14th Component 12 Agreement, April 13, 2006 - March 31, 2010 - PDF

14th Component 12 Agreement, April 13, 2006 - March 31, 2010 - PDF

14th Component 12 Agreement, April 13, 2006 - March 31, 2010 - PDF


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FOURTEENTH COMPONENT AGREEMENTbetween theGOVERNMENT OF THEPROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIArepresented by thePUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEERELATIONS COMMISSIONand theB.C. GOVERNMENT AND SERVICEEMPLOYEES’ UNION (BCGEU)representing employees of theADMINISTRATIVE SERVICESCOMPONENT<strong>Agreement</strong> signed this <strong>13</strong> th day of <strong>April</strong>, <strong>2006</strong>

TABLE OF CONTENTSARTICLE 1 - PREAMBLE........................................................ 11.1 Purpose of <strong>Agreement</strong>........................................... 11.2 Administrative Services Recognition Day ........... 11.3 Elimination of Present Classification ................... 1ARTICLE 2 - UNION REPRESENTATIVES......................... 1ARTICLE 3 - SENIORITY ........................................................ <strong>13</strong>.1 Ministry Seniority Units - Auxiliary Layoffand Recall .............................................................. <strong>13</strong>.2 Same Service Seniority Date ................................ 2ARTICLE 4 - HOURS OF WORK ........................................... 2Preamble............................................................................. 2Terminology....................................................................... 24.1 Standard Hours...................................................... 34.2 Meal Periods.......................................................... 34.3 Clean up Time ....................................................... 34.4 Reporting to Work Location ................................. 34.5 Employees in Field Camps ................................... 34.6 Field Employees.................................................... 44.7 Shift Operations..................................................... 44.8 Allocation of Shifts ............................................... 44.9 Split Shifts ............................................................. 54.10 Scheduling Lieu Days ........................................... 54.11 Modified Work Week ........................................... 54.<strong>12</strong> Flex-time................................................................ 64.<strong>13</strong> Other Work Schedules .......................................... 7ARTICLE 5 - OVERTIME COMPENSATION ..................... 75.1 General Provisions ................................................ 75.2 Twenty-four Hour Camps..................................... 8ARTICLE 6 - ANNUAL VACATIONS .................................... 86.1 Prime Time Vacation Period................................. 86.2 Vacation Preference .............................................. 86.3 Vacation Schedules ............................................... 86.4 Vacation Relief...................................................... 9(i)

ARTICLE 7 - TRAINING & CAREERDEVELOPMENT.................................................................. 97.1 Purpose .................................................................. 97.2 Training ............................................................... 107.3 Training Assistance............................................. 107.4 Educational Assistance........................................ 117.5 Conferences and Seminars.................................. 117.6 In-Service Examination....................................... <strong>12</strong>ARTICLE 8 - ON-THE-JOB TRAINING.............................. <strong>12</strong>ARTICLE 9 - SAFETY AND HEALTH................................. <strong>12</strong>9.1 Supply and Maintenance of Equipment ............. <strong>12</strong>9.2 Safe Working Conditions.................................... <strong>13</strong>9.3 Survival First Aid Course ................................... <strong>13</strong>ARTICLE 10 - CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT ................ <strong>13</strong>10.1 Protective Clothing.............................................. <strong>13</strong>10.2 Maintenance of Clothing..................................... <strong>13</strong>10.3 Union Label......................................................... 1410.4 Uniforms.............................................................. 1410.5 Tools and Equipment .......................................... 1410.6 Lockers ................................................................ 14ARTICLE 11 - PAYMENT OF WAGES ANDALLOWANCES................................................................... 1511.1 Vehicles ............................................................... 1511.2 Expenses Within Headquarters Area.................. 1511.3 Entertainment Expenses...................................... 1511.4 Standby ................................................................ 1511.5 Damage to Personal Property.............................. 1511.6 Safety Footwear................................................... 1611.7 Property Negotiator Professional Fees ............... 16ARTICLE <strong>12</strong> - WORKLOAD.................................................. 17<strong>12</strong>.1 Positions Temporarily Vacant ............................ 17<strong>12</strong>.2 Assignment of Work ........................................... 17ARTICLE <strong>13</strong> - PERSONAL DUTIES..................................... 17ARTICLE 14 - GENERAL CONDITIONS ........................... 1814.1 Return to Headquarters ....................................... 1814.2 Travel Conditions................................................ 18(ii)

14.3 Change of Work Location................................... 18ARTICLE 15 - TERM OF AGREEMENT ............................ 1815.1 Duration............................................................... 1815.2 Notice to Bargain ................................................ 1815.3 Commencement of Bargaining ........................... 1915.4 Changes in <strong>Agreement</strong>........................................ 1915.5 <strong>Agreement</strong> to Continue in Force......................... 1915.6 Effective Date of <strong>Agreement</strong> .............................. 19APPENDIX 1 - Ministry Seniority Units: Auxiliary Layoffand Recall.............................................................................. 21APPENDIX 2 - Court Clerks--Supreme and ProvincialCourts .................................................................................... 43*APPENDIX 3 - Coordinator of Volunteers 1 ....................... 43*APPENDIX 4 - Uniforms - Fire Commissioners.................. 43LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING 1 - Administration ofMedication ............................................................................ 43*MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING -Interpretative Document - Administrative Services<strong>Component</strong> Clause 4.11 Modified Work Week ............... 46NOTE: Changes to the Thirteenth <strong>Component</strong> <strong>Agreement</strong> areindicated in the Fourteenth <strong>Component</strong> <strong>Agreement</strong> with boldtype (except for Headings) or an asterisk (*) where languagehas been deleted and no new text added.(iii)

Joint Committee for consideration and recommendation to the<strong>Component</strong> Bargaining Principals.(b) Prior to such matters being referred to an Article 29Ministry Joint Committee, written notification shall beprovided to the <strong>Component</strong> Bargaining Principals.3.2(a)(b)Same Service Seniority DateWhen two or more regular or auxiliary employees have thesame service seniority date and when mutual agreement cannotbe reached, then seniority shall be determined by chance.PreambleARTICLE 4 - HOURS OF WORKThe Parties recognize the Employer's right to establish hoursof operation to provide adequate service to the public and tofulfil the functions of the work unit. To this end, workschedules selected from Clauses 4.1 – Standard Hours , 4.7– Shift Operations and 4.11 – Modified Work Week below,will be established pursuant to Article 14—Hours of Work ofthe Master <strong>Agreement</strong>.TerminologyFor the purpose of Article 4—Hours of Work of this<strong>Agreement</strong> the following definitions apply:(1) "Fixed location employees" means thoseemployees who spend all or the greater part of their timeat a central work location where they generally performtheir duties on a regular daily shift basis.(2) "Field employees" means those employees whospend all or the greater part of their time away from theircentral work location. This term "field employees" isnot synonymous to the term "field status" defined in theMaster <strong>Agreement</strong>.2

