14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija

14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija

14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija


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Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - <strong>2012</strong>”The speed of wind required for a wind turbine to operate is at least 5 m/s. The biggest potential ofwind is obtainable in territories with little to no obstacles – on coasts and flat hills.Recently in Europe a construction of offshore wind farms has begun. However there are manyterritories in Europe, including Latvia, where the obtainable wind potential is sufficient for usage of“green energy”, but these territories are still not being fully utilized due to insufficient politicalsupport, thus future production of power is decreasing. From the statistical data of European WindEnergy Association about construction of new wind turbines in the European Union (EU) in the timeperiod from 2001 to 2011[7], it can be deduced that from 2001 to 2009 the amount of constructedwind turbines both offshore and onshore increased, but stayed practically the same in 2010 and 2011.93 offshore wind turbines were constructed in the EU in the year 2006, 318 in 2007, 372 in 2008, 582in 2009, 883 in 2010 and 866 in 2011. The results of the last two years could be explained withinsufficient support from the government due to the global economic crisis and other politicalconcerns. By the end of the year 2011 all 27 countries of the EU had installed wind farms with thetotal power of 9616 MW (Table 1).Wind power installed in Europe by end of 2010 and 2011 (MW) 6Table 1EU countryInstalled 2010(MW)End 2010(MW)Installed2011 (MW)End 2011(MW)Denmark 315 3 749 178 3 871Estonia 7 149 35 184Finland 52 197 0 197Germany 1 493 27 191 2 086 29 060Latvia 2 30 1 31Lithuania 72 163 16 179Poland 456 1 180 436 1 616Sweden 604 2 163 763 2 907Others 6 647 49 828 6 101 55 912Total 9 648 84 650 9 616 93 957Of which offshore and near shore 883 2 944 866 3 810The most power generated by wind farms was in Germany (29 060 MW), Spain (21 674MW), France (6800 MW), Italy (6747 MW) and Great Britain (6540 MW) [7]. The most powergenerated by wind farms in year 2011 was in Germany (2086 MW) and Great Britain (1293 MW), butSlovakia (3 MW), Latvia (31 MW) and Luxembourg (44 MW) generated the least amount of power.Usage of wind energy in LatviaThe strongest winds in Latvia (at 10m height) are along the coast of Courland and in thevicinity of Ainazi (6 m/s average), but in the rest of the territory the speed of wind is less than 5 m/s.The required speed of wind for a wind generator to operate is at least 5 m/s, which means that thecoast of Courland has enough wind resources to be suitable for construction of wind generators.Maritime spatial planning (MSP) will contribute to the growth of wind energy industry inLatvia, because it is one of the tools recommended by the EU, which will help carry out an integratedmaritime policy, including the implementation of maritime planning in the whole EU, and one of themain planning tasks in Latvia is to find the best suitable sites for offshore wind farms according to6 Made by authors based no reference No 7.52

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