C1e 3 4 16344663 406 60 2 608 606 009 C1e 3 4 16345363 406 80 2 608 606 010 C1e 3 4 16346063 406 100 2 608 606 011 C1e 3 4 16347763 406 150 2 608 606 012 C1e 3 4 16348463 406 220 2 608 606 013 C1e 3 4 16349163 406 60801002 608 606 014 C1e 3 4 163507

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Belt Sanders | 35Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Wood, 65 x 410 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards, metal.n n Appropriate for belt sanders from AEG, Black & Decker, Holz-Her, Kress, Metabo.Belt dimensions,width mmProduct propertiesBelt dimensions,length mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 365 410 40 2 608 606 015 C1e 3 4 16351465 410 60 2 608 606 016 C1e 3 4 16352165 410 80 2 608 606 017 C1e 3 4 16353865 410 100 2 608 606 018 C1e 3 4 16354565 410 120 2 608 606 019 C1e 3 4 16355265 410 150 2 608 606 020 C1e 3 4 16356965 410 180 2 608 606 021 C1e 3 4 16357665 410 220 2 608 606 022 C1e 3 4 16358365 410 60801002 608 606 023 C1e 3 4 163590Pack of 1065 410 40 2 608 606 024 P0n 10 1 16360665 410 60 2 608 606 025 P0n 10 1 16361365 410 80 2 608 606 026 P0n 10 1 16362065 410 100 2 608 606 027 P0n 10 1 16363765 410 120 2 608 606 028 P0n 10 1 16364465 410 150 2 608 606 029 P0n 10 1 163651Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Wood, 75 x 457 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards,metal.n n Appropriate for belt sanders from Bosch, Makita, Peugeot, Skil, Stayer.Pack of 375 457 40 2 608 606 032 C1e 3 4 16368275 457 60 2 608 606 033 C1e 3 4 16369975 457 80 2 608 606 034 C1e 3 4 16370575 457 100 2 608 606 035 C1e 3 4 16371275 457 120 2 608 606 036 C1e 3 4 16372975 457 150 2 608 606 037 C1e 3 4 16373675 457 180 2 608 606 038 C1e 3 4 16374375 457 220 2 608 606 039 C1e 3 4 16375075 457 60801002 608 606 040 C1e 3 4 163767

36 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Belt Sanders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Wood, 75 x 480 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards, metal.n n Appropriate for belt sanders MHB 157; MHB 157 E, MHB 158; MHB 158 E from Elu.Belt dimensions,width mmProduct propertiesBelt dimensions,length mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 375 480 40 2 608 606 042 C1e 3 4 16378175 480 60 2 608 606 043 C1e 3 4 16379875 480 80 2 608 606 044 C1e 3 4 16380475 480 100 2 608 606 045 C1e 3 4 16381175 480 120 2 608 606 046 C1e 3 4 16382875 480 150 2 608 606 047 C1e 3 4 16383575 480 180 2 608 606 048 C1e 3 4 16384275 480 220 2 608 606 049 C1e 3 4 16385975 480 60801002 608 606 059 C1e 3 4 163958Pack of 1075 480 40 2 608 606 051 P0n 10 1 16387375 480 60 2 608 606 052 P0n 10 1 16389775 480 80 2 608 606 053 P0n 10 1 16388075 480 100 2 608 606 054 P0n 10 1 16390375 480 120 2 608 606 055 P0n 10 1 16391075 480 150 2 608 606 056 P0n 10 1 163927Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Wood, 75 x 508 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards,metal.n n Appropriate for belt sanders from Black & Decker.Pack of 375 508 40 2 608 606 060 C1e 3 4 16396575 508 60 2 608 606 061 C1e 3 4 16397275 508 80 2 608 606 062 C1e 3 4 16398975 508 100 2 608 606 063 C1e 3 4 16399675 508 120 2 608 606 064 C1e 3 4 16400975 508 150 2 608 606 065 C1e 3 4 16401675 508 180 2 608 606 066 C1e 3 4 16402375 508 220 2 608 606 067 C1e 3 4 16403075 508 60801002 608 606 068 C1e 3 4 164047

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Belt Sanders | 37Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Wood, 75 x 533 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards, metal.n n Appropriate for belt sanders from Bosch, AEG, Atlas Copco, Black & Decker, Casals,DeWalt, Felisatti, Festo/Festool, Hitachi, Holz-Her, Makita, Metabo, Peugeot, RYOBI, Skil,Stayer.Belt dimensions,width mmProduct propertiesBelt dimensions,length mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 375 533 40 2 608 606 069 C1e 3 4 16405475 533 60 2 608 606 070 C1e 3 4 16406175 533 80 2 608 606 071 C1e 3 4 16407875 533 100 2 608 606 072 C1e 3 4 16408575 533 120 2 608 607 258 C1e 3 4 24795575 533 150 2 608 606 073 C1e 3 4 16409275 533 180 2 608 607 260 C1e 3 4 24797975 533 220 2 608 606 074 C1e 3 4 16410875 533 280 2 608 606 075 C1e 3 4 16411575 533 320 2 608 606 076 C1e 3 4 16412275 533 60801002 608 606 078 C1e 3 4 164146Pack of 1075 533 40 2 608 606 080 P0n 10 1 16416075 533 60 2 608 606 081 P0n 10 1 16417775 533 80 2 608 606 082 P0n 10 1 16418475 533 100 2 608 606 083 P0n 10 1 16419175 533 120 2 608 607 259 P0n 10 1 24796275 533 150 2 608 606 084 P0n 10 1 16420775 533 180 2 608 607 261 P0n 10 1 24798675 533 220 2 608 606 085 P0n 10 1 16421475 533 280 2 608 606 086 P0n 10 1 16422175 533 320 2 608 606 087 P0n 10 1 164238Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Wood, 75 x 610 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards,metal.n n Appropriate for belt sanders from Hitachi, Makita, RYOBI.Pack of 375 610 40 2 608 606 089 C1e 3 4 16425275 610 60 2 608 606 090 C1e 3 4 16426975 610 80 2 608 606 091 C1e 3 4 16427675 610 100 2 608 606 092 C1e 3 4 16428375 610 120 2 608 606 093 C1e 3 4 16429075 610 150 2 608 606 094 C1e 3 4 16430675 610 60801002 608 606 095 C1e 3 4 164313

38 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Belt Sanders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Wood, 100 x 533 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards, metal.n n Appropriate for belt sander M 99 from Makita.Belt dimensions,width mmProduct propertiesBelt dimensions,length mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 3100 533 40 2 608 606 102 C1e 3 4 164382100 533 60 2 608 606 103 C1e 3 4 164399100 533 80 2 608 606 104 C1e 3 4 164405100 533 100 2 608 606 105 C1e 3 4 164412100 533 150 2 608 606 106 C1e 3 4 164429100 533 60801002 608 606 112 C1e 3 4 164481Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Wood, 100 x 552 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards,metal.n n Appropriate for belt sanders from Peugeot, Skil.Pack of 3100 552 40 2 608 606 161 C1e 3 4 164979100 552 60 2 608 606 162 C1e 3 4 164986100 552 80 2 608 606 163 C1e 3 4 164993100 552 100 2 608 606 164 C1e 3 4 165006100 552 120 2 608 606 165 C1e 3 4 165013100 552 150 2 608 606 166 C1e 3 4 165020100 552 60801002 608 606 173 C1e 3 4 165099Pack of 10100 552 40 2 608 606 167 P0n 10 1 165037100 552 60 2 608 606 168 P0n 10 1 165044100 552 80 2 608 606 169 P0n 10 1 165051100 552 100 2 608 606 170 P0n 10 1 165068100 552 120 2 608 606 171 P0n 10 1 165075100 552 150 2 608 606 172 P0n 10 1 165082

