Be adult night classes - Northern Territory Schools

Be adult night classes - Northern Territory Schools Be adult night classes - Northern Territory Schools
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PHOTOSHOP INTRODUCTIONTUESDAY $225 - 8 WEEKSCreate fun artwork and images with Adobe Photoshop. This isa practical introduction to an exciting software program. Thecourse includes scanning, image manipulation, painting, colourcorrection, special effects with filters, file formats and final outputoptions for printing, email and web sites. Basic knowledge ofcomputing is essential.SPREADSHEETS MS EXCEL 2007THURSDAY $225 - 8 WEEKSThis is an introductory course to spreadsheets. Spreadsheetstransform computer screens to pages with columns and rows wheredata can be entered, your calculations tabulated and ‘what if ...?’questions asked. Useful for budgeting, cashbooks, statistics andprojections.COOKINGAUTHENTIC INDIAN COOKINGMONDAY $175 – 4 WEEKSJoin Christine D’Souza (Resident Magazine issue 7 May-Oct 08)for an introduction to a culinary journey through Indian Cuisine.Have the complexities of spices and ingredients demystified as youmake Indian cooking simple and practical yet absolutely delicious.Enjoy authentic home style meals that are wholesome, nutritiousand balanced.FLAVOURS OF ITALYTUESDAY $275 - 8 WEEKSTake a fascinating journey through Italy enjoying the flavours anddelicious dishes from this country. Learn the secrets of Italian stylehome cooking. . Learn to create regional and traditional Italianmeals with ease and confidence. A course full of fun and flavour.INTRODUCTION TO BASIC COOKINGTHURSDAY $275 – 8 WEEKSA cooking class for anyone, either gender, or for those who justdon’t know where to start. This hands-on course will teach youwhat you need to know about basic cooking methods, includingpreparation of meals, interpreting modern and classic recipes,equipping your kitchen with the basic implements essential forevery home cook. Ideal for the beginner, or as a refresher for allages.JAPANESE COOKINGWEDNESDAY $275 – 8 WEEKSLearn to prepare delicious Japanese dishes in the traditional way.Japanese food is one of the healthiest foods in the world. PrepareSushi Rolls, Okonomiyaki, Sukiyaki and other well known JapanesedishesCAKE DECORATINGMONDAY $175 - 4 WEEKSWith over 30 years of experience, Gayle Mc Quinn has createdmany styles and designs of cakes to make a special occasion, be itlarge or small, just perfect. Learn to decorate special occasion cakesin a course that includes board preparation, covering cakes, handmoulding flowers and leaves, pipe work and more!Tutor Gayle McQuinn - www.cakesntpiczo.comHEALTH & WELLBEINGHERBS FOR HEALTH AND BEAUTYTUESDAY $175 – 6 WEEKSNEWDelve into the wonderful world of herbal healing with NaturopathAlexis Harper and satisfy your intrigue of herbal medicine. Learnhow to apply commonly found herbs for health, beauty andvitality. This is a practical course, where each week you will make adifferent product to add to your home herbal dispensary and willinclude making a facial cleanser and moisturizer. See Tutor Profile.MASSAGE FOR EVERYBODYMONDAY $200 - 8 WEEKSThis course provides you with the skills to massage family, friendsand even yourself, thereby improving emotional and physicalhealth and balance in yourself and others. Massage works directlywith the neuromuscular connections of the body relieving tension,discomfort and pain. Massage is also a wonderful way to relaxbabies and children.MASSAGE ADVANCEDTUESDAY $200 – 8 WEEKSImprove and deepen your massage skills acquired in Massage forEverybody 1. Learn new techniques and movements includingreflexology and integration of hot stone therapy into massage.QI GONG (CHI KUNG)WEDNESDAY $100 – 8 WEEKSQi Gong is a traditional Chinese method of health maintenanceand improvement. “Qi” (also spelt “Chi”) is the Chinese word forthe energy of the body – most specifically relating to the breath,blood, and nervous function. “Gong” (also spelt “Kung”) meanswork or exercise. “Qi Gong”, therefore, is “Energy Work” or“Breath Exercise”. This course will introduce the basic concepts ofQi Gong and provide instruction in two sets of Qi Gong exercisesRELAXATION AND MEDITATIONMONDAY $125 - 6 WEEKSUsing a combination of simple yoga postures, pranayama(breathing) techniques and meditation this course is designedfor those who need to