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<strong>STEEL</strong> <strong>AUTHORITY</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>INDIA</strong> <strong>LIMITED</strong>( A Govt. of India Enterprise )IISCO <strong>STEEL</strong> PLANTMaterials Management Department, Marketing Wing,Ph.: P&T 2240567 / WKS- 2278 FAX: 0341-2240524 / 2240018Regd. Office- Ispat Bhawan, Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003MKTG/<strong>OF</strong>A/11-12/185/Mill Scrap – 16 Dated :- 30-11-2011ONLINE FORWARD AUCTION NOTICESteel Authority of India Ltd.,- IISCO Steel Plant will sell Mill Scrap as mentioned in the Annexure,Ex- Burnpur Works on “ Ex-Stock / Generation ” “As is where is basis” and “ No complaint” basisby Online Forward Auction through internet, to be conducted by M/s. <strong>Metaljunction</strong> ServicesLimited, Kolkata.Terms & Conditions:1. Material & Quantity : Description of Material & Quantity are given in the Annexure. Thequantity mentioned in the Annexure is estimated availability only and ISP’s liability will be limitedto supply the available material within the DO validity.2. Rate : Rate is to be quoted in Rs. per MT of material separately for each item. The rate should bequoted on ex- Burnpur Works basis and exclusive of all Duties & Taxes which shall be charged extra.The Rates quoted should be valid for 30 days from the date of Online Forward Auction foracceptance by the company.3. Taxes & Duties : Excise Duty , VAT/ CST & Tax Collection at source (TCS) etc. as legallyapplicable shall be payable by the customer.4. Payment Terms : Successful bidders shall have to deposit payment at ISP, Burnpur for thematerials as per offer by DD / PO / Bankers Cheque in favour of Steel Authority of IndiaLimited- IISCO Steel Plant, payable at BURNPUR / ASANSOL / or through RTGS / NEFT Modeto State Bank of India, Burnpur Branch ( A/c. No. 10981831604 & IFSC Code SBIN0000049 )within 4 working days from the date of offer. In no case cheque / cash drawn in favourof Steel Authority of India Limited- IISCO Steel Plant should be deposited withthe bank. Extension in payment may be considered by ISP up to maximum 3 working days onpayment of late payment fee @ 24% Per Annum on material value. In case of SB’s failure inmaking payment against the offer, the offer will be cancelled, EMD will be forfeited andthe successful bidder will be debarred from participation in our auctions for thesame item for three ( 3 ) months.5. Delivery Order- The D.O. will be issued on receipt of payment and the customer shall have tolift the entire material within the validity period allowed in the D.O., failing which the D.O. willbe cancelled and necessary action will be taken as per “SAIL FA 1”. In case the failure /delay in delivery of material is not attributable to the customer, the validity of delivery period willbe extended or the cost of leftover material shall be refunded as per recommendations of theconcerned department.Contd. On page -2

