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Continued from page 11 – The Virus Cancer Programas paranoid fantasy. In this regard, we are told that HIVis the first primate virus to "jump species" to producean epidemic in millions of humans. But, in truth, theAIDS epidemic is the second instance in which amonkey virus has been transferred to humans.A cancer-causing monkey virus called "simian virus40" (SV40) jumped species a half century ago whenvirus-contaminated polio vaccines were injected intomillions of people, including half the U.S. populationof that era. (For details, see: health officials insist there is no proof thatSV40 causes human cancer. However, independentresearch over the past decade indicates SV40 is clearlyassociated with rapidly-fatal cancers of the lung(mesothelioma), bone marrow cancer (multiplemyeloma), brain tumors in children, and other forms ofcancer.A Washington Times report (September 21, 2003)states, "Some of the polio vaccine given to millions ofAmerican children from 1962 until 2000 could havebeen contaminated with a monkey virus that shows upin some cancers, according to documents and testimonyto be delivered to a House committee Wednesday." TheSV40 story is detailed in the recently published, TheVirus and the Vaccine: The True Story of a Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus, Contaminated Polio Vaccine,and the Millions of Americans Exposed.The VCP and links to bio-warfare and secret humanexperimentationEvery annual report of the VCP makes clear that humanexperimentation with these newly created andgenetically-engineered viruses would not beundertaken. However, the 1972 Report (p 262) alsostates: "Since man will not be used as an experimentalrecipient, it is necessary to gain proof of oncogenicityby other means."It is well-known in science that medical doctors willnot totally accept laboratory findings in animals asabsolute proof. An experimental finding in animalsmust also be proven in humans. It cannot be assumedthat covert human testing of suspected cancer-causingviruses did not take place in the thousands ofexperiments conducted under the auspices of the VCP,particularly with its strong ties to covert biowarfareresearch. The U.S. military has a long history of secrethuman experimentation. For proof, Google: secrethuman medical experimentation.Merck and Co, Inc. made most of the experimentalhepatitis B vaccine that was immediately followed byAIDS cases. Some of the experimental vaccine wasmanufactured at the NIH. George Merck, who foundedthe drug company, was the leading biowarfare advisor toPresident Roosevelt during WW2. He was a central figurein creating the army's biowarfare laboratory at Ft. Detrick,Maryland, which later became an integral part of the NCI.Merck's role in the VCP was "to conduct investigationsdesigned to develop vaccines or other agents effective forthe prophylaxis and therapy for human neoplasia (cancer)of suspected viral etiology" (1972;139). Great interest wastaken in developing anti-herpes virus vaccines. Researchinvolved a new type of herpes vaccine using "purified viralprotein vaccines" and a "subunit vaccine" utilizing only apiece of the herpes virus (1977;135).The Merck company declared: "Since live attenuated orkilled virus vaccines for potentially oncogenic viruseswould not be acceptable for human use due to the danger oftransfer of functional genetic material, this project wasinitiated to determine whether vaccines to purified viralantigens acceptable for use in humans were of practicalvalue." (1977;160) (This proposed "purified" herpesvaccine was similar in type to the experimental "purified"hepatitis B vaccine injected into gays the following year.) Itis my contention that the introduction of HIV and the KSvirus into gay people, the most hated minority in America,was not an accident of nature due to monkeys in the jungle.Would scientists deliberately infect gay men with AIDS tofinally prove that animal cancer viruses cause cancer? Inthe January 1987 issue of MD magazine, an Oklahomainternist wrote: "Homosexuality is a sin, deserving thedeath penalty." With that kind of mentality not rare in themedical and scientific world, the answer to the question is,undoubtedly, yes.The VCP and biohazardsThe VCP was a biological disaster waiting to happen. Whatwould happen if one or more of these dangerous cancer andimmunosuppressive viruses escaped from the laboratoryand produced a worldwide biologic holocaust?The 1978 report from the Office of Biohazard Safety of theVCP states: "The inadequate care and handling of animalsduring the past several years have created a potential for theoccurrence of infection of humans with simian (primate)microorganisms and cross infection between species. Suchinterspecies disease transmission may seriouslycompromise the integrity of the experiment as well as thehealth of the experimenter. Due to the magnitude ofbiomedical research employing tissue cultures, frequentevaluation of tissue culture cross-contamination is veryimportant."-12 - Traditional African Clinic December 2006The yearly large-scale production of lethal cancervirusesBy the late 1970s the mixing of animal cancer viruses withhuman cells to produce new "xenotropic" viruses wasContinued on page 13