4.1(3) "Central work location" means the place atwhich an employee normally receives their officecorrespondence and work assignments.(a) Except as otherwise provided, the standard work weekshall consist of five consecutive days from Monday to Friday,inclusive.(b) Except as otherwise provided, the work day shall beseven hours duration exclusive of meal period, and thesehours shall be scheduled between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.4.2(a) Meal periods shall be scheduled as close as possible tothe middle of the scheduled hours of work. The length of themeal period shall be agreed to at the local level and shall benot less than 30 minutes nor more than 60 minutes.(b) An employee shall be entitled to take their meal periodaway from the workstation. Where this cannot be done, themeal period shall be considered as time worked. HoursMeal PeriodsClean up TimeEmployees shall be allowed reasonable time during the workday or shift for clean up purposes.Reporting to Work LocationWhere employees are required to report to a central location inorder to be assigned their work location, their shift or work dayshall commence from the time they are required to report forassignment.Employees in Field CampsTimekeepers and Construction Accountants who aretemporarily assigned to remote and isolated locations and whowork with the members of another component, shall have theagreement of the component having the largest representation in3

the work unit apply to them with regard to hours of work, lieudays, overtime payment, days off, and any other provisionspecifically applicable to field crews.4.6(a) Except for recording vacation, sick leave, overtimeand/or compensatory time off, and approved absences with orwithout pay, and unless specific job requirements necessitateit, the field employee will not generally be required to recordtheir time.(b) Time spent in travel in excess of the time spent in travelfrom the employee's residence to their central work locationand return shall be considered as time worked.4.74.8Field EmployeesThe Parties recognize the historical flexibility of working hoursperformed by the field employee using their own discretion asto the most effective application of those hours to meetoperational requirements. The Parties agree to the continuationof this practice.Shift OperationsWhere the hours of operation require employees to be scheduledfor work outside the standard hours listed in Clause 4.1 –Standard Hours, shift schedules shall be established by mutualagreement at the local level. The shift patterns shall be eitherfive days on and two days off or four days on and two days offunless otherwise agreed to by the Parties to this <strong>Agreement</strong>.Once the shift pattern and the length of the meal period havebeen agreed to, the length of the work day will be as required tomeet the annual hours outlined in Clause 14.1 – Hours ofWork of the Master <strong>Agreement</strong>. This clause shall not apply tothose employees covered by Clauses 4.5 – Employees in FieldCamps and 4.6 – Field Employees of this <strong>Agreement</strong>.Allocation of ShiftsWhere the Parties to this <strong>Agreement</strong> determine that shifts are tobe rotated, such shifts shall be rotated on an equitable basis.4

4.94.10(a) Pursuant to Clauses 17.3 – Holiday Falling on a Day ofRest and 17.4 – Holiday Falling on a Scheduled Work Dayof the Master <strong>Agreement</strong>, days off in lieu of paid holidaysshall be scheduled by mutual agreement and taken within 60days following the paid holiday.(b) If the lieu day is not taken within the 60 days, it shall beimmediately scheduled on the vacation roster.(c) This Clause does not apply where the days in lieu ofpaid holidays are built into the shift pattern.4.11Split ShiftsNo shift shall be split for a period longer than the regularlyscheduled meal period. The application of this clause toemployees described in Clause 4.6 – Field Employees shall beat their discretion.Scheduling Lieu DaysModified Work Week(a) Where there is mutual agreement between the Uniondesignate and the Employer's designate at the local level for amodified work week, work schedules may be arranged on oneof the following bases:(1) 4/3 – the work day shall be eight hours and 45minutes.(2) 5/4 – the work day shall be seven hours and 47minutes.(3) 5/5/4 – the work day shall be seven hours and 30minutes.(4) 5/5/5/4 – the work day shall be seven hours and22 minutes.(b) The foregoing work schedules shall be subject to thefollowing provisions:5

4.<strong>12</strong>(1) It is understood that the implementation ofmodified work week work schedules is dependent onreceiving confirmation from the Employer prior toimplementation.(2) There shall be equitable rotation of the extradays off as mutually agreed at the local level.(3) Pursuant to Clause 14.3(b) – Conversion ofHours – Vacation, of the Master <strong>Agreement</strong>, forvacation purposes employees shall remain on the agreedwork schedules and vacation entitlement shall beconverted to hours. The scheduled daily hours shall bededucted from the vacation entitlement for each day ofvacation taken.(4) Pursuant to Clause 14.3(c) – Conversion ofHours - Designated Paid Holidays, of the Master<strong>Agreement</strong>, any shortfall arising from designated paidholidays falling within the schedule shall be scheduledby mutual agreement.(c) (1) The extra day off is scheduled by mutualagreement at the local level on Monday or Friday; or(2) is scheduled by mutual agreement within theapplicable cycle in (a) above.Flex-time(a) Pursuant to Clause 14.8 - Flextime of the Master<strong>Agreement</strong>, employees or groups of employees may be giventhe authority to work flex-time by mutual agreement betweenthe Parties at the local level.(b) The averaging period for those employees on flextimeshall be 70 hours per two week period.(c) The work day for those employees on flextime shall notexceed 10 hours.6

4.<strong>13</strong>5.1Other Work SchedulesThe Parties recognize that there may be occasion, due tospecific work needs, to grant approval for a work schedulewhich is contained in another <strong>Component</strong> <strong>Agreement</strong>. If thereis mutual agreement between the component bargainingprincipals a Letter of <strong>Agreement</strong>, will be negotiated to reflectthese special circumstances.ARTICLE 5 - OVERTIME COMPENSATIONGeneral Provisions(a) Pursuant to Clause 16.6 – Overtime Compensation ofthe Master <strong>Agreement</strong>, employees shall have the option ofbeing compensated for overtime in cash or compensatory timeoff.(b) If the employee elects to take compensatory time off,such time off shall be scheduled by mutual agreementwithin 60 days from it being earned.(c) If mutual agreement on the scheduling of compensatorytime off cannot be reached, the employee may elect, at anytime after the 60 days, to receive cash payment for suchunscheduled compensatory time off.(d) Where overtime is paid in cash, the Employer shallmake every reasonable effort to make payment by the nextpay period immediately following the month in which theemployee opts for cash payment pursuant to (a) or (c) above,as the case may be.(e) Any overtime still owing at the end of the calendar yearmay be taken as compensatory time off at a mutuallyagreeable time prior to the end of the fiscal year. Should thisbecome impossible, all outstanding overtime shall becompensated by monetary payment at the end of the fiscalyear or upon termination, whichever occurs earlier.7

