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DAY 6(Thursday, 24 April 2014)Shark infested watersStill angered by our encounter with the cops Nick and I go to the Press Office of the Holy See assoon as we finish our morning chores and ask to speak to someone in a position of authority. Weare told the Deputy Director, Monsignor Ciro Benedettini, will come to speak with us and weshould take a seat.Monsignor Benedettini is an affable man who listens intently and politely as we explain to himthat I am in Rome to hunger strike until Pope Francis comes to the people’s defense and speakspublicly about the covert methods of depopulation employed by governments around the world.Visibly impressed by my sacrifice he reaches out and touches my shoulder while expressing hisappreciation, a gesture that I find genuine and heartfelt. We then narrate to him our encounterwith the police and explain that we are not professional journalists and therefore do not requirepress accreditation to film on public land be it in Vatican City or in Rome. He assures us that hewill meet and speak with the police in the afternoon and that we will not be bothered again. Heexplains that the police are tense because more than forty heads of state have arrived in Rome forthe upcoming canonizations and security is understandably tight.Most interestingly, Monsignor Benedettini is brutally frank about the Vatican’s intimateknowledge of the covert methods of depopulation employed by secular authorities and which Ioutline briefly. He says: “We have been fighting this for decades”. I reply: “Then why not tellpeople how they are being poisoned so they can protect themselves.” He lifts his shoulders andshakes his head and then says that “the Church is doing everything it can to protect the people”.I explain to him that what the Church is doing is not enough, which is why the poisoningcontinues and people have no clue that they and their children are being poisoned since 1945.He falls silent.On the way home Nick and I cannot believe what we have just heard: a clear confirmation ofVatican’s knowledge of covert depopulation measures. We wish we had taped the conversationbut then agree that Monsignor Benedettini is too nice a gentleman and that even if we had tapedhis confession we would not have released the recording and embarrass him.His honesty gives Nick and I hope that Pope Francis will be equally frank and will tell people thetruth. I try to imagine him stepping onto the papal balcony too address an audience of hundredsof thousands of worshippers and tourists. I try to imagine the people’s consternation, then theirrage at finding out that for more than six decades they have been poisoned into sterility, illhealth,obedience and stupidity by their own elected governments. I try to imagine what I shoulddo or say if I am asked to speak.33

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