relieve stress in their lives. Students willexperience a deep sense of emotional, mental and physicalrelaxation during the class and learn simple techniques they can useat work and home to stay calm. This course is suitable for everyoneand no experience is necessary. Wear comfortable, loose clothing.STRETCHING, STRENGTHENING AND WELLBEING (seeSport, Exercise & The Outdoors)TAI CHITUESDAY $150 – 8 WEEKSTai Chi is a traditional Chinese martial art practised in a slowand gentle fashion. Tai Chi promotes mental, spiritual, emotionalhealth, relaxing the mind and body and improving general wellbeing.TOP TO TOE MAKE OVERWEDNESDAY $175 – 6 WEEKSJoin Jenni Steer (ex Bliss <strong>Be</strong>auty Gallery Darwin) and make yourselfover! You’ll learn professional beauty techniques – how togive yourself an at-home facial, manicure, pedicure, waxing, faketanning,brow shaping and tinting and false eyelashes. Bring yourcamera for the before and after shotsYOGATUESDAY $125 – 8 WEEKSYoga is a tried and true method of attaining better physical health,mental clarity and psycho-emotional balance. A totally integrationsystem, Yoga can promote greater harmony within ourselves, ourfamilies and our planet.HOME & LIFESTYLEHOME HAIR DRESSINGTHURSDAY $175 – 6 WEEKSThis is a hands on course. Save money and time by learning how toachieve the latest look and style for you and your family. Learn howto successfully cut hair using scissors and clippers. Extra materialcosts may apply.INTRODUCTORY ACCOUNTINGTHURSDAY $400 - 16 WEEKSFor those who need to understand the fundamentals of accountingand the use of accounting information. This course will assistpeople from a non-financial background to better appreciate theimportance of accounting within the framework of the businessorganisation and to understand accounting terminology in orderto use accounting information correctly and analyse and interpretfinancial statements. Fee includes text book.INTRODUCTION TO WELDINGWEDNESDAY $200 - 8 WEEKSThis introductory course teaches the basic principles and skillsinvolved in electric arc welding and oxyacetylene gas welding.Equipment and some materials are included in this course. You candesign and construct an individual project.MAHJONG ON MONDAYSMONDAY $120 - 6 WEEKSThis ancient and sometimes rowdy Chinese game is back in vogueNamed for a Chinese word that means ‘sparrow’ Mahjong is a gameof skill, similar to the card game Gin Rummy, played with engravedtiles of various suits. Players try to assemble a winning hand bycollecting tiles to form certain patterns.PROPERTY INVESTINGMONDAY $100 – 3 WEEKSThis course provides a plain English understanding of residentialproperty investment and is designed to provide practical strategiesto building a financially independent future. Whilst it is perfectfor people looking to venture into the investment property market,the experienced investor will also benefit from current statistics andstrategies detailed in the course.STOCKS & SHARESTUESDAY $200 - 6 WEEKSThis course provides a practical insight and advice into what youneed to know about how to invest in the stock market. Learn basicand useable technical analysis as well as tips on key indicators andmovements in the stock market.SUCCESSFUL PROPERTY INVESTING FOR WOMENWEEKEND WORKSHOP $120 – MARCH 28 thJoin Karen Munro to find out where and what to buy formaximum capital growth, how to build up a property portfolio andhow to reap the rewards from your investments.THE MAKE UP ROOMTUESDAY $175 – 6 WEEKSInterested in learning how to apply your own make up correctlyand professionally? This course covers all the do’s and don’ts ofmake-up application. Learn to apply quick five minute day wear toglamour <strong>night</strong> wear, quick fashion tips and styles of make-up thatbest suit your look, age, skin colouring, eyes and face shape.WORKING WITH METAL – A PROJECT BASED COURSETUESDAY $225 - 8 WEEKS NEWThis is an introductory course to enable students to develop basicskills in Electric Arc Welding and in the use of various machinepower tools. Students will be assisted in developing basic skills inelectric arc welding machines, various hand held power tools andfixed machine tools such as metal lathes and milling machines. Thisis intended as a project based course where students will developbasic metal working skills by constructing/fabricating/machininga project