Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011

Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011

Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011


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3. T V Ramabhadran, Pharmaceutical design and development, Ellis Horwood,New York, 1994.4. M E Aulton, Pharmaceutics: Science of Dosage Forms Design, ELBS/ChurchillLivingstone, London, 1998.5. Banker, Modern pharmaceutics, Marchell Dakker Inc, New York, 2002.6. John A Bontempo, Development of biopharmaceutical parenteral dosageforms, Marchell Dakker Inc, New York, 1997.7. N K Jain, Controlled and Novel drug delivery, CBS Publishers & Distributers,New Delhi, 2004.8. Ansel, Pharmaceutical Dosage Form in Drug Delivery System, Lee & Febiger,London,2004.9. Attaurahman and M I Chaudry, Bioassay techniques for drug development,CRC Press, LLC, USA, 2001.PHARM 712 PHARMACY PRACTICE-X (Clinical<strong>Pharmacy</strong>-III) [Th.]Cr. Hr.: 03 Marks: 1001. RATIONAL USE OF DRUGS:Rational Prescribing, Rational Dispensing,Problems of Irrational Drug Use, Learning about drug use problem, Sampling tostudy drug use, Indicators of drug use.2. INTRODUCTION TO ESSENTIAL DRUGS: Criteria for selection, Usage andAdvantages.3. DRUG UTILZATION EVALUATION & DRUG UTILIZATIONREVIEW(DUE/DUR): Development of protocol of use of few very low therapeutic indexdrug groups like Steroids, Vancomycin and Cimetidine.4. DRUG ABUSE & MISUSE.5. PRACTICAL PHARMACOKINETICS: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ofDigoxin, Theophyline, Gentamycin, Lithium, Phenytoin, Cabamazepine,Phenobarbitone, Primidone, Walparic Acid, Cyclosporins and Vancomycin.PHARM 713 PHARMACY PRACTICE-X (Clinical<strong>Pharmacy</strong>-III) [Lab.]Cr. Hr.: 01 Marks: 50• Clerkship in the Clinical Setting. A project related to Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practiceswill be completed by the students and will be evaluated by the external examiner.• Student are required to take/present verbal presentation, communication, writtenand problem-solving skills, critical analysis of data and provision of care through aweekly conference and projectsRecommended Books:1. Roger Walker, Clinical <strong>Pharmacy</strong> & Therapeutics, Churchill Levingstone,London, 4th, 2003.2. Guard Paul, A Behavioral Approach to <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Practice, Black Well, USA,81 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation; www.pharmacistfed.pk,www.pharmafed.wordpress.com, www.pharmarev.com, info@pharmacistfed.pk,

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