5.26.1ARTICLE 6 - ANNUAL VACATIONS(a) Subject to the provisions of this Article, it is the intent ofthe Parties that no employee shall be restricted in the time ofyear they choose to take their vacation entitlement. However,all employees shall be allowed to take at least four weeks oftheir vacation entitlement during the period May 1 st toSeptember 30 th , inclusive, which shall be defined as the primetime vacation period.(b) For those employees who have more than four weeksvacation entitlement, the Employer shall make everyreasonable effort to allow such employees to take theircomplete vacation entitlement during the prime time period ifthey so desire.6.2(a) Preference in the selection and allocation of vacationtime shall be determined within each work unit on the basis ofservice seniority. Where an employee chooses to split theirvacation, their second choice of vacation time shall be madeonly after all other employees concerned have made theirinitial selection.(b) Regular vacations shall have priority over carried overvacation time during the prime time vacation period.6.3Twenty-four Hour CampsEmployees required to work in 24 hour camp operations shallbe compensated with two days off and four straight time hourscash for each 24 hour day spent in camp.Prime Time Vacation PeriodVacation PreferenceVacation Schedules(a) Vacation schedules will be circulated and posted byJanuary <strong>31</strong> st of each year. This date may be altered at thelocal level by mutual agreement of the local chairperson and8

the Employer designate, but not later than <strong>March</strong> 1 st of eachyear.(b) An employee who does not exercise their seniorityrights within one week of receiving the vacation scheduleshall not be entitled to exercise those rights in respect to anyvacation time previously selected by an employee with lessseniority.(c) An employee who voluntarily transfers to another worklocation where the vacation schedule has already beencompleted will not be entitled to exercise their seniority rightswith respect to that vacation schedule. However, every effortwill be made to grant vacation at the time of the transferredemployee's choice.(d) An employee transferred by the Employer shall maintaintheir vacation period and no other employee's vacation timeshall be affected thereby.(e) The Employer shall make every reasonable effort tocontact employees who are absent in order to establish suchemployees' preference for vacation.6.4ARTICLE 7 - TRAINING & CAREER DEVELOPMENT7.1Vacation ReliefWhere vacation relief is required, the Employer shall giveregular employees the opportunity to substitute in higher payingpositions and arrange for staff replacement at the lowest payingcategory.PurposeIt is recognized that it is in the mutual interest of AdministrativeServices <strong>Component</strong> employees and the Public Service ofBritish Columbia that:(a) a skilled workforce is maintained through timely andadequate training that is necessary to perform currentresponsibilities;9

(b) developmental opportunities are made available inrequisite skills, knowledge and experience areas which are notneeded in an employee's present position but needed inpotential future responsibilities or when replacing absent staff;(c) developmental training is available to satisfy personallong-term educational goals utilizing after-hours time.It is recognized that training and development activity is a jointresponsibility shared between the Employer and the recipientemployee.All training and development opportunities are subject to theavailability of individual Ministry training and developmentfunding, Ministry training policies and operationalrequirements. All ministry training policies shall be posted byJanuary <strong>31</strong> st of each year or made available on request toemployees.7.2(a) The Employer shall determine the training necessary foremployees to perform the duties of their position.(b) Such training may be in the form of in-service training,courses, seminars, demonstrations, conferences, refreshercourses or on-the-job instruction as appropriate. Leaverequired for such training shall be in accordance withClause 20.7 – Leave for Taking Courses of the Master<strong>Agreement</strong>.7.3TrainingTraining Assistance(a) Employees shall be reimbursed for 100% of the tuitionfor job-related courses approved by the Ministry theguidelines for which are outlined in Clause 7.4 – EducationalAssistance below.(b) Tuition fees for approved courses which lead to adiploma or a degree shall be reimbursed in the amountof 75%.10

(c) Termination of employment will nullify any obligationof assistance by the Employer.7.4(a) on-campus or extension courses taken for credit andgiven by accredited higher educational institutions;(b)(c) vocational or business courses taken from recognizedschools;(d) technical courses taken from recognized engineering/technical institutions;7.5(e)Educational AssistanceTo qualify for reimbursement, an employee must be a regularemployee upon enrollment.To be approved, the courses described below must be related tothe employee's present position or career development:correspondence courses taken from recognized schools;seminars.All applications for training assistance must be submittedprior to registration in the course.The employee shall initially pay the tuition fees, withreimbursement provided on proof of successful completion ofthe program.Conferences and Seminars(a) Where practical, employees may be permitted to attendconferences and seminars in their respective fields at Ministryexpense. Upon return from such conferences or seminars, theemployee may be required to submit a report to the Ministryhead concerned.(b) Where an employee is, or will be, required to operatetechnical equipment or use new methods during the course oftheir duties and where seminars, demonstrations, orconferences are held pertaining to such technical equipmentor new methods, the employee may attend such11

demonstrations, conferences or seminars upon approval, bythe Employer, of their application. Employees shall suffer noloss of basic pay as a result of such attendance.(c) An employee who attends a conference, convention,seminar or staff meeting at the request of the Employer, shallbe deemed to be on duty and, as required, on travel status.7.6(a) Employees shall be permitted to write any in-serviceexamination required by the Employer, upon satisfactorycompletion of the necessary term of service and trainingprograms. Employees who fail an in-service examinationshall, upon request and where available, receive a copy oftheir examination paper and shall be eligible to be reexamined.This provision shall not apply to examinations setas a condition of initial employment.(b) Eligible candidates participating in a posted competitionfor a regular position, and who are required to take anexamination as a part of the competitive process, includingthe testing of keyboarding skills, shall be administered at nocost to the employee.9.1In-Service ExaminationARTICLE 8 - ON-THE-JOB TRAININGThe local supervisor shall be responsible for providing jobtraining to employees filling vacant or new positions.ARTICLE 9 - SAFETY AND HEALTHSupply and Maintenance of EquipmentA regular employee shall not suffer any loss in salary in theevent that they cannot carry out their normal duties by reason ofthe Employer failing to furnish or properly maintain equipment,machinery, or supplies or by reason of power failure or othercircumstances occurring at the place of work.<strong>12</strong>

