HMAS CRESWELL - Defence Jobs

HMAS CRESWELL - Defence Jobs

HMAS CRESWELL - Defence Jobs


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33. This application form will be used to obtain your military passport. Completed passportapplication forms (available from Australia Post Offices) must be brought with you with allnecessary supporting documents, including four passport size photographs. Your passportapplication form and photos must be endorsed prior to your arrival at <strong>CRESWELL</strong>. Afull list of required documents to be brought with you is contained in the pre-joining checklistat annex E.Physical training and Recreation34. Successful completion of the RAN Swim Test and the RAN Physical Fitness Test ismandatory and trainees unable to complete either of these tests will not graduate from thecourse. Any members unable to pass in the first instance will have a maximum of 12 monthsin which to train and successfully resit these tests. These tests and other components of thecourse are physically demanding and any preparatory fitness training you undertakebeforehand will be to your advantage. A detailed explanation of physical tests you will berequired to undergo as part of REOC and other pertinent information is contained at annex F.35. A wide range of sports and outdoors recreational activities including sailing, surfing,fishing, swimming, tennis, kayaking, rafting, sea kayaking, golf and hiking are catered for at<strong>CRESWELL</strong>. A limited quantity and variety of equipment is available on loan. In addition,<strong>CRESWELL</strong> has a modern well-equipped gymnasium available to all trainees.Pets36. Trainees are not permitted to bring pets onboard <strong>CRESWELL</strong>.Private Motor Vehicles37. Cars and motorcycles may be brought into <strong>CRESWELL</strong>. Cars or motor cycles are to beregistered, and have third party property insurance. Parking facilities are available fortrainees. Car parks are not covered, and as they are situated close to the sea will be exposed tocoastal environmental conditions. Parking allocation and permits will be arranged on arrival.38. <strong>CRESWELL</strong> has restricted speed limits (maximum 25 km/h) because large numbers ofpedestrians use the roads. Many are too narrow to allow safe car parking and are to be keptclear. “No Parking” areas are identified by red painted gutters. Officers should acquaintthemselves with these regulations as soon as possible, as traffic rules are strictly enforced.Cars and motor cycles may be banned from <strong>CRESWELL</strong> for offences.General Administration39. A facsimile machine at NRIETT (Building 088), (02) 4429 7184, is available forofficial material or matters of an urgent compassionate nature. A private facsimile service iscurrently available at the Post Office.Your contact address while on course is:(Rank, Name and)REOC 2/07NRIETT<strong>HMAS</strong> <strong>CRESWELL</strong>6

JERVIS BAY ACT 254040. STD telephone calls may be made from public call boxes or gold phones, of which thereare several at <strong>CRESWELL</strong>. Phone cards for public phones are available from the post office.As trainees are often undergoing instruction from Monday - Sunday, incoming calls should belimited to between 1700 h – 2200 h. In an emergency, messages can be relayed outside thesetimes. <strong>CRESWELL</strong> dial-in telephone numbers are (02) 4429 followed by the four-digitextension number. The telephone numbers of your accommodation will be advised on arrival.Useful contact numbers<strong>HMAS</strong> <strong>CRESWELL</strong> Switch (02) 4429 7900REOC Course Officer 0434 496 816OIC NRIETT (02) 4429 7183NRIETT Office 1800 600 206Operations Officer—Officer Initial Training Faculty (02) 4429 7893RANC Regulating Office (02) 4429 7139Main Gate (02) 4429 7986Officer of the Day (OOD) 0427 236 32941. A comprehensive pre-joining checklist has been included at annex E to help you to fullyprepare for your arrival at RANC. If you have any queries prior to your arrival do not hesitateto contact the NRIETT during working hours Monday to Thursday on 1800 600 206 or (02)4429 7119.OSBD.J. CORNISHLieutenant Commander, RANROIC Naval Reserve Initial Entry Training Team<strong>HMAS</strong> <strong>CRESWELL</strong>01 August 2007Annexes:A. Movement Advice SlipB. Dress and GroomingC. Indicative RANC RoutinesD. Recommended List of Clothing and Personal ItemsE. REOC pre-joining checklistF. Physical Training Joining InstructionsG Map of <strong>HMAS</strong> <strong>CRESWELL</strong>7

