MIL-STD-1629-RevA - Barringer and Associates, Inc.

MIL-STD-1629-RevA - Barringer and Associates, Inc. MIL-STD-1629-RevA - Barringer and Associates, Inc.
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MIL-STD-1629A1. SCOPEl.l Sco e. This standard establishes requirements and proceduresfor performing+a ailure mode, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA) tosystematically evaluate and document, by Item failure mode analysis, thepotential impact of each functional or hardware fajlure on mission success,personnel and system safety, systen performance, maintainability, andmaintenance requirements. Each potenttal failure is ranked by the severity ofits effect in order that appropriate corrective actions may be taken toeliminate or control the high risk items.1.2This standard applies to the acquisition of alldesignated DoDY*sys ems and equipment. It pr~marjly applies to the programacttvtty phases of demonstration and validation and full-scale engineeringdevelopment; e.g., design, research and development, and test and evaluation.This standard also can be used during production and deployment to analyze thefinal hardware design or any major modifications. The FMECA tasks containedin this standard apply to all items of equipment. This standard does notapply to software. Appendix A contains additional application and tailoringguidelines.1.3 Numbering system. The tasks are numbered sequentially as theyare introduced into this standard with the fjrst task being number 101.1.4 Revisions.1.4.1 Standard. Any general revision of this standard which resultsin a revision of sections 1, 2, 3, or 4 will be indicated by revision letterafter this standard number, together with date of revision.1.4.2 Tasks. Any revisions of FMECA tasks are indicated by a letterfollowing the ~ For example, for task 101, the first revision is 101A,the second revision is 101B. Mhen the basic document is revised, thoserequirements not affected by change retain their existing date.1.5referenced by2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTSMethod of reference. The tasks contained herein shall bespecifying:a. This standard number.b. Task number(s).c. Other data as called for in individual task.2.1 Issues of documents. The following documents of the issue heffect on the date of Invitation for bid or request for proposal, arereferenced in this standard for information and guidance.1————.=——.ss? a>~—_—_—._—— .—————._—_—_. ..— -=—->._—. .

MIL-STD-1629ASPECIFICATIONSMilitary4MIL-N-241OOManual, Technical; Functionally OrientedMaintenance Manuals for Systems and E@~ntSTAIIDARDSMilitaryMIL-sTr)-280MIL-sTll-47flMIL-STD-721MIL-STD-756MIL-STD-780MIL-STD-785MIL-STD-882MIL-STD-1388MIL-STD-1591MIL-STD-2072MIL-STD-2080HANDBOOKSMilitaryMIL-HDRK-217MIL-HDBK-266Definitions of Item Levels, ItemExchangeability, Models and Related TermsMaintainability Program Requirements (forSystems and Equipment)Oefinitfons of Te?ms for Reliability andMaintainabilityReliability PredictionWork Unit Codes for Aeronaut~cal Equipment;Uniform Numbering SystemReliability Program for Systems andEquipment Development and ProductionSystem Safety Program RequirementsLogistics Support AnalysisOn Aircraft, Fault Diagnosis, Subsystems,Analysis/Synthesis ofSurvivability, Aircraft; Establishment andConduct of Proqrams forMaintenance Engineering, Planning, andAnalysis”the for Aeronautical Systems,Subsystems, Equipment and Support EquipmentReliability Prediction of ElectronicEquipBentApplication of Reliability CenteredMaintenance to Naval Aircraft, WeaponSystems and Support Equipment-(copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications requiredby contractors ~n connection with specific procumbent functions should beobtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contractingofficer.)z~ne 19832

<strong>MIL</strong>-<strong>STD</strong>-<strong>1629</strong>A1. SCOPEl.l Sco e. This st<strong>and</strong>ard establishes requirements <strong>and</strong> proceduresfor performing+a ailure mode, effects, <strong>and</strong> criticality analysis (FMECA) tosystematically evaluate <strong>and</strong> document, by Item failure mode analysis, thepotential impact of each functional or hardware fajlure on mission success,personnel <strong>and</strong> system safety, systen performance, maintainability, <strong>and</strong>maintenance requirements. Each potenttal failure is ranked by the severity ofits effect in order that appropriate corrective actions may be taken toeliminate or control the high risk items.1.2This st<strong>and</strong>ard applies to the acquisition of alldesignated DoDY*sys ems <strong>and</strong> equipment. It pr~marjly applies to the programacttvtty phases of demonstration <strong>and</strong> validation <strong>and</strong> full-scale engineeringdevelopment; e.g., design, research <strong>and</strong> development, <strong>and</strong> test <strong>and</strong> evaluation.This st<strong>and</strong>ard also can be used during production <strong>and</strong> deployment to analyze thefinal hardware design or any major modifications. The FMECA tasks containedin this st<strong>and</strong>ard apply to all items of equipment. This st<strong>and</strong>ard does notapply to software. Appendix A contains additional application <strong>and</strong> tailoringguidelines.1.3 Numbering system. The tasks are numbered sequentially as theyare introduced into this st<strong>and</strong>ard with the fjrst task being number 101.1.4 Revisions.1.4.1 St<strong>and</strong>ard. Any general revision of this st<strong>and</strong>ard which resultsin a revision of sections 1, 2, 3, or 4 will be indicated by revision letterafter this st<strong>and</strong>ard number, together with date of revision.1.4.2 Tasks. Any revisions of FMECA tasks are indicated by a letterfollowing the ~ For example, for task 101, the first revision is 101A,the second revision is 101B. Mhen the basic document is revised, thoserequirements not affected by change retain their existing date.1.5referenced by2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTSMethod of reference. The tasks contained herein shall bespecifying:a. This st<strong>and</strong>ard number.b. Task number(s).c. Other data as called for in individual task.2.1 Issues of documents. The following documents of the issue heffect on the date of Invitation for bid or request for proposal, arereferenced in this st<strong>and</strong>ard for information <strong>and</strong> guidance.1————.=——.ss? a>~—_—_—._—— .—————._—_—_. ..— -=—->._—. .

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