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Belt Sanders | 39Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Wood, 100 x 560 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards, metal.n n Appropriate for belt sanders from AEG, Atlas Copco, DeWalt, Elu, Festo/Festool, RYOBI.Belt dimensions,width mmProduct propertiesBelt dimensions,length mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 3100 560 40 2 608 606 113 C1e 3 4 164498100 560 60 2 608 606 114 C1e 3 4 164504100 560 80 2 608 606 115 C1e 3 4 164511100 560 100 2 608 606 116 C1e 3 4 164528100 560 120 2 608 606 117 C1e 3 4 164535100 560 150 2 608 606 118 C1e 3 4 164542100 560 60801002 608 606 128 C1e 3 4 164634Pack of 10100 560 40 2 608 606 120 P0n 10 1 164566100 560 60 2 608 606 121 P0n 10 1 164573100 560 80 2 608 606 122 P0n 10 1 164580100 560 100 2 608 606 123 P0n 10 1 164597100 560 120 2 608 606 124 P0n 10 1 164603100 560 150 2 608 606 125 P0n 10 1 164610100 560 180 2 608 606 126 P0n 10 1 164627100 560 220 2 608 606 127 P0n 10 1 164641Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Wood, 100 x 610 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards,metal.n n Appropriate for belt sanders from Bosch, Hitachi, Holz-Her, Makita, RYOBI,Wegoma.Pack of 3100 610 40 2 608 606 129 C1e 3 4 164658100 610 60 2 608 606 130 C1e 3 4 164665100 610 80 2 608 606 131 C1e 3 4 164672100 610 100 2 608 606 132 C1e 3 4 164689100 610 120 2 608 607 262 C1e 3 4 247993100 610 150 2 608 606 133 C1e 3 4 164696100 610 60801002 608 606 139 C1e 3 4 164757Pack of 10100 610 40 2 608 606 134 P0n 10 1 164702100 610 60 2 608 606 135 P0n 10 1 164719100 610 80 2 608 606 136 P0n 10 1 164726100 610 100 2 608 606 137 P0n 10 1 164733100 610 120 2 608 607 263 P0n 10 1 248006100 610 150 2 608 606 138 P0n 10 1 164740

40 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Belt Sanders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Wood, 100 x 620 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards, metal.n n Appropriate for belt sanders from Bosch, AEG, Atlas Copco, Hitachi, Makita, Metabo.Belt dimensions,width mmProduct propertiesBelt dimensions,length mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 3100 620 40 2 608 606 141 C1e 3 4 164771100 620 60 2 608 606 142 C1e 3 4 164788100 620 80 2 608 606 143 C1e 3 4 164795100 620 100 2 608 606 144 C1e 3 4 164801100 620 150 2 608 606 145 C1e 3 4 164818100 620 220 2 608 606 146 C1e 3 4 164825100 620 280 2 608 606 147 C1e 3 4 164832100 620 320 2 608 606 148 C1e 3 4 164849Pack of 10100 620 40 2 608 606 151 P0n 10 1 164870100 620 60 2 608 606 152 P0n 10 1 164887100 620 80 2 608 606 153 P0n 10 1 164894100 620 100 2 608 606 154 P0n 10 1 164900100 620 150 2 608 606 155 P0n 10 1 164917100 620 220 2 608 606 156 P0n 10 1 164924100 620 280 2 608 606 157 P0n 10 1 164931100 620 320 2 608 606 158 P0n 10 1 164948Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Wood, 105 x 620 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards,metal.n n Appropriate for belt sanders from Festo/Festool, Hitachi, Holz-Her, Metabo.Pack of 3105 620 40 2 608 606 174 C1e 3 4 165105105 620 60 2 608 606 175 C1e 3 4 165112105 620 80 2 608 606 176 C1e 3 4 165129105 620 100 2 608 606 177 C1e 3 4 165136105 620 120 2 608 606 178 C1e 3 4 165143105 620 150 2 608 606 179 C1e 3 4 165150Pack of 10105 620 40 2 608 606 181 P0n 10 1 165174105 620 60 2 608 606 182 P0n 10 1 165181105 620 80 2 608 606 183 P0n 10 1 165198105 620 100 2 608 606 184 P0n 10 1 165204105 620 120 2 608 606 185 P0n 10 1 165211105 620 150 2 608 606 186 P0n 10 1 165228

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Belt Sanders | 41Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Wood, 110 x 620 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards, metal.n n Appropriate for belt sanders from Casals, Hitachi.Belt dimensions,width mmProduct propertiesBelt dimensions,length mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 10110 620 40 2 608 606 190 P0n 10 1 165266110 620 60 2 608 606 191 P0n 10 1 165273110 620 80 2 608 606 192 P0n 10 1 165280110 620 100 2 608 606 193 P0n 10 1 165297110 620 150 2 608 606 194 P0n 10 1 165303Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Wood, 6/13 x 455 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards,metal.n n Appropriate for belt sanders from Black & Decker.Pack of 36 455 40 2 608 606 200 C1k 3 4 1653656 455 60 2 608 606 201 C1k 3 4 1653726 455 120 2 608 606 202 C1k 3 4 16538913 455 40 2 608 606 203 C1k 3 4 16539613 455 60 2 608 606 204 C1k 3 4 16540213 455 120 2 608 606 205 C1k 3 4 165419Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for belt sanders, Best for Metal, 13 x 455 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g sta<strong>in</strong>less steel, cast iron, steel plate.n n Appropriate for belt sanders from Black & Decker.Pack of 313 455 40 2 608 606 217 C1k 3 4 17484813 455 60 2 608 606 218 C1k 3 4 17485513 455 120 2 608 606 219 C1k 3 4 174862

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Belt Sanders | 43Handle for belt sandersn n Appropriate for Bosch Belt Sanders PBS 75; PBS 75 E.Product properties​Part numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatHandleAppropriate for PBS 75; PBS 75 E​ 1 607 000 916 P0b 1 1 051521

44 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Compact Belt Sanders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g beltsfor Bosch Compact Belt Sandersnn In Best for Wood, Best for Metal versions.nn Extremely tear-resistant with long life due tospecial foil bond<strong>in</strong>g.nn For fast, efficient sand<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> hard-to-reach areas.Simply turn round sand<strong>in</strong>gbelts that are worn down onone side – this doubles thelifetimeBest for Metal sand<strong>in</strong>g beltsare ideal for work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> metalSand<strong>in</strong>g belts for compact belt sanders, Best for Wood, 40 x 305 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards, and forsand<strong>in</strong>g down pa<strong>in</strong>t.n n Appropriate for Bosch Compact Belt Sanders GVS 350 AE Professional; PVS 300 AE.Belt dimensions,width mmProduct propertiesBelt dimensions,length mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 340 305 40 2 608 606 929 C1e 3 4 18856240 305 60 2 608 606 206 C1e 3 4 16542640 305 80 2 608 606 207 C1e 3 4 16543340 305 120 2 608 606 208 C1e 3 4 16544040 305 180 2 608 606 209 C1e 3 4 16545740 305 60801202 608 606 211 C1e 3 4 165471Pack of 1040 305 40 2 608 606 930 P0n 10 1 18857940 305 60 2 608 606 212 P0n 10 1 16548840 305 80 2 608 606 213 P0n 10 1 16549540 305 120 2 608 606 214 P0n 10 1 16550140 305 180 2 608 606 215 P0n 10 1 165518

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Compact Belt Sanders | 45Sand<strong>in</strong>g belts for compact belt sanders, Best for Metal, 40 x 305 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g sta<strong>in</strong>less steel, steel, cast iron, steel plate.n n Appropriate for Bosch Compact Belt Sanders GVS 350 AE Professional; PVS 300 AE.Belt dimensions,width mmProduct propertiesBelt dimensions,length mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 340 305 60 2 608 606 220 C1e 3 4 17487940 305 80 2 608 606 221 C1e 3 4 17488640 305 120 2 608 606 222 C1e 3 4 17489340 305 180 2 608 606 223 C1e 3 4 17490940 305 60801202 608 606 225 C1e 3 4 174923Pack of 1040 305 60 2 608 606 226 P0n 10 1 17493040 305 80 2 608 606 227 P0n 10 1 17494740 305 120 2 608 606 228 P0n 10 1 17495440 305 180 2 608 606 229 P0n 10 1 174961