Return this form ASAP to:NRIETT<strong>HMAS</strong> <strong>CRESWELL</strong>JERVIS BAY ACT 2540Facsimile: 02 4429 7184MOVEMENT ADVICE SLIPANNEX A TOREOC JIError! Not a valid link.Your full name:_____Your daytime contact telephone number: ( )Your mobile telephone number:Your email address:<strong>Defence</strong> Force Recruiting Centre:I understand that I need to be at Terminal 3, QANTAS Domestic Terminal, Sydney Airportby no later than Error! Not a valid link..YESNOFlight Details:ORI am being recruited through DFRC Wollongong and understand that the DFRC willarrange a central pickup point for transport to RANC.ORYESNOI intend to drive my private motor vehicle to <strong>HMAS</strong> <strong>CRESWELL</strong> and understand I need toarrive no later than 1700, Friday 12 October 2007.YESVehicle Details:NORego No:Make / Model:Colour:

ANNEX B TOREOC JI01 August 2007DRESS AND GROOMINGGrooming standards—male4.89• Hair shall be groomed so that it does not touch ears or collar nor extend beloweyebrows when head dress is removed. The bulk of hair shall not exceed 5 cm. Theprimary consideration remains a neatly groomed appearance for the hairstyle and thetype of hair that the individual has.• Hairstyles must be conservative and generally must be adapted to permit the correctwearing of headdress. For examples; the minimum cut is a No 2 comb.• Sideburns are not to extend below the lines level with the points where the bottom ofthe ear joins the face. They must be neatly trimmed and must be less than 3 cm wide.‘Mutton Chops’ or similar grooming styles are not permitted.Grooming standards—female99• Hair styles and colouring must be conservative and complementary to the individualand military image. The minimum cut is a No 2 comb. When in uniform, hair is not toextend below the lower edge of the buttoned shirt collar, and may be worn in a bun,roll or braid. The bulk of hair must not interfere with the correct wearing of theheaddress.• Hair ornaments such as ribbons headbands and ‘scrunchies’ are not to be worn. Plainpins, combs or hairnets similar in colour to the hair and blue or black rubber bandsmay be worn. Unadorned tortoiseshell or clear hair slides may also be worn.• Female members who wish to wear facial make up and perfume may do so inmoderation. Nail varnish is permitted providing it is colourless and not chipped.JewelleryMales. The only items of jewellery, which may be worn with uniform, are as follows:One watch—not to be ornate or brightly coloured;One wedding ring; andOne signet ring.Earrings are not to be worn by male members at any time whilst on duty. Earrings may beworn with civilian clothing on board RAN ships and establishments, when not on duty.Females. The only items of jewellery that may be worn with uniform are as follows:One watch—not to be ornate or brightly coloured;Wedding, engagement and eternity rings;One other ring on the right hand; and

One earring of a plain gold or silver stud type, no wider than 4 mm in diameter orplain sleeper type of 1 cm diameter, in the lobe of each ear;Body piercing. Body piercing is discouraged throughout the RAN; however, non-visiblebody piercing is permissible only when not required for duty. You are considered on duty forthe entirety of ITP and will be required for duty during all working hours and for a 24-hourperiod approximately every 3 days.Uniforms and Civilian AttireUniforms will be issued to trainees during the first few days of the course. Until then, traineesare to wear neat civilian attire as specified below.All new entry Officers will require the following minimum standard of civilian attire:Men:Women:Summer: Tailored trousers, tailored shirt with or without tie. Polo shirts are notacceptable.Winter: Suit, shirt and tie, OR Jacket (blazer style), tailored trousers, shirt and tie.Summer and Winter: Conservative dress or skirt (no shorter that 7cm above the knee),or tailored pants (“dress” jeans are not acceptable). A tailored, collared shirt withsleeves, jacket optional. Stockings and court shoes (plain leather dress shoe, heelbetween 20 – 50mm high), or enclosed shoes to be worn as appropriate. Thong styleshoes or shoes without back straps are not acceptable.Leave Dress. The minimum standard for leaving the base at any time other than for sport isjeans, trousers or smart casual shorts. Females may also choose to wear a conservative dressor skirt (no shorter than 7cm above the knee). Belts are to be worn where belt loops areprovided. Shirts or blouses are to have conservative neckline, and to have a collar and/orsleeves. Polo shirts are acceptable provided they bear no offensive slogans and are in goodcondition; a small logo is also acceptable.All Naval members are required to be modestly attired in public areas (ie. no bare midriffs orvisible underwear). Shoes are to be leather, clean and in good repair. All clothing is to beclean, ironed and not torn in any way. Casual sporting outfits for wearing in the gym or tosports events are also recommended.Personal ToiletriesThe Navy does not issue personal toiletries. You should bring your own good quality ironcoat hangers and towels. A small number of ironing boards are available withinaccommodation blocks.A small canteen at the <strong>CRESWELL</strong> Post Office stocks a variety of items such as spray starch,washing powder and toiletries; however, the availability of such items is quite limited.Trainees are advised to ensure they have sufficient toiletries and personal necessities.B-2

