annual report 2007 where City meets Country - the RNA

annual report 2007 where City meets Country - the RNA annual report 2007 where City meets Country - the RNA


On ShowFor more than 100 years“NationalAgriculturaland IndustrialAssociation ofQLD” is formedby a group ofcolonistsThe first“IntercolonialExhibition of1876” is heldat Bowen Parkwith more than17, 000 attendees(Brisbane’s totalpopulationis 22,000)John Phillips,the proprietorof the RoyalHotel, QueenStreet, erectedrefreshmentRooms. Thiswas a largetimber and ironbuilding.At this firstshow, thesample bag is abag containingcoalFirst railwaystation opensat the RNAShowgrounds -as an extensionof theSandgate LineThe firstexhibitionbuilding iserectedAdmission:5 shillings(50 cents) –Judging Day2/6 (25 cents)– OpeningCeremony1 shilling(10 cents) –After openingceremonySchoolstudents freeThe RNAShowgroundsbecomes thecentre of socialactivities –musical anddrama groups,football,cricket,lacrosse,athletics andcycling all hadheadquartersat theexhibitiongrounds

It’s one of Brisbane’s most historic and culturally significantsites, spanning 22 hectares just outside the CBD of Brisbane.Main pavilion(corner ofBowen BridgeRoad andGregoryTerrace)destroyed byfireFirst motorcar paradeincorporatedinto showJohnMacDonaldstand builtAmericanaviator ArthurBurr Stoneuses the mainoval to takeoff and land aMetz BleriotMonoplanefor the firstflight over theBrisbane CityMain pavilionSix acres ofreplaced withland is boughtnew brickoff Mrs Pettybuilding on the(land borderedcorner of Bowenby GregoryBridge RoadTerrace,and GregoryAlexandriaTerrace (OldStreet, ScienceQueenslandStreet andMuseum).Water Street)It contains1,300,000 bricksand is completedin 23 weeks.300 men areconstantly atwork during itsconstruction. Atits completionin 1892, Thebuilding isequipped witha massive pipeorgan by Wallisand Co ofLondon.RNA Annual Report 2007 55

On ShowFor more than 100 years“NationalAgriculturaland IndustrialAssociation ofQLD” is formedby a group ofcolonistsThe first“IntercolonialExhibition of1876” is heldat Bowen Parkwith more than17, 000 attendees(Brisbane’s totalpopulationis 22,000)John Phillips,<strong>the</strong> proprietorof <strong>the</strong> RoyalHotel, QueenStreet, erectedrefreshmentRooms. Thiswas a largetimber and ironbuilding.At this firstshow, <strong>the</strong>sample bag is abag containingcoalFirst railwaystation opensat <strong>the</strong> <strong>RNA</strong>Showgrounds -as an extensionof <strong>the</strong>Sandgate LineThe firstexhibitionbuilding iserectedAdmission:5 shillings(50 cents) –Judging Day2/6 (25 cents)– OpeningCeremony1 shilling(10 cents) –After openingceremonySchoolstudents freeThe <strong>RNA</strong>Showgroundsbecomes <strong>the</strong>centre of socialactivities –musical anddrama groups,football,cricket,lacrosse,athletics andcycling all hadheadquartersat <strong>the</strong>exhibitiongrounds

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