46 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Compact Belt Sanders ​Accessories forBosch Compact Belt Sandersnn Practical sub-frame for bench-mounted use forBosch Compact Belt Sanders GVS, PVS.Sub-frame fixed with G-clamp forbench-mounted sand<strong>in</strong>gComfortable guid<strong>in</strong>g of theworkpiece on the sand<strong>in</strong>g beltThe workpiece is guidedalong the front roller forprecise concave surfacesMitre sand<strong>in</strong>g with the angleguideSub-frame for compact belt sandersn n Suitable for many types of work, ideal for clean<strong>in</strong>g and chamfer<strong>in</strong>g wood strips and withfully adjustable angle guide for sand<strong>in</strong>g mitres.nn Variable adjustment for flexible work<strong>in</strong>g.nn With G-clamp and parallel and angle guide.Product properties​Part numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatSub-frameAppropriate for Bosch Compact Belt Sander; PVS 300 AE​ 0 603 999 012 C1a 1 1 140096Auxiliary handle for compact belt sandersHandleAppropriate for GUF 4-22 A Professional; PSF 22-A and all Bosch one-hand angle gr<strong>in</strong>ders andcompact belt sanders with M 10; PWS 6-13​ 1 602 025 024 P0f 1 1 016377

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Hand Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Orbital Sanders | 47Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheetsfor hand sand<strong>in</strong>g and orbital sandersnn In Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>t, Best for Wood, Best for Metaland Best for Stone versions.nn Particularly flexible and handy sand<strong>in</strong>g sheetsfor universal and wide range of applications.nn Developed for hand sand<strong>in</strong>g: flexed abrasiveswithout grit breakage and coat<strong>in</strong>g breakage forperfect surface structure.nn Can be folded, torn and cut to any requireddimension.n n Suitable for dry and wet sand<strong>in</strong>g (without powertool).Very flexible and handy sand<strong>in</strong>gsheetsEasily folded, torn and cut toany required dimensionFor sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets where the sales package quantity=1, the price refers to a s<strong>in</strong>gle sheet. The m<strong>in</strong>imum order quantity,however, is 50 or 25 sheets (a pack), the <strong>in</strong>crement of the order quantity is a multiple of this.Paper sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets, Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>t, 230 x 280 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, varnish, filler.nn With calcium stearate coat<strong>in</strong>g that reduces premature clogg<strong>in</strong>g.nn Robust, versatile sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets that can be folded, torn and cut to any requireddimension.Product propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 1230x280 40 2 608 607 790 P0f 1 25 550017230x280 60 2 608 607 791 P0f 1 50 550024230x280 80 2 608 607 792 P0f 1 50 550031230x280 100 2 608 607 793 P0f 1 50 550048230x280 120 2 608 607 794 P0f 1 50 550055230x280 180 2 608 607 795 P0f 1 50 550062230x280 240 2 608 607 796 P0f 1 50 550079230x280 320 2 608 607 797 P0f 1 50 550086

48 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Hand Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Orbital Sanders ​Paper sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets, Best for Wood, 230 x 280 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards, and metal.nn Robust, versatile sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets that can be folded, torn and cut to any requireddimension.Product propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 1230x280 40 2 608 607 798 P0f 1 25 550093230x280 60 2 608 607 799 P0f 1 50 550109230x280 80 2 608 607 800 P0f 1 50 550116230x280 100 2 608 607 801 P0f 1 50 550123230x280 120 2 608 607 802 P0f 1 50 550130230x280 180 2 608 607 803 P0f 1 50 550147230x280 240 2 608 607 804 P0f 1 50 550154230x280 320 2 608 607 805 P0f 1 50 550161230x280 400 2 608 607 806 P0f 1 50 550178Cloth sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets, Best for Metal, 230 x 280 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g metal, alum<strong>in</strong>ium, steel, cast iron, steel plate.nn Robust, versatile sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets that can be folded, torn and cut to anyrequired dimension.Pack of 1230x280 40 2 608 607 807 P0f 1 25 550185230x280 60 2 608 607 808 P0f 1 50 550192230x280 80 2 608 607 809 P0f 1 50 550208230x280 100 2 608 607 810 P0f 1 50 550215230x280 120 2 608 607 811 P0f 1 50 550222230x280 180 2 608 607 812 P0f 1 50 550239230x280 240 2 608 607 813 P0f 1 50 550246230x280 320 2 608 607 814 P0f 1 50 550253

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Hand Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Orbital Sanders | 49Paper sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets – waterproof, Best for Stone, 230 x 280 mmn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g extremely hard materials such as stone, glass, perspex, marble, carpa<strong>in</strong>t or stove enamel.nn Robust, versatile sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets that can be folded, torn and cut to any requireddimension.nn Also suitable for wet sand<strong>in</strong>g (without power tool!).NB: Do not use powertools for wet sand<strong>in</strong>g.Product propertiesSheet dimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 1230x280 80 2 608 607 815 P0f 1 50 550260230x280 100 2 608 607 816 P0f 1 50 550277230x280 120 2 608 607 817 P0f 1 50 550284230x280 180 2 608 607 818 P0f 1 50 550291230x280 240 2 608 607 819 P0f 1 50 550307230x280 320 2 608 607 820 P0f 1 50 550314230x280 400 2 608 607 821 P0f 1 50 550321230x280 600 2 608 607 822 P0f 1 50 550338230x280 1200 2 608 607 823 P0f 1 50 550345

50 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Hand Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Orbital Sanders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g rollsfor hand sand<strong>in</strong>g and for orbital sandersnn In Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>t, Best for Wood, Best for Metal,Best for Stone-waterproof versions.nn Available as “m<strong>in</strong>irolls” with 5 m and standardrolls with 25 or 50 m.nn Easily cut to required length.n n Appropriate for all conventional orbital sandersbecause they are pre-cut <strong>in</strong> width.Bosch sand<strong>in</strong>g rolls for sand<strong>in</strong>g a wide variety of materials withorbital sanders or by handNB: Do not use a power tool for wet sand<strong>in</strong>g!Paper sand<strong>in</strong>g rolls, Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>tn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, varnish, filler.nn With calcium stearate coat<strong>in</strong>g that reduces premature clogg<strong>in</strong>g.Roll width mmProduct propertiesRoll length mGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 1, 93 mm x 5 m93 5 40 2 608 607 720 P1f 1 1 54931893 5 60 2 608 607 721 P1f 1 1 54932593 5 80 2 608 607 722 P1f 1 1 54933293 5 120 2 608 607 723 P1f 1 1 54934993 5 180 2 608 607 724 P1f 1 1 54935693 5 240 2 608 607 725 P1f 1 1 549363Pack of 1, 115 mm x 5 m115 5 40 2 608 607 734 P1f 1 1 549455115 5 60 2 608 607 735 P1f 1 1 549462115 5 80 2 608 607 736 P1f 1 1 549479115 5 120 2 608 607 737 P1f 1 1 549486115 5 180 2 608 607 738 P1f 1 1 549493115 5 240 2 608 607 739 P1f 1 1 549509Pack of 1, 93 mm x 50 m93 50 40 2 608 607 712 P0f 1 1 54923393 50 60 2 608 607 713 P0f 1 1 54924093 50 80 2 608 607 714 P0f 1 1 54925793 50 100 2 608 607 715 P0f 1 1 54926493 50 120 2 608 607 716 P0f 1 1 54927193 50 180 2 608 607 717 P0f 1 1 54928893 50 240 2 608 607 718 P0f 1 1 54929593 50 320 2 608 607 719 P0f 1 1 549301