INDICATIVE RANC ROUTINESANNEX C TOREOC JI01 August 2007This or a similar routine will be in place for the first two weeks. After this time, the routinemay changes to allow for increased free time, at the discretion of RANC staff.0530 Call the Hands0545–0630 Early Morning Activity (EMA) (Generally a form of physical activity)0630–0700 Morning Ablutions0700–0740 Breakfast0740–0750 Both Watches (Meeting of all trainees)0800–0805 Colours (Flag/Ensign raising ceremony)0805–0830 Dress Inspection/Drill/Divisions0835–0955 Instruction0955–1010 Stand Easy (Morning tea)1010–1155 Instruction1200–1240 Lunch1240–1250 Both Watches1300–1555 Instruction1615–1730 Dog Watch Activity (Afternoon sport physical activity)1800–1930 Dinner1930–2000 Evening Rounds (Inspections)2000–2200 Divisional Activity (Meetings/instructional periods)2230 Pipe Down and lights out

RECOMMENDED LIST OF CLOTHING AND PERSONAL ITEMSANNEX D TOREOC JIError! Not a valid link.• Suitable civilian evening wear (jacket/suit and tie and female equivalent)• Suitable dress to proceed ashore on leave• Thongs (footwear only for showering)• $100.00 for incidentals (including coins for vending machines)• Black shoe polish (Kiwi Parade Gloss & Nugget) and white shoe polish• Alarm clock (Do not rely on Mobile Phone alarm)• Personal toiletries• 10 coat hangers (for uniforms)• 6 Trouser/skirt hangers (for uniforms)• Wristwatch (waterproof)• Sufficient underwear for 4–5 days (min)• Spray starch• Washing powder• Stain remover• Steam iron• Laundry marker (black and white)• White elastic garters for long socks (summer uniform)• Spray bottle for water• For females (unless your hair is very short)—hair/bun nets, bobby pins, hair elastics(clear, brown or black depending on hair colour)• Small torch• Optional–plain black beanie, black gloves, thermal underwear• Sport Rig (Shorts, Socks and Plain T-Shirt)• Swimming Costume (Male–speedos, Female–conservative one piece)• Towel• Own running shoes—must be clean, undamaged and conservative

REOC PRE-JOINING CHECKLISTANNEX E TOREOC JIError! Not a valid link.This checklist is to be completed prior to joining the College.REQUIREMENT ITEMS TO BRING WITH YOU COMPLETED• Obtain a ‘NEW’ passport application form fromAustralia Post.• Complete identifier section only. In black pen. Donot complete any other section• Bring four endorsed Passport Photographs• Bring all documentation required for the passportPassportform• Bring all passports held, including those expired orcancelled, whether issued by Australia or any othercountry;• If you are a sailor changeover you must obtain yourservice passport from the ships office of losing unit andbring it with you.• Bring security pack (if issued by recruiting)• Complete as much as possible• Bring the following documents/information: Full Certificate of Birth, the original and acertified true copy; Australian Citizenship papers, the original and acertified true copy (if applicable); Naturalisation or citizenship certificates for allnationalities you hold or have held; Marriage Certificate, (if applicable); Change of name certificates, where there has beena change of name other than as a result of marriage,documentary evidence of such change of name isrequired;Security ClearancePack Birth Certificate of your children (if applicable); Divorce, Decree Nisi or Absolute Documents, (ifapplicable); Evidence of previous employment or schoolingfor pass ten years, including month and year.Employment details are to include part-time, casual,temporary and permanent employment; Educational Certificates, highest level held; Evidence of current and previous residence forprevious ten years, including month and year egdrivers licence, utility bill, council rates, electoralenrolment; If parents were born overseas, date of their arrivalin Australia; If resided overseas, address details and dates of

esidence; Details of all overseas travel and holidays, toinclude all countries visited and dates; Details of any persons over 18 years of agecurrently residing with you, including your parentsand spouse, who have visited or resided overseas inthe last ten years. To include all countries ofresidence or visit and dates; Details of all relatives residing overseas, includingthose relatives or your spouse, de facto, partner orfinance(e). Details to include country of residenceand dates; Details of club memberships and dates eg tennis,squash, swimming, cricket etc; Full details of all criminal or traffic offences /convictions.• The Director of Naval Officers Postings will informyou of your conditions of employment through a letterLetter of Offerof offer.• Ensure you bring this letter with you.You must have a bank account. If you do not have anaccount you must open one prior to joiningBring the following details:Bank Account Bank Account Name BSB Number Account Number• If you do not have a TFN you must apply for one.Tax File Number• Bring the TFN with you.Travel Details • Complete Movement Advice Slip at Annex A andMedical and DentalDocumentationSwim Test andPhysical FitnessTestDrivers Licensefax it to NRIETT.• Keep a record of any injuries or illnesses sustainedduring the period from your entry medical to arrival atRANC and include any medication taken.• Bring your Vaccination Certificate (if held);• Read the instruction regarding the tests. If youconsider you will have problems, advise your CourseOfficer on arrival.• Drivers license (if held);Ensure you have completed all components of this Checklist.E-2