9.29.<strong>31</strong>0.1ARTICLE 10 - CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT(a) This shall normally include smocks, laboratory coats, orcoveralls where the employee's clothes may be soiled due tothe work situation.(b) Where work is to be performed outdoors in inclementweather pursuant to (a) above, the necessary rainwear, parkas,or gloves shall also be made available.10.2Safe Working ConditionsThe Employer undertakes to maintain office furniture,equipment, etc., in a practical and safe condition in order toavoid injury to employees or damage to their attire. Employees,for their part and in their own interest, are expected to advisethe Employer of any such potentially injurious equipment.Survival First Aid CourseThose employees who by the nature of their employment arerequired to work in remote isolated areas shall be given theopportunity to take a Survival First Aid Course at theEmployer's expense. Any disputes arising from the applicationor interpretation of this Clause shall be referred to theProvincial Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee forresolution.Protective ClothingThe Employer shall provide adequate protective clothing wherethe need arises.Maintenance of Clothing(a) It shall be the responsibility of the employee to maintainand clean washable apparel provided to the employee by theEmployer.(b) Where the Employer requires other apparel to be wornwhich must be dry-cleaned, the Employer shall be responsiblefor dry-cleaning and maintenance.<strong>13</strong>

(c) Where the Employer has a responsibility in (b) above,the Employer will pay an allowance of $25.00 per month,effective <strong>April</strong> 16, <strong>2006</strong>, to the employee where arrangementshave not been made for dry-cleaning and maintenance.Note:10.<strong>31</strong>0.4(a) The Employer shall provide the appropriate uniform orwearing apparel to any employee who is required to wear auniform.(b) The type of uniform or wearing apparel to be providedshall be determined by joint Union-Employer committees.(c) The Employer agrees that for all clothing and equipmentlisted in Appendix 2—Court Clerks--Supreme and ProvincialCourts, replacement will be issued upon presentation of wornoutarticles.10.510.6Allowance will increase to:• $25.50 per month, effective <strong>April</strong> 1, 2007• $26.00 per month effective <strong>March</strong> 30, 2008• $26.50 per month effective <strong>March</strong> 29, 2009Union LabelUpon depletion of existing stocks, all uniforms and clothingissued by the Employer shall bear a recognized Union Label.UniformsTools and EquipmentThe Employer shall supply all tools and equipment required toperform the work.LockersWhere employees are required to change their uniform in thecourse of their normal duties, and where space is available,lockers which can be locked, shall be provided.14

11.111.211.<strong>31</strong>1.4ARTICLE 11 - PAYMENT OF WAGES ANDALLOWANCES(a) Employees required to standby shall be assignedstandby on an equitable basis considering the qualifications ofemployees required.(b) For employees in Forest Service warehouses, theEmployer agrees to give at least 48 hours notice of standbyassignment.11.5VehiclesIf an employee is required to use their own automobile in theperformance of their duties, the Employer shall ensure that theposition posting or advertisement shall include this requirement.Expenses Within Headquarters AreaAn employee in performing their duties within theirheadquarters area may claim unusual and/or extraordinary outof-pocketexpenses, subject to approval by the Employer. It isagreed that payment for out-of-pocket expenses is intended toinclude payment for meals where the situation warrants. It isnot the intention to pay meal allowances where the employeecan be reasonably expected to provide their own meal.Entertainment ExpensesWhen employees have occasion to entertain non-servicepersonnel in the course of their duties, they shall, subject toprior approval, be reimbursed for reasonable expenses.StandbyDamage to Personal PropertyWhere an employee's personal property, excluding privateautomobiles utilized in the performance of their duties, isdamaged by a client, patient, or resident while the employee iscarrying out their duties, and the damages are not covered byWorkers' Compensation or insurance, the Employer shall15

eimburse the employee for the necessary repairs orreplacement.11.611.7Safety FootwearRegular employees who are required by the Workers'Compensation Board Regulations or by the Employer to wearsafety toe footwear in the performance of their regular dutiesshall, upon presentation of a receipt evidencing the purchase ofsame, be reimbursed in the amount of $61.00 effective<strong>April</strong> 16, <strong>2006</strong>. Such reimbursement may be received onlyonce per calendar year. Part-time regular employees shallreceive this reimbursement on a pro rata basis.Note: The Safety Footwear allowance shall be increased:• $62.50 effective <strong>April</strong> 1, 2007• $64.00 effective <strong>March</strong> 30, 2008• $65.50 effective <strong>March</strong> 29, 2009Property Negotiator Professional FeesRegular full-time employees classified as property negotiatorswho have completed their probationary period and who arerequired to maintain certification(s) by the Expropriation Actand their job description, shall be reimbursed in full forannual membership or licensing fees (not to exceed 2005 feeschedule).These certifications include:(a) A.A.C.I. designation by the Appraisal Institute ofCanada(b) Certified Appraiser R.I.(BC) by the Real Estate Instituteof British Columbia(c) In respect of partial takings only, SR/WA designation bythe International Right of Way Association.16

<strong>12</strong>.1ARTICLE <strong>12</strong> - WORKLOAD(a) The Employer agrees that, except in the case ofemergency, an employee's work load will not be increased asa result of positions being temporarily vacant due to illness,vacation, leave of absence, or any other reason.(b) In such instances, the Employer shall give regularemployees the opportunity to substitute in higher payingpositions and arrange for staff replacements at the lowestpaying category.(c) Approval for release to a temporary assignment, wherethat assignment is a promotion, will not be unreasonablywithheld.<strong>12</strong>.2Positions Temporarily VacantAssignment of Work(a) The parties agree that it is essential to ensure that allemployees be advised of their job expectations, duties andresponsibilities.(b) Where an employee is concerned that they cannotcomplete assignments and/or their work obligations, it is theirresponsibility to seek advice and direction from their localsupervisor. The local supervisor will then provide direction tothe employee, as necessary, on how to complete the assignedduties. This may include instructions on the priorities of theassigned duties.ARTICLE <strong>13</strong> - PERSONAL DUTIES(a) It is understood by both Parties that work not related tothe business of the Public Service should not be performed onthe Employer's time.(b) To this end, it is agreed that an employee will not berequired to perform duties of a personal nature for supervisorypersonnel.17

