14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija

14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija

14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija


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Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - <strong>2012</strong>”Additionally, the more detailed data on ice thickness, ultimate ‘’breed of ice’’ and otherrelated ones are being acquired. Trained ice analysts can infer rough magnitudes of ice thickness andtype using visible imagery [5].All these finally extracted data are necessary for seafarer knowledge in order to calculate andplan further ship’s route and to come to a final solution to cross or not to cross the particular ice-fieldwithin current ice conditions. All these decisions are of direct economic impact and influence.In order to process ice recognisance data, besides UAV on ship must be allocated: flightplanning and control console, radio link antennas for communication between vessel and UAV.3. The experiment on UAV Krauklis deployment for ice conditions surveillanceThe aim of the experiment was practical effort to deploy UAV Krauklis in ice conditionsrecognisance role, as well as to check up the feasibility of its deployment methods. Secondary purposeof the experiment was to work out practically launching (take off) and landing (recovery) proceduresof UAV in beach zone. The launch of UAV from ashore, not from a vessel’s deck at sea, was decideddue to desired ‘’clarity of experiment” and commitment to focus on visual/video data processing,instead of ‘’take off” and ‘’landing ‘’ technical arrangements.The experiment has been conducted within the weather conditions as described in the table(Table 3), and UAV’s technical performance has been limited by relatively strong wind. The generallocation of the flight was selected Jaunkemeri beach (Fig.3). The final outcome of experiment is thepractical proof, that UAV Krauklis can be effectively used for the purposes of ice-conditionssurveillance.In first Phase of experiment there was used the method of Perspective Surveillance, whenaircraft executed a flight in transversal plane of imaginary ship’s general course (Fig. 3). During thefirst flying Phase there were observed tightened ice-packs, snowdrifts, and there was visually visibleice-free water space in a remote viewing perspective (Fig.4).Fig.3 UAV flying location and routesSecond flight Phase has been executed for aim of data rectifying on ice-conditions inaccordance with the Detailed Surveillance method’s procedures. Overall ice structure has beenestimated more detailed in visual view (Fig.5).61

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