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Mission StatementOur aim at The African Traditional HerbalResearch Clinic is to propagate and promote theawareness in Afrikan peoples at home and abroad oftheir health, biodiversity, history and cultural richness.We gather pertinent information on these issues anddisseminate these freely to our people in Uganda, therest of the continent, and anywhere in the Diasporawhere Afrikans are located…. One of the mainingredients for increasing poverty, sickness,exploitation and domination is ignorance of one's self,and the environment in which we live. Knowledge ispower and the forces that control our lives don't wantto lose control, so they won't stop at anything to keepcertain knowledge from the people. Therefore, we areexpecting a fight and opposition to our mission.However, we will endeavor to carry forward this workin grace and perfect ways.“Where there is no culture, there is no indigenousknowledge. Where there is no indigenousknowledge, there is no history. Where there is nohistory, there is no science or technology. Theexisting nature is made by our past. Let us protectand conserve our indigenous knowledge.”☻☻☻☻☻☻C ALENDAR OF E VENTSSPECIAL EVENT: CLINIC OPENINGPLACE: AFRIKAN TRADITIONAL HERBAL RESEARCH CLINICTIME:Afrikan Traditional Herbal Research Clinic1175A Mukalazi Road, P.O. Box 29974Bukoto, Kampala, Uganda East AfricaPhone: 041 530 456Email: clinic@blackherbals.comADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDHerb of the MonthVitamin C, (Ascorbic acid) plays an essential role in the immunesystem. It is found in every cell of our body and performs variousfunctions:• It aids in fighting off foreign invaders.• It is vital to the production of collagen, which is involvedin the building and health of cartilage, joints, skin, andblood vessels.• It helps protect the fat-soluble vitamins A and E as well asfatty acids from oxidation.• It aids in neutralizing pollutants.• It is needed for antibody production.• It has natural antihistamine properties.Studies have found that Vitamin C may:• Contribute to healthy bones• Help prevent periodontal disease• Aid in healing wounds• Combat inflammation and pain• Aid iron absorption• Break down histamine• Offer potent antioxidant protection• Protect lung function• Maintain cognition in the elderlySources of Vitamin CSince our bodies do not produce Vitamin C, it is imperative we getit from other sources. Here are just a few.• Berries Alfalfa Onions• Cantaloupe Avocados Potatoes• Grapefruit Beet greens Spinach• Guava Broccoli Sweet potatoes• Lemons Cabbage Tomatoes• Limes Collards• Mangoes Dandelion greens• Oranges Green and red bell peppers• Papayas Green peas• Pineapples Lettuce☻☻☻☻☻☻☻BULK RATEUS POSTAGEPAIDPERMIT00000NO.Mailing AddressStreet Number and NameCity, Country, etc.-30- Traditional African Clinic December 2006

Mission StatementOur aim at The African Traditional HerbalResearch Clinic is to propagate and promote theawareness in Afrikan peoples at home and abroad oftheir health, biodiversity, history and cultural richness.We gather pertinent information on these issues anddisseminate these freely to our people in Uganda, therest of the continent, and anywhere in the Diasporawhere Afrikans are located…. One of the mainingredients for increasing poverty, sickness,exploitation and domination is ignorance of one's self,and the environment in which we live. Knowledge ispower and the forces that control our lives don't wantto lose control, so they won't stop at anything to keepcertain knowledge from the people. Therefore, we areexpecting a fight and opposition to our mission.However, we will endeavor to carry forward this workin grace and perfect ways.“Where there is no culture, there is no indigenousknowledge. Where there is no indigenousknowledge, there is no history. Where there is nohistory, there is no science or technology. Theexisting nature is made by our past. Let us protectand conserve our indigenous knowledge.”☻☻☻☻☻☻C ALENDAR OF E VENTSSPECIAL EVENT: CLINIC OPENINGPLACE: AFRIKAN TRADITIONAL HERBAL RESEARCH CLINICTIME:Afrikan Traditional Herbal Research Clinic1175A Mukalazi Road, P.O. Box 29974Bukoto, Kampala, Uganda East AfricaPhone: 041 530 456Email: clinic@blackherbals.<strong>com</strong>ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDHerb of the MonthVitamin C, (Ascorbic acid) plays an essential role in the immunesystem. It is found in every cell of our body and performs variousfunctions:• It aids in fighting off foreign invaders.• It is vital to the production of collagen, which is involvedin the building and health of cartilage, joints, skin, andblood vessels.• It helps protect the fat-soluble vitamins A and E as well asfatty acids from oxidation.• It aids in neutralizing pollutants.• It is needed for antibody production.• It has natural antihistamine properties.Studies have found that Vitamin C may:• Contribute to healthy bones• Help prevent periodontal disease• Aid in healing wounds• Combat inflammation and pain• Aid iron absorption• Break down histamine• Offer potent antioxidant protection• Protect lung function• Maintain cognition in the elderlySources of Vitamin CSince our bodies do not produce Vitamin C, it is imperative we getit from other sources. Here are just a few.• Berries Alfalfa Onions• Cantaloupe Avocados Potatoes• Grapefruit Beet greens Spinach• Guava Broccoli Sweet potatoes• Lemons Cabbage Tomatoes• Limes Collards• Mangoes Dandelion greens• Oranges Green and red bell peppers• Papayas Green peas• Pineapples Lettuce☻☻☻☻☻☻☻BULK RATEUS POSTAGEPAIDPERMIT00000NO.Mailing AddressStreet Number and NameCity, Country, etc.-30- Traditional African Clinic December 2006

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