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Hand Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Orbital Sanders | 51​Paper sand<strong>in</strong>g rolls, Best for Pa<strong>in</strong>tRoll width mmProduct propertiesRoll length mGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 1, 115 mm x 50 m115 50 40 2 608 607 726 P0f 1 1 549370115 50 60 2 608 607 727 P0f 1 1 549387115 50 80 2 608 607 728 P0f 1 1 549394115 50 100 2 608 607 729 P0f 1 1 549400115 50 120 2 608 607 730 P0f 1 1 549417115 50 180 2 608 607 731 P0f 1 1 549424115 50 240 2 608 607 732 P0f 1 1 549431115 50 320 2 608 607 733 P0f 1 1 549448Paper sand<strong>in</strong>g rolls, Best for Woodn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards,and metal.Pack of 1, 93 mm x 5 m93 5 40 2 608 607 706 P1f 1 1 54917293 5 60 2 608 607 707 P1f 1 1 54918993 5 80 2 608 607 708 P1f 1 1 54919693 5 120 2 608 607 709 P1f 1 1 54920293 5 180 2 608 607 710 P1f 1 1 54921993 5 240 2 608 607 711 P1f 1 1 549226Pack of 1, 115 mm x 5 m115 5 40 2 608 607 700 P1f 1 1 549110115 5 60 2 608 607 701 P1f 1 1 549127115 5 80 2 608 607 702 P1f 1 1 549134115 5 120 2 608 607 703 P1f 1 1 549141115 5 180 2 608 607 704 P1f 1 1 549158115 5 240 2 608 607 705 P1f 1 1 549165Pack of 1, 93 mm x 50 m93 50 40 2 608 607 691 P0f 1 1 54902893 50 60 2 608 607 692 P0f 1 1 54903593 50 80 2 608 607 693 P0f 1 1 54904293 50 100 2 608 607 694 P0f 1 1 54905993 50 120 2 608 607 695 P0f 1 1 54906693 50 180 2 608 607 696 P0f 1 1 54907393 50 240 2 608 607 697 P0f 1 1 54908093 50 320 2 608 607 698 P0f 1 1 54909793 50 400 2 608 607 699 P0f 1 1 549103Pack of 1, 115 mm x 50 m115 50 40 2 608 607 682 P0f 1 1 548939115 50 60 2 608 607 683 P0f 1 1 548946115 50 80 2 608 607 684 P0f 1 1 548953115 50 100 2 608 607 685 P0f 1 1 548960115 50 120 2 608 607 686 P0f 1 1 548977115 50 180 2 608 607 687 P0f 1 1 548984115 50 240 2 608 607 688 P0f 1 1 548991115 50 320 2 608 607 689 P0f 1 1 549004115 50 400 2 608 607 690 P0f 1 1 549011

52 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Hand Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Orbital Sanders ​Cloth sand<strong>in</strong>g rolls, Best for Metaln n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g metal, alum<strong>in</strong>ium, steel, cast iron, steel plate.Roll width mmProduct propertiesRoll length mGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 1, 50 mm x 5 m50 5 40 2 608 607 748 P1f 1 1 54959250 5 60 2 608 607 749 P1f 1 1 54960850 5 80 2 608 607 750 P1f 1 1 54961550 5 120 2 608 607 751 P1f 1 1 54962250 5 180 2 608 607 752 P1f 1 1 54963950 5 240 2 608 607 753 P1f 1 1 54964650 5 320 2 608 607 754 P1f 1 1 549653Pack of 1, 38 mm x 25 m383838383838383825252525252525254060801001201802403202 608 607 7552 608 607 7562 608 607 7572 608 607 7582 608 607 7592 608 607 7602 608 607 7612 608 607 762P0fP0fP0fP0fP0fP0fP0fP0f1111111111111111549660549677549684549691549707549714549721549738​​​​​​​​Pack of 1, 50 mm x 50 m50 50 40 2 608 607 740 P0f 1 1 54951650 50 60 2 608 607 741 P0f 1 1 54952350 50 80 2 608 607 742 P0f 1 1 54953050 50 100 2 608 607 743 P0f 1 1 54954750 50 120 2 608 607 744 P0f 1 1 54955450 50 180 2 608 607 745 P0f 1 1 54956150 50 240 2 608 607 746 P0f 1 1 54957850 50 320 2 608 607 747 P0f 1 1 549585

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Hand Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Orbital Sanders | 53Paper sand<strong>in</strong>g rolls – waterproof, Best for Stonen n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g extremely hard materials such as stone, glass, perspex, marble,car pa<strong>in</strong>t or stove enamel.nn Also suitable for wet sand<strong>in</strong>g (without power tool!).NB: Do not use powertools for wet sand<strong>in</strong>g.Roll width mmProduct propertiesRoll length mGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 1, 93 mm x 5 m93 5 120 2 608 607 772 P1f 1 1 54983793 5 180 2 608 607 773 P1f 1 1 54984493 5 240 2 608 607 774 P1f 1 1 54985193 5 320 2 608 607 775 P1f 1 1 54986893 5 400 2 608 607 776 P1f 1 1 549875Pack of 1, 115 mm x 5 m115 5 120 2 608 607 786 P1f 1 1 549974115 5 180 2 608 607 787 P1f 1 1 549981115 5 240 2 608 607 788 P1f 1 1 549998115 5 400 2 608 607 789 P1f 1 1 550000Pack of 1, 93 mm x 50 m93 50 80 2 608 607 763 P0f 1 1 54974593 50 100 2 608 607 764 P0f 1 1 54975293 50 120 2 608 607 765 P0f 1 1 54976993 50 180 2 608 607 766 P0f 1 1 54977693 50 240 2 608 607 767 P0f 1 1 54978393 50 320 2 608 607 768 P0f 1 1 54979093 50 400 2 608 607 769 P0f 1 1 54980693 50 600 2 608 607 770 P0f 1 1 54981393 50 1200 2 608 607 771 P0f 1 1 549820Pack of 1, 115 mm x 50 m115 50 80 2 608 607 777 P0f 1 1 549882115 50 100 2 608 607 778 P0f 1 1 549899115 50 120 2 608 607 779 P0f 1 1 549905115 50 180 2 608 607 780 P0f 1 1 549912115 50 240 2 608 607 781 P0f 1 1 549929115 50 320 2 608 607 782 P0f 1 1 549936115 50 400 2 608 607 783 P0f 1 1 549943115 50 600 2 608 607 784 P0f 1 1 549950115 50 1200 2 608 607 785 P0f 1 1 549967

54 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Hand Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Orbital Sanders ​Accessories fororbital sanders orfor hand sand<strong>in</strong>gHole punches for unpunched sand<strong>in</strong>g sheetsWidth, sheet mmProduct propertiesLength, sheet mmPerforationPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatHole punch made of plastic93 230 8 2 608 190 016 P0f 1 1 018593115 280 14 2 608 190 017 P0f 1 1 018135Hand sand<strong>in</strong>g blocksHand sand<strong>in</strong>g block made of tungsten carbideSuitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t, soft or hard wood, glass fibre plastics and smudg<strong>in</strong>g materials suchas filler or roughcastTwo grits, “medium” and “f<strong>in</strong>e”, on the hand sand<strong>in</strong>g blockTungsten carbide sand<strong>in</strong>g sheet permanently bonded to the hand sand<strong>in</strong>g block – enables highstability and long life60 100 - - 2 608 604 670 C1d 1 5 182928Hand sand<strong>in</strong>g block made of cork, small100 60 - - 2 607 000 636 C1d 1 5 106573120 80 - - 2 607 000 637 C1d 1 5 106580Hand sand<strong>in</strong>g block made of rubber, with nail clamp100 60 - - 2 607 000 635 C1d 1 1 106566

