Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011

Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011 Download Pharmacy Curriculum Draft (NCRC); 2011
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structure and types of bones and joints). Muscle:c. Structure of — skeletal muscle, Smooth muscle, muscle.4. INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM:(a)(b)(c)(d)Skin — Structure (Epidermis, dermis).Glands of Skin, (Sweat, Sebaceous).Hair — Structure, function.Nail.5. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM:(a)(b)Heart — Structure of Heart. Location of Heart. Blood Supply to Heart.Blood Vessels — Main blood vessels arising & entering the heart.Typesof blood vessels with examples.6. ELEMENTARY SYSTEM: Name and structure of different parts of elementarysystem and their inter relationship.7. URINARY SYSTEM:Name and structure of organs of urinary system and theirinter-relationship.8. REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: Male and Female reproductive systems. Name,structure and association of the organs.9. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM:(a)(b)(c)Pituitary gland — structure and relation to hypothalamus.Thyroid gland — structure.Adrenal gland — structure.10NERVOUS SYSTEM: Introduction: Cells of Nervous System (Neuron),Accessory cells of N.S. and Organization of N.S.(a) Brain — Meninges (Cerebrum — cerebral Lobes. Ventricles,Cerebellum—Anatomy of Cerebellum, Brain Stem — Mid-Brain. Pons.Medulla Oblongata, Diencephalon. Thalamus Hypothalamus and CranialNerves).108 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

(b)Spinal Cord — Meninges (C.S.F. Internal Structure, Sensory and MotorPathway, Spinal Reflexes, Peripheral spinal Nerves, Autonomic NervousSystem includes Sympathetic N.S. and Parasympathetic Nervous System).HISTOLOGY(WRITTEN):(a) Underlying principles of histological techniques and staining specific tissuesshould be explained.(b)Staining of paraffin and frozen sections will be given to the students.(c) Most of the teaching should be done on stained and mounted sections andevery type of normal tissue will be covered.ANATOMY & HISTOLOGY (PRACTICAL)Paper 1250 MarksNOTE: - Practicals of the subject shall be designed from time to time on the basis of theabove mentioned theoretical topics and availability of the facilities.1. Demonstration of the Preparation and staining of slides2. Histological examination of slides: Epithelium, Muscle tissue and Connectivetissue.3. Organ system — Lung, Kidney, Stomach, Appendix, Skin, Intestine andGall bladder.Recommended Books (Anatomy)1. Romanes G J, Cunningham’s Manual of Practical Anatomy. Humphary Kalfom,Oxford, Oxford University Press, London, 3 volumes, 1996.2. Gray’s Anatomy, Descriptive and Applied, 21 st Ed, Longman’s Green & Co, London,1996.3. J G Romanes, London. Cunningham’s Textbook of Anatomy. Oxford UniversityPress, 1996.4. Snell R S, Clinical Anatomy, 7 th Ed, Boston, Little, Brown and Company,2003.5. Keith L More and TVN Persaud, Philadelphia, Clinically Oriented Human Anatomy.W B Saunders, 1996.6. B Grant, A Method of Anatomy, 9 th Ed, Bailliere Tinal and Co, Ltd, London. 1975109 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

structure and types of bones and joints). Muscle:c. Structure of — skeletal muscle, Smooth muscle, muscle.4. INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM:(a)(b)(c)(d)Skin — Structure (Epidermis, dermis).Glands of Skin, (Sweat, Sebaceous).Hair — Structure, function.Nail.5. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM:(a)(b)Heart — Structure of Heart. Location of Heart. Blood Supply to Heart.Blood Vessels — Main blood vessels arising & entering the heart.Typesof blood vessels with examples.6. ELEMENTARY SYSTEM: Name and structure of different parts of elementarysystem and their inter relationship.7. URINARY SYSTEM:Name and structure of organs of urinary system and theirinter-relationship.8. REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: Male and Female reproductive systems. Name,structure and association of the organs.9. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM:(a)(b)(c)Pituitary gland — structure and relation to hypothalamus.Thyroid gland — structure.Adrenal gland — structure.10NERVOUS SYSTEM: Introduction: Cells of Nervous System (Neuron),Accessory cells of N.S. and Organization of N.S.(a) Brain — Meninges (Cerebrum — cerebral Lobes. Ventricles,Cerebellum—Anatomy of Cerebellum, Brain Stem — Mid-Brain. Pons.Medulla Oblongata, Diencephalon. Thalamus Hypothalamus and CranialNerves).108 | Pakistan Pharmacist Federation;,,,,

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