MIL-STD-1629-RevA - Barringer and Associates, Inc.

MIL-STD-1629-RevA - Barringer and Associates, Inc. MIL-STD-1629-RevA - Barringer and Associates, Inc.
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MTl,-STD-lf)2(l A3.2.1.4 Part failure rate (an). The part failure rate (~p) fromthe appropriate reliability prediction or as (calculated using the proceduredescribed in MIL-HDBK-217, shall be listed. Where appropriate, applicationfactors (n ), environmental factors (TE), and other n-factors as may berequired stall be applied to the base failure rates (~b) obtained fromhandbooks or other reference material to adjust for differences inoperating stresses. Values of n-factors utilized in computing ~p shallbe listed.--,, Operating time (t). The operating time in hours or thenumber. of operating cycles of the item per mission shall be derived fromthe system definition and listed on the worksheet. Failure mode criticality number (~) . The value of thefailure mode criticality number (Cm) shall be calculated and listed on~he worksheet. Cm is the portion of the criticality number for the iLemdue to one of its failure modes under a particular severity classification.For a particular severity classification and operational phase, the Cmfor a failure mode may be calculated with the following formula:,where:cm = Criticality number for failure mode.~, = Conditional probability of mission loss(3. 201.2 of Task 102).a = Failure mode ration {3.2. 1.3 of Task 102).Ap = Part failure rate (3.2. 1.4 of Task 102).t = Duration of applicable mission phase usuallyexpress in hours or number of operatingcycles (3.2. 1.5 of Task 102). Item criticality numbers (c,.). The seconu criticalitynumber calculation is for the item under analysis. Criticality numbers(Cr) for the items of the system shall be calculated and listed onthe worksheet. A criticality number for an item is tl]enumber ofsystem failures of a specific typ~ expected duc to the item’s failuremodes. The specific type of system failure is txpr(sse(i h!’ ~1)(’severity classification for the item’s f~ilur(~ modes. For a pnrrjcul:rseverity classification and mission phase, tt]c Cr for an item is Ll~esum of the failure mode critiralitv numbers. (-’r., under LI)Gs~’vcri~~c]a~~ificc~ti~n t][ldm~~v ;~qsU }W c:]lc:{l. .]~f,(~ ~;,sj! :1 L/.[If[l?l(~\\~~~’i’, [[’~l;llj~,-~ :JCr = ];(f?dpt)n n = 1,2, ’3,...jn–lTASKJ02—24 November 1980— — —.

MIL-STD-1629Awhere:C* = Criticality number for the item.n = The failure modes in the items that fall undera particular criticality classification.j = Last failure mode in the item under the criticalityclassification.4. Criticality matrix. The criticality matrix provides ameans of identifying and comparing each failure mode to all other failuremodes with respect to severity. The matrix is constructed by insertingitem or failure mode identification numbers in matrix locations representingthe severity classification category and either the probability ofoccurrence level or the criticality number (Cr) for the item’s failuremodes. The resulting matrix display shows the distribution of criticalityof item failure modes and provides a tool for assigning correctiveI action priorities. As shown in Figure 102.2, the further along the‘ dia~onal line from the crigin the failure mode is recorded, the greaterthe criticality and the more urgent the need for implementing correctiveaction. The example criticality matrix in Figure 102.2 was constructedto shc~w how either the criticality number (Cr) or probability of occurrencelevel can be used for the vertical axis. The completed criticalitymatrix shall be included in the FMECA report, General Requirements, 4.5.5. Ordering data. The following details shall be specifiedin the appropriate contractual documents:a. Task 101 (see 1.1 of Task 102).b. Analysis approach (see 3 of Task 102).c. Failure rate data source(s) (see 3.2 of Task 102)if quantitative approach is specified.

<strong>MIL</strong>-<strong>STD</strong>-<strong>1629</strong>Awhere:C* = Criticality number for the item.n = The failure modes in the items that fall undera particular criticality classification.j = Last failure mode in the item under the criticalityclassification.4. Criticality matrix. The criticality matrix provides ameans of identifying <strong>and</strong> comparing each failure mode to all other failuremodes with respect to severity. The matrix is constructed by insertingitem or failure mode identification numbers in matrix locations representingthe severity classification category <strong>and</strong> either the probability ofoccurrence level or the criticality number (Cr) for the item’s failuremodes. The resulting matrix display shows the distribution of criticalityof item failure modes <strong>and</strong> provides a tool for assigning correctiveI action priorities. As shown in Figure 102.2, the further along the‘ dia~onal line from the crigin the failure mode is recorded, the greaterthe criticality <strong>and</strong> the more urgent the need for implementing correctiveaction. The example criticality matrix in Figure 102.2 was constructedto shc~w how either the criticality number (Cr) or probability of occurrencelevel can be used for the vertical axis. The completed criticalitymatrix shall be included in the FMECA report, General Requirements, 4.5.5. Ordering data. The following details shall be specifiedin the appropriate contractual documents:a. Task 101 (see 1.1 of Task 102).b. Analysis approach (see 3 of Task 102).c. Failure rate data source(s) (see 3.2 of Task 102)if quantitative approach is specified.

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