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Fibre Sand<strong>in</strong>g Discs | 55Fibre sand<strong>in</strong>g discsfor angle gr<strong>in</strong>dersThe new fibre sand<strong>in</strong>g discs Best for InoxExceptionally cool cut due to special coat<strong>in</strong>g:nn Up to 4 times higher material removal rate thanconventional alum<strong>in</strong>ium-oxide fibre discs.nn Very long lifetime.nn Best price/performance ratio.nn Hardly any discolourations on the surface.nn Severe reduction <strong>in</strong> fly<strong>in</strong>g sparks.The perfect addition to the high-quality metal range –the new fibre disc Best for Inox:nn Highly active additive coat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the 2nd top size coat.nn High-performance zirconia alum<strong>in</strong>a.nn Special bond<strong>in</strong>g agent.Fibre sand<strong>in</strong>g discs, Best for Inox – EN 13743nn Particularly suitable for work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> sta<strong>in</strong>less steel (Inox).nn Gr<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g off welded seams, gr<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g of surfaces, deburr<strong>in</strong>g and edge chamfer<strong>in</strong>g,general dress<strong>in</strong>g work.nn Fibre sand<strong>in</strong>g disc with high-performance zirconia alum<strong>in</strong>a, fully synthetic res<strong>in</strong> bonded,0.65 or 0.80 mm vulcanised fibre and highly active additive coat<strong>in</strong>g.nn Very high material removal rate and very long lifetime.nn Cool cut with hardly any discolourations on the workpieces, and severe reduction <strong>in</strong>fly<strong>in</strong>g sparks.nn Sand<strong>in</strong>g discs for clamp<strong>in</strong>g on a rubber back<strong>in</strong>g pad.Disc diameter mmProduct propertiesBore diameter mmGritMax. speed rpmPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 25, diameter 125 mm, optimum speed 5 000-7 500 rpm125 22,23 60 12 250 2 608 607 641 P0f 25 1 528818125 22,23 80 12 250 2 608 607 642 P0f 25 1 528825125 22,23 120 12 250 2 608 607 643 P0f 25 1 528832

56 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Fibre Sand<strong>in</strong>g Discs ​Fibre sand<strong>in</strong>g discs, Best for Metal – EN 13743n n Suitable for f<strong>in</strong>e and coarse sand<strong>in</strong>g, material removal, deburr<strong>in</strong>g and de-rust<strong>in</strong>g onsta<strong>in</strong>less steel, steel, cast iron and steel plate.nn Particularly suitable for use <strong>in</strong> the automotive <strong>in</strong>dustry.nn Fibre sand<strong>in</strong>g disc with high-performance zirconia alum<strong>in</strong>a, fully synthetic res<strong>in</strong> bonded,0.80 or 0.84 mm vulcanised fibre.nn Highest material removal rate and longest lifetime.nn Sand<strong>in</strong>g discs for clamp<strong>in</strong>g on a rubber back<strong>in</strong>g pad.Disc diameter mmProduct propertiesBore diameter mmGritMax. speed rpmPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 25, diameter 115 mm115 22,23 24 13 300 2 608 608 088 P0f 25 1 553209115 22,23 36 13 300 2 608 608 089 P0f 25 1 553216115 22,23 60 13 300 2 608 608 090 P0f 25 1 553223115 22,23 80 13 300 2 608 608 091 P0f 25 1 553230115 22,23 100 13 300 2 608 608 092 P0f 25 1 553247115 22,23 120 13 300 2 608 608 093 P0f 25 1 553254Pack of 25, diameter 125 mm125 22,23 24 12 250 2 608 608 094 P0f 25 1 553261125 22,23 36 12 250 2 608 608 095 P0f 25 1 553278125 22,23 60 12 250 2 608 608 096 P0f 25 1 553285125 22,23 80 12 250 2 608 608 097 P0f 25 1 553292125 22,23 100 12 250 2 608 608 098 P0f 25 1 553308125 22,23 120 12 250 2 608 608 099 P0f 25 1 553315Pack of 25, diameter 180 mm180 22,23 24 8 500 2 608 608 100 P0f 25 1 553322180 22,23 36 8 500 2 608 608 101 P0f 25 1 553339180 22,23 60 8 500 2 608 608 102 P0f 25 1 553346180 22,23 80 8 500 2 608 608 103 P0f 25 1 553353180 22,23 100 8 500 2 608 608 104 P0f 25 1 553360180 22,23 120 8 500 2 608 608 105 P0f 25 1 553377Pack of 25, diameter 230 mm230 22,23 24 6 650 2 608 608 106 P0f 25 1 553384230 22,23 36 6 650 2 608 608 107 P0f 25 1 553391230 22,23 60 6 650 2 608 608 108 P0f 25 1 553407230 22,23 80 6 650 2 608 608 109 P0f 25 1 553414230 22,23 100 6 650 2 608 608 110 P0f 25 1 553421230 22,23 120 6 650 2 608 608 111 P0f 25 1 553438

58 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Flap Discs ​Flap discsfor angle gr<strong>in</strong>dersThe new flap discs Best for InoxExceptionally cool cut due to special coat<strong>in</strong>g.The advantages of the flap disc Best for Inox:nn Extremely high material removal rate.nn Very long lifetime.nn Hardly any discolouration on the surface.nn Severe reduction <strong>in</strong> fly<strong>in</strong>g sparks.The new flap disc Best for Inox –outstand<strong>in</strong>g quality thanks to:nn Highly active additive coat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the 2nd top size coat.nn High-performance zirconia alum<strong>in</strong>a.nn Special bond<strong>in</strong>g agent.Performance of flap discs140%180%Sand<strong>in</strong>g performance =material removal andlifetime100%0% 50% 100% 150% 200%For flap discs where the sales package quantity=1, the price refers to a s<strong>in</strong>gle sheet.The m<strong>in</strong>imum order quantity, however, is 10 discs.Flap discs Best for Inox, straight version – EN 13743nn Particularly suitable for work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> sta<strong>in</strong>less steel (Inox).nn Powerful thanks to zirconia alum<strong>in</strong>a. Fully synthetic res<strong>in</strong> bonded, sturdy X-cloth andhighly active additive coat<strong>in</strong>g.nn Very high material removal rate and very long lifetime.nn Flap disc on carrier plate made of glass fibre.nn Straight version – for surface sand<strong>in</strong>g and work<strong>in</strong>g on welded seams at a work angleof 5-15°.Disc diameter mmProduct propertiesBore diameter mmGritMax. speed rpmPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatDiameter 125 mm, optimum speed 5 000-7 500 rpm125 22,23 40 12 250 2 608 607 638 U0 1 10 528788125 22,23 60 12 250 2 608 607 639 U0 1 10 528795125 22,23 80 12 250 2 608 607 640 U0 1 10 528801

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Flap Discs | 59Flap discs Best for Metal, straight version – EN 13743nn Especially suitable for work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> sta<strong>in</strong>less steel, steel, cast iron and steel plate.nn Powerful thanks to zirconia alum<strong>in</strong>a. Fully synthetic res<strong>in</strong> bonded, sturdy X-cloth.nn Consistently high material removal rate and long lifetime.nn Flap disc on carrier plate made of glass fibre.nn Straight version – for surface sand<strong>in</strong>g and work<strong>in</strong>g on welded seams at a work angleof 5-15°.Disc diameter mmProduct propertiesBore diameter mmGritMax. speed rpmPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 1, diameter 115 mm115 22,23 40 13 300 2 608 607 322 P0f 1 10 270236115 22,23 60 13 300 2 608 607 323 P0f 1 10 270243115 22,23 80 13 300 2 608 607 324 P0f 1 10 270250115 22,23 120 13 300 2 608 607 325 P0f 1 10 270267Pack of 1, diameter 125 mm125 22,23 40 12 250 2 608 607 326 P0f 1 10 270274125 22,23 60 12 250 2 608 607 327 P0f 1 10 270281125 22,23 80 12 250 2 608 607 328 P0f 1 10 270670125 22,23 120 12 250 2 608 607 329 P0f 1 10 270687Pack of 1, diameter 180 mm180 22,23 40 8 500 2 608 607 330 P0f 1 10 270694180 22,23 60 8 500 2 608 607 331 P0f 1 10 270700180 22,23 80 8 500 2 608 607 332 P0f 1 10 270717180 22,23 120 8 500 2 608 607 333 P0f 1 10 270724Flap discs Best for Metal, angled version – EN 13743nn Especially suitable for work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> sta<strong>in</strong>less steel, steel, cast iron and steelplate.nn Powerful thanks to zirconia alum<strong>in</strong>a. Fully synthetic res<strong>in</strong> bonded, sturdyX-cloth.nn Consistently high material removal rate and long lifetime.nn Flap disc on carrier plate made of glass fibre.nn Angled version – for work<strong>in</strong>g on edges/welded seams and surface sand<strong>in</strong>g ata work angle of 15-25°.Pack of 1, diameter 100 mm100 16,00 40 15 300 2 608 606 713 P0f 1 10 179782100 16,00 60 15 300 2 608 606 714 P0f 1 10 179799100 16,00 80 15 300 2 608 606 715 P0f 1 10 179805Pack of 1, diameter 115 mm115 22,23 40 13 300 2 608 605 450 P0f 1 10 162708115 22,23 60 13 300 2 608 605 451 P0f 1 10 162715115 22,23 80 13 300 2 608 605 452 P0f 1 10 162722115 22,23 120 13 300 2 608 607 319 P0f 1 10 270205

