14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija

14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija 14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija


Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - 2012”craft can perform different special operation tasks, antipiracy operations and support for specialoperations. The approximate price of that craft is 6 million USD, but with additional equipment theprice can reach 10 million USD. The craft have “Stealth” design and reduced detection possibilitieswith different infrared and other detection devices [5].The 5th example is “Skrunda” class (Latvia) multifunctional patrol ship of Latvian navy. Theships construction is modular with possibility to install different mission containers for differentmissions, including special operation tasks. This is the first SWATH class ship in the world made fornaval military needs. The SWATH ships is the new class of ships, that begun to develop from year1999. The two MAN units on Skrunda are Type 2842 high speed diesels, each of 809kW at 2,100 rpmdriving two Servogear controllable pitch propellers over Servogear reduction gearboxes. Trial speedwas 21.4 knots using this redundant propulsion system but service speed is put at 20 knots with anoperational radius of 1,000 nautical miles at 12 knots. The engines on “Skrunda “are also in the lowerhulls, leaving more space for a crew of eight in the superstructure while even further personnel can behoused, if required, in a spacious wardroom [6].The 6th example is the “Protector” (Israel) unmanned surface vehicle (USV), what wasdeveloped by the Israeli company “Rafael Advanced Defense Systems” in response to emergingterrorist threats against maritime assets. Based on a 9 meter (30-foot) rigid-hulled inflatable boat, the“Protector” is stealthy, fast and highly maneuverable. The vessel's low profile upper structure is sealedand aerodynamic, and its modular platform design allows it to be reconfigured to meet changingmission requirements, such as force protection, anti-terror, surveillance and reconnaissance, mine andelectronic warfare. The hull is a deep V-shaped planning hull, with the inflatable section providingstability and endurance. A single diesel engine drives water jets, allowing speeds of 50 knots(92.6 km/h; 57.5 mph). The “Protector” offers enhanced surveillance, identification and interceptioncapabilities. It is equipped with a Mini-Typhoon stabilized weapon system, a TOPLITE electro-opticsurveillance and targeting system with day and night targeting capabilities through the use of forwardlooking infrared, charge-coupled devices and laser rangefinders, as well as a public address system.The Protector is remotely controlled and can be operated with guidance from a commander andoperator located ashore or aboard a manned vessel. This allows it to provide the first line of defense,inspecting vessels of interest while personnel and capital assets are held at a safe distance. The 7,62mm and 12,7 mm machine guns can be installed [7].At the present moment “Protector” craft is used for Israel and Singapore navies for port andport infrastructure protection. The different USA institutions, like Coast Guard, Navy and specialoperation command (SOCOM) make trials to use this craft for their needs. By author’s opinion, thiscraft concept can be implemented in European Union (EU) ports, but trials are necessary, becauseclimate differences, port location differences and legislation differences in different EU countries andports locations. After the successful trials craft can be used for port surveillance and threat detection.The use of weapons is possible according with national and EU common legislation norms.ConclusionsIn this article author described and analyzed the role of special operations in world navies andSOF performed tasks. To support SOF tasks the world navies modernize and develop different typesof support ships of different classes and sizes.Author described and analyzed the development of MAS ships, different multipurpose logisticsupport vessels and ships and vessels, what are designed to operate in littoral waters, close to coastsand riverine waters. Author makes following conclusions:Different MAS classes’ ships can deliver different capabilities from single platform likehelicopter assault ship, amphibious platform, hospital ship, joint command platform, training ship andspecial operation support. MAS is planned to be flexible, versatile, modular and highly cost effectiveto sustain operations in high operation tempo. The multipurpose logistic support vessels differ fromMAS, because they can`t perform amphibious assault operations to unprepared environment.The different manned and unmanned littoral combat ships and vessels develop to performspecial operation tasks in swallow waters close to coasts and riverine waters. This types of ships and106

Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - 2012”vessels is the choice of small countries navies, what can`t afford to have large military ships. Theworld’s leading navies use this class ships and vessels to perform different special operation tasks,what larger ships can`t do. This ships and vessels is also planned to be flexible, versatile, modular andhighly cost effective.Different ships and vessels development programs in different world navies run to madewarships that will be modular, affordable and multirole. The antisubmarine, air defense, counter terror(piracy) and different special operation and other general purpose and military variants are developed.Fuel reduction measures are taken. The work also continues on ships and vessels weapon systemmodernization and development.The previous constructed ships and vessels of different classes are modernized to perform thetasks, what are important for modern navies. One of those tasks is special operation support. Thedifferent equipment, designed to protect ships and vessels from terrorist attacks are installed anddeveloped. The different “stealth” and other technologies that help perform the covert operations aredeveloped.References1. AJP-3.5 „NATO Special Operation Doctrine”.2. Scott R. Power projectors.//Jane`s Defence Weekly, Volume 48, Issue 30, 27 July 2011.- pp. 21.-28.3. Barreira V. BRAVE step for French support ships.// Jane`s NAVY International, Volume 116, Issue 7,September 2011.- pp. 6.4. Withington T. Special operations equipment. Compendium by Armada, 2010. – pp.14.-22.5. Withington T. Support from the waves. Compendium by Armada, 2010. – pp.19.-20.6. Skrunda makes it an even SWATH dozen from A&R.// INTERNET source www.maritimejournal.com[29.04.2011.]7. INTERNET source www.rafael.co.il [15.03.2012]107

Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - <strong>2012</strong>”vessels is the choice of small countries navies, what can`t afford to have large military ships. Theworld’s leading navies use this class ships and vessels to perform different special operation tasks,what larger ships can`t do. This ships and vessels is also planned to be flexible, versatile, modular andhighly cost effective.Different ships and vessels development programs in different world navies run to madewarships that will be modular, affordable and multirole. The antisubmarine, air defense, counter terror(piracy) and different special operation and other general purpose and military variants are developed.Fuel reduction measures are taken. The work also continues on ships and vessels weapon systemmodernization and development.The previous constructed ships and vessels of different classes are modernized to perform thetasks, what are important for modern navies. One of those tasks is special operation support. Thedifferent equipment, designed to protect ships and vessels from terrorist attacks are installed anddeveloped. The different “stealth” and other technologies that help perform the covert operations aredeveloped.References1. AJP-3.5 „NATO Special Operation Doctrine”.2. Scott R. Power projectors.//Jane`s Defence Weekly, Volume 48, Issue 30, 27 July 2011.- pp. 21.-28.3. Barreira V. BRAVE step for French support ships.// Jane`s NAVY International, Volume 116, Issue 7,September 2011.- pp. 6.4. Withington T. Special operations equipment. Compendium by Armada, 2010. – pp.<strong>14.</strong>-22.5. Withington T. Support from the waves. Compendium by Armada, 2010. – pp.19.-20.6. Skrunda makes it an even SWATH dozen from A&R.// INTERNET source www.maritimejournal.com[29.04.2011.]7. INTERNET source www.rafael.co.il [15.03.<strong>2012</strong>]107

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