14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija

14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija 14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija


Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - 2012”4. Student evaluation of the services provided by Lithuanian Maritime Academy libraryLibrary of LMA provides various services to its readers but not every service is being usedequally (Fig. 5).Services provided by the library can be sorted by the amount of use (Fig. 5):1. Most of the respondents use their own laptops (74%), Wi-Fi (73%) and spend their freetime (72%).2. Slightly less respondents use book give-away, document copying and consulting services.3. Less than 40% of respondents use computer desktops and related services.It should be noted that consultations provided by the librarians are valued and needed insearch of textbooks, e-books, science papers as well as the answering questions about database search.Service in a state of improvement – preparation for classes. This can be explained by the lack of areain the library. Likely there problems will be solved as soon as the new library development plan willbe accomplished.Document scanningDocument printing47%52%0%0%Textbook, vocabulary usageInternet accessPreparation before classComputer desktop usageReading e-booksDatabase consultationDatabase usageTaking books homeRequired literature consultationDocument copyingScience paper consultationFree timeWi-FiPersonal laptop1%32%35%36%35%39%40%35%37%40%37%39%55%42%66%26%35%36%36%39%47%48%51%52%65%72%73%74%0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%Desirable servicesServices are usedFig. 5 The supply and the need of services provided at the LMA libraryDesired services by the respondents (Fig. 5)1. Mostly desirable service – document scanning and printing (from internet, USB-drive etc.).This service is not yet provided in library and students have to use it somewhere else.2. 32% of respondents often use their own laptops at the library so they would like apermanent Wi-Fi connection.The library has no separate spaces for work and rest therefore sometimes it causesdissatisfaction of visitors gathered for different purposes.136

Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - 2012”At the time of survey respondents were asked how library can be improved. All suggestionscan be sorted to some main groups: To provide the possibility to print written papers. To supply fund with more information written in Lithuanian and be able to take morebooks away. To provide service of using the external memory devices at the library. To keep order of discipline and silence. To provide more resting space. To provide possibility to make tea or coffee.Conclusions1. Modern library must provide informational, educational, consulting and other services tostudents, lectors and other users. Library cannot be imagined without informational technologies,scientific literature, databases, internet access. Search for required information, analysis ofliterature, writing of the paper, printing, designing and binding are the most important phases fora student or a lector while writing a science paper so all these services should be provided right atthe library.2. The library fund is collected by various international projects and LMA own resources. A varietyof publication is satisfying, because in every period of 5 years academy purchases in average 216different title publications. In order to making maritime studies more international it is essentialto increase the fund of literature written in English. For the formation of library funds areresponsible heads of academic departments, lectors, students. According to library fund structureand providing infoservice activities, LMA library meets main options of modern academiclibrary.3. For the comfort of LMA students the library visiting time should be from Monday to Saturday 8a.m. to 6 p.m., it is also desired to extend visiting time until 8 p.m. during workdays. Servicesprovided at the library are not used equally. Services to be able to work with own laptops ant beable to connect to Wi-Fi are desirable. It is important that students spend their free time at thelibrary and this trend promises library will be distributed into working and resting areas when thedevelopment plan will be accomplished. It is essential to determine publications needed forspecific study programs and supply the library fund by this information to motivate people to useprovided services more actively. It is also needed to establish an office center in the library forstudents to be able to scan, print, bind, copy documents from internet and various externalmemory devices. More resting places are desired with the ability to make a cup of coffee or tea tomake the atmosphere cosier.References1. G. Kriščiukaitienė. Šiuolaikinė mokslinė biblioteka – moderniam mokslininkui ir visuomenei. – Internetaccess:http://www.mokslasirtechnika.lt/mokslo-naujienos/siuolaikin-mokslin-biblioteka-moderniammokslininkui-ir-visuomenei.html.2. Lietuvos Respublikos bibliotekų įstatymas (eng. Lithuanian Republic Library Law). –Žin., 2004, Nr. 120-4431.3. Lithuanian Maritime Academy Self-Evaluation Report. – Internet access: http://www.lajm.lt/sub/apielajm/ataskaitos/.137

Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - <strong>2012</strong>”At the time of survey respondents were asked how library can be improved. All suggestionscan be sorted to some main groups: To provide the possibility to print written papers. To supply fund with more information written in Lithuanian and be able to take morebooks away. To provide service of using the external memory devices at the library. To keep order of discipline and silence. To provide more resting space. To provide possibility to make tea or coffee.Conclusions1. Modern library must provide informational, educational, consulting and other services tostudents, lectors and other users. Library cannot be imagined without informational technologies,scientific literature, databases, internet access. Search for required information, analysis ofliterature, writing of the paper, printing, designing and binding are the most important phases fora student or a lector while writing a science paper so all these services should be provided right atthe library.2. The library fund is collected by various international projects and LMA own resources. A varietyof publication is satisfying, because in every period of 5 years academy purchases in average 216different title publications. In order to making maritime studies more international it is essentialto increase the fund of literature written in English. For the formation of library funds areresponsible heads of academic departments, lectors, students. According to library fund structureand providing infoservice activities, LMA library meets main options of modern academiclibrary.3. For the comfort of LMA students the library visiting time should be from Monday to Saturday 8a.m. to 6 p.m., it is also desired to extend visiting time until 8 p.m. during workdays. Servicesprovided at the library are not used equally. Services to be able to work with own laptops ant beable to connect to Wi-Fi are desirable. It is important that students spend their free time at thelibrary and this trend promises library will be distributed into working and resting areas when thedevelopment plan will be accomplished. It is essential to determine publications needed forspecific study programs and supply the library fund by this information to motivate people to useprovided services more actively. It is also needed to establish an office center in the library forstudents to be able to scan, print, bind, copy documents from internet and various externalmemory devices. More resting places are desired with the ability to make a cup of coffee or tea tomake the atmosphere cosier.References1. G. Kriščiukaitienė. Šiuolaikinė mokslinė biblioteka – moderniam mokslininkui ir visuomenei. – Internetaccess:http://www.mokslasirtechnika.lt/mokslo-naujienos/siuolaikin-mokslin-biblioteka-moderniammokslininkui-ir-visuomenei.html.2. Lietuvos Respublikos bibliotekų įstatymas (eng. Lithuanian Republic Library Law). –Žin., 2004, Nr. 120-4431.3. Lithuanian Maritime Academy Self-Evaluation Report. – Internet access: http://www.lajm.lt/sub/apielajm/ataskaitos/.137

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