60 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Flap Discs ​​Flap discs Best for Metal, angled version – EN 13743Disc diameter mmProduct propertiesBore diameter mmGritMax. speed rpmPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 1, diameter 125 mm125 22,23 40 12 250 2 608 606 922 P0f 1 10 185219125 22,23 60 12 250 2 608 606 923 P0f 1 10 185226125 22,23 80 12 250 2 608 606 924 P0f 1 10 185233125 22,23 120 12 250 2 608 607 320 P0f 1 10 270212Pack of 1, diameter 180 mm180 22,23 40 8 500 2 608 606 737 P0f 1 10 180023180 22,23 60 8 500 2 608 606 738 P0f 1 10 180030180 22,23 80 8 500 2 608 606 739 P0f 1 10 180047180 22,23 120 8 500 2 608 607 321 P0f 1 10 270229Flap discs Best for Metal, straight version – EN 13743nn Especially suitable for work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> sta<strong>in</strong>less steel, steel, cast iron and steelplate.nn Powerful thanks to zirconia alum<strong>in</strong>a. Fully synthetic res<strong>in</strong> bonded, sturdyX-cloth and highly active additive.nn Consistently high material removal rate and long lifetime.nn Flap disc on carrier plate made of plastic.nn Straight version – for surface sand<strong>in</strong>g and work<strong>in</strong>g on welded seams at a workangle of 5-15°.Pack of 1, diameter 115 mm115 22,23 40 13 300 2 608 607 334 P0f 1 10 270731115 22,23 60 13 300 2 608 607 335 P0f 1 10 270748115 22,23 80 13 300 2 608 607 336 P0f 1 10 270755115 22,23 120 13 300 2 608 607 337 P0f 1 10 270991Pack of 1, diameter 125 mm125 22,23 40 12 250 2 608 607 338 P0f 1 10 270762125 22,23 60 12 250 2 608 607 339 P0f 1 10 270779125 22,23 80 12 250 2 608 607 340 P0f 1 10 270786125 22,23 120 12 250 2 608 607 341 P0f 1 10 270793Pack of 1, diameter 180 mm180 22,23 40 8 500 2 608 607 342 P0f 1 10 270809180 22,23 60 8 500 2 608 607 343 P0f 1 10 270816180 22,23 80 8 500 2 608 607 344 P0f 1 10 270823180 22,23 120 8 500 2 608 607 345 P0f 1 10 270830

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Flap Discs | 61Flap discs Expert for Metal, straight version – EN 13743nn Particularly suitable for metalwork<strong>in</strong>g.nn Powerful thanks to zirconia alum<strong>in</strong>a. Fully synthetic res<strong>in</strong> bonded, sturdy X-cloth.nn The low-cost alternative as an ideal solution.nn Flap disc on carrier plate made of glass fibre.nn Straight version – for surface sand<strong>in</strong>g and work<strong>in</strong>g on welded seams at a work angleof 5-15°.Disc diameter mmProduct propertiesBore diameter mmGritMax. speed rpmPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 1, diameter 115 mm115 22,23 40 13 300 2 608 607 349 P0f 1 10 270878115 22,23 60 13 300 2 608 607 350 P0f 1 10 270885115 22,23 80 13 300 2 608 607 351 P0f 1 10 270892115 22,23 120 13 300 2 608 607 352 P0f 1 10 270908Pack of 1, diameter 125 mm125 22,23 40 12 250 2 608 607 353 P0f 1 10 270915125 22,23 60 12 250 2 608 607 354 P0f 1 10 270922125 22,23 80 12 250 2 608 607 355 P0f 1 10 270939125 22,23 120 12 250 2 608 607 356 P0f 1 10 270953Flap discs Expert for Metal, angled version – EN 13743nn Particularly suitable for metalwork<strong>in</strong>g.nn Powerful thanks to zirconia alum<strong>in</strong>a. Fully synthetic res<strong>in</strong> bonded, sturdyX-cloth.nn The low-cost alternative as an ideal solution.nn Flap disc on carrier plate made of glass fibre.nn Angled version – for work<strong>in</strong>g on edges/welded seams and surface sand<strong>in</strong>g ata work angle of 15-25°.Pack of 1, diameter 115 mm115 22,23 40 13 300 2 608 606 752 P0f 1 10 180177115 22,23 60 13 300 2 608 606 753 P0f 1 10 180184115 22,23 80 13 300 2 608 606 754 P0f 1 10 180191115 22,23 120 13 300 2 608 607 346 P0f 1 10 270847Pack of 1, diameter 125 mm125 22,23 40 12 250 2 608 606 716 P0f 1 10 179812125 22,23 60 12 250 2 608 606 717 P0f 1 10 179829125 22,23 80 12 250 2 608 606 718 P0f 1 10 179836125 22,23 120 12 250 2 608 607 347 P0f 1 10 270854Pack of 1, diameter 180 mm180 22,23 40 8 500 2 608 606 936 P0f 1 10 196154180 22,23 60 8 500 2 608 606 937 P0f 1 10 196161180 22,23 80 8 500 2 608 606 938 P0f 1 10 196178180 22,23 120 8 500 2 608 607 348 P0f 1 10 270861

62 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Flap Discs ​Flap discs Expert for Metal, straight version – EN 13743nn Particularly suitable for metalwork<strong>in</strong>g.nn Powerful thanks to zirconia alum<strong>in</strong>a. Fully synthetic res<strong>in</strong> bonded, sturdy X-cloth.nn The low-cost alternative as an ideal solution.nn Flap disc on carrier plate made of plastic.nn Straight version – for surface sand<strong>in</strong>g and work<strong>in</strong>g on welded seams at a work angleof 5-15°.Disc diameter mmProduct propertiesBore diameter mmGritMax. speed rpmPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 1, diameter 115 mm115 22,23 40 13 300 2 608 607 361 P0f 1 10 271011115 22,23 60 13 300 2 608 607 362 P0f 1 10 271028115 22,23 80 13 300 2 608 607 363 P0f 1 10 271035115 22,23 120 13 300 2 608 607 364 P0f 1 10 270663Pack of 1, diameter 125 mm125 22,23 40 12 250 2 608 607 365 P0f 1 10 271042125 22,23 60 12 250 2 608 607 366 P0f 1 10 271059125 22,23 80 12 250 2 608 607 367 P0f 1 10 271066125 22,23 120 12 250 2 608 607 368 P0f 1 10 271073Pack of 1, diameter 180 mm180 22,23 40 8 500 2 608 607 369 P0f 1 10 271080180 22,23 60 8 500 2 608 607 370 P0f 1 10 271097180 22,23 80 8 500 2 608 607 371 P0f 1 10 271103180 22,23 120 8 500 2 608 607 372 P0f 1 10 271110

