Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011

Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011 Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011
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16. Poisonous Plants: A Hand Book for doctors, Pharmacists, Toxicologists and Veterinarians,Dietrich Forhne, Han J Pfander, Manson Publishing, London, (2005).17. The Hand book of Natural Flavonoids, Vol. 1-2 by Jeffery B. Harborne & Herbert Baxter,Eds., John Willey & Son, Chiester (1999).18. The Practical Evaluation of Phytopharmaceuticals, K. R. Brain, T.D. Turner, Wright-Scientechnica, Bristol (1975).19. Trease and Evans’ Pharmacognosy, William C. Evans, George E. Trease, Daphne Evans, 16 thed., Illustrated Elsevier Health Sciences Division Publisher (2009).20. Tyler V.E., Brady E.R. and Robbers J.E. Pharmacognosy, 9 th ed., Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia(1988).PHARM 418PHARMACY PRACTICE-1 (PHARMACEUTICALMATHEMATICS) [Th.]Cr. Hr.: 02 Marks: 1001. ALGEBRA:(a) Solution of Linear and Quadratic Equations. Equations reducible toQuadratic Form. Solution of simultaneous Equations.(b) Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Progressions. Arithmetic,Geometric and Harmonic Means.(c) Permutations and Combinations(d) Binomial Theorem: Simple application.2. TRIGONOMETRY: Measurement of Angles in Radian and degrees.Definitions of circular functions. Derivation of circular function for simplecases.3. ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY: Coordinates of point in a plane. Distancebetween two points in a plane. Locus, Equations of straight line, Equation ofParabola, Circle and Ellips.Recommended Books1. C H Edvards. Jr. and David E Penney, Calculus and Analytic Geometry,Prentice-Hall, Inc, A division of Sinon & Schustor Englewood Gliffs, NewJersey 07632, USA. 1995.2. Daniel W W Bio-Statistics, Foundation for Analysis in Health Science. 9thEd, 2008.3. Zar J H, Biostatistical analysis, 4 th Ed,Francis Hall, NJ, U.S.A. 1999.4. Nilton, J S and Tsokos, J D, Statistical Methods in Biological and healthSciences, McGrew-Hill. 1983.5. Chaudhry S A and Kmal S, Introduction to Statistical Theory, Part-I andPart-II, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Urdu Bazar, Lahore. 1996.6. Samuels M,Statistics for the life sciences,3 rd Ed,Dellen Pub Co SF, USA.Introduction to Statistics, Macmillam Pub Co, NY.2002.Ahmed B and Khan M, Mathematics for Pharmacists, Arsalan Paper Mart,Multan, 1993.38 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

SECOND SEMESTERPS 403PAKISTAN STUDIESCr. Hr.: 01 Marks: 40Introduction/Objectives• Develop vision of historical perspective, government, politics, contemporaryPakistan, ideological background of Pakistan.• Study the process of governance, national development, issues arising in themodern age and posing challenges to Pakistan.Course Outline1. Historical Perspectivea. Ideological rationale with special reference to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, AllamaMuhammad Iqbal and Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.b. Factors leading to Muslim separatismc. People and Landi. Indus Civilizationii. Muslim adventiii. Location and geo-physical features.2. Government and Politics in PakistanPolitical and constitutional phases:a. 1947-58b. 1958-71c. 1971-77d. 1977-88e. 1988-99f. 1999 onward3. Contemporary Pakistana. Economic institutions and issuesb. Society and social structurec. Ethnicityd. Foreign policy of Pakistan and challengese. Futuristic outlook of PakistanRecommended Books:1. Burki, Shahid Javed. State & Society in Pakistan, The Macmillan Press Ltd1980.2. Akbar, S. Zaidi. Issue in Pakistan’s Economy. Karachi: Oxford UniversityPress, 2000.3. S.M. Burke and Lawrence Ziring. Pakistan’s Foreign policy: An Historicalanalysis. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1993.4. Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Political Roots & Development. Lahore, 1994.39 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

16. Poisonous Plants: A Hand Book for doctors, Pharmacists, Toxicologists and Veterinarians,Dietrich Forhne, Han J Pfander, Manson Publishing, London, (2005).17. The Hand book of Natural Flavonoids, Vol. 1-2 by Jeffery B. Harborne & Herbert Baxter,Eds., John Willey & Son, Chiester (1999).18. The Practical Evaluation of Phytopharmaceuticals, K. R. Brain, T.D. Turner, Wright-Scientechnica, Bristol (1975).19. Trease and Evans’ Pharmacognosy, William C. Evans, George E. Trease, Daphne Evans, 16 thed., Illustrated Elsevier Health Sciences Division Publisher (2009).20. Tyler V.E., Brady E.R. and Robbers J.E. Pharmacognosy, 9 th ed., Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia(1988).PHARM 418PHARMACY PRACTICE-1 (PHARMACEUTICALMATHEMATICS) [Th.]Cr. Hr.: 02 Marks: 1001. ALGEBRA:(a) Solution of Linear and Quadratic Equations. Equations reducible toQuadratic Form. Solution of simultaneous Equations.(b) Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Progressions. Arithmetic,Geometric and Harmonic Means.(c) Permutations and Combinations(d) Binomial Theorem: Simple application.2. TRIGONOMETRY: Measurement of Angles in Radian and degrees.Definitions of circular functions. Derivation of circular function for simplecases.3. ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY: Coordinates of point in a plane. Distancebetween two points in a plane. Locus, Equations of straight line, Equation ofParabola, Circle and Ellips.Recommended Books1. C H Edvards. Jr. and David E Penney, Calculus and Analytic Geometry,Prentice-Hall, Inc, A division of Sinon & Schustor Englewood Gliffs, NewJersey 07632, USA. 1995.2. Daniel W W Bio-Statistics, Foundation for Analysis in Health Science. 9thEd, 2008.3. Zar J H, Biostatistical analysis, 4 th Ed,Francis Hall, NJ, U.S.A. 1999.4. Nilton, J S and Tsokos, J D, Statistical Methods in Biological and healthSciences, McGrew-Hill. 1983.5. Chaudhry S A and Kmal S, Introduction to Statistical Theory, Part-I andPart-II, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Urdu Bazar, Lahore. 1996.6. Samuels M,Statistics for the life sciences,3 rd Ed,Dellen Pub Co SF, USA.Introduction to Statistics, Macmillam Pub Co, NY.2002.Ahmed B and Khan M, Mathematics for Pharmacists, Arsalan Paper Mart,Multan, 1993.38 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

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