14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija

14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija

14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija


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Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - <strong>2012</strong>”ConclusionsLatvia is one of the leading countries in producing renewable energy in the European Union;however wind energy is not utilized to its full potential.If compared to other countries of the EU, the amount of wind energy obtainable in Latvia issmaller; however the Courland coast of the Baltic Sea is suitable for obtaining of wind energy. TheMaritime Spatial Planning Project BaltSeaPlan intends the construction of wind farms on the westerncoast of Courland and is considered one of the promoters of wind energy industry development inLatvia, but insufficient political support, including un-coordination of political matters, absence offavorable legislative framework and other conflicting industries, delay the development of windenergy industry of Latvia.Latvia should make use of this opportunity in development of wind energy industry,advancing it with specific goals and tasks of development to satisfy the demand for electricity in themeantime preserving a healthy ecosystem.References1. J. Barkans. Enerģijas ražošana/Energy Production/. – Riga: Riga Tehnical University, 2001. - 132 p.2. Grinberga L., Kleperis J., Tokmakovs A., Dirba I. <strong>Latvijas</strong> Universitātes Cietvielu fizikasinstitūts/University of Latvia Solid-State Physical Institute/ [www.vide.lu.lv]. Riga : Saules un vēja enerģijasapgūšana: tehnoloģijas un prakse/Developmenf of Sun and Wind energy: technology and practice/ 2008[checked on 12 March <strong>2012</strong>]. Available:http://vide.lu.lv/docs/Saules%20un%20veja%20energijas%20apgusana%20SAUCE2011.pdf3. Jūras vides aizsardzības un pārvaldības likums/Marine Environment Protection and Management Law/[www.likumi.lv]. The Law of the Republic of Latvia: entered into force on 1 January 2011 [checked on 10March <strong>2012</strong>]. Available: http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=2213854. Koncepcija par kompetenču sadalījumu starp institūcijām jūras telpiskajā plānošanā/Concept ofCompetence Division among Institutions in Maritime Spatial Planning/ [www.mk.gov.lv]. Riga : Concept ofthe Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, 2011 [checked on 10 March <strong>2012</strong>].Available: http://www.mk.gov.lv/sabiedribas-lidzdaliba/sabiedribas-lidzdalibas-jaunumi/080911-varam/5. LATVENERGO stock company, Balodis M. [http://www.energoblogs.latvenergo.lv]. Riga: Aratjaunīgajiem energoresursiem darbināmās elektrostacijas: analīze un attīstības perspektīvas/Analyses andDevelopment Perspectives of Renewable Resources Electric Stations/, 2011 [checked on 10 March <strong>2012</strong>].Available: http://www.energoblogs.latvenergo.lv/2011/12/05/ar-atjaunigajiem-energoresursiem-darbinamaselektrostacijas-analize-un-attistibas-perspektivas/6. Official Journal of the European Union [www.eur-lex.europa.eu]. Brussels : Directive 2009/28/EC of theEuropean Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy fromrenewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC, 2009[checked on 14 March <strong>2012</strong>].Available: http://eurlex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2009:140:0016:0062:en:PDF7. The European Wind Energy Association [www.ewea.org.]. Brussels : Wind in power / 2011 Europeanstatistics, <strong>2012</strong> [checked on 12 March <strong>2012</strong>]. Available:http://www.ewea.org/fileadmin/ewea_documents/documents/publications/statistics/Stats_2011.pdf8. The Ministry of Economics of Republic of Latvia [www.em.gov.lv]. Riga : Renewable Energy, <strong>2012</strong>[checked on 10 March <strong>2012</strong>]. Available: http://www.em.gov.lv/em/2nd/?cat=3017056

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