HX8347 - Adafruit

HX8347 - Adafruit HX8347 - Adafruit


HX8347-G(T)240RGB x 320 dot, 262K color, TFT Mobile Single Chip DriverDATA SHEET Preliminary V01Power PartSignals I/OPin ConnectedNumber withDescriptionIOVCC P 7 Power Supply Digital IO Pad power supplyVCI P 8 Power Supply Analog power supplyVSSD P 16 Ground Digital groundVSSA P 8 Ground Analog groundVDDD O 14Stabilizing Output from internal logic voltage (1.4V). Connect to acapacitor stabilizing capacitorVREG1 P 4 Internal generated stable power for source driver unit.VCL P 8Stabilizing An output from the step-up circuit3.capacitor A negative voltage for VCOML circuit, VCL=-VCIDDVDH P 7Stabilizing An output from the step-up circuit1.capacitor Connect to a stabilizing capacitor between VSSA and DDVDH.VGH P 5A positive power output from the step-up circuit 2 for the gatestabilizing capacitor between GND and VGH.Stabilizing line drive circuit.capacitor The step-up rate is determined by BT3-0 bits. Connect to aVGL P 5VPP_OTP - 7StabilizingcapacitorPowersupplyA negative power output from the step-up circuit 2 for the gateline drive circuit.The step-up rate is determined by BT (3-0) bits. Connect to astabilizing capacitor between GND and VGL.Power supply pin used in OTP program mode and operates at6.5V ± 0.2.If not in OTP program mode, please let it open or fix to GND.Test pin and othersSignals I/OPin ConnectedNumber withDescriptionTEST2-1 I 3 GND Test pin input (Internal pull low). Disconnect it.TEST10-4 O 8 Open A test pin. Disconnect it.OSC I 1 Open A test pin. Disconnect it.VTEST O 1 Open Gamma voltage of Panel test pin output. Must be left open.CONN - 2 OpenDummy pads. Available for measuring the COG contactresistance. They are short-circuited within the chip.VCOMH_DUMMY - 2 Open Dummy padsVCOML_DUMMY - 2 Open Dummy padsVCOM_DUMMY - 8 Open Dummy padsDUMMY - 24 Open Dummy padsHimax ConfidentialFor Go-tek OnlyThis information contained herein is the exclusive property of Himax and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosedin whole or in part without prior written permission of Himax.-P.18-October, 2009

.HX8347-G(T)240RGB x 320 dot, 262K color, TFT Mobile Single Chip Driver3.3 Pin assignmentDATA SHEET Preliminary V01Chip Size: 15260umx720um(Including Seal-ring and Scribe line)Chip Thickness: 250 um (typ.)Pad Location: Pad centerCoordinate Origin: Chip centerAu Bump Size:1. 40 um x 56 umInput Pads(No. 1~ No. 232)2. 14 um x 104 umStaggered LCD output side(No. 233 ~ No. 1278)NO. 1VTESTDUMMY1VCOMDUMMY2C22PC22NC21PC21NVGHDUMMY3VGLDDVDHC12PC12NC11PC11NVPP_OTPVCIVSSDVSSDVSSATEST1DUMMY4DUMMY4IFSELIM3IM2IM1IM0NRESETNCSDNC_SCLNWR_SCLNRDTEST2VSYNCHSYNCDEDOTCLKDUMMY6SDA/SDIDB0DB1DB2DB3DUMMY7DB4DB5DB6DB7DUMMY8DB8DB9DB10DB11DUMMY9DB12DB13DB14DB15DUMMY10DB16DB17OSCTETEST3/SDOCABC_PWM_OUTBC_CTRLDUMMY11DUMMY11TEST4TEST5TEST6TEST7TEST8TEST9TEST10IOVCCVDDDDUMMY13VREG1DUMMY14DUMMY15VCLC31PC31NCONNVCOML_DUMMYVCOMH_DUMMYDUMMY16VCOM_DUMMYDUMMY17DUMMY18Face Up(Bump View)HX8347-GPin AssignmentX(A1)Y....................DUMMY24DUMMY23G3 G1DUMMY22G7 G5G311G313G317 G315G319S1S3 S2S5 S4S6S357 S356S359 S358S360S361S363 S362S715 S714S717 S716S719 S718S720G320NO.1278G316 G318G314NO.232.G14G10 G12G6G8G2G4DUMMY21DUMMY20DUMMY19(A2)NO.233Himax ConfidentialFor Go-tek OnlyThis information contained herein is the exclusive property of Himax and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosedin whole or in part without prior written permission of Himax.-P.19-October, 2009

<strong>HX8347</strong>-G(T)240RGB x 320 dot, 262K color, TFT Mobile Single Chip DriverDATA SHEET Preliminary V01Power PartSignals I/OPin ConnectedNumber withDescriptionIOVCC P 7 Power Supply Digital IO Pad power supplyVCI P 8 Power Supply Analog power supplyVSSD P 16 Ground Digital groundVSSA P 8 Ground Analog groundVDDD O 14Stabilizing Output from internal logic voltage (1.4V). Connect to acapacitor stabilizing capacitorVREG1 P 4 Internal generated stable power for source driver unit.VCL P 8Stabilizing An output from the step-up circuit3.capacitor A negative voltage for VCOML circuit, VCL=-VCIDDVDH P 7Stabilizing An output from the step-up circuit1.capacitor Connect to a stabilizing capacitor between VSSA and DDVDH.VGH P 5A positive power output from the step-up circuit 2 for the gatestabilizing capacitor between GND and VGH.Stabilizing line drive circuit.capacitor The step-up rate is determined by BT3-0 bits. Connect to aVGL P 5VPP_OTP - 7StabilizingcapacitorPowersupplyA negative power output from the step-up circuit 2 for the gateline drive circuit.The step-up rate is determined by BT (3-0) bits. Connect to astabilizing capacitor between GND and VGL.Power supply pin used in OTP program mode and operates at6.5V ± 0.2.If not in OTP program mode, please let it open or fix to GND.Test pin and othersSignals I/OPin ConnectedNumber withDescriptionTEST2-1 I 3 GND Test pin input (Internal pull low). Disconnect it.TEST10-4 O 8 Open A test pin. Disconnect it.OSC I 1 Open A test pin. Disconnect it.VTEST O 1 Open Gamma voltage of Panel test pin output. Must be left open.CONN - 2 OpenDummy pads. Available for measuring the COG contactresistance. They are short-circuited within the chip.VCOMH_DUMMY - 2 Open Dummy padsVCOML_DUMMY - 2 Open Dummy padsVCOM_DUMMY - 8 Open Dummy padsDUMMY - 24 Open Dummy padsHimax ConfidentialFor Go-tek OnlyThis information contained herein is the exclusive property of Himax and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosedin whole or in part without prior written permission of Himax.-P.18-October, 2009

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