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EpilogueNo words can begin to express how deeply ashamed I am of Pope Francis and how deeplydisappointed I am in the Church. I have always viewed organized religion with deep suspicionout of intangible instinct rather than concrete knowledge. Though my hunger strike has failed toreach its intended objective, namely to compel Pope Francis to come to our defense by publiclycondemning the covert methods of depopulation employed by secular governments throughoutthe world, it has achieved an unintended but equally important objective, confirm that we aregoverned and encircled by mass murderers who are far more perverse, destructive and dangerousthan any of the tyrants of our history.The origin and make-up of the coalition of forces and individuals who commit mass murder onan unprecedented scale show us that there is a “hidden kinship between the vices of even themost vicious and the virtues of even the most upright”. They also show us that now is the time torid ourselves of the hierarchies of power, be they sacred or secular, and their dated ideologiesand stale theologies that arrest our evolution and threaten our survival. Last, they show us thatpeaceful methods only encourage and enable the continuing existence of and our continuingoppression by these outdated and perverse hierarchies.I have made superhuman efforts to avoid violence but my efforts have remained unheeded. Theonly option remaining is to fight violence with violence in the absence of sufficient people todrown violence in self-sacrifice.For the record, my hunger strike is not only the only one ever held on Vatican soil to shut downcovert depopulation measures, but also the only one, to the best of my knowledge, to set thefollowing records:1. The longest distance covered on foot, namely 700Km, by a hunger striker.2. The only hunger striker to have shot a full length documentary during a hunger strike.3. The only hunger striker to work 18 hours a day during a hunger strike4. The longest hunger strike held on Vatican soil to remain unacknowledged by the Pope orthe clergyThe Vatican’s silence in the end spoke louder than words and confirmed not only its complicitybut also its immorality. Pope Francis chose not to deliver us from evil but to deliver us to evil.265

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