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DAY 21(Friday, 9 May 2014)A LIFELINE FROM CALIFORNIAIt is DAY 21 of my hunger strike and I woke up feeling somewhat sore from the grueling day wehad yesterday as well as with a pesky cough and an irritated throat. Although I intended to go tobed early last night I did not manage to do so until past midnight. There was simply too much todo and if I don’t stay on top of my messages and emails they become unmanageable in a singleday. But that is a good sign, as it means that people are paying attention and momentum isbuilding and that sooner or later we will have critical mass and topple the existing system beforeit kills us all.The scales show that I lost 700 grams since yesterday, which means that I now weigh 78.1 Kg, or172 pounds. The total weight loss to date is 14.4 Kg or 32 pounds. This means that my body hasshrunk by nearly 16% and that is has done so by losing an average of 1.6 pounds a day or threequarters of a kilogram.In a couple of hours, I will go to the closest Western Union office to pick up the donations thatwere wired by Kimberlee Schultz, an extraordinary woman who has become a pillar of thisoperation and who is in charge of the donations account she set up to aid me in my struggle herein Rome (http://www.gofundme.com/5fqttc ). This money will buy us another week of rent andensure that I can be a thorn in the Vatican’s side until May 19. Beyond that we are unfunded andunable to pay the rent so I ask for your urgent support.Our plan for today is less ambitious since I intend to only do my daily prayer at St. Peter’s andthen return home and prepare the text for the next segment of our documentary, which will dealwith the cost in life and limb the Global Depopulation Policy has imposed on the world but alsowith what we have been spared due to this social engineering as well as the tragedy to come ifthe depopulation program continues by the same methods.Still no word from the Vatican or Pope Francis. Last night, however, I dreamed that I was in St.Peter’s doing my prayer and when I finished and opened my eyes a Vatican official with a kindlyface stood before me smiling and politely said that Pope Francis wants me to visit a religiousorder and would I please follow him. We shall see if this comes to pass or not.For the time being, Nick and I will stay on task and push ourselves to the very limit toaccomplish what we set out to and more. But please remember that unless you becomehyperactive disseminating the videos we produce here in Rome and sharing my free books andarticles with your friends, who will hopefully do the same, then all our efforts will be in vain.We have to shatter the media blackout and the walls of silence, secrecy and deception erected byour governments and the international community and the only way we can do this is by ourgreater numbers.87

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