of their choice. The project/s selected will need to benegotiated with the instructor and will be dependent on theskill level of the student, time and cost restraints and workshoplimitations. Cost of project materials not included.MUSIC & DANCEGUITAR BASICSMONDAY $125 - 8 WEEKSAlways had a desire to play the guitar? Guitar Basics is for theperson who has little or no knowledge of the guitar. At the end ofthe course you will be able to tune your guitar, understand chordsand play a simple song.GUITAR CONTINUINGMONDAY $125 – 8 WEEKSThis course will give you the confidence to express yourself andexplore the many different sounds that a guitar creates. Playingguitar in relation to rhythm, notes and chords. Read guitar musicand chord charts, as well as learn songs and good practice habits.SOCIAL BALLROOM DANCING INTRODUCTIONTUESDAY $125 - 8 WEEKSIf you want to learn social dance in Darwin, then this courseof 8 <strong>classes</strong> is for you. Ideal for singles and couples, <strong>adult</strong>s andteens it is suitable for new and beginner dancers. Exercise andhave some fun while learning the basic steps of the ever popularBallroom and Latin Dances to get you through functions and socialcommitments, weddings, balls and dinner dances!STREET SALSA DANCINGWEDNESDAY $125 - 8 WEEKS<strong>Be</strong>gin a spicy adventure with this exciting Latin American rhythm.This course introduces you to this energetic and sensual dancesensation. ... ... we’ll lead you every step of the way.SWING DANCINGTHURSDAY $75 – 6 WEEKSYou’ve seen it on Dancing with the Stars and So You Think YouCan Dance – so swing along to the Adult Night Classes and catchthe infectious fun of swing dancing and all that comes with it – atime to socialise, listen to the great music of the 1920’s, 30’s and40’s and a chance to kick up your heels on the dance floor!SPORT, EXERCISE & THE OUTDOORSBEGINNERS GOLFMONDAY $175 - 6 WEEKSGolf is a game where the player invariably lies better than the ball,but in this beginners’ introduction to the game you will learnthe basic fundamentals – the correct grip, stance and swing andhave the opportunity to hit balls with the low and mid irons andpractice perfect putting.BICYCLE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCETHURSDAY $125 – 6 WEEKSBring your bicycle with you and learn hands on the skills torepair and maintain it in top condition. Learn how to fix apuncture, remove a wheel and replace a tyre maintain the brakes,adjust gears, check steering, pedal, axle and wheel hub bearings,chain maintenance. Set up your bike with a correct and saferiding position.BIRD WATCHING IN THE DARWIN AREAWEDNESDAY $150 – 6 WEEKSA bird’s life is an extraordinary world of colour, plumage, songand ritual and about half of Australia’s 760 bird species have beensighted in the Top End with approximately 250 species noted inand around Darwin. This course introduces Top End birds with anemphasis on those found in and around Darwin.Tutor Niven McCrie - www.nt.birds.net2

SPORT, EXERCISE & THE OUTDOORSFEMME FISHINGTUESDAY $200 - 8 WEEKSThis beginners course is for those that are looking for a differentand challenging interest. Targeted at women who feel they arelacking the knowledge and confidence with a fishing rod, ourexperienced tutor will teach you the skills to land that magnificentfish. Location Casuarina Senior College.NAVIGATING WITH GPS FOR BUSINESS AND PLEASUREWEDNESDAY $125 – 3 WEEKSLearn how to make use of a hand held GPS for collectinginformation in the field, displaying data on Google Earth andproducing basic maps. Participants will be provided with a GarminGPS in class and all software used in demonstrations is availablefree on the Internet. A detailed list of topics covered by this courseis available by ringing 89201200.STRETCHING, STRENGTHENING AND WELLBEINGWEDNESDAY $80 – 8WEEKSStretch, strengthen and energise the body through safe, gentle andfunctional exercises that provides a thorough work out. Classeswill match the abilities and limitation of the individual in a relaxedand friendly atmosphere where your sense of wellbeing is enhancedthrough enjoyable and stress releasing exercises.Tutor ProfilesLynn Ferguson is a freelance costume designerwith many years of experience workingprofessionally in the theatre, films music video,site specific events and exhibition. Now she ispassing on her vast experience