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Continued from page 7 – Pfizer Faults over Drug Trial inNigeria"Obviously this should not have occurred and thecompany very much regrets that it did," the statementsaid. "It is important to point out, though, that Pfizerthought proper procedure had been followed at the timeof the clinical study."Trial called ‘an act of deception’The former director of Nigeria's version of the FDA saidthe agency had been unaware of the experiment. He toldthe panel that he "viewed the conduct of the trial byPfizer as an act of deception and misuse of privilege."The report said the treatment of two children during theexperiment represented unspecified "serious deviations"from the trial's protocol and concluded that thosedeviations compromised their care. One was a 10-yearoldgirl identified only as Patient No. 0069, who wasgiven the experimental antibiotic for three days as hercondition deteriorated. She died without receiving anyother antibiotic.Last week, Rep. Tom Lantos of California, the seniorDemocrat on the International Relations Committee,described the report's findings as "absolutely appalling"and called on Pfizer to open its records. "I think it borderson the criminal that the large pharmaceutical companies,both here and in Europe, are using these poor, illiterateand uninformed people as guinea pigs," Lantos said.Lantos said he expected to introduce a bill requiring U.S.researchers to give regulators details of tests they plan indeveloping countries. "It's the only ethical thing to do,"Lantos said. The bill is similar to one his committeeapproved in 2001 that did not make it out of the House."There should be a lot of bipartisan support for it. Thisoutrages people."The report's findings also breathe new life into a lawsuitagainst Pfizer, according to Kusel, who represents 30Nigerian families. "It's great news, I'm very excited," shesaid when told of the committee's conclusions.The families sued Pfizer in federal court in New York in2001, alleging that the company had exposed the childrento "cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment."A U.S. judge dismissed the suit last summer, saying U.S.courts lacked jurisdiction. Kusel is appealing."A report like this does not get suppressed withoutsomeone high up being involved," she said.© 2006 The Washington Post Company☻☻☻☻☻☻Continued from page 9 – Custom-Built Pathogenshydrogen for fuel.In less than five years, synthetic biology has gone from akind of scientific parlor trick, useful for such things ascreating glow-in-the-dark fish, to a cutting-edgebioscience with enormous commercial potential, saidEileen Choffnes, an expert on microbial threats with theNational Academies' Institute of Medicine. "Now thetechnology can be even done at the lab bench in highschool," she said.Along with synthetic biologists, a separate but equallyardent group is pursuing DNA shuffling, a kind ofdirected evolution that imbues microbes with new traits.Another faction seeks novel ways to deliver chemicalsand medicines, using ultra-fine aerosols that penetratedeeply into the lungs or new forms of microencapsulatedpackaging that control how drugs are released in thebody.Still another group is discovering ways to manipulate theessential biological circuitry of humans, using chemicalsor engineered microbes to shut down defective genes orregulate the production of hormones controlling suchfunctions as metabolism and mood.Some analysts have compared the flowering ofbiotechnology to the start of the nuclear age in the pastcentury, but there are important differences. This time,the United States holds no monopoly over the emergingscience, as it did in the early years of nuclear power.Racing to exploit each new discovery are dozens ofcountries, many of them in the developing world. There'sno binding treaty or international watchdog to safeguardagainst abuse. And the secrets of biology are available onthe Internet for free, said Robert L. Erwin at a recentWashington symposium pondering the new technology.He is a geneticist and founder of the California biotechfirm Large Scale Biology Corp."It's too cheap, it's too fast, there are too many peoplewho know too much," Erwin said, "and it's too late tostop it."A Darker SideIn May, when 300 synthetic biologists gathered inCalifornia for the second national conference in thehistory of their new field, they found protesters waiting."Scientists creating new life forms cannot be allowed toact as judge and jury," Sue Mayer, a veterinary cellbiologist and director of GeneWatch UK, said in astatement signed by 38 organizations.Activists are not the only ones concerned about wherenew technology could lead. Numerous studies by-10- Traditional African Clinic December 2006Continued on page 16

