Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011

Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011

Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011


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PHARMACEUTICS-III (MICROBIOLOGY & IMMUNOLOGY) (Practical)Paper 9100 MarksNOTE:- Practical of the subject shall be designed from time to time on the basis of theabove mentioned theoretical topics and availability of the facilities, e.g.Sterilization of Glassware and pharmaceutical products by various methods.Microbiological assays of: Anti-biotics and vitamins. Preparation of generaland selective media and culturing of microorganisms. Total and viable countsof micro-organism. Morphological and selective biochemical characterizationof some specimen. Staining of Bacteria: Gram method, Acid fast, Giemasasstaining, Capsule staining, Flagella staining and Spore staining.Microbiological analysis of air, water and soil. (Note: A minimum of 20practicals will be conducted)Recommended Books1. Jawetz, Medical Microbiology and Immunology, 11th edition, Churchill Livingstone,London, 2001.2. W B Hugo & A D Russell, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Black Well Science Ltd,London, 7th Ed, 1998.3. Lippincott, Microbiology, 4 th Ed, by lippincott, William & Willkins, USA, 2004.4. Alcamo, Introduction to Microbiology, John Bartlett Publishers, 6th Ed., 2003.5. Collin and Lynes, Microbiological Methods, 8 th Ed, Vutterworth Heineman, Oxford,2004.6. M Mekallee, Microbiology: Essentials and Application, McGraw-Hill Inc, 2nd Ed.7. Singleton and Sainsbury, Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, 3 rd Ed,John Willey & Sons, New York, 2006.8. Pelczar, Microbiology, 5 th Ed, McGraw-Hill Inc,2002.9. Prescott, Harley, Microbiology, 6 th Ed, Klein Wm, C Brown Publishers, 2006.PAKISTAN STUDIES AND ISLAMIYAT (Comp.) WRITTENPaper 5100 MarksPart: A, Pakistan Studies (Compulsory)40 marks126 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation; www.pharmacistfed.pk,www.pharmafed.wordpress.com, www.pharmarev.com, info@pharmacistfed.pk,

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