and skills at theAdult Night Classes to anyone wanting to createsomething stunningly unique to add flair to anyoutfit. See From The Neck Up - page 1.Alexis Harper is passionate about herbalmedicine and using plants and food to heal.After completing a Bachelor of Heath Science,Naturopathy in Sydney she went on tomanufacture beauty products at Lush HandmadeCosmetics. Alexis’s training encompassesWestern Herbal Medicine and HerbalManufacturing and will inspire you to getcreative about how to use everyday herbs for your own healthand beauty. See Herbs for Health and <strong>Be</strong>auty - page 2.Yvonne Odegaard is a descendant of theLarrakia people and a recognised Larrakiawoman in the community. She works in threeAboriginal communities as an Art DevelopmentOfficer, teaching and training artists on theCommonwealth Development EmploymentProject programme. Inspired by the spirit of herancestors, her three Larrakia Grandmothers, herFather and the native trees and bush tucker growing on Larrakiacountry, Yvonne is thrilled to be joining the Adult Night Classes.See Bush Seed Jewellery Making - page 1.Michelle Burgoine has always made jewellery.Her grandmother used to give her costumejewellery which she would take home and makeinto something better! Years later she foundherself at a bead making class in Sydney andthe addiction has held her since. After a fewyears of experimenting and developing herown style she taught <strong>Be</strong>ad Making Classes atChokadoo Studios in Sydney and worked at most of the majortrade fairs in New South Wales exhibiting her own creations.Since moving to Darwin she has regularly taught <strong>Be</strong>ad Makingat her own studio and with the Craft Council. See Synergy withGlass - page 1 - Exploring new business opportunities, planning acareer change or just love a language. From absolute beginnersto accomplished speakers, CSC Adult Night Classes offers acomprehensive language programme to suit your needs.WHAT LEVEL AM I?<strong>Be</strong>ginner <strong>classes</strong>: for students with no prior knowledge of thelanguage.Level 2: A continuation from our <strong>Be</strong>ginner’s course. Thesecourses are suitable for people who have completed our<strong>Be</strong>ginner’s level course or who have a basic understanding ofthe language.Level 3/Continuing: A continuation from our Level 2 Coursesthat are suitable for people who have completed Level 2 coursesor who have a good grasp of basic grammar and wish to worktowards fluency.CHINESE/MANDARIN BEGINNERSWed 10 th Feb 20106pm – 8.30pm 8 sessions of 2.5 hrs $180Mandarin is the world’s most spoken language and is one of themost widely spoken forms of Chinese. By learning Mandarin youwill gain a valuable insight into the Chinese culture that is highlyintegrated into the Darwin Community.ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGEMon 8 th Feb 20106pm - 8.30pm 8 sessions of 2.5 hrs $180A beginners class for individuals who can understand basicgreetings, simple phrases and commands. They may alsounderstand simple questions related to personal informationspoken slowly and with repetition, but may themselves speakslowly and with difficulty.ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGEThurs 11 th Feb 20106pm - 8.30pm 8 sessions of 2.5 hrs $180A continuing class where the individual can understand andcommunicate in a variety of contexts related to daily life andwork, shows control of basic grammar but might have difficultyusing more complex structures. The individual would show somebasic fluency of speech.FRENCH BEGINNERSTBA Feb 20106pm – 8.30pm 8 sessions of 2.5 hrs $180French is the official language of 28 countries and is spoken bymore than 450 million people throughout the world. Participantslearn the basics of the language including greetings, the alphabet,numbers and writing in French.GERMAN BEGINNERSTues 9 th Feb 20106pm – 8.30pm 8 sessions of 2.5 hrs $180The third most learned language in the world, German is spokenby over 100 million native speakers worldwide. Learn the basicsof the language such as how to introduce yourself and numberingwhilst practising grammatical elements as you start to learn basicspeaking, reading and writing skillsGERMAN LEVEL 2Thursday 11 th Feb 20106pm – 8.30pm 8 sessions of 2.5 hrs $180Continue the material learnt in German <strong>Be</strong>ginners to expand andfurther