Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011

Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011

Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011


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5. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT: General principles, strategies, shortand long term planning and objectives.6. BUSINESS COMMUNICATION: Importance and benefits of business communication,components of communication, concept and problems of communication, 7C’s ofcommunications.7. STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS AND GLOBALMEETINGS:Background information on groups, purpose and kinds of meetings,solving problems in meetings, leadership responsibilities in meetings, participant’sresponsibilities in meetings.Recommended Books1. M Ahmad & N I Bukhari, Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing, TariqAcademy, Faslabad-Pakistan, (2002).2. C Patrick Tharp & Pedro J Lecca, <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Management for students and practitioners,The C V Mosby Company, St. Louis, Toronto, London, (1979).3. Harry A Smith, Principles & Methods of <strong>Pharmacy</strong> Management, Lea & Febiger,Philadelphia, 1986.4. Herta A. Murphy, Herbert W. Hildebrandt, Jeans P. Thomas, Effective BusinessCommunication, 8 th Edition, 2009PHARMACY PRACTICE-VIII (COMPUTER AND ITS APPLICATION INPHARMACY) (WRITTEN)Paper 650 marks1. Fundamentals basic concept of computers: History of Data Processing, Types ofComputers, Components of a Computer, Computer System and Business ComputerSystem, Backing Storage Devices, Unit of Memory, Viruses and Anti-viruses Issues.2. Research Methodologies3. System Analysis and Design: What is a System?, Steps in system life cycle, DataGathering and Data Analysis, Designing a New System, Development and Implementationof New System, Documentation.4. Data Processing: Data Processing, The Data Processing Cycle, The Collection andComputing of data, Manual collection of data, The main methods of data input, Devicesused to collect data, Data Verification, Data Validation, Output and Recording of data,Types of data processing systems, Types of Computer Operation, Batch Processing andReal-time Processing.170 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation; www.pharmacistfed.pk, www.pharmafed.wordpress.com,www.pharmarev.com, info@pharmacistfed.pk,

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