ANNEX F TOREOC JIError! Not a valid link.PHYSICAL TRAINING JOINING INSTRUCTIONSIntroductionPhysical training is an integral part of life in the RAN. Here at the RANC, <strong>CRESWELL</strong> you willgain an overview of what fitness in the Military is all about. In the first week of training youwill undertake the RAN Swim Test and RAN Physical Fitness Test (PFT). Both tests aredesigned to be sub-maximal; that is they should be passed with minimal preparation and effort.A rigorous physical training program forms a significant part of the course and you will be testedagainst the RAN PFT a number of times during your training.RAN Swim TestAll New Entry personnel complete the RAN Swim test. It will be conducted within the first weekof the course. The test need only be passed once in your naval career; however, the test MUSTbe completed to successfully graduate from the course.The swim test is to be carried out in an outdoor or indoor pool or in a suitable area of the sea.Candidates are to be dressed in Working Dress or Combat Coveralls. The swim test includes thefollowing elements:Enter the water feet first from a suitable place, with a height of no less than 2 metres, to simulate‘abandon ship’;Plunge and swim for 10 metres under water, to simulate an escape from a sinking vesselsurrounded by oil.Swim 50 m to escape from a simulated danger situation utilising any stroke;Spend 15 minutes in deep water (where the candidates are unable to touch the bottom) duringwhich time the following techniques must be demonstrated:floating,slow swimming using a variety of strokes, andtreading water in either the horizontal or vertical positions.RAN Physical Fitness TestThe RAN Physical Fitness test is conducted within the first week of the course. The test must bepassed every twelve months thereafter. The test MUST be completed to successfully graduatefrom the course. All REOC members will be expected to pass the RANPFT in the first weekRecommended Physical StandardsRelationships between both mental and physical health are an important aspect of a great leader,and one does not work effectively without the other. The physical classes that you will undertakehere at RANC will stretch you beyond your absolute capacity. To ensure that you will not be left

ehind in any physical aspect, it is recommended that you reach a sufficient level of fitness priorto your first day at the RANC. It is suggested you should be able to competently perform thefollowing fitness standards prior to your first day.The components of the test are:Flexed arm hang or push-ups. This tests a member’s upper body strength and endurance,which reflects their ability to carry loads and support their own body weight. Both male andfemale members are expected to complete either the flexed arm hang or push-ups with hands andtoes only in contact with the ground.Sit ups. This tests a member’s abdominal muscle strength and endurance which reflects theirability to lift and carry loads, flexibility and general muscle fitness. Adequate abdominal fitnessreduces the risk of back injury.Aerobic/cardio vascular. This test consists of a 2.4 km run/walk, five km walk, 500 m swim or20m shuttle run and reflects a member’s ability to sustain physical activity. Treadmills or othermachines are not to be used to assess this component of the test. Aerobically fit membersacclimatise to hot weather environments more rapidly and are less likely to mentally orphysically fatigue in combat duties. Where a member has an injury that prevents themundertaking the run/walk or walk component, they are to undertake the 500 m swim, providing aMO confirms there is no restriction on the member attempting this component.RAN MINIMUM PHYSICAL FITNESS STANDARDS 1MaleFemaleComponent/Age < 35 35-44 45 - 54 >55 < 35 35-44 45 - 54 >55Flexed arm hang (seconds) 25 20 15 10 25 20 15 10orPush-ups (number) 25 20 6 6 10 7 3 3Situps (number) 25 20 15 10 25 20 15 102.4km Run (min/sec) 13'00" 15'00" 17'00" 19'00" 15'00" 17'00" 19'00" 21'00"5km walk (min/sec) 42'00" 44'00" 46'00" 48'00" 43'00" 45'00" 47'00" 49'00"500m swim (min/sec) 12'30" 13'30" 14'30" 15"30 13'30 14'30" 15'30" 16'30"Beep Test 7.4 6.10. 6.4 5.9 6.9 6.2 5.4 5.0.ClothingIt is mandatory to bring the following items with you to be used in all physical training lessons:Drink bottleTowelBathersPersonal RunnersF-2


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