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Angle Gr<strong>in</strong>ders | 63Fleece discsfor angle gr<strong>in</strong>dersThe new clean<strong>in</strong>g discs Best for InoxNo clogg<strong>in</strong>g thanks to open structure.The advantages of the coarse clean<strong>in</strong>g disc Best for Inox:nn Remov<strong>in</strong>g blue discoloured welded po<strong>in</strong>ts on sta<strong>in</strong>less steel (Inox).nn Long lifetime.nn No smear<strong>in</strong>g.nn Cost sav<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> comparison to conventional acid paste methods.No clogg<strong>in</strong>g thanks toopen structure.Adaptable to contours.Clean<strong>in</strong>g disc, Best for Inox, 50m/sCaution:Permitted for50 m/snn Suitable for clean<strong>in</strong>g sta<strong>in</strong>less steel (Inox), steel, non-ferrous metals.nn Remov<strong>in</strong>g blue discolourations on welded seams, clean<strong>in</strong>g sta<strong>in</strong>less steel.nn Low clogg<strong>in</strong>g thanks to open structure of the fleece. Coat<strong>in</strong>g made of alum<strong>in</strong>ium oxide.nn Clean<strong>in</strong>g disc on carrier plate made of glass fibre.n n Appropriate for controllable angle gr<strong>in</strong>ders, particularly Bosch Angle Gr<strong>in</strong>derGWS 14-125 Inox.Disc diameter mmProduct propertiesBore diameter mmGritMax. speed rpmPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 1, diameter 125 mm, optimum speed 5 000 rpm125 22,23 - 7 650 2 608 607 634 U0 1 5 528740

64 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Angle Gr<strong>in</strong>ders ​Clean<strong>in</strong>g disc, Best for Metal, 50 m/sCaution:Permitted for50 m/snn Suitable for work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> metal, alum<strong>in</strong>ium, copper.nn Ideal for remov<strong>in</strong>g rust, pa<strong>in</strong>t, oxide layers, lime deposits, moss and graffiti on stone,marble and concrete, seal residues.nn Low clogg<strong>in</strong>g thanks to open structure of the fleece. Coat<strong>in</strong>g made of silicon carbide.nn Clean<strong>in</strong>g disc on carrier plate made of glass fibre.n n Appropriate for controllable angle gr<strong>in</strong>ders, particularly Bosch Angle Gr<strong>in</strong>derGWS 14-125 Inox.Disc diameter mmProduct propertiesBore diameter mmGritMax. speed rpmPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 1, optimum speed 5 500 rpm115 22,23 - 8 350 2 608 607 632 U0 1 5 528726125 22,23 - 7 650 2 608 607 633 U0 1 5 528733

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Angle Gr<strong>in</strong>ders | 65The new SCM fleece discs Best for InoxNo clogg<strong>in</strong>g thanks to open structure.The advantages of the SCM fleece disc* Best for Inox:nn Unique comb<strong>in</strong>ation of aggressiveness, f<strong>in</strong>ish and long life.nn Consistent, perfect f<strong>in</strong>ish.nn No smear<strong>in</strong>g.*SCM= Surface Condition<strong>in</strong>g Material(reta<strong>in</strong>s the surface structure)No clogg<strong>in</strong>g thanks toopen structure.Adaptable to contours.SCM fleece disc, Best for Inox, 50 m/sCaution:Permitted for50 m/snn Surface Condition<strong>in</strong>g Material (SCM) for the f<strong>in</strong>ish.nn Suitable for work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> sta<strong>in</strong>less steel (Inox).nn Ideal for deburr<strong>in</strong>g, work<strong>in</strong>g on welded po<strong>in</strong>ts, ref<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g gr<strong>in</strong>d l<strong>in</strong>es, prepar<strong>in</strong>gfor surface f<strong>in</strong>ish<strong>in</strong>g.nn Fleece discs on cloth back<strong>in</strong>g for clamp<strong>in</strong>g on a rubber back<strong>in</strong>g pad.n n Appropriate for controllable angle gr<strong>in</strong>ders, particularly Bosch Angle Gr<strong>in</strong>derGWS 14-125 Inox.Disc diameter mmProduct propertiesBore diameter mmGritMax. speed rpmPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 2, diameter 125 mm, extra coarse - brown, optimum speed 4 500-6 500 rpm125 22,23 - 7 650 2 608 607 635 P1d 2 5 528757Pack of 2, diameter 125 mm, coarse - light brown, optimum speed 4 500-6 500 rpm125 22,23 - 7 650 2 608 607 636 P1d 2 5 528764Pack of 2, diameter 125 mm, medium - red brown, optimum speed 4 500-6 500 rpm125 22,23 - 7 650 2 608 607 637 P1d 2 5 528771

66 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Angle Gr<strong>in</strong>ders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheetsfor angle gr<strong>in</strong>dersPaper sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for angle gr<strong>in</strong>ders, Best for Woodn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g hardwood, chipboard, construction boards and metal.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, unpunchedProduct propertiesDisc diameter mmPack of 50, diameter 115 mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vat115 40 2 608 607 940 C0a 50 1 551014115 60 2 608 607 941 C0a 50 1 551021115 80 2 608 607 942 C0a 50 1 551038115 120 2 608 607 943 C0a 50 1 551045115 180 2 608 607 944 C0a 50 1 551052115 240 2 608 607 945 C0a 50 1 551069Pack of 50, diameter 125 mm125 40 2 608 607 946 C0a 50 1 551076125 60 2 608 607 947 C0a 50 1 551083125 80 2 608 607 948 C0a 50 1 551090125 120 2 608 607 949 C0a 50 1 551106125 180 2 608 607 950 C0a 50 1 551113125 240 2 608 607 951 C0a 50 1 551120Paper sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for angle gr<strong>in</strong>ders, Best for Stonen n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g extremely hard materials such as stone, glass, perspex,marble, car pa<strong>in</strong>t or stove enamel.Pack of 50, diameter 115 mmVelcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, unpunched115 80 2 608 608 151 C0a 50 1 557085115 120 2 608 608 152 C0a 50 1 557092115 320 2 608 608 153 C0a 50 1 557108Pack of 50, diameter 125 mm125 60 2 608 608 154 C0a 50 1 557115125 80 2 608 608 155 C0a 50 1 557122

68 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Angle Gr<strong>in</strong>ders ​Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>g sand<strong>in</strong>g plate for paper sand<strong>in</strong>g sheetsVelcro-typefasten<strong>in</strong>g systemProduct propertiesDiameter mmPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatVelcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>g plateFlange thread M 14, max. speed 13,200 rpm115 2 608 601 076 C1d 1 1 086585Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>g plateFlange thread M 14, max. speed 12,200 rpm125 2 608 601 077 C1d 1 1 086592Velcro-typefasten<strong>in</strong>g systemVelcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>g platemax. speed 15,200 rpmAppropriate for GWS 14.4 V Professional and paper sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets with Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem- 2 608 601 170 C1c 1 1 262866Hand protector for angle gr<strong>in</strong>dersn n Appropriate for all Bosch Angle Gr<strong>in</strong>ders <strong>in</strong> comb<strong>in</strong>ation with auxiliary handle.nn Protects the hands when us<strong>in</strong>g rubber back<strong>in</strong>g pads.Hand protector <strong>in</strong> comb<strong>in</strong>ation with auxiliary handle- 1 601 329 013 PC1c 1 1 001885

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Drills | 69Sand<strong>in</strong>g sheetsfor drillsPaper sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for drills, Best for Woodn n Appropriate for Bosch back<strong>in</strong>g pad 1 609 200 154.n n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g all types of wood, chipboard and construction boards,also for metal.nn Long-life, value-for-money product.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, unpunchedProduct propertiesDisc diameter mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatPack of 50, diameter 125 mm125 40 2 608 607 946 C0a 50 1 551076125 60 2 608 607 947 C0a 50 1 551083125 80 2 608 607 948 C0a 50 1 551090125 120 2 608 607 949 C0a 50 1 551106125 180 2 608 607 950 C0a 50 1 551113125 240 2 608 607 951 C0a 50 1 551120Paper sand<strong>in</strong>g sheets for drills, Best for Stonen n Appropriate for Bosch back<strong>in</strong>g pad 1 609 200 154.n n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g extremely hard materials such as stone, glass, perspex,marble, car pa<strong>in</strong>t or stove enamel.Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem, unpunchedPack of 50, diameter 125 mm125 60 2 608 608 154 C0a 50 1 557115125 80 2 608 608 155 C0a 50 1 557122Rubber back<strong>in</strong>g pad with shank for drillsProduct propertiesDiameter mmShank diameter mmPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatBack<strong>in</strong>g pad for coated abrasive diameter 125 mm for clamp<strong>in</strong>g with screw/disc125 8 1 609 200 240 C1c 1 1 004435Velcro-typefasten<strong>in</strong>g systemVelcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>g plate for coated abrasive diameter 125 mm with Velcro-type fasten<strong>in</strong>gsystem125 8 1 609 200 154 C1c 1 1 003971