MKTG/<strong>OF</strong>A/11-12/185/Mill Scrap – 16 Page- 26. Loading of Material- Successful bidders will be required to collect the materials on“Self Loading” / “ F. O. T.” / “F.O.R. Works” basis as per details given in the enclosedAnnexure. In case of “Self Loading” the successful bidder will have to arrange loading of thematerial in to his vehicles by using his own labourers and crane etc. at his own cost &arrangements. In case of delivery on “F.O.T.” basis for delivery by Road Transport and fordelivery by Rail on “F.O.R. Works” basis, loading will be done by SAIL- ISP.7. Delivery : No pick & choose will be allowed. Loading and transport has to be arranged by thesuccessful bidder at his cost. Material shall be lifted by the successful bidder under supervision /presence of the concerned executing deptt. and CISF personnel. Material will be delivered by Roadtransport and as per loading programme issued by the concerned Mill of SAIL- ISP, Burnpur. Nodelivery shall be allowed on holidays or Sundays unless approved otherwise by the competentauthority. The material shall be delivered to the firm’s representatives / lifters against properauthority letter issued by the proprietor, partner or director of the firm. The successful bidder will berequired to issue authority letter on letter heads in 3 copies for lifting of material by theirrepresentatives. Extension of validity of D.O. shall be allowed only under exceptionalcircumstances. If ISP is not satisfied with the performance, further delivery of materials shall bediscontinued without assigning any reason and no claim shall be entertained on this account.8. Earnest Money Deposit : EMD is to be furnished as per Annexure, in the form of Demand Draft/ Pay Order / Bankers Cheque drawn in favour of “ SAIL- IISCO Steel Plant, payable at BURNPUR /ASANSOL. The DD/ PO / BC should be valid for at least two months from the date of OnlineForward Auction. Cheques or credit balances with ISP shall not be accepted as EMD. EMD ofsuccessful bidder shall remain with ISP till order completion and shall not carry any interest. TheEMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned within 15 days of Online Forward Auction.9. Submission of Documents : The interested bidders are required to submit the followingdocuments along with EMD under covering letter on their letter head by 1.00 PM on05.12.2011a) Earnest Money Deposit.b) Letter of Interest and each page of the <strong>OF</strong>A document duly signed & stamped by theProprietor, Partner or Director of the firm. In case these documents are signed by any otherperson, a letter of authority in favour of the signatory issued by the Proprietor, Partner orDirector of the firm should be enclosed.c) Self attested photocopy of PAN and VAT / CST Registration Certificate.d) Bank Details ie. A/c. No., Name & address of the Bank.For registration and submission of documents along with necessary EMD, please contact 1) For Iron& Steel Materials – Ms. Paromita Bhattacharya – 033- 66106206, Ms. Sangeeta Roy : 033-66106256,2) For Coal Chemicals - Ms. Poonam Rana : 9163348230, 3) For Coke Fractions – Mr. MadhurendraKumar : 9163348137 and 4) For Idle Assets Mr. Rajat Dhall : 9163348046, Mr. Sudipta Mukherjee :9163348124 and Ms. Sayanti Chowdhury : 9163348195 at M/s. <strong>Metaljunction</strong> Services Limited,Third Floor, Godrej Waterside, Plot No.5, Block DP, Sector 5, Salt Lake City, Kolkata 700 091, andMr. Arghya Ghosh / Sabyasachi Poddar : 033-661331164 at Tata Centre, Kolkata or their BranchOffices at Burnpur- Mr. A K. Azad- 9163348128, Durgapur -0343-6510185, Kanpur- HemantMatreja-09235505035, Mandi- 09216960169, Bokaro : 09771475259, Rourkela-0661-6514142.Documents received without EMD shall be rejected straight-away and the bidder will not be allowedto participate in the <strong>OF</strong>A.Contd. Page- 3

MKTG/<strong>OF</strong>A/11-12/185/Mill Scrap – 16 Page- 310. Inspection : Materials shall be available for inspection on any working day in consultation withDGM ( MM ) / AGM ( MM ) Mktg., SAIL-ISP , Burnpur, between 9.00 A.M. to 5.00 PM.11. Date of Online Forward Auction : <strong>OF</strong>A will be conducted on 05.12.2011 from 3.00 PMonwards. The bidders who fulfill all criteria to participate in the online forward auction may taketraining from M/s. Mjunction on the online bidding procedure to be followed during the <strong>OF</strong>A.12. Weighment: Materials shall be weighed at ISP’s Electronic Weighbridge for both tare and grossweight. The same will be binding for all purposes and calculations.13. Road Despatch Procedure- ISP’s Standard Road Despatch Procedure is available at http://auction.metaljunction.in for reference. Customers will have to follow ISP’s Standard RoadDespatch Procedure for lifting / delivery of materials on by Road Transport.14. Safety : The lifting has to be carried out from the specified area only. The customer and his menlike the labourers, drivers of trucks, loaders have to observe all safety rules and regulations inside theworks. All safety equipment and appliances are to be provided to the labourers engaged by thecustomer at his own cost & arrangement. Customers vehicles should ply only in the routes indicatedby ISP/ CISF. The customer shall have to ensure adequate care of their vehicles so that ISP’s propertyis not damaged. Use of Mobile Phones will not be allowed while driving Vehicles and Cranes withinISP premises failing which, punitive action as deemed fit will be taken against the customer by ISP.The customer shall indemnify ISP against any accident or loss of life.15. General Terms & Conditions : The General Terms & Conditions of Sale through OnlineForward Auction ie. “ SAIL FA 1 “ which is available at http:// auction.metaljunction.in forreference is also applicable and binding on the bidder. However, bidder’s participation in the O.F.A.will itself construe their acceptance of all the terms and conditions of this O.F.A. Notice. Thecompany reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids without assigning any reason whatsoeverand is not bound to accept the highest rate.In case the Successful Bidder or his representative working for and on behalf of the buyer is foundinvolved in any unauthorised or wrongful removal of materials not sold to him, or in any attempt forsuch removal, this shall amount to breach of contract caused by the buyer and ISP shall be entitled toforfeit the entire Security Money and any other amount, money or materials that may be lying withISP at the risk and cost of the buyer. The buyer shall be further liable for all the loss that might becaused to ISP on account of such unauthorised / wrongful removal. In such an event, ISP shall banbusiness dealings with such buyer. The decision of ISP management shall be final and binding on thebuyer in all such cases.15. Terms & Conditions of <strong>Metaljunction</strong> - The Terms & Conditions of the online forwardauction ( Annexure A ) and meaning of some key terms ( Annexure B ) are available athttp://auction.metaljunction.in for reference. The bidders are required to submit copies of thesedocuments, <strong>OF</strong>A document and letter of interest duly signed & stamped along with required EMDto become eligible for participation in the <strong>OF</strong>A.Distribution :DGM (MM)SAIL-ISP, BurnpurGM (MM), GM(Mills) / GM ( Services ) / DGM ( Mills ) / DGM ( MRD ), AGM ( Finance ) Sales.

