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Until such time as the Vatican speaks, I will fill the void. I am beginning to fear, however, thatthe people to whom millions look up for spiritual and moral guidance have none to give.In the afternoon, Nick and I find a quiet park bench where I narrate for the camera the policeincident so as to put it in perspective and protest our abuse and mistreatment:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbeapV0AuuQThe days have been so eventful and my schedule so full that I have scarce thought about foodand have not once felt hunger. Every hunger strike is different and I am glad this time the firstweek is easier than ever before and I am hunger free. I feared the hunger or cravings mightinterfere with the work and prevent me from concentrating on what I have to do.In the evening I send word to WHDT Miami, the television station that interviewed me prior tomy arrival in Rome, that since I am fast approaching a week of hunger strike the time has cometo do the first interview from Rome, as they promised they would. But I get no response.Whoever is delegating the media, whether it is the US State Department or the Council onForeign Relations, has not given the OK for a second interview. The capitalist system is astightly controlled as the communist system was; but while the people living behind the IronCurtain were fully aware of the careful propaganda they were subjected to, the citizens of the socalledfree world are for the most part oblivious.It is becoming increasingly clear to me that the American authorities are trying to use me tosoften Pope Francis and weaken the Church’s stance on contraceptives in advance of PresidentObama’s upcoming arrival in Rome, which is scheduled to take place on April 27. While I donot resent the fact that the Americans are trying to take advantage of an opportunity, I do resentthe fact that they are trying to contain and control my message. I also resent the fact that all of asudden the social media and my Facebook account are being bombarded with articles andmessages that vilify the Vatican and demonize Pope Francis. This strategy is not to my likingand the distortions of the truth that it requires are even less so.If the politicians and secular authorities want a change of course they can achieve it by simplystating the truth and presenting the facts.But I have entered the dirty world of politics and I will have to struggle hard to remain clean andnot to be besmirched by the machinations of others. The waters of global politics are sharkinfested and I am the only one swimming in them and swimming bare-naked.36

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