Continued from page 5 – Virus Cancer ProgramA steady supply of research animals (monkeys,chimpanzees, mice, cats, etc.) was necessary; andmultiple breeding colonies were established for the VCP.For example, a total of 2,274 primates from Africa andAsia were shipped to Litton for military use in 1971.Forcing cancer viruses into primates and otheranimalsTo induce primates and other research animals to acquirecancer, their immune system was deliberately suppressedby drugs, radiation, or cancer-causing chemicals orsubstances. The thymus gland and/or the spleen wereremoved, and cancer tissue and cancer viruses wereinjected into newborn animals or into the womb ofpregnant animals. Some animals were deliberatelyinfected with malaria to keep them chronically sick andimmunodepressed.The U.S. is the world's leading consumer of primates, and55,000 are used yearly in medical research. Primates(especially newborn and baby chimpanzees) are the mostfavored lab animals because they are most similarbiochemically and immunologically to human beings.Humans share 98.4% of their DNA with chimpanzees.Chimps were extensively used by the VCP because therewould be no official testing of cancer viruses on humans.Robert Gallo, the discoverer of HIV in 1984, was aproject officer of a primate study contracted by LittonBionetics that pumped cancerous human tissue, as well asa variety of primate and other viruses, into newbornmacaques (a small species of monkey used as an animalmodel for human cancer).The actual number and identity of all the primate virusescreated and adapted to human tissue during the 14 yearsof the SVCP is not known. In addition, some primateswere released back into the wild carrying lab viruses withthem. This fact is always ignored by molecular biologistssearching for "viral ancestors" in the African bush.By the early 1970s, experimenters had transferred cancercausingviruses into several species of monkeys.Herpesvirus saimiri, a monkey virus discovered in 1967in the squirrel monkey, has a close genetic relationship tothe new KS herpes virus. H. saimiri virus is harmless inthe squirrel monkey, but when the virus was forced in thelab to "jump species" into different animal species, suchas the owl monkey, marmosets and rabbits, it producescancer in the form of fatal malignant lymphoma.By 1971 Dharam V Ablashi of the NCI succeeded intransferring H. saimiri, into various cell lines of humanorigin. (1971;35). Cancer-causing cat and hamster viruseswere also engineered into macaques and other monkeyspecies.By the early 1970s, it was recognized that forms of humanleukemia and lymphoma were associated with herpes-typeviruses. Herpes saimiri, a DNA-type virus, became theexperimental model for the study of human leukemia andlymphoma. "Thus far, the only DNA viruses associatedwith natural cancer of animals and man are herpes viruses"(1973;15).By 1971 Dharam V Ablashi of the NCI succeeded intransferring H. saimiri, into various cell lines of humanorigin. (1971;35). Cancer-causing cat and hamster viruseswere also engineered into macaques and other monkeyspecies.By the early 1970s, it was recognized that forms of humanleukemia and lymphoma were associated with herpes-typeviruses. Herpes saimiri, a DNA-type virus, became theexperimental model for the study of human leukemia andlymphoma. "Thus far, the only DNA viruses associatedwith natural cancer of animals and man are herpes viruses"(1973;15).Luis Melendez of Harvard studied additional primateherpes viruses (H. ateles, H. aotus, and H. saguinus) anddetermined their ability to induce cancer (1973;247).Attempts were made "to find a suitable method for thelarge-scale production of high-titer Herpesvirus saimiri"(1973;264). Researchers knew: "The clinical andimmunological picture of human lymphoma and leukemiais closely approximated by the malignant disease induced insusceptible non-human primates by H. saimiri." (1973;265).By 1976 it was also learned that H.saimiri could spread by"contact transmission" between squirrel and owl monkeysin the laboratory.A monkey virus injected into humans via poliovaccines in the 1950sThere are inherent dangers in vaccine production. Manyvaccines are made on living cells; and accidentalcontamination with bacteria, mycoplasma, viruses, andnewly-recognized "nanobacteria" are constant problemsduring the manufacturing process. Laboratory additives(such as fetal bovine [cow] serum) may also be a source ofcontamination. Half the flu vaccine supply for 2004 had tobe destroyed due to contamination with disease-causingbacteria.Some researchers believe that injecting living and killedviruses into the body can result in these viruses combiningwith other viruses normally present in the body, resulting inthe formation of new viral disease-causing "recombinants."The dangers of vaccines are downplayed to assure thepublic that vaccines are safe.The possibility that cancer-causing primate viruses couldhave been "introduced" into gays, via the experimentalContinued on page 12-11- Traditional African Clinic December 2006

