MIL-STD-1629-RevA - Barringer and Associates, Inc.

MIL-STD-1629-RevA - Barringer and Associates, Inc.

MIL-STD-1629-RevA - Barringer and Associates, Inc.


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IMII.-ST1)-162(]Ashown in Figure 102.1. Completed CA worksheets shall be included in theFMECA report, General Requirements, 4.5, fallowing the FMEA worksheeti for the same indenture level. The following information is the same asgiven in the FM.EAworksheet <strong>and</strong> shall be transferred to the CA worksheet:a. Identification numberb. Item/Functional identificationc. Functiond. Failure modes <strong>and</strong> causese. Mission phase/operational modef. Severity classification3.2.1.1 Failure probability/failure rate data source. Whenfailure modes are assessed in terms of probability of occurrence, thefailure probability of occurrence level shall be listed. When failurerate data are to be used in the calculation of criticality numbers, thedata source of the failure rates used in each calculation” shall belisted.When a failure probability is listed, Ll]t:remaining c(~l(!mnsarc’not required <strong>and</strong> the next step will be the construction of a criticalitymatrix (see 4 of Task 102). Failure effect probability (B). The 6 values are theconditional probability that the failure effect will result in theidentified criticality classification, given that the failure modeoccurs . The ~ values represent the analyst’s judgment as ro the conditionalprobability the loss will occur <strong>and</strong> sho~lld be quantified in g[’neralaccordance with the following:Actual 10SS 1.00Probable loss >o.1~ to 0 to = 0.10No effect o3.2.1.3 Failure mode ratio (n). The fraction of the part failurerate (~ ) related to the particular failure mode under considerationshall b: evaluated by the analyst <strong>and</strong> recorded. The failure mode ratiois the probability expressed as a decimal fraction that the part or itemwill fail in the identified mode. If all poten:ial failure modes of aparticular part or item are listed, th~-”SIITII ~Jf !’IEI{Jv’111.I(Js for t-l::)tpart or item will equal une. Individual f;lilurc m~~de m~]ltipliers mav bcderived from fai]urc rate source data or from test <strong>and</strong> operational data.If failure mode data are not available, the m v~lues shall represent theanal~~st’s judgernent based upon allanalvsis of tl~e item’s functions.l-ASK 1(.)29,’ . ‘,:( “.”(:’; :;:)C’ ‘ 1“ b1f],.n\)),

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