emphasise grammatical development.Courses commence on 8 th February 2010 at Casuarina Senior College.CSC Adult Night Classes makes every effort to ensure the information in this brochure is correct at the time ofpublication. CSC reserves the right to change course schedules, locations, fees and tutors when necessary.Enrol early - avoid disappointmentENROLMENT CONDITIONSPRIOR ENROLMENT IS ESSENTIALEnrol early as <strong>classes</strong> fill quickly. Please do not leave your enrolment until the first class as you maybe disappointed.ENROLMENT FORMSEnrolment Forms may be obtained by personally visiting the Night Classes office or by faxing,emailing or telephoning your request. You may prefer to download the form as an Acrobatdocument from our web site: just follow the links to the‘Enrolment Form’.For full terms and conditions of enrolment, please visit the web site orcontact the Night Class office.3Have Your Say:Introduction to Bookbinding – Natalie Uhing.Learnt so much in a short time and could show something from myefforts – already used what was learnt!!Massage for Everybody – Tina <strong>Be</strong>rnadini HigginsJust to Thank You. The experience has enhanced my stay in Darwin.ADULT NIGHT CLASSESEnquiries Tel - (08) 8920 1200Enrolments also csc.<strong>night</strong><strong>classes</strong>@ntschools.netCnr. Trower Road and Parer Drive, CasuarinaGERMAN CONTINUINGWed 10 th Feb 20106pm – 8.30pm 8 sessions of 2.5 hrs $180Suitable for those who have completed both levels up to Continuingand wish to further their reading, writing, listening and speakingskills through various class activities.INDONESIAN BEGINNERSTBA Feb 20106pm – 8.30pm 16 sessions of 2.5 hrs $275Indonesian is the fourth most populous nation in the world andBahasa Indonesian (the language of Indonesia) is now one of themost widely spoken languages in the world.ITALIAN BEGINNERSMon 8 th Feb 20106pm – 8.30pm 8 sessions of 2.5 hrs $180Spoken by about 70 million people worldwide, learning Italianwill uncover the unique culture of the country in its food, fashion,arts and history. Course material will cover basic greetings andintroductions, expressing likes and dislikes and basic pronunciation,writing and reading skills.ITALIAN CONTINUINGTues 9 th Feb 20106pm – 8.30pm 8 sessions of 2.5 hrs $180Suitable for those who have completed both levels up to Continuingand wish to further their reading, writing, listening and speakingskills through various class activities.JAPANESE BEGINNERSThurs 11 th Feb 20106pm – 8.30pm 8 sessions of 2.5 hrs $180Whether you are a leisure or business traveller or simply want tolearn more about the culture this beginners course requires no priorknowledge of Japanese and is suitable for all.JAPANESE CONTINUINGTues 9 th Feb 20106pm – 8.30pm 8 sessions of 2.5 hrs $180Suitable for those who have completed both levels up to Continuingand wish to further their reading, writing, listening and speakingskills through various class activities.SPANISH BEGINNERSMon 8 th Feb 20106pm – 8.30pm 16 sessions of 2.5 hrs $275Spanish is the official language of 21 countries and this lively andexpressive language is spoken by over 350 million people world wide.SPANISH LEVEL 2Tues 9 th Feb 20106pm – 8.30pm 8 sessions of 2.5 hrs $180Continue the material learnt in Spanish <strong>Be</strong>ginners to expand andfurther emphasise grammatical development.SPANISH CONTINUINGWed 10 th Feb 20106.30pm – 9.00pm 8 sessions of 2.5 hrs $180Suitable for those who have completed both levels up to Continuingand wish to further their reading, writing, listening and speakingskills through various class activities.SPANISH FOR TRAVELLERSThur 11 th Feb 20106pm – 8.30pm 8 sessions of 2.5 hrs $180Intended for those who wish a brief introduction to the languagefocussing primarily on selected phrases and expressions often used bytravellers.Spanish <strong>Be</strong>ginners – Pilar JadueI’ll be back! – hasta luego.Photography Essentials – Christopher K<strong>night</strong>Enjoyed the practicality of the lessons and the challenging ideaspresented.SEMESTER 1 DATES - 2010TERM 1 - commences 8 th FebruaryTERM 2 - commences 26 th AprilSEMESTER 2 DATES - 2010TERM 3 – commences 2 nd AugustTERM 4 – commences 11 th OctoberBrochure by DigiFilm Australia - (08) 89329191Cover photo by Christopher K<strong>night</strong>

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