14.1ARTICLE 14 - GENERAL CONDITIONS(a) Field employees on "travel status" as defined in theMaster <strong>Agreement</strong> shall be afforded the opportunity ofreturning to their headquarters for a weekend at the end of atwo week period at the Employer's expense.(b) Travel time under this Clause shall be on the employee'stime, and accommodation expenses for the weekend period, ifany, shall be the employee's responsibility.(c) The Employer shall determine the mode oftransportation to be taken by the employee.14.214.<strong>31</strong>5.115.2Return to HeadquartersTravel ConditionsThe Employer shall consult with the employee whose dutiesrequire them to be absent from their headquarters for extendedperiods, and subject to operational requirements, shall allow theemployee to travel at a time convenient to the employee.Change of Work LocationExcept in the case of temporary assignment for the duration ofless than one month, and except in the case of emergencies, theEmployer shall give an employee two weeks advance noticeprior to implementing any change in the employee's centralwork location.ARTICLE 15 - TERM OF AGREEMENTDurationThis <strong>Agreement</strong> shall be binding and remain in effect untilmidnight, <strong>March</strong> <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>.Notice to Bargain(a) This <strong>Agreement</strong> may be opened for collectivebargaining by either Party giving written notice to the other18

Party on or after January 1, <strong>2010</strong>, but in any event no laterthan midnight, January <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>.(b) Where no notice is given by either Party prior toJanuary <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>, both Parties shall be deemed to have beengiven notice under this Clause on January <strong>31</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> andthereupon Clause 16.3 of this Article applies.(c) All notices on behalf of the Union shall be given by thePresident of the Union or a designate, and similar notices onbehalf of the Employer shall be given by the DeputyMinister of the British Columbia Public Service Agency.15.<strong>31</strong>5.415.515.6Commencement of BargainingWhere a Party to this <strong>Agreement</strong> has given notice under 16.2 ofthis Article, the Parties shall, within 14 days after the notice wasgiven, commence collective bargaining.Changes in <strong>Agreement</strong>Any change deemed necessary in this <strong>Agreement</strong> may be madeby mutual agreement at any time during the life of this<strong>Agreement</strong>.<strong>Agreement</strong> to Continue in ForceBoth Parties shall adhere fully to the terms of this <strong>Agreement</strong>during the period of bona fide collective bargaining.Effective Date of <strong>Agreement</strong>The provisions of this <strong>Agreement</strong>, except as otherwisespecified, shall come into full force and effect on the date ofsigning.19

FOR THE UNION:George HeymanPresidentSandi McLean<strong>Component</strong> ChairpersonLori JoaquinMemberRussell KatzerMemberSheila KnightMemberFOR THE EMPLOYER:Laura LeghSenior Labour RelationsSpecialist, BCPSAPaddy BradleySenior Labour RelationsSpecialist, BCPSASylvia PangLabour Relations SpecialistBCPSAAnna JaworskiManager, Strategic HumanResourcesMinistry of Energy, Mines &Petroleum ResourcesSonja MartinsAssistant DirectorStrategic Human ResourcesMinistry of EnvironmentSarah JohnsonMemberJoanne PitzelRegional DirectorCourt ServicesMinistry of AttorneyGeneralDarlene ThorburnStaff RepresentativeDated: <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2006</strong>20

MINISTRIESAPPENDIX 1Ministry Seniority Units:Auxiliary Layoff and Recall1. MINISTRY OF ABORIGINAL RELATIONS ANDRECONCILIATION(1) Victoria(a)(b)Deputy Minister; Assistant DeputyMinisters’ Offices; Corporate ServicesBalance of Ministry2. MINISTRY OF ADVANCED EDUCATION(1) Victoria(a) Offices of the Deputy Minister andExecutive Staff; Student and Strategic ServicesDivision(b)(c)Student Services BranchPost Secondary Education DivisionNotwithstanding the above, for (c), ClerkStenographer R9's shall form one unit; OA-R6'sand OA-R7's shall form two seniority units asfollows:(i) clerical(ii) typing/stenographic/wordprocessing(2) Balance of Province - by geographic location3. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND LANDS(1) Victoria(a) Deputy Minister's Office; AssistantDeputy Ministers' Offices21

(b) Risk Management andCompetitiveness Division(c) Strategy, Policy and LegislationDivision(d)Crown Land Administration DivisionNotwithstanding the above, OA-R6's and OA-R7's shall form two (2) units on the followingbasis:(i) clerical/accounting(ii) typing/stenographic/wordprocessing(2) Farm Industry Review Board(3) Balance of Province - by geographic locationINTEGRATED LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU(1) Victoria(a) Associate Deputy Minister’s Office;Assistant Deputy Ministers’ Offices(b)(c)Strategic Initiatives DivisionRegional Client Services Division(d) Corporate Resource and InformationManagement & Species at Risk CoordinationOffice DivisionNotwithstanding the above, OA-R6’s and OA-R7’s shall form two (2) blocks on thefollowing basis:(2) Balance of Province(i) clerical/accounting(ii) typing/stenographical/wordprocessing(a) Regional Client Services Division bygeographic location22

(b) Balance of Bureau – by geographiclocation4. MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY GENERAL ANDMINISTER RESPONSIBLE FORMULTICULTURALISM(1) BC Review Board(2) Court ServicesRegional Operations (Regional and District Officesincluding applicable headquarters offices shall becombined to form one unit where they share a commongeographic location)(a)Vancouver Island Region1. Victoria (includes headquartersand V.I. Regional HQ)2. Western Communities3. Duncan4. Courtenay5. Campbell River6. Nanaimo7. Port Alberni8. Port Hardy9. Powell River(b)Lower Mainland Area1. Vancouver (includes RegionalHeadquarters), Law Courts,Robson Square2. Richmond3. North Vancouver4. Sechelt5. New Westminster (includesRegional Headquarters)23

(c)(d)6. Port Coquitlam7. Surrey8. Chilliwack9. Hope10. AbbotsfordInterior Region1. Kamloops2. Salmon Arm3. Vernon4. Kelowna5. Penticton6. Cranbrook7. Golden8. Nelson9. RosslandNorthern Region1. Prince Rupert2. Terrace3. Smithers4. Prince George5. Quesnel6. Williams Lake7. 100 Mile House8. Dawson Creek9. Fort St. John10. Fort Nelson(3) Criminal Justice - by geographic location(4) Justice Services(a)(b)VictoriaVancouver24

(c) New Westminster, Port Coquitlam,Maple Ridge, Coquitlam(d) Surrey, Langley(e) Chilliwack, Abbotsford(f) All other areas - by geographic location(5) Management Services Branch(a)Finance and Administration(i)(ii)AccountsPayroll/Leave Management(b) Information Technology Services - bygeographic location(c)(d)Personnel Services - geographic locationRest of Branch - by geographic location(6) Public Guardian and Trustee of BritishColumbia - by geographic location(7) Policy, Planning, and Legislation;Communications; Corporate and Public Issues;Investigations, Inspections and Standards Office;Expropriation Board - by geographic location5. MINISTRY OF CHILDREN AND FAMILYDEVELOPMENT(1) Victoria Headquarters - by DivisionNotwithstanding the above, OA-R6's and OA-R7's shallform two units as follows:(2) Regions(i) clerical(ii) typing/stenographic/wordprocessingSeniority units shall be by geographic location withinthe Region with the following exceptions:25