Continued from page 5 – Virus Cancer ProgramA steady supply of research animals (monkeys,chimpanzees, mice, cats, etc.) was necessary; andmultiple breeding colonies were established for the VCP.For example, a total of 2,274 primates from Africa andAsia were shipped to Litton for military use in 1971.Forcing cancer viruses into primates and otheranimalsTo induce primates and other research animals to acquirecancer, their immune system was deliberately suppressedby drugs, radiation, or cancer-causing chemicals orsubstances. The thymus gland and/or the spleen wereremoved, and cancer tissue and cancer viruses wereinjected into newborn animals or into the womb ofpregnant animals. Some animals were deliberatelyinfected with malaria to keep them chronically sick andimmunodepressed.The U.S. is the world's leading consumer of primates, and55,000 are used yearly in medical research. Primates(especially newborn and baby chimpanzees) are the mostfavored lab animals because they are most similarbiochemically and immunologically to human beings.Humans share 98.4% of their DNA with chimpanzees.Chimps were extensively used by the VCP because therewould be no official testing of cancer viruses on humans.Robert Gallo, the discoverer of HIV in 1984, was aproject officer of a primate study contracted by LittonBionetics that pumped cancerous human tissue, as well asa variety of primate and other viruses, into newbornmacaques (a small species of monkey used as an animalmodel for human cancer).The actual number and identity of all the primate virusescreated and adapted to human tissue during the 14 yearsof the SVCP is not known. In addition, some primateswere released back into the wild carrying lab viruses withthem. This fact is always ignored by molecular biologistssearching for "viral ancestors" in the African bush.By the early 1970s, experimenters had transferred cancercausingviruses into several species of monkeys.Herpesvirus saimiri, a monkey virus discovered in 1967in the squirrel monkey, has a close genetic relationship tothe new KS herpes virus. H. saimiri virus is harmless inthe squirrel monkey, but when the virus was forced in thelab to "jump species" into different animal species, suchas the owl monkey, marmosets and rabbits, it producescancer in the form of fatal malignant lymphoma.By 1971 Dharam V Ablashi of the NCI succeeded intransferring H. saimiri, into various cell lines of humanorigin. (1971;35). Cancer-causing cat and hamster viruseswere also engineered into macaques and other monkeyspecies.By the early 1970s, it was recognized that forms of humanleukemia and lymphoma were associated with herpes-typeviruses. Herpes saimiri, a DNA-type virus, became theexperimental model for the study of human leukemia andlymphoma. "Thus far, the only DNA viruses associatedwith natural cancer of animals and man are herpes viruses"(1973;15).By 1971 Dharam V Ablashi of the NCI succeeded intransferring H. saimiri, into various cell lines of humanorigin. (1971;35). Cancer-causing cat and hamster viruseswere also engineered into macaques and other monkeyspecies.By the early 1970s, it was recognized that forms of humanleukemia and lymphoma were associated with herpes-typeviruses. Herpes saimiri, a DNA-type virus, became theexperimental model for the study of human leukemia andlymphoma. "Thus far, the only DNA viruses associatedwith natural cancer of animals and man are herpes viruses"(1973;15).Luis Melendez of Harvard studied additional primateherpes viruses (H. ateles, H. aotus, and H. saguinus) anddetermined their ability to induce cancer (1973;247).Attempts were made "to find a suitable method for thelarge-scale production of high-titer Herpesvirus saimiri"(1973;264). Researchers knew: "The clinical andimmunological picture of human lymphoma and leukemiais closely approximated by the malignant disease induced insusceptible non-human primates by H. saimiri." (1973;265).By 1976 it was also learned that H.saimiri could spread by"contact transmission" between squirrel and owl monkeysin the laboratory.A monkey virus injected into humans via poliovaccines in the 1950sThere are inherent dangers in vaccine production. Manyvaccines are made on living cells; and accidentalcontamination with bacteria, mycoplasma, viruses, andnewly-recognized "nanobacteria" are constant problemsduring the manufacturing process. Laboratory additives(such as fetal bovine [cow] serum) may also be a source ofcontamination. Half the flu vaccine supply for 2004 had tobe destroyed due to contamination with disease-causingbacteria.Some researchers believe that injecting living and killedviruses into the body can result in these viruses <strong>com</strong>biningwith other viruses normally present in the body, resulting inthe formation of new viral disease-causing "re<strong>com</strong>binants."The dangers of vaccines are downplayed to assure thepublic that vaccines are safe.The possibility that cancer-causing primate viruses couldhave been "introduced" into gays, via the experimentalContinued on page 12-11- Traditional African Clinic December 2006

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