Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011

Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011 Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011
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a. Introduction to Biotechnology: Genetics/Genomics, Proteomics, Biomoleculartarget Identification, Pharmacogenomics, Gene therapy and Nucleic acidtherapeutics.b. Techniques used in Pharmaceutical biotechnology: PCR, DNA Sequencing,Affinity Protein Purification.c. Fundamentals of Genetic Engineering and its Application in Medicined. Pharmaceutical Recombinant therapeutic Proteins, Growth factors,Therapeutic antibodies, High-throughput screening of putative therapeuticcompounds.e. Biotechnological aspects in the product developmentf. Principle, Synthesis and Application of Monoclonal Antibodiesg. Immobilized Enzymes and their application in MedicinePHARM 721 PHARMACEUTICS-XIV (Pharmaceutical Technology-II)[Lab.]Cr. Hr.: 01 Marks: 50NOTE:- Practical of the subject shall be designed from time to time on the basis ofthe above mentioned theoretical topics and availability of the requirements, e.g.Various techniques to develop the formulation, Granulation technology, Study ofdrug delivery systems, Biotechnological aspect of product development, In-vitroQuality Control of various dosage forms. Microbial assay, Particle size analysisusing various methods, Stability studies of Pharmaceuticals, Coating of particlesand To prepare, examine and control specifications of packaging materials.Recommended Books:1. Anya M. Hellery, Drug delivery and targeting, 13 th Ed,Taylor & Francis,London, 2001.2. Joseph R Robinson Controlled drug delivery, Marcel & Dakker Inc, New York,2ndEd., 1992.3. T V Ramabhadran, Pharmaceutical design and development, Ellis Horwood,New York, 1994.4. M E Aulton, Pharmaceutics: Science of Dosage Forms Design, ELBS/ChurchillLivingstone, London, 1998.5. Banker, Modern pharmaceutics, Marchell Dakker Inc, New York, 2002.6. John A Bontempo, Development of biopharmaceutical parenteral dosageforms, Marchell Dakker Inc, New York, 1997.7. N K Jain, Controlled and Novel drug delivery, CBS Publishers & Distributers,New Delhi, 2004.8. Ansel, Pharmaceutical Dosage Form in Drug Delivery System, Lee & Febiger,London,2004.9. Attaurahman and M I Chaudry, Bioassay techniques for drug development,CRC Press, LLC, USA, 2001.86 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

PHARM 722 PHARMACY PRACTICE-XIII (ClinicalPharmacy-IV) [Th.]Cr. Hr.: 03 Marks: 1001. PHARMACEUTICAL CARE, ITS SCOPE, MANAGEMENTANDAPPLICATION OF CARE PLAN2. CLINICAL THERAPEUTICS:(a) General Strategy: Terminology of Disease. Management and Treatment. DrugSelection.(b) Basic introduction of some clinical situations, their clinical features, etiology,pathophysiology and treatment of causes: Common Cold, Pharyngitis andTonsillitis, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Diarrhea (Amoebic & BacillaryDysentery, Giardiasis) Malaria, Meningitis, Tetanus, Typhoid Fever, Measles,Rabies, AIDS, Congestive cardiac failure, Conjunctivitis, Anemia, Gout,Asthma, Ulcer, Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Hepatitis, Dermatology(Scabies, Fungal diseases), Dengue fever.3. CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY:(a) General information. Role of pharmacist in treatment of poisoning and generalmanagement of poisoning & over dosage. Role and Status of Poison ControlCentre.(b) Antidotes and their mechanism of action.4. SAFE INTRAVENOUS THERAPY & HAZARDS OF IV THERAPY5. NON-COMPLIANCE: Definition, introduction and importance, Extent of noncompliance,Methods of assessment, Reasons for non-compliance, Strategies forimproving compliance and Designing of compliance trials.PHARM 723 PHARMACY PRACTICE-XIII (ClinicalPharmacy-IV) [Lab.]Cr. Hr.: 01 Marks: 50• Clerkship in the Clinical Setting. A project related to Clinical Pharmacy Practiceswill be completed by the students and will be evaluated by the external examiner.• Student are required to take/present verbal presentation, communication, writtenand problem-solving skills, critical analysis of data and provision of care through aweekly conference and projectsRecommended Books:1. Roger Walker, Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics, Churchill Levingstone,London, 4th, 2003.2. Guard Paul, A Behavioral Approach to Pharmacy Practice, Black Well, USA,2000.3. Herfindal Gourley, Clinical Pharmacy & Therapeutics, 4 th Ed,William &Willkins, London, 1992.4. A J Winfield, Pharmaceutical Practice, Churchill Levingstone, London, 3 rd Ed.,2003.87 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

PHARM 722 PHARMACY PRACTICE-XIII (Clinical<strong>Pharmacy</strong>-IV) [Th.]Cr. Hr.: 03 Marks: 1001. PHARMACEUTICAL CARE, ITS SCOPE, MANAGEMENTANDAPPLICATION OF CARE PLAN2. CLINICAL THERAPEUTICS:(a) General Strategy: Terminology of Disease. Management and Treatment. DrugSelection.(b) Basic introduction of some clinical situations, their clinical features, etiology,pathophysiology and treatment of causes: Common Cold, Pharyngitis andTonsillitis, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Diarrhea (Amoebic & BacillaryDysentery, Giardiasis) Malaria, Meningitis, Tetanus, Typhoid Fever, Measles,Rabies, AIDS, Congestive cardiac failure, Conjunctivitis, Anemia, Gout,Asthma, Ulcer, Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Hepatitis, Dermatology(Scabies, Fungal diseases), Dengue fever.3. CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY:(a) General information. Role of pharmacist in treatment of poisoning and generalmanagement of poisoning & over dosage. Role and Status of Poison ControlCentre.(b) Antidotes and their mechanism of action.4. SAFE INTRAVENOUS THERAPY & HAZARDS OF IV THERAPY5. NON-COMPLIANCE: Definition, introduction and importance, Extent of noncompliance,Methods of assessment, Reasons for non-compliance, Strategies forimproving compliance and Designing of compliance trials.PHARM 723 PHARMACY PRACTICE-XIII (Clinical<strong>Pharmacy</strong>-IV) [Lab.]Cr. Hr.: 01 Marks: 50• Clerkship in the Clinical Setting. A project related to Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practiceswill be completed by the students and will be evaluated by the external examiner.• Student are required to take/present verbal presentation, communication, writtenand problem-solving skills, critical analysis of data and provision of care through aweekly conference and projectsRecommended Books:1. Roger Walker, Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong> & Therapeutics, Churchill Levingstone,London, 4th, 2003.2. Guard Paul, A Behavioral Approach to <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practice, Black Well, USA,2000.3. Herfindal Gourley, Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong> & Therapeutics, 4 th Ed,William &Willkins, London, 1992.4. A J Winfield, Pharmaceutical Practice, Churchill Levingstone, London, 3 rd Ed.,2003.87 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

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