ISO 22000 by NCPL - Netpeckers Consulting (P) Ltd

ISO 22000 by NCPL - Netpeckers Consulting (P) Ltd

ISO 22000 by NCPL - Netpeckers Consulting (P) Ltd


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FOOD SAFETYMANAGEMENT SYSTEMS(FSMS)<strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong>:2005BY <strong>NCPL</strong>

TOPICS OFPRESENTATION The Evolution Of Food Safety. What Do You Mean By <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong> Food SafetyManagement System ? Who can apply? Different parts of the standard. Objectives of <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong> Benefits of <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong> Certification/Registration Food Safety Legislation & Standards Prerequisite Programs & HACCP <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong>:2005 Requirements Food Safety Policy FSMS Planning Communication Management Review Resource Management Hazard Analysis, Establishing PRPs HACCP Plan Other steps for Interpretation of <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong> Actions for Continual Improvement.

What Do You Mean By <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong> FoodSafety Management System Standard?The new standard <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong> for food safetymanagement systems is intended to providesecurity <strong>by</strong> ensuring that there are no weaklinks in the food supply chain. By ensuringintegrity of food supply chain, it helps tominimize the failures in food supply whichcan be dangerous and cost plenty.

Who can apply? <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong>:2005 applies to all organizations,regardless of their size, that impact the foodchain. This includes ingredient suppliers,equipment manufacturers, packagesuppliers, service providers, farmers, foodprocessors, and catering and retailingorganizations.

PARTS OF THE STANDARDThe standard has three partsGood manufacturing practices (GMP) orpre-requisite programs requirementsHACCP principlesManagement system requirements

Objectives of <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong> The standard has the followingobjectives:– Compliance with the CodexHACCP principles– Provide an auditable standard– Aligned to <strong>ISO</strong> 9001 and <strong>ISO</strong>14001– Provide the communication ofHACCP concepts internationally.


BENEFITS OF <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong> Certification/RegistrationImplementation of FSMS and certification of <strong>ISO</strong><strong>22000</strong> Standard shall influence companies :1. To make their products more acceptableinternationally, as there is a nearly unanimousworldwide acceptance of the <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong> series asthe FSMS standards2. To enable a company to export to Europe where<strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong> certification is expected.Contd. Next page…

Benefits contd….3. To satisfy customer contractual requirements.4. To reduce the risk of product and serviceliability claims.5. To enhance communication betweenorganizations both upstream and downstreamin the food chain ensuring that all relevant foodsafety hazards are identified and adequatelycontrolled at each step within the food chain,delivering safe food product to the customer.Contd… next page

Benefits contd…6. To sustain competitiveness through the continuousquality improvement loop provided <strong>by</strong> the <strong>ISO</strong> foodsafety management system.7. <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong> integrates the principles of HACCP andapplication steps developed <strong>by</strong> the CodexAlimentarius Commission to establish an effectivecombination of control measures within FSMS.8. To harmonize product/ service and businesspractices worldwide.


PREREQUISITE PROGRAMS ANDHACCPThe <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong> Standard specifies the requirementsfor a food safety management system that combinesthe following generally recognized key elements toensure food safety along the food chain, up to the pointof final consumption:– Prerequisite programmes– HACCP principles– Interactive communication– System management

How does it do? The <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong> standard integrated theprinciples of the Hazard Analysis and CriticalControl Point(HACCP) system and applicationsteps developed <strong>by</strong> the CODEX AlimentariusCommission. By means of auditablerequirements, it combines the HACCP plan withprerequisite programmes (PRPs).

The relationship between the key controlmechanisms.HACCPPlanLegal-Specificoperation controlPre-requisite(SSOP & GMP)GMP- Good Manufacturing PracticeSSOP – Sanitation Standard Operating ProcedureHACCP – Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point

<strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong>:2005 Requirements This specification applies to anyorganization, regardless of size, with a desireto:– Plan, implement, operate, maintain and update afood safety management system to provideproducts safe for the consumer according to theirintended use.– Demonstrate compliance with applicable statutoryand regulatory food safety requirements.– Evaluate and assess customer requirements anddemonstrate conformity with those mutuallyagreed customer requirements related to foodsafety to enhance customer satisfaction.Contd… Next page

Contd.. <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong>:2005 Requirements– Effectively communicate food safety issues totheir suppliers, customers and relevant interestedparties in the food chain.– Ensure that the organization conforms to itsstated food safety policy.– Demonstrate such conformity to relevantinterested parties and– Seek certification or registration of its FSMS <strong>by</strong> anexternal organization, or making self-assessmentor self-declaration of conformity.

