Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011

Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011 Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011
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sympathomimetic (Adrenaline) &sympatholytic drugs (Propranolol) on Frog’sheart. To demonstrate the effects of parasympathomimetic (Acetylcholine)and parasympatholytic (Atropine) drugs on Frog’s heart. To demonstrate theeffects of an unknown drug on Frog’s heart. Routes of Administration ofdrugs. To demonstate the effects of vasconstrictor drugs on Frog’s bloodvessels. To demonstrate the effects of stimulant drugs on Rabbit’s intestine(Acetyl choline, Barium chloride). To demonstrate the effects of depressantdrugs on Rabbit’s intestine (Atropine). To differentiate the effects of anunknown drug on Rabbit’s intestine and identify the (unknown) drug. Tostudy the effects of Adrenaline on Rabbit’s Eyes. To study the effects ofHomatropine on Rabbit’s Eyes. To study the effects of Pilocarpine onRabbit’s Eyes. To study the effects of Local Anaesthetic drug (e.g Cocaine)on Rabbit’s Eyes. To identify the unknown drug & differentiate its effects onRabbit’s Eyes.(Note: A minimum of 10 practicals will be conducted)Recommended Books:1. Goodman Gilman, Pharmacological basis of Therapeutics. 11 thEdMcGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 2008.2. Winguard and Brody's, Human Pharmacology, Mosby Year Book,Boston, 1991.3. James M Ritter and Lionel De Levis, A Text book of ClinicalPharmacology, 5 th EdOxford University Press, New York, 2008.4. R S Satorkar and S D Bhandarkar, Pharmacology andPharmacotherapeutics, 19 th Ed,Popular Prakashan, Bomby, 1998.5. J D Tripathy, Essential of Medical Pharmacology, Japees Brother,New Delhi, 6th Ed., 2008.6. D R Laurence, Clinical Pharmacology, ELBS, London, 8th Ed.,1998.7. Katzung B G, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, McGraw-HillMedical Publishers, New York, 11th Ed., 2009.8. Lippincott, Pharmacology, 4 th Ed, Lippincott William & Wilkins,USA, 2008.9. Manuchair Ebadi, Pharmacology, Little Brown & Company,London, 199310. Prof Dr A Qayum, Fundamentals of Experimental Pharmacology.11. Bertram G K,Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, ParamountPublishing Business & Professional Group, USA, 10th Ed., 2007.12. William F Ganong, W F, Review of Medical physiology, 22 nd Ed,2005Prentice Hall International Inc, New Jersey.13. Qayum A, Fundamentals of Experimental Pharmacology.Ghandhara University, Peshawar, 2004.14. Humphrey P. Rang, Rang&Dale's Pharmacology, 6th Ed, 2007.PHARM 426 PHARMACOGNOSY-II (Basic-II) [Th.]Cr. Hr.: 03 Marks: 10044 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

1. Drugs of Animal OriginGeneral introduction and discussion about honey, gelatin, shellac, musk, civet, ambergris,cod liver oil, cantharides and spermaceti.2. BiologicsSources, structure, preparation, description and uses of vaccines, toxins, antitoxins,venoms, antivenins, antiserums.3. Surgical DressingsClassification of fibers as vegetable, animals and synthetic fibers. Evaluation of fibers insurgical dressings, BPC standards for dressings and sutures. Discussion on cotton, wool,cellulose, rayon, catgut and nylon4. PesticidesIntroduction, methods and control of pests with special reference to pyrethrum, tobacco,and other natural pesticides5. Growth RegulatorsGeneral account with special reference to plant hormones; Auxins, GibberellinsAbscisic acid and Cytokinins.6. Poisonous Plants including Allergens and Allergenic PreparationsGeneral introduction, case history, skin test, treatment of allergy, inhalant,ingestant, injectant, contactant, infectant and infestant allergens. Mechanism ofallergy07. EnzymesEnzymes obtained from plant source. (Phytoenzymes). Papain, Bromelain andMalt Extract. Enzymes obtained from Animal source. Rennin, pepsin, Pancreatinand Pancrealipase.PHARM 427 PHARMACOGNOSY-II [Lab.]Cr. Hr.: 01 Marks: 50NOTE:- Practicals of the subject shall be designed from time to time on the basis ofthe above mentioned theoretical topics and availability of the facilities,e.g. Introduction of the entire and broken parts of the plant drugs (Macroand organoleptic characters). Microscopic examination of powders andsections of plant drugs.(Note: A minimum of 10 practicals will be conducted)Note:A Study Tour will be an integral part of the syllabus and will bearranged at the end of the session for collection of medicinal plants from thecountry.Recommended Books:1. Alkaloids, Manske R.H.F. Vol. V-XVI, Academic Press, New York (1955-1977).45 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

sympathomimetic (Adrenaline) &sympatholytic drugs (Propranolol) on Frog’sheart. To demonstrate the effects of parasympathomimetic (Acetylcholine)and parasympatholytic (Atropine) drugs on Frog’s heart. To demonstrate theeffects of an unknown drug on Frog’s heart. Routes of Administration ofdrugs. To demonstate the effects of vasconstrictor drugs on Frog’s bloodvessels. To demonstrate the effects of stimulant drugs on Rabbit’s intestine(Acetyl choline, Barium chloride). To demonstrate the effects of depressantdrugs on Rabbit’s intestine (Atropine). To differentiate the effects of anunknown drug on Rabbit’s intestine and identify the (unknown) drug. Tostudy the effects of Adrenaline on Rabbit’s Eyes. To study the effects ofHomatropine on Rabbit’s Eyes. To study the effects of Pilocarpine onRabbit’s Eyes. To study the effects of Local Anaesthetic drug (e.g Cocaine)on Rabbit’s Eyes. To identify the unknown drug & differentiate its effects onRabbit’s Eyes.(Note: A minimum of 10 practicals will be conducted)Recommended Books:1. Goodman Gilman, Pharmacological basis of Therapeutics. 11 thEdMcGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 2008.2. Winguard and Brody's, Human Pharmacology, Mosby Year Book,Boston, 1991.3. James M Ritter and Lionel De Levis, A Text book of ClinicalPharmacology, 5 th EdOxford University Press, New York, 2008.4. R S Satorkar and S D Bhandarkar, Pharmacology andPharmacotherapeutics, 19 th Ed,Popular Prakashan, Bomby, 1998.5. J D Tripathy, Essential of Medical Pharmacology, Japees Brother,New Delhi, 6th Ed., 2008.6. D R Laurence, Clinical Pharmacology, ELBS, London, 8th Ed.,1998.7. Katzung B G, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, McGraw-HillMedical Publishers, New York, 11th Ed., 2009.8. Lippincott, Pharmacology, 4 th Ed, Lippincott William & Wilkins,USA, 2008.9. Manuchair Ebadi, Pharmacology, Little Brown & Company,London, 199310. Prof Dr A Qayum, Fundamentals of Experimental Pharmacology.11. Bertram G K,Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, ParamountPublishing Business & Professional Group, USA, 10th Ed., 2007.12. William F Ganong, W F, Review of Medical physiology, 22 nd Ed,2005Prentice Hall International Inc, New Jersey.13. Qayum A, Fundamentals of Experimental Pharmacology.Ghandhara University, Peshawar, 2004.14. Humphrey P. Rang, Rang&Dale's Pharmacology, 6th Ed, 2007.PHARM 426 PHARMACOGNOSY-II (Basic-II) [Th.]Cr. Hr.: 03 Marks: 10044 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

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