14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija

14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija

14. starptautiskā konference 2012 - Latvijas Jūras akadēmija


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Proceedings of 14th International conference „Maritime Transport and Infrastructure - <strong>2012</strong>”THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF NAVAL SHIPSFOR SPECIAL OPERATIONS SUPPORTRaimonds RozenfeldsNAF Training and Doctrine Command, Riga, Ezermalas street 8, LV-1014, Republic of Latvia. E-mail:rozenfelds@inbox.lvAbstractIn this article author analyze the development of the fast naval ships and craft for special operationsin the last years. The development of the special operations naval craft and equipment in near futurewill be analyzed. The article includes 3 chapters. In the first chapter author analyze the specialoperations and connection of them to the marine transport and navies. In the second chapter authoranalyze the development of multipurpose amphibious ships and other multipurpose support ships forspecial operation support. Third chapter talks about special operations littoral waters naval craftbuilding, modernization and technology development in different world navies. The different specialoperations naval craft development projects and plans in world navies will be analyzed. There are thesummary and references in the end of article.KEY WORDS: special operations, world navies, ships and naval craft development.IntroductionIn this article author will analyze the development of the different type of naval ships, whatcan be used for special operation force (in text - SOF) support. Author will analyze tendencies ofdifferent support ship type’s development and their role in special operation support in present andnear future. The role and tasks of special operations in the navies will be described. The conclusionsabout this topic will be given in the summary.1. The special operation tasks in the naviesIn this chapter author will describe and analyze the special operation tasks and theirconnection to navy. The Republic of Latvia became the NATO member state in 1st April 2004, that’smean that we need to fulfill requirements and common guidelines of NATO. The NATO approved theunclassified common publication AJP-3.5 „NATO Special Operation Doctrine” in 27th January 2009.This doctrine defines and describes the special operation and defines the tasks of those operations inair, sea and land. According to this doctrine during the special operations the NATO member statesSOF or other units specially trained and equipped for special operation tasks do the following tasksconnected to navies:1. Threat evaluation;2. Target evaluation;3. Recovery operations;4. Hostage release operations;5. Ships, naval vessels and costal infrastructure defense;6. The ships forced search operations [1].In this doctrine the naval special operations is defined as one of the types of specialoperations.102

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