Annexure to O.F.A. Notice No.MKTG/<strong>OF</strong>A/11-12/185/Mill Scrap – 16 Dt :- 30-11-2011<strong>OF</strong>A will be conducted on 05.12.11 from 3.00 PM onwards.Item No. /Material1. TMT Cutting( 1M to 5.5M)Ex-MRM2. MRM Roll Spoils(1M & Above)Ex-MRM3. MRM Cuttings( 1M & below)Ex-MRM4. Round Edged Sq.Cobble Cutting(0.3M to 1.2M)Ex-MRM5. Round Edged Sq.Crop Ends( Upto 0.3M)Ex-MRMQty.(MT)LoadingProcessing100 F.O.T NotAllowed100 Self NotAllowed50 Self NotAllowed100 Self NotAllowed100 Self NotAllowedDeliveryPeriodEMD( Rs. )10W/days 60000/-10W/days 60000/07W/days 30000/10W/days 60000/-10W/days 60000/VAT/CSTExciseDutyWithCess4 % 10.3 %4 % 10.3 %4 % 10.3 %4 % 10.3 %4 % 10.3 %Note- TCS @ 1% wherever applicable will be charged on Material valueincluding Excise Duty and VAT/CST.** EMD is to be submitted by 1.00 PM on 05.12.11.DGM (MM)SAIL-ISP, Burnpur


LETTER <strong>OF</strong> INTERESTTo_____________________Steel Authority of India Limited,Name of the Branch__________________________Dear Sir,1. We _________________________________are interested in participating in the Online ForwardAuction notified vide your notice No.______________ dated_________________.2. We have provided a Permanent EMD of Rs.________________ vide DD/Banker’s Cheque/PayOrder No.________________dated______________drawn on ____________ (Bank) in favour ofM/s.Steel Authority of India Ltd., payable at _________________ (branch).We are hereby submitting a one time EMD of Rs._______________ vide DD/Banker’s Cheque/PayOrder______________dated____________drawn on _______________(Bank) in favour of M/s. SteelAuthority of India Ltd., payable at ____________(branch).3. We agree to abide by all the instructions contained in the above indicated online forward auctionnotice, "SAIL – FA1 – General Terms & Conditions for sale through Online Auction/Forward Auction(FA)" available on SAIL/Service Provider’s website and your General and Special Terms &Conditions of sale of materials.4. I/We understand that my/our bid in an e-selling event would be construed as my/our acceptance tothe "SAIL – FA1 – General Terms & Conditiions for sale through Online Auction/Forward Auction(FA)" available on SAIL/Service Provider’s website and the General Rules and Regulations governingconduct of Online Forward Auctions (Annexure C). I/We understand that if our bid is accepted by theservice provider, and approved by SAIL, I/We are obliged to complete the transaction.5. I/We agree that we have been provided training by Service Provider in order to participate in OnlineForward Auctions.6. I/We request Service Provider to allot User-id and password to me/us and activate the same toparticipate in the above mentioned online forward auction.7. I/We agree that I/we shall change the password on receipt by me/us and keep it confidential. I/Weagree that Service Provider shall not be held responsible in any way for any losses that may besuffered by me/us as a result of disclosure of the password to any other person by me.8. I/We understand that my/our inability to participate in an e-selling event due to disruption of my/ourinternet services, or due to bandwidth problems with my/our local internet service providers arebeyond the control of the Service Provider.