(a)After Hours(i) Vancouver After Hours ResponseTeam and Provincial After Hours Line(ii) Lower Mainland After HoursResponse Team (New West)(b) Provincial Services for the Deaf andHard of Hearing(c) Maples Adolescent Centre; YouthForensic Psychiatric Services by geographiclocation(d) Youth Custody Centres by geographiclocation(e) Regional Personnel offices by geographiclocation6. MINISTRY OF COMMUNITY SERVICES(1) Victoria(a)(b)Deputy Minister’s OfficeMangement Services Division(i)(ii)(iii)FinanceStrategic Human ResourcesRemainder of Division(c) Senior’s, Women’s, and CommunityServices Division(d)(i)(2) Greater Vancouver(a)Correspondence BranchLocal Government DivisionUniversity Endowment Lands(b) Senior’s, Women’s, and CommunityServices Division(c)Remainder of Ministry26

(3) Balance of Province - by geographic location7. MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT(1) Victoria(a) Deputy Minister's Office;Communications Division(b) Management Services Division, byBranch(c)Balance of Ministry by DivisionNotwithstanding the above, OA-R6's and OA-R7's in Divisions (b) and (c) shall form two unitsas follows:(i) clerical(ii) typing/stenographic/wordprocessing(2) Balance of Province - by geographic location8. MINISTRY OF EDUCATION(1) Victoria(a) Offices of the Deputy Minister andExecutive Staff; Intergovernmental Relations(b)Management Services(c) Information; Achievement andAssessment(d)(e)Governance; FundingAccountability; Liaison; InitiativesNotwithstanding the above, Clerk StenographerR9's shall form one unit; OA-R6's and OA-R7'sshall form two seniority units as follows:(i) clerical(ii) typing/stenographic/wordprocessing27

(2) Balance of Province - by geographic location9. MINISTRY OF EMPLOYMENT AND INCOMEASSISTANCERegions(1) Vancouver Coastal Region – two units:(a)Sechelt(b) Vancouver, North Vancouver, Richmond,and all other ministry operations within thegeographic area(2) Fraser Region – four units:(a) Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, MapleRidge, New Westminster, Burnaby(b)(c)(d)Mission, Abbotsford, ChilliwackHope(3) Other RegionsSurrey, Delta, LangleySeniority Units shall be by geographic locationswithin the Region(4) Victoria Headquarters(a)ExecutiveDeputy Minister’s Office; Assistant DeputyMinisters’ Offices; Communications Division;Corporate Services Division(b) Policy and Research Division – bybranchNotwithstanding the above, OA-R6’s and OA-R7’s, Clerk R9’s and Clerk Steno R9’s will formtwo units on the follows basis:(i)clerical28

(ii) typing/stenographic/wordprocessing(5) Regional Services Division – by branch(6) Employment Division – by branchNotwithstanding the above, for the Regional ServicesDivision and the Employment Division, OA-R6’s andOA-R7’s, Clerk R9’s and Clerk Steno R9’s will formtwo units on the follows basis:(i)(ii)clericalsteno(7) Management Services Division(a)(b)(c)(d)Asset and Risk Management BranchFinance and Administration BranchInformation Management BranchInformation and Privacy Branch(8) Vancouver Headquarters(a)(b)Finance and Administration BranchInformation Management Branch(9) Remainder of Province – by geographic location10. MINISTRY OF ENERGY AND MINES ANDPETROLEUM RESOURCES(1) Victoria(a)(b)Deputy Minister's OfficeBalance of Ministry by DivisionNotwithstanding the above, OA-R6's and OA-R7's in (b) above shall form two units as follows:(i) clerical(ii) typing/stenographic/wordprocessing29

(2) Balance of Province - by geographic location11. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT(1) Victoria(a) Executive – Deputy Minister’s Office,Assistant Deputy Ministers’ Offices,Executive Directors’ Offices(b) Balance of Ministry – By Division, bybranchNotwithstanding (a) and (b) above, OA-R7’s,Clerk R9’s and Clerk Steno R9’s shall formtwo (2) units as follows:(2) Balance of Province(a)<strong>12</strong>. MINISTRY OF FINANCEVictoria(i) clerical(ii) typing /stenographic/wordprocessingDivision, by geographic location(1) Deputy Minister's Office(2) Office of the Comptroller General(3) Provincial Treasury and Registries(4) Corporate and Ministry Support Services(a)(b)Financial Services and AdministrationInformation Management Branch<strong>13</strong>. MINISTRY OF FORESTS AND RANGE ANDMINISTER RESPONSIBLE FOR HOUSING(1) Victoria(a) Deputy Minister's Office; AssistantDeputy Ministers' Offices; Deputy Chief30

Forester's Office; Mountain Pine BeetleResponse Division – by Branch(b)SalesOperations Division and BC Timber1. Compliance and EnforcementBranch; Range Branch2. Protection Branch3. BC Timber SalesNotwithstanding the above, OA-R6’s andOA-R7’s in (b) above shall form twoseniority units as follows:(2) Forestry Stewardship Division(a)(i) clerical(ii) typing/stenographic/wordprocessingForest Analysis and Inventory Branch(b) Forest Practice Branch; ResearchBranch; Tree Improvement BranchNotwithstanding the above, OA-R6's and OA-R7's shall form two units as follows:(i) clerical(ii) typing/stenographic/wordprocessing(3) Corporate Services Division(a) Strategic Human Resources; BusinessImprovement Branch; Strategic Policy andPlanning Branch(b) Financial and Management ServicesBranch(c)Information Management Group<strong>31</strong>

(4) Tenures and Revenue Branch(a) Aboriginal Affairs Branch; Economicsand Trade Branch; Resource Tenures andEngineering Branch(b)Revenue BranchNotwithstanding the above, OA-R6’s and OA-R7’s shall form two units as follows:(5) Balance of Province(i) clerical(ii) typing/stenographic/wordprocessing(a) Regional Offices - by geographiclocation(b) District, Field and Branch Offices - bygeographic location(c) Protection Branch Offices - bygeographic locationNotwithstanding the above, OA-R6's and OA-R7's shall form two seniority units as follows:(i) clerical(ii) typing/stenographic/wordprocessingOFFICE OF HOUSING AND CONSTRUCTIONSTANDARDS(1) Housing Operations – by geographic location(2) Rest of Department – Associated DeputyMinister’s Office; Housing Policy; Building Policy;Safety Policies and Liaison32

