14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija

14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija

14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija


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Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - <strong>2012</strong>”It is important to understand and evaluate the unique competence of libraries in this constantlychanging educational, economic, health infrastructure and info-structure.Library status requires it to collect and store the written heritage. Also library has to adapt tothe needs of its users and keep up with changing environment. Libraries that will not keep up with theneeds of changing environment will eventually lose their power and be put at the periphery of theknowledge flows [1].Today scientific and academic library is understood as an institution that collects and protectsthe scientific literature and other special (heritage, electronic) documents, serves readers, scientists,researchers and students. The essential function of these libraries should be educational, scientificinformation, communication and research [1]. Scientific library must become into a scientificlaboratory where the scientist would have top notch working conditions, quickly delivered requiredliterature to provide him with work-friendly environment. Modern library cannot be imagined withoutan information technology and an internet access. Readers could also save a lot of time if the technicalpossibilities would allow them to explore catalogues, lists of books that must be returned right fromtheir home or workplace. All this could be done with his personal computer. It would also be a goodthing if a librarian could introduce a reader with requirements for writing a scientific paper.Other important task of a scientific library is educational. The workers of a library shouldconstantly be organizing courses for users to provide them with knowledge about newest technologyand how to use it. Only with this knowledge a scientist or a researcher can work more effectively anduse information more rationally. Modern student often uses an electronic textbook which can becopied and money can be saved. Library staff must educate users to find, register and take the neededinformation themselves. If this kind of tuition is not needed, the staff that often has a universityeducation, could organize exhibitions, classes and various projects.It is very important for a student to be able to use a computer and access internet in a library,to have space to do collective work and feel free to ask any questions about needed information. Thereare libraries where people can drink a cup of coffee, eat a sandwich or have a snack while reading.This permission does no harm to the library but rather creates a cosy atmosphere for a visitor.One more accent – the library cannot work until 5 p.m., it must work until late evening orthrough the night. The audio and video material should also be available in the library.To sum up the evolution of academic libraries, it can be determinate that modern academiclibrary should be hybrid-use, because teachers, scientists, students’ academic activity starts with asearch of required information, analysis of the literature and ends with one or another academic orscientific writing, printing, trimming and binding. These services should be provided in the library.2. Analysis of Lithuanian Maritime Academy library fundLibrary and reading room of LMA – the place where students can find required informationfor their studies. Library staff advise on issues with information retrieval (electronic catalogue ofacademic libraries – ALEPH, abroad electronic databases: EBSCO, Emerald etc.) at any convenienttime for students. Information is given about services provided at the library by phone or verbally.Readers are consulted about the bibliographic description of documents, forming references.Librarians also revise the bibliographic data of documents in the catalogues of LMA.The library ensures supplement of needed information and documentation to all studyprograms of LMA. Library service consumer segment is made of full-time and part- time students,various courses participants, qualifying specialists, lectors and also Klaipėda university students andlectors. Anyone interested can become a library user, because the funds collected not only theprofessional literature needed for studies in Lithuanian, Russian, English and other languages, but alsosome historical content. Specifically supplied information fund assures effectiveness of the library(Fig. 1.).133

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