9. In the event of any failure on our part to comply with all or any of the Terms & Conditionsregarding the Online Forward Auction, I/We irrevocably agree for the forfeiture of our earnest moneydeposit and security deposit (if applicable).10. We are providing the following details to you :a) Name of the contact person on our behalf :b) Our contact Telephone No. :c) Our contact FAX No. :d) Our contact E-Mail particular :e) Bank name :f) Branch name :g) Branch address :h) Branch telephone no. :i) 9 digit code number of the branch :j) Account type :k) Ledger No./Ledger folio no. :l) Account no. :m) Other documents required by the plant/ "unit, if anyYours faithfully,(Name of the person signing)Signature of Authorised PersonFor M/s.__________________Date : (With Company’s Seal)Place:Note: Please delete portions not applicable.

ANNEXURE – CGENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONDUCT <strong>OF</strong>ONLINE AUCTIONSINTRODUCTIONThis online auction is being conducted for Steel Authority of India Ltd. (hereinafter referred as the"Client") on the Service Provider platform (hereinafter referred to as the "Service Provider")."The General Rules and Regulations governing conduct of Online Forward Auction" provided hereingovern the conduct of online forward auctions arranged by the Service Provider on its auctionplatform. These rules cover the roles and responsibilities of the parties in the online forward auctionson the auction platform. Acceptance in toto to "SAIL – FA1 (General Terms & Conditions for salethrough Online Auction/Forward Auction (FA) )", "General Rules & Regulations governing conductof Online Forward Auction" and Special Terms & Conditions of sale of materials is a pre-requisite forsecuring participation in the online auction.The key terms pertaining to the online auctions are provided in the Annexure-D. Prospective biddersare advised to go through the same.Role of the "Service Provider"The Service Provider is the agency (operator) primarily providing the Service of the Forward auctionto the "Client".Finalisation of any third party contract suitable for the current auction.Finalisation of the auction items in consultation with the Client.Defining of the bidding rules for each Auction in consultation with the Client.Enhancing bidder awareness of and comfort with the auction mechanism and bidding rulesProviding Auction outcome to the client after the auction is completed.The responsibility for fulfillment of the contract rests between the bidders and the client and ServiceProvider shall have no liability on this account.Role of the BidderThe role of the bidder is outlined below:Defining of the bidding rules for each auction in consultation with the client.Educating bidders about the auction mechanism and bidding rule.Input of the action items and defining of the bidding rules in the auction engine.

Providing access to the approved bidders to participate in the auction.Summarizing of the auction proceedings & communicate the outcome to the client.The bidder would participate in the auction with the aim of bidding to secure the auctioned item in theauction.The bidder would be provided access to the Auction through a User Id protected by a password. Thebidders are also requested to change the password allocated to them by the Service Provider to keeptheir confidentiality. However it would be bidder's sole responsibility to ensure the security andprivacy of the same and he/they would not hold the client/Service Provider responsible in any mannerwhatsoever for any misuse of these user Ids and/or Password. Access to the auction mechanism shallbe provided to all the approved bidders subsequent to obtaining their written consent to the SAIL –FA1 (General Terms & Conditions of SAIL of CMO for sale through online auction/forward auction(FA), General Rules & Regulations governing conduct of online forward auction, letter of interest andSpecial Terms & Conditions of sale if any. Payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as decided bythe client minimum 1(one) working day before the start of the Forward auction will be one of thenecessary conditions for participating in the auction.Bidders hereby confirm that they shall commit to lift the product (being bid for) at the price entered bythem in the auction engine AND at the terms and conditions specified herein by the Client. All Pricesentered shall be legally binding on the Bidders. Bidders are strongly advised to exercise due diligencewhile placing bids. Failure to honour the bids placed during the online Bid shall render the biddersliable for any penal action as deemed fit by Client/Service Provider.In the event of winning an allotment in the auction mechanism, the bidder shall commit to fulfilloutlined obligations under the contract.The bidder shall bid on the terms specified by the client and place his/their bids in the auction enginein the manner specified by Service Provider. The Bidder shall not stipulate any conditions on his/theirown unless the terms of the Client (in the Client’s Terms and Conditions) expressly permit suchconditions being stipulated by the Bidder. Bids entered with conditions attached shall be consideredConditional bids and Service Provider retains the right of rejecting these bids even without intimatingthe Client.Bidding RulesThe Bidding Rules refer to the information and terms defined specifically for a particular auction. Thepurpose of the Bidding rules is to provide approved bidders with the information and terms specific tothe auction in which they are bidding. This would include:Definition of the unit of biddingStart Time and duration of the auctionAny extension of the duration of the auction in the event of bids being received towards the end of thepre-specified durationReserve Price (if specified)