Continued from page 12- Virus Cancer Programcommonplace. The human cells in question wereplacenta ("afterbirth") cells from patients with immunedisease, and cells from leukemia (1978, p 192).Xenotropic viruses are viruses taken from one speciesand transplanted into another different species. Allthese experiments represent "species jumping"performed in a laboratory.By 1977 the Program was producing "approximately60,000 liters (15,840 gallons) of tissue culture-grownviruses, propagated in over 40 different cell lines, anddistributed in over 1250 shipments to over 250participating laboratories throughout the world."Also in 1977 Electro-Nucleonics Laboratoriesprocessed 8,044 liters (2,024 gallons) of viruscontainingfluids harvested from several tissue culturesystems. About half this volume was concentratedxenotropic viruses. That same year Pfizer drugcompany produced 28,000 liters (7,392 gallons) ofvirus harvest fluids. The vast majority included primateviruses, such as the Mason-Pfizer monkey virus, woollymonkey sarcoma virus and baboon endogenous virus.(This baboon virus contaminated Gallo's lab at theNCI). Litton produced 37,438 liters (9,984 gallons) ofretrovirus material consisting essentially of four agents:mouse mammary tumor virus, Raucher murine (rat)leukemia virus, Gross murine leukemia virus andbaboon leukemia virus.The VCP and the creation of an AIDS-like disease inchimpsIn 1969 the military biowarfare experts predicted that abiological agent would be developed within a decadethat would have a devastating effect on the immunesystem and for which there would be no treatment. (Fordetails of this congressional testimony, Google: DonaldM MacArthur + biowarfare.)The VCP had a keen interest in acquiring "informationand materials from carefully selected patients sufferingfrom immunodeficiency diseases" (1972;318). This ismade clear in a 1973 Progress Report (p249) from theUniversity of Minnesota entitled, "The search for tumorvirus related information in human immunodeficiencypatients with cancer" The researchers proposed"continuation of studies linking immunodeficency,cancer, and oncogenic viruses."As biowarfare expert MacArthur predicted, newcancer-causing monster viruses (like HIV) were createdby the VCP which had a deadly effect on the immunesystem. In one experiment recorded in the 1973 Report(p169), later published in Cancer Research in 1974,newborn chimps were taken away from their mothers atbirth and weaned on milk from cancer virus-infected-13 - Traditional African Clinic December 2006cows. Some of the chimps sickened and died with twodiseases that had never been observed in chimpanzees. Thefirst was Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (later known asthe "gay pneumonia" of AIDS); the second was leukemia, acancer of the blood.Cancer-Causing viruses and "helper" virusesAs the 1970s began it was clear that some cancer-causingviruses could not produce cancer unless a "helper" viruswas present. Certain chicken, cat and mouse sarcomaviruses were found to be "defective" and unable to inducecancerous changes. However, when a "helper" leukemiavirus was added to the mix, the sarcoma virus was able toinduce cancer.Mixing of a mouse sarcoma virus with a cat leukemia virusproduced a "hybrid virus" which could grow continuouslyin cat cells. Such a "hybrid virus" was adapted to humanembryonic (fetal) cells (1971, p22). Thus, it is obvious that"species jumping" experiments were commonplace duringthe years of the VCP.By the late 1970s it was known that "type C RNA viruses"(the retroviruses connected with sarcomas and lymphomasand leukemias) existed normally in cells as "endogenousviruses" within the cellular genomes of many mammalianspecies. By 1977, the year the experimental hepatitis Bvaccine was being made, scientists in the VCP aimed "todetermine the oncogenic potential of putative humanviruses" and "to begin viral vaccine (conventional or other)testing and immunization programs" (1977;32). The exactmethod by which this was to be accomplished was notstated.Primate virus contamination of human cellsThe possibility that animal cancer viruses could causecontamination of viral laboratories and viral research wasan accepted risk for the VCP. Primate virus contaminationproblems have plagued the laboratories of the world's mostfamous AIDS researchers, much to their embarrassment.A decade before Gallo discovered HIV, he reported a"new" and "human" and cancer-associated "HL-23 virus"that was eventually determined to be not one but threecontaminating primate viruses (gibbon-ape virus, simiansarcoma virus, and baboon endogenous virus).The baboon virus was discovered in the early 1970s at theSouthwest Foundation for Research and Education in SanAntonio, Texas, which hosted a chimpanzee breedingcolony and produced simian viruses for research. Thebaboon virus somehow made its way into the blood cells ofa Texas women with leukemia. When the infected cellsreached Gallo's lab they were apparently joined with anContinued on page 14