14. MINISTRY OF HEALTH(1) Victoria(a) Deputy Minister’s Office; AssociateDeputy Minister’s Office(b)Medical Services; Pharmacare(c) Population Health and Wellness;Office of Provincial Health Officer(d) Knowledge Management andTechnology – except Vital Statistics Agency(e) Strategic Initiatives and CorporateServices(f) Clinical Innovation and Integration –except BC Ambulance Service; StrategicPolicy, Legislation, and IntergovernmentalRelations; Performance Management andImprovementNotwithstanding the above, OA-R6’s, OA-R7’s, Clerk R9’s and Clerk Steno R9’s shallform one seniority unit across the Ministry(g) Clinical Innovation and Integration -BC Ambulance Service(h) Knowledge Management andTechnology - Vital Statistics Agency(2) Vancouver(a)(b)(c)BC Ambulance ServiceVital Statistics AgencyRemainder of MinistryNotwithstanding the above for (c) only, OA-R6’s, OA-R7’s, Clerk R9’s and Clerk StenoR9’s shall form one seniority unit across theMinistry33

(3) Balance of Province – by geographic location15. MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND CITIZENS’SERVICES(1) Victoria(a)(b)Deputy Minister’s OfficeCommon Business Services1. Procurement and SupplyServices; Strategic Acquisitions andIntellectual Property Management2. Financial Services; CorporateAccounting System; InformationSystems(c) Common Information Technology andPayroll Services(d)(e)Chief Information OfficeService BC(f) Associate Deputy Minister’s Office;Policy and Legislation (Labour)(g)(h)Employment Standards BranchWorkers' Advisers; Employers' Advisers(i) Accommodation and Real EstateServicesNotwithstanding the above, Clerk Steno R9’sshall form one unit; OA-R6’s and OA-R7’sshall form two seniority units as follows:(2) Greater Vancouver(a)(i) clerical(ii) typing/stenographic/wordprocessingProcurement and Supply Services34

(b)(c)Service BCEmployment Standards Branch(d) Workers' Compensation AppealTribunal; Workers’ Advisers; Employers'Advisers(e) Accommodation and Real EstateServices(3) Balance of Province - by geographic location16. LIQUOR DISTRIBUTION BRANCH(1) Vancouver(a) Retail Services Administration; HumanResources; Finance; Distribution Administration(b)(c)(d)Information ServicesLoss PreventionCorporate ProgramsNotwithstanding the above, OA-R6's, OA-R7'sand Clerk Steno R9's shall form the followingseniority units:(i) clerical(ii) typing/stenographic/wordprocessing(2) Field Operations - by geographic location17. MINISTRY OF PUBLIC SAFETY ANDSOLICITOR GENERALCorrections(1) Headquarter Operations - Regional CommunityServices Operations (Regional and District Officesincluding applicable headquarters offices shall becombined to form one unit where they share a commongeographic location)(a)Island Coastal35

(b)(c)1. Victoria Court; WesternCommunities; Saanich2. Duncan3. Courtenay4. Nanaimo5. Port Alberni6. Port Hardy7. Campbell River8. Powell River9. North Vancouver10. Sechelt11. Squamish<strong>12</strong>. Island Coastal RegionalHeadquarters; VictoriaHeadquartersVancouver Metro1. Vancouver Court Office;Vancouver IntensiveSupervision Unit2. Vancouver East; VancouverWest; Vancouver South3. Richmond4. BurnabyFraser Metro Region1. Delta2. Langley3. Surrey North; Surrey South;Central Monitoring Unit4. New Westminster5. Coquitlam; Port Coquitlam;Port Moody36

(d)(e)(2) Institutions(a)Interior Fraser Region1. Abbotsford2. Castlegar3. Chilliwack4. Maple Ridge5. Hope6. Kelowna7. Penticton8. Vernon9. Cranbrook10. Golden11. Kimberley<strong>12</strong>. Nelson<strong>13</strong>. RosslandNorthern Interior Region1. Prince Rupert2. Kamloops3. Terrace4. Smithers5. Merritt6. Prince George7. Quesnel8. Dawson Creek9. Fort St. John10. Vanderhoof11. Salmon Arm<strong>12</strong>. Williams LakeVancouver Island Region1. Vancouver Island RegionalCorrectional Centre37

(b)(c)(d)2. Nanaimo Correctional CentreLower Mainland1. North Fraser Pretrial Services2. Fraser Regional CorrectionalCentre3. Surrey Pretrial Services Centre4. Ford Mountain CorrectionalCentre5. Alouette Correctional Centre forWomen; Administration Unit6. Fraser Community SupervisionProgramInterior Region1. Kamloops Regional CorrectionalCentreNorthern Region1. Prince George RegionalCorrectional Centre(3) Commercial Appeals Commission; Liquor andMotion Picture Appeal Board(4) Community Justice Branch - by geographiclocation(5) Consumer Operations(6) Coroners; Parole Board - by geographic location(7) Film Classification Branch(8) Gaming Policy and Enforcement Division - bygeographic location(9) Liquor Control and Licensing - by geographiclocation38

(10) Provincial Emergency Program - by geographiclocation(11) Public Safety and Regulatory Branch - bygeographic location(<strong>12</strong>) Office of the Fire Commissioner - bygeographic location(<strong>13</strong>) Office of the Superintendent of MotorVehicles – by geographic location18. MINISTRY OF SMALL BUSINESS ANDREVENUE(1) Victoria(a) Deputy Minister’s Office; Policy andLegislation Branch; Appeals and LitigationBranch(b)Revenue Programs Division(c) Strategic Initiatives and AdministrationDivision(d)Revenue Services Division(e) Small Business and Regulatory ReformDivision(2) Balance of Province - by geographic location19. MINISTRY OF TOURISM, SPORT AND THEARTS(1) Victoria(a) Deputy Minister’s Office and AssistantDeputy Ministers’ Offices(b)Arts and Culture Division- by Branch(c) Tourism, Heritage and ResortDevelopment Division39

