Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011

Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011 Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011
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of structure on reactivity of compounds. Tautornerism of CarbonylCompounds Nomericlature of Organic Compounds.2. STEREO CHEMISTRY\CONFORMATIONAL ANALYSIS:Tereoisomerism, optical isomerism; Molecules with more than one chiralcenter Geometrical isomerism, Resolution of racemic mixture. Conformationalanalysis3. GENERAL METHOD OF PREPARATIONS PROPERTIES,IDENTIFICATION TEST AND PHARMACEUTICAL APPLICATIONSOF THE FOLLOWING CLASSES AND THEIR ANALOGUES:i. Alkane, Alkenes, Alkynes, Aromatic compoundsii. Alkyl halide, Alcohol, phenols, ethers, aminesiii. Ketones, Aldehydesiv. Acids, Esters, Amides and derivatives4. Nucleophilic, Electrophilic, substitution5. Orientation in ElectrophilicPHARM 313 PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY-I (ORGANIC-I)[Lab.]Cr. Hr.: 01 Marks: 50NOTE: - Practicals of the subject shall be designed from time to time on the basis ofthe above mentioned theoretical topics and availability of the facilities, e.g. Organicanalysis: Identification of unknown simple organic compounds.Recommended Books1. Peter Sykes, A guide Book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry,Longman, New York, 6 th Ed, 1991.2. E L Eliel, Stereochemistry of Carbon Compounds, Tata McGraw- Hill,New Delhi, 1992.3. Rehman and M Younis, Organic Chemistry for B.Sc. students, Ilmi KitabKhana, Lahore, 1997.4. L Finar, Organic Chemistry Vol I, Person Education Asia, 6th Ed., NewDelhi, 2001.5. Raj K Bansel, Organic Reaction Mechanism, Tata McGraw-Hill, NewDelhi, 1992.6. Furaiss Brian, Practical Organic Chemistry, 5th Ed., ELBS, London.7. Sykes A P, Guide Book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry, 6th Ed.,Lonsmen Co, UK, 2008.8. Roberts J D and Caserio M C, Basic Principles of organic Chemistry, 1990.14 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

9. Naser-ud-Din, Introduction to Stereochemistry, Ghafoor Stationery Mart,Peshawar, 1994.10. Bhal B S, Textbook of Organic Chemistry, S Chand & Co, New Delhi, 16 thEd., 2007.11. L.G. Wade, Organic Chemistry, Prentice Hall, New York, U.S.A., 7 th Ed.,2010.PHARM 314 PHARMACEUTICAL BIO-CHEMISTRY-I [Th.]Cr. Hr.: 03 Marks: 1001. GENERAL INTRODUCTION AND BASIC BIOCHEMICALPRINCIPLES:Role of pharmaceutical Biochemistry in the health Profession. Nature ofBiochemical reactions2. BASIC CHEMISTRY OF BIOMOLECULES: (Nature, Classification etc.)a) Carbohydrates: Chemistry, Classification, Reactions of Carbohydrates, Opticalactivity, Biological and pharmaceutical importance of carbohydrates.b) Lipids: Chemistry of Fatty acids and Lipids, Classification (Saponifiable andnonsaponifiablelipids, Simple, Complex and derived lipids), Reactions of Fattyacids and other Lipids, Essential fatty acids, Biological and pharmaceuticalimportance of lipids.c) Proteins and Amino acids: Chemistry, Classification of proteins and aminoacids,Reactions of proteins and amino acids, Organizational levels, Macromolecularnature of proteins, Biological and pharmaceutical importance of proteins andamino acids.d) Nucleic acids: Chemistry, Types (DNA, RNA, mRNA, tRNA, rRNA), PurineandPyrimidine bases, Nucelosides, Nucelotides, Structures of nucleic acids,Biological and pharmaceutical importance of nucleic acids.e) Vitamins: Chemistry, Classification (Fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins),Biological and pharmaceutical importance of vitamins.f) Hormones: Chemistry, Classification (Proteinous and nonproteinous hormones,amino acid derivatives, steroids), Biological and pharmaceutical importance ofhormones.g) Enzymes: Chemistry, Classification, Mode of action, Kinetics (MichaelisMentenEquation and some modifications), Inhibition, Activation, Specificity,Allosteric enzymes, Factors affecting the rate of an enzyme-catalyzedreaction, Biological and pharmaceutical importance, Mechanism of action ofsome important enzymes (Chymotrypsin, Ribonuclease).PHARM 315 PHARMACEUTICAL BIO-CHEMISTRY-I [Lab.]Cr. Hr.: 01 Marks: 50Qualitative analysis of: Carbohydrates, Amino acids, Peptides and Sugar, Uric15 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

9. Naser-ud-Din, Introduction to Stereochemistry, Ghafoor Stationery Mart,Peshawar, 1994.10. Bhal B S, Textbook of Organic Chemistry, S Chand & Co, New Delhi, 16 thEd., 2007.11. L.G. Wade, Organic Chemistry, Prentice Hall, New York, U.S.A., 7 th Ed.,2010.PHARM 314 PHARMACEUTICAL BIO-CHEMISTRY-I [Th.]Cr. Hr.: 03 Marks: 1001. GENERAL INTRODUCTION AND BASIC BIOCHEMICALPRINCIPLES:Role of pharmaceutical Biochemistry in the health Profession. Nature ofBiochemical reactions2. BASIC CHEMISTRY OF BIOMOLECULES: (Nature, Classification etc.)a) Carbohydrates: Chemistry, Classification, Reactions of Carbohydrates, Opticalactivity, Biological and pharmaceutical importance of carbohydrates.b) Lipids: Chemistry of Fatty acids and Lipids, Classification (Saponifiable andnonsaponifiablelipids, Simple, Complex and derived lipids), Reactions of Fattyacids and other Lipids, Essential fatty acids, Biological and pharmaceuticalimportance of lipids.c) Proteins and Amino acids: Chemistry, Classification of proteins and aminoacids,Reactions of proteins and amino acids, Organizational levels, Macromolecularnature of proteins, Biological and pharmaceutical importance of proteins andamino acids.d) Nucleic acids: Chemistry, Types (DNA, RNA, mRNA, tRNA, rRNA), PurineandPyrimidine bases, Nucelosides, Nucelotides, Structures of nucleic acids,Biological and pharmaceutical importance of nucleic acids.e) Vitamins: Chemistry, Classification (Fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins),Biological and pharmaceutical importance of vitamins.f) Hormones: Chemistry, Classification (Proteinous and nonproteinous hormones,amino acid derivatives, steroids), Biological and pharmaceutical importance ofhormones.g) Enzymes: Chemistry, Classification, Mode of action, Kinetics (MichaelisMentenEquation and some modifications), Inhibition, Activation, Specificity,Allosteric enzymes, Factors affecting the rate of an enzyme-catalyzedreaction, Biological and pharmaceutical importance, Mechanism of action ofsome important enzymes (Chymotrypsin, Ribonuclease).PHARM 315 PHARMACEUTICAL BIO-CHEMISTRY-I [Lab.]Cr. Hr.: 01 Marks: 50Qualitative analysis of: Carbohydrates, Amino acids, Peptides and Sugar, Uric15 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

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