Minimum & Maximum Bidding Quantity/value (if specified)Price Increments and any reduction in the price increment in the auction in the event of inactivityOther attributes (informational/non-negotiable in nature)While it shall be the endeavor of the Service Provider to specify these rules at the earliest for eachonline bid, the Service Provider shall have the right to delay the announcement of these bidding rulesor modify rules specified earlier at the time of the online Bid. These details would be available to thebidders on the auction engine at the time of bidding.Participation in the auction process presumes complete awareness and understanding of the biddingrules as provided on-line at the time of the auction.Conduct of the AuctionOnly those bidders who have been approved by the "Client" and/or have handed over stamped andmanually Signed "SAIL-FA1 (General terms and conditions of Sale through Online Auction/ForwardAuction (FA))", "General Rules & Regulations governing conduct of online forward auctions", Letterof Interest, Special Terms & Conditions of sale, if any and the necessary EMD amount to the serviceprovider at least one day prior to start of online auction will be given User ID and Password to enablethem to view and participate in the online auction. Letter of Interest, Special Terms & Conditions ofsale, if any and the necessary EMD amount shall be submitted to the Branch Sales Office. However, atime of 5 working day shall be provided for in between the date of Online Auction Notice and the dateof conduct of Online Forward Auction.The auction shall be communicated and conducted on pre-specified date. The key terms pertaining toconduct of the auction such as Start Time, Duration, End Time and Auto Extension Facility shall bespecified separately for each auction.During the course of auction a facility will be provided to the bidder to ascertain whether his bid is thehighest so that he can raise his bid if he/she so desires.Service Provider reserves the right to cancel or reschedule the auction with the approval of competentauthority on any of the following reasons:1. The number of confirmed bidders is deemed insufficient to conduct the auction2. Some of the confirmed bidders are unable to access the module due to infrastructure problems suchas sustained power failure or telecommunication breakdown.3. There are no bids accepted which are equal to or below any start Bid price.4. Any other reasons which in the opinion of Service Provider/Client requires such action to beinitiated.The duration of the auction may also vary from the pre-specified period of time on account oftermination of the auction by Service Provider.

a) On the advice of the client orb) In case of situations where it is felt that continuance of the auction proceedings is prejudicial to thesmooth conduct and/or the integrity of the auction process.O RDue to auto extension during the auction, the duration may increase from the specified period.In the event of any problems being faced in the smooth conduct of the auction, Service Provider withthe approval of competent authority shall have the right to undertake one or more of the followingsteps:Cancellation/ premature termination of the auction with/ without a subsequent rerun of the auction ona mutually decided dateCancellation of a bidLock/deactive a bidder’s account (suspension of operations in the account), etc.In case of failure of net connection, bidder will give his best price to the Service Provider. ServiceProvider will bid on behalf of the bidder with the minimum increment until the bid price reaches thebest price offered by the bidder, by proxy bidding mechanism. The best price communicated by thebidder will have to be by written confirmation or fax to the Service Provider and will be keptconfidential between the Service Provider and the bidder. However, the bids received through onlineauction platform shall only be acceptable. The Bidder will be bound by the price offered.Liability of Service ProviderService Provider shall not be liable to the client/ bidders in the auction or any other person/s for:a) Any breach of contract by any of the parties in the fulfillment of the underlying contractb) Any delay in initiating the online auction or postponement/cancellation of the online auctionproceedings due to any problem with the hardware/ software/ infrastructure facilities or any othershortcomings.While, reasonable care and diligence is taken by Service Provider in discharge of its responsibilitiessuch as design of the online bid, communication of bid details and rules, guidance to client/bidders inaccessing the Auction Engine and placing bids, etc. the bidders shall specifically indemnify ServiceProvider from all liabilities for any shortcomings on these aspects. It is clearly understood that theseactivities are undertaken by Service Provider to assist the bidders in participation but the ultimateresponsibility on all these counts lies totally with the bidders.Right of the Client

The Client reserves the right to partially or totally accept or reject any/all bids placed in the OnlineAuction without assigning any reason whatsoever, the decision of the client would be final andbinding on the bidder in any such case.Confidentiality ClauseService Provider undertakes to handle any sensitive information provided by the client or confirmedbidders for the auctions with utmost trust and confidentiality.JurisdictionAny disputes relating to the online auction module shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of Court ofLaw having jurisdiction over the Branch from where the material is made available / sold.Signed in acceptance of the above terms & conditionsDate:PlaceNameDesignation of SignatoryContact No. at the time of Auction

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