- by BranchNotwithstanding the above, OA-R7’s, ClerkR9’s and Clerk Steno R9’s shall form oneseniority block across the Ministry(d) Sport, Recreation and VolunteersDivision(2) Vancouver- by Branch(a) Deputy Minister’s Office and AssistantDeputy Ministers’ Offices(b)BC Film Commission(3) Balance of province – by geographic location20. MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION(1) Victoria(a) Deputy Minister’s Office and AssistantDeputy Ministers’ Offices; Human ResourcesBranch(b) Finance and Management ServicesDepartment(c)Highways Department(d) Transportation Planning and PolicyDepartment(e)Partnerships Department(2) Balance of Province - by geographic locationBOARDS AND AGENCIES21. BOARD RESOURCING AND DEVELOPMENT- by geographic location22. B.C. HUMAN RIGHTS TRIBUNAL; OFFICE FORCHILDREN AND YOUTH- by geographic location40

23. BC MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTIONSERVICESRiverview Hospital24. BC OIL AND GAS COMMISSION- by geographic location25. B.C. PENSION CORPORATION(1) Plan Policy and Program Development(2) Client Services(3) Finance, Human Resources and ExecutiveServicesNotwithstanding the above, OA-R7's shall form twounits as follows:(i)(ii)clericaltyping/stenographic/word processing26. ENVIRONMENTAL APPEAL BOARD; FORESTAPPEALS COMMISSION- by geographic location27. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OFFICE- by geographic location28. FORENSIC PSYCHIATRIC SERVICESCOMMISSION(1) Vancouver(a)Forensic Psychiatric Hospital(b) Forensic Adult Clinics - Vancouver;Surrey; Fraser ValleyNotwithstanding the above, OA-R6's, OA-R7's,Clerk R9's and Clerk Stenographer R9's shallform two (2) seniority units as follows:(i)clerical41

(ii) typing/stenographic/wordprocessing(2) Balance of Province by geographic location29. FOREST PRACTICES BOARD- by geographic location30. FRESHWATER FISHERIES SOCIETY OF B.C.(1) Victoria - Headquarters OperationsNotwithstanding the above, OA-R7’s within theabove shall form 2 units as follows:(i) clerical(ii) typing/stenographer/wordprocessing(2) Fisheries Hatcheries - by Hatchery<strong>31</strong>. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONSSECRETARIATProtocol and Events(a)(b)Branch Support StaffTour Guides32. ISLANDS TRUST- by geographic location33. OBL CONTINUING CARE SOCIETY(1) Oak Bay Lodge34. PROVINCIAL CAPITAL COMMISSION35. ROYAL BRITISH COLUMBIA MUSEUM- by geographic location36. TILLICUM AND VETERANS CARE SOCIETYThe Lodge at Broadmead and the Veterans HealthCare Center42

APPENDIX 2Court Clerks--Supreme and Provincial CourtsWhere the Employer requires Court Clerks to wear a uniform,the following will be provided:2 black skirts or 2 pairs black slacks3 white shirtsThe following will be supplied on an as-and-when-neededbasis:1 robe1 vesttabs*APPENDIX 3Coordinator of Volunteers 1*APPENDIX 4Uniforms - Fire CommissionersLETTER OF UNDERSTANDING 1Administration of MedicationPursuant to Article 9—Safety and Health of this <strong>Agreement</strong>, itis agreed that no employee covered by the AdministrativeServices <strong>Component</strong> shall be required to administer medicationin the course of their duties, with the exception of employeesrequired to perform first aid duties pursuant to the Workers'Compensation Act and Regulations.Dated: September 30, 198643

*MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDINGBETWEENBRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLIC SERVICE AGENCY(BCPSA)ANDBCGEU ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES COMPONENT(BCGEU)PrinciplesThe parties agree certain issues relevant to employees coveredby this <strong>Agreement</strong> have application across the public service.As such, the parties agree that a joint Employer/AdministrativeServices <strong>Component</strong> Committee is an appropriate consultativeforum to address issues which are not ministry, board or agencyspecific but which arise and have cross-ministry implications.Structure(a)(b)(c)The Joint Committee shall be comprised of up to threeappointees from each party. Where deemed appropriate,technical advisors may attend Committee meetings asdeemed necessary by either party.There shall be no loss of pay for Committee memberswho attend Joint meetings.The Joint Committee shall meet at the call of eitherparty at a mutually agreeable time and place.(d) An Employer representative and a <strong>Component</strong>representative shall alternate in presiding over meetings.Terms of ReferenceThe terms of reference for the joint committee is to regularlyconsult about issues relating to the public service workplacewhich includes:44

(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)The review of changing workplace technology as it mayaffect employees covered by the <strong>Component</strong><strong>Agreement</strong>;Reviewing options which enhance career opportunitiesincluding in-public service, exchange programs andsecondments;Monitoring the effect of Clause 4.11 – Modified WorkWeek as negotiated in the <strong>13</strong> th <strong>Component</strong> <strong>Agreement</strong>;Reviewing the circumstances where employees coveredby the <strong>Component</strong> <strong>Agreement</strong> are required to standby inconjunction with employees covered by other<strong>Component</strong> <strong>Agreement</strong>s;Where appropriate the Joint Committee may makerecommendations to the Master Bargaining Principalsconcerning matters within its mandate;Identification of public service workplace issues whichmay arise and would benefit from focussed consultation.JurisdictionThe Committee shall not supersede the activities of any othercommittee of the Union or of the Employer and is not intendedas a forum to address ministry specific issues.(BCGEU)(BCPSA)Effective: <strong>April</strong> 1, 2001Amended: February 3, <strong>2006</strong>45

INTERPRETATIVE DOCUMENTRe: Administrative Services <strong>Component</strong> Clause 4.11Modified Work WeekThe purpose of this document is to provide guidance to the partiesrespecting the application of Clause 4.11 – Modified WorkWeek.This requirement is based on the substantive changes made toClause 4.11(a)(4) and (c) during negotiations leading to the <strong>13</strong> th<strong>Agreement</strong>; specifically the introduction of the 5/5/5/4 cycle andthe ability to schedule the extra days off on days other thanMonday and Friday.The intention of the parties when introducing the 5/5/5/4 cycleand greater scheduling flexibility for the extra day off, is toprovide additional options where other cycles were not feasible,thus it precluded the introduction of a modified work week.The parties agree the increased flexibility to schedule extra daysoff is not intended as an invitation for existing mutual agreementto be withdrawn for current hours of work agreements solely onthat basis and absent bona fide rationale.The parties at the local level may, with mutual agreement, revisecurrent hours of work agreements consistent with all optionscontained in Clause 4.11 – Modified Work Week.Any newly negotiated or revised modified work week agreementsshall be copied to the Administrative Services Joint CommitteeCo-Chairperson.comp<strong>12</strong>-14 th Final.doccope 37846

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