Documentation requirements The FSMS documentation includes:– Documented statements of a food safety policyand related objectives– Documented procedures and records required <strong>by</strong>FSMS and– Documents to ensure the effective development,implementation and updating of the FSMS.

FOOD SAFETY POLICYTHE COMPANY SHALL ENSURE THAT ALLPRODUCTS ARE SAFE AND WHOLESOME IN WHICHCUSTOMERS HAVE TOTAL CONFIDENCE.The Company shall– Comply with all relevant regulatory requirements– Meet customer specification– Comply with Regulation for Hygiene in the Food Retailing andwholesaling– Comply with Regulation for Food Safety Managementincorporating HACCPThe company will document a food safety managementsystem which shall consist a HACCP and supportinggood manufacturing management procedures.An appointed Food Safety Team Leader with theauthority and responsibility shall ensure that this policy isadhered to and communicated throughout the entirecompany.

Food Safety Management Systemplanning Planning of the FSMS is carried out to meetthe standard requirement as well as theobjectives of the organization that supportfood safety, and The integrity of the FSMS is maintained whenchanges to the food safety managementsystem are planned and implemented.

Communication External communication is essential andimportant to ensure that sufficientinformation on issues concerning foodsafety is available throughout the foodchain. Internal communication is essential inestablishing an effective food safetymanagement system in an organization.

A typical example of Cross-functionalcommunication – InternalCommunicationPlant ManagerQC InspectorProductionSupervisorCleaningSubcontractorHygieneOfficerProcess Operator

Management review The organization’s FSMS at planned intervalsto ensure its continuing suitability, adequacyand effectiveness is reviewed <strong>by</strong> the topmanagement , which includes assessingopportunities for improvement and the need forchange to the food safety managementsystem, including the food safety policy.

Resource Management Resource Management consists of– Provision of resources– Humana Resources with competenceawareness and training– Infrastructure &– Work environment

Planning & realization of safe products An organization has to plan and developthe processes needed for the realizationof safe products <strong>by</strong> implementing,operating and ensuring the effectivenessof the planned activities and any changesto those activities which includes PRPsas well as operational PRP(s) and /orHACCP Plan.

Preliminary steps to enable hazardanalysis Preliminary steps consist of :– Food safety team with multi-disciplinary knowledge andexperience in developing and implementing the FSMS– Product characteristics consisting of raw materials,ingredients and product contact materials. Identification of statutory and regulatory food safety requirementswith frequent updates. End product characteristics consisting information like product name,its composition, biological-chemical & physical characteristicsrelevant for food safety , intended shelf life and storage conditions ,packaging, labeling relating to food safety, instruction for handling,preparation, usage & method(s) of distribution.– Intended use– Flow diagrams, process steps & control measures.

Hazard Analysis A hazard analysis is conducted to determineand assess all hazards (biological, chemicaland physical) that need to be controlled to thenecessary degree, and the appropriate controlmeasures for each product or process type.This consist of:– Hazard identification and determination ofacceptable levels.– Hazard assessment– Selection and assessment of control measures

Establishing the operationalprerequisite programmes (PRPs) This includes:– Food safety hazards to be controlled <strong>by</strong> theprorgramme– Control measures– Monitoring procedures including records that arerequired to demonstrate that the operationalPRP(s) are in place.– The corrections and corrective actions to be takenif monitoring records show that the operationalPRP(s) are not in control– Responsibilities and authorities– Record of monitoring.

What is a HACCP PlanHACCP plans includes information on:– Food safety hazards to be controlled at the CCP– Control measures– Critical limits– Monitoring procedures– Corrections and corrective actions to be taken if criticallimits are exceeded– Responsibilities and authorities– Records of monitoring

Establishing the HACCP Plan For establishing the HACCP Plan belowpoints are to be taken care:– Identification of critical control points– Determination of critical limits for criticalcontrol points.– System for the monitoring of critical controlpoints– Actions when monitoring results exceedcritical limits.

Other required steps for interpretationof <strong>ISO</strong> <strong>22000</strong> This include:– Verification planning– Traceability system– Control of nonconformity Corrections Corrective actions Handling of potentially unsafe products Withdrawals

Validation, verification andimprovement of the FSMS This include:– Validation of control measurecombinations– Control of monitoring and measuring– Food safety management systemverification.– Continual Improvement

Actions for Continual ImprovementReason for improvementCurrent situationAnalysisIdentification of possible solutionsEvaluation of effectsStandardization of the new solutionEvaluation for efficiency of the process and effectiveness ofimprovement action

Thank you for joining in the presentationPlease fill in the feedback formWhich would help us to be more preciseIn our efforts.Sanjay PunjabiCertified Lead Auditorsan@netpeckers.netM-9426077684NETPECKERS CONSULTING (P) LTDAn <strong>ISO</strong> 9001:2000 compliant organization

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