Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011

Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011 Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011
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NOTE: - Practicals of the subject shall be designed from time to time on the basis ofthe above mentioned theoretical topics and availability of the facilities,e.g. Experimental Physiology includes:1. RESPIRATION: Estimation of vital capacity and its relation to posture andstandard vital capacity, Determination of Tidal volume and Demonstration ofArtificial Respiration.2. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: Recording of Arterial Pulse, Recordingof Arterial Blood Pressure and Electro-cardiogram.3. EYE: Visual activity, far vision, near vision and Field of vision (Perimetry).4. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: Nerve Muscle Preparation in frog,Effect of Temperature on muscle and Demonstration of spinal reflexes.Recommended Books1. ArthurCGuyton,MD,TextBooksofMedicalPhysiology,WBSaundersCompany,NinthEd., 2011.2. Human Physiology by Vander Sharma &Lucino 9 th Ed. 2003 McGrawHill3. Human Physiology by S.I. Fox 11 th Ed. 2009 Amazon.4. WilliamFGanong,ReviewofMedicalPhysiology,PrenticeHgallInternationalInc,seventeenthedition,1995.5. ChandiCharanChatterjee,HumanPhysiology,Medicalalliedagency,1994.6. SamsonWright’sAppliedPhysiology.RevisedbyCyrilAKeeleandEricNeil.7. Spence AP and Mason EB, Human Anatomy and Physiology,Beajamin/ Cumming Publishing Inc. California, 3 rd Ed.8. SnellRS,ClinicalAnatomyforMedicalStudents,LitleBrown&CoInc,USA.1992.PHARM 318 ANATOMY & HISTOLOGY [Th.]Cr. Hr.: 03 Marks: 100Course ObjectivesAfter the completion of this course the students should be able to understandthe basic structure of various organs of our body not only at gross level butalso at tissues or cell level1. INTRODUCTION: ANATOMICAL TERMINOLOGY: Definition. Cell,tissue, organ system.18 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

2. STRUCTURE OF CELL: Cell Membrane. Cytoplasm. Organcelles.Nucleus. Cell cycle.3. TISSUES OF BODY:Types of tissues with examplesa. Epithelial Tissue: General characters, classification.b. Connective Tissue: Structure, types (Connective tissue Cartilage. Bonesstructure and types of bones and joints). Muscle:c. Structure of — skeletal muscle, Smooth muscle, muscle.4. INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM:(a) Skin — Structure (Epidermis, dermis).(b) Glands of Skin, (Sweat, Sebaceous).(c) Hair — Structure, function.(d) Nail.5. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM:(a) Heart — Structure of Heart. Location of Heart. Blood Supply to Heart.(b) Blood Vessels — Main blood vessels arising & entering theheart.Types of blood vessels with examples.6. ELEMENTARY SYSTEM: Name and structure of different parts ofelementary system and their inter relationship.7. URINARY SYSTEM: Name and structure of organs of urinary system andtheir inter-relationship.8. REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: Male ande Female reproductive systems.Name, structure and association of the organs.9. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM:(a) Pituitary gland — structure and relation to hypothalamus.(b) Thyroid gland — structure.(c) Adrenal gland — structure.10.NERVOUS SYSTEM: Introduction: Cells of Nervous System (Neuron),Accessory cells of N.S. and Organization of N.S.(a) Brain — Meninges (Cerebrum — cerebral Lobes. Ventricals,Cerebellum—Anatomy of Cerebellum, Brain Stem — MidBrain. Pons.Medulla Oblongata, Diencephalon. Thalamus Hypothalamus andCranial Nerves).(b) Spinal Cord — Meninges (C.S.F. Internal Structure, Sensory andMotor Pathway, Spinal Reflexes, Peripheral spinal Nerves, AutonomicNervous System includes Sympathetic N.S. and ParasympatheticNervous System).HISTOLOGY:(a) Underlying principles of histological techniques and staining specifictissues should be explained.(b) Staining of paraffin and frozen sections will be given to the students.19 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

NOTE: - Practicals of the subject shall be designed from time to time on the basis ofthe above mentioned theoretical topics and availability of the facilities,e.g. Experimental Physiology includes:1. RESPIRATION: Estimation of vital capacity and its relation to posture andstandard vital capacity, Determination of Tidal volume and Demonstration ofArtificial Respiration.2. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: Recording of Arterial Pulse, Recordingof Arterial Blood Pressure and Electro-cardiogram.3. EYE: Visual activity, far vision, near vision and Field of vision (Perimetry).4. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: Nerve Muscle Preparation in frog,Effect of Temperature on muscle and Demonstration of spinal reflexes.Recommended Books1. ArthurCGuyton,MD,TextBooksofMedicalPhysiology,WBSaundersCompany,NinthEd., <strong>2011</strong>.2. Human Physiology by Vander Sharma &Lucino 9 th Ed. 2003 McGrawHill3. Human Physiology by S.I. Fox 11 th Ed. 2009 Amazon.4. WilliamFGanong,ReviewofMedicalPhysiology,PrenticeHgallInternationalInc,seventeenthedition,1995.5. ChandiCharanChatterjee,HumanPhysiology,Medicalalliedagency,1994.6. SamsonWright’sAppliedPhysiology.RevisedbyCyrilAKeeleandEricNeil.7. Spence AP and Mason EB, Human Anatomy and Physiology,Beajamin/ Cumming Publishing Inc. California, 3 rd Ed.8. SnellRS,ClinicalAnatomyforMedicalStudents,LitleBrown&CoInc,USA.1992.PHARM 318 ANATOMY & HISTOLOGY [Th.]Cr. Hr.: 03 Marks: 100Course ObjectivesAfter the completion of this course the students should be able to understandthe basic structure of various organs of our body not only at gross level butalso at tissues or cell level1. INTRODUCTION: ANATOMICAL TERMINOLOGY: Definition. Cell,tissue, organ system.18 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

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