Continued from page 11 – The Virus Cancer Programas paranoid fantasy. In this regard, we are told that HIVis the first primate virus to "jump species" to producean epidemic in millions of humans. But, in truth, theAIDS epidemic is the second instance in which amonkey virus has been transferred to humans.A cancer-causing monkey virus called "simian virus40" (SV40) jumped species a half century ago whenvirus-contaminated polio vaccines were injected intomillions of people, including half the U.S. populationof that era. (For details, see: www.sv40cancer.<strong>com</strong>)Government health officials insist there is no proof thatSV40 causes human cancer. However, independentresearch over the past decade indicates SV40 is clearlyassociated with rapidly-fatal cancers of the lung(mesothelioma), bone marrow cancer (multiplemyeloma), brain tumors in children, and other forms ofcancer.A Washington Times report (September 21, 2003)states, "Some of the polio vaccine given to millions ofAmerican children from 1962 until 2000 could havebeen contaminated with a monkey virus that shows upin some cancers, according to documents and testimonyto be delivered to a House <strong>com</strong>mittee Wednesday." TheSV40 story is detailed in the recently published, TheVirus and the Vaccine: The True Story of a Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus, Contaminated Polio Vaccine,and the Millions of Americans Exposed.The VCP and links to bio-warfare and secret humanexperimentationEvery annual report of the VCP makes clear that humanexperimentation with these newly created andgenetically-engineered viruses would not beundertaken. However, the 1972 Report (p 262) alsostates: "Since man will not be used as an experimentalrecipient, it is necessary to gain proof of oncogenicityby other means."It is well-known in science that medical doctors willnot totally accept laboratory findings in animals asabsolute proof. An experimental finding in animalsmust also be proven in humans. It cannot be assumedthat covert human testing of suspected cancer-causingviruses did not take place in the thousands ofexperiments conducted under the auspices of the VCP,particularly with its strong ties to covert biowarfareresearch. The U.S. military has a long history of secrethuman experimentation. For proof, Google: secrethuman medical experimentation.Merck and Co, Inc. made most of the experimentalhepatitis B vaccine that was immediately followed byAIDS cases. Some of the experimental vaccine wasmanufactured at the NIH. George Merck, who foundedthe drug <strong>com</strong>pany, was the leading biowarfare advisor toPresident Roosevelt during WW2. He was a central figurein creating the army's biowarfare laboratory at Ft. Detrick,Maryland, which later became an integral part of the NCI.Merck's role in the VCP was "to conduct investigationsdesigned to develop vaccines or other agents effective forthe prophylaxis and therapy for human neoplasia (cancer)of suspected viral etiology" (1972;139). Great interest wastaken in developing anti-herpes virus vaccines. Researchinvolved a new type of herpes vaccine using "purified viralprotein vaccines" and a "subunit vaccine" utilizing only apiece of the herpes virus (1977;135).The Merck <strong>com</strong>pany declared: "Since live attenuated orkilled virus vaccines for potentially oncogenic viruseswould not be acceptable for human use due to the danger oftransfer of functional genetic material, this project wasinitiated to determine whether vaccines to purified viralantigens acceptable for use in humans were of practicalvalue." (1977;160) (This proposed "purified" herpesvaccine was similar in type to the experimental "purified"hepatitis B vaccine injected into gays the following year.) Itis my contention that the introduction of HIV and the KSvirus into gay people, the most hated minority in America,was not an accident of nature due to monkeys in the jungle.Would scientists deliberately infect gay men with AIDS tofinally prove that animal cancer viruses cause cancer? Inthe January 1987 issue of MD magazine, an Oklahomainternist wrote: "Homosexuality is a sin, deserving thedeath penalty." With that kind of mentality not rare in themedical and scientific world, the answer to the question is,undoubtedly, yes.The VCP and biohazardsThe VCP was a biological disaster waiting to happen. Whatwould happen if one or more of these dangerous cancer andimmunosuppressive viruses escaped from the laboratoryand produced a worldwide biologic holocaust?The 1978 report from the Office of Biohazard Safety of theVCP states: "The inadequate care and handling of animalsduring the past several years have created a potential for theoccurrence of infection of humans with simian (primate)microorganisms and cross infection between species. Suchinterspecies disease transmission may seriously<strong>com</strong>promise the integrity of the experiment as well as thehealth of the experimenter. Due to the magnitude ofbiomedical research employing tissue cultures, frequentevaluation of tissue culture cross-contamination is veryimportant."-12 - Traditional African Clinic December 2006The yearly large-scale production of lethal cancervirusesBy the late 1970s the mixing of animal cancer viruses withhuman cells to produce new "xenotropic" viruses wasContinued on page 13

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