70 | Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Straight Gr<strong>in</strong>ders ​Sand<strong>in</strong>g sleevesfor straight gr<strong>in</strong>dersnn Versatile sand<strong>in</strong>g sleeves are ideal for accuratesand<strong>in</strong>g work.nn Quality: Best for Metal, highly tear-resistant andwith excellent material removal rate.nn Available <strong>in</strong> all standard sizes.Sand<strong>in</strong>g sleeves also produce excellent results when deburr<strong>in</strong>gSand<strong>in</strong>g sleeves for straight gr<strong>in</strong>dersn n Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g sta<strong>in</strong>less steel, steel, cast iron, steel plate.nn High-tech zirconia alum<strong>in</strong>a abrasive for heavy-duty use.nn Cotton fabric (type X) with fully synthetic res<strong>in</strong> bond.nn Good value for money.Product propertiesDimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatDiameter (Ø) 15 mm, width (B) 30 mmØ15 x B30 36 2 608 606 863 C0a 50 1 181280Ø15 x B30 60 2 608 606 864 C0a 50 1 181297Ø15 x B30 80 2 608 606 865 C0a 50 1 181303Ø15 x B30 120 2 608 606 866 C0a 50 1 181310Diameter (Ø) 30 mm, width (B) 20 mmØ30 x B20 36 2 608 606 867 C0a 50 1 181327Ø30 x B20 60 2 608 606 868 C0a 50 1 181334Ø30 x B20 80 2 608 606 869 C0a 50 1 181341Ø30 x B20 120 2 608 606 870 C0a 50 1 181358Ø30 x B30 36 2 608 606 871 C0a 50 1 181365Ø30 x B30 60 2 608 606 872 C0a 50 1 181372Ø30 x B30 80 2 608 606 873 C0a 50 1 181389Ø30 x B30 120 2 608 606 874 C0a 50 1 181396Diameter (Ø) 45 mm, width (B) 30 mmØ45 x B30 36 2 608 606 875 C0a 50 1 181402Ø45 x B30 60 2 608 606 876 C0a 50 1 181419Ø45 x B30 80 2 608 606 877 C0a 50 1 181426Ø45 x B30 120 2 608 606 878 C0a 50 1 181433

​ Sand<strong>in</strong>g and Polish<strong>in</strong>g | Straight Gr<strong>in</strong>ders | 71Sand<strong>in</strong>g sleeves for straight gr<strong>in</strong>dersProduct propertiesDimensions mmGritPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatDiameter (Ø) 60 mm, width (B) 30 mmØ60 x B30 36 2 608 606 879 C0a 30 1 181440Ø60 x B30 60 2 608 606 880 C0a 30 1 181457Ø60 x B30 80 2 608 606 881 C0a 30 1 181464Ø60 x B30 120 2 608 606 882 C0a 30 1 181471Shank for sand<strong>in</strong>g sleevesDiameter, shank mmProduct propertiesWidth mmShank diameter mmMax. speed rpmPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qty15 30 6 36.000 2 608 620 034 P1c 1 1 19278130 20 6 19.100 2 608 620 035 P1c 1 1 19279830 30 6 19.100 2 608 620 036 P1c 1 1 19280445 30 6 12.700 2 608 620 037 P1c 1 1 19281160 30 6 9.500 2 608 620 038 P1c 1 1 192828Barcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vat

72 | Work Safety ​Accessories forwork safetyProtective gogglesProduct propertiesTested toPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatFull protection gogglesWith <strong>in</strong>direct ventilation and mist-free, colourless plastic lens. Protect aga<strong>in</strong>st strong knocks,large dust particles and liquid. Also suitable for spectacle wearers.EN 166 2 607 990 037 P1d 1 1 093668Collapsible weld<strong>in</strong>g gogglesWith <strong>in</strong>direct ventilation. Athermal weld<strong>in</strong>g goggles, protection class 5A1. For autogeneous,<strong>in</strong>ert gas weld<strong>in</strong>g, plasma weld<strong>in</strong>g and hard solder<strong>in</strong>g. Suitable for sand<strong>in</strong>g, polish<strong>in</strong>g, rout<strong>in</strong>gand drill<strong>in</strong>g work. Also suitable for spectacle wearers. Not suitable for work<strong>in</strong>g with lasers!EN 166 2 607 990 038 P1d 1 1 093675Protective gogglesFully transparent, can be worn over glasses.EN 166 2 607 990 041 P1d 1 1 093705Full face protection gogglesTo be used especially with cha<strong>in</strong>saws- 2 607 990 045 - 1 1 093743Protective masksF<strong>in</strong>e dust maskProtects aga<strong>in</strong>st non-toxic f<strong>in</strong>e dust, for use by do-it-yourselfers, for work such as drill<strong>in</strong>g,chisell<strong>in</strong>g and cutt<strong>in</strong>g. Unsuitable protection aga<strong>in</strong>st poisonous gases and vapours!EN 149 FF P1 2 607 990 032 P1d 2 1 093613F<strong>in</strong>e dust maskProtects aga<strong>in</strong>st low level poisonous particles, f<strong>in</strong>e dust, gr<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g dust when sand<strong>in</strong>g woodand concrete; e.g. dust from sand<strong>in</strong>g pa<strong>in</strong>t. Same as class FF P1 but with a higher degree ofprotection.EN 149 FF P2 2 607 990 034 P1d 2 1 093637F<strong>in</strong>e dust/odour maskFor low level poisonous particles, foul organic smells and particles (pa<strong>in</strong>t spray mask). Withexhalation valve for easier breath<strong>in</strong>g. With <strong>in</strong>tegrated activated charcoal filter for reduction ofsmells.EN 149 FF P2 2 607 990 036 P1d 2 1 093651

​ Work Safety | 73Ear protectorsProduct propertiesTested toPart numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatEar protectorsSoundproof<strong>in</strong>g level 19 dB (A)Adjustable plastic bar. All parts washable. L rate 14 dB, M rate 20 dB, H rate 27 dB,SNR rate 23 dBEN 352 2 607 990 042 P1d 1 1 093712Ear protectorsSoundproof<strong>in</strong>g level 24 dB (A)Fold<strong>in</strong>g, padded, adjustable head bar. L rate 17 dB, M rate 25 dB, H rate 32 dB,SNR rate 28 dBEN 352 2 607 990 043 P1d 1 1 093729Ear plugsIn plastic box. L rate 31 dB, M rate 32 dB, H rate 32 dB, SNR rate 34 dBEN 352 2 607 990 044 P1d 10 1 093736Protective glovesnn Hands also need to be protected, e.g. stones can become missiles dur<strong>in</strong>g break<strong>in</strong>g work.Product properties​Part numberOrder<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>formationPackag<strong>in</strong>g typeSales package qtyDespatch package qtyBarcode3165140...List Price ex vatList Price <strong>in</strong>c vatProtective glovesMade of grey cowhide leather, leather thickness 1.2 mm, back of hand made of twisted cotton,f<strong>in</strong>ger nail, wrist and pulse protection, sewn-<strong>in</strong> rubber <strong>in</strong>sert, plastic-coated twisted sleeve,<strong>in</strong>side palm l<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, length 26 cm, men standard size 10.​ 2 607 000 134 P1d 1 1 017954

74 | Packag<strong>in</strong>g Overview Packag<strong>in</strong>gthat holds clear <strong>in</strong>formation.Packag<strong>in</strong>g made of paper, cardboard or corrugated board (Cardboard)C0aBox without Euro holeC1cPocket with Euro holeC1aBox with Euro holeC1dSleeve with Euro holeC1eHanger with Euro holeC1kCarton with sleeve and Euro holePlastic packag<strong>in</strong>g (Plastic)P0bBag without Euro holeP1cPouch with Euro holeP1dBag with tab card and Euro hole

Notes | 75

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