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DAY 46(Tuesday, 3 June 2014)PEOPLE POWERThis is the 46 th and last day of my hunger strike. Late afternoon, I granted myself the first mealsince I began this action – a ham and cheese sandwich and four bite-sized puff pastries – andenjoyed it on the highest point in Rome, the Monte Mario Natural Reserve, where I went to clearmy head and make a decision.There are two reasons for bringing this hunger strike to an end. First, I have run out of moneyand not enough new donations have come in to keep me here in Rome any longer and, secondly,it is clear that Pope Francis will maintain the code of silence to keep his flock in the dark aboutthe genocide the Church has tacitly agreed to in 1969 and that the Vatican is partially responsiblefor by its refusal to allow the use of contraceptives, thus forcing secular authorities to continue toundermine human fertility in secret.Since I began the hunger strike on April 19, the Vatican has made the following announcements:1. On May 9, just six days after Pope Francis received my letter, and four days after hereceived my book, he called the heads of the UN agencies to the Vatican for acoordination meeting during which he reminded them that “unborn children are ourbrothers and sisters”.http://www.lifenews.com/2014/05/09/pope-tells-united-nations-unborn-children-are-ourbrothers-and-sisters/2. On the same day, Pope Francis scolded UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and UNHuman Rights Commissioner Navanethem Pillay for the injustices of the “culture ofdeath” and asked the UN officials to “provide appropriate protection for the family” asan “essential element in sustainable human and social development”.http://www.lifenews.com/2014/05/15/top-un-official-looks-away-as-pope-francis-saysabortion-violates-human-rights/3. Also on May 9, the Vatican announced that the Church will “update” its teaching onmarriage and the family, since Catholics around the world ignore the current teachings,and the Church must therefore “allow a more adequate response to the expectations ofthe people.” More importantly, the Vatican has also declared that: “The Church is nottimeless, it lives amid the vicissitudes of history and the Gospel must be known andexperienced by people today. It is in the present that the message should be, with allrespect for the integrity of whoever receives that message.” This is a clear rejection ofthe Doctrine of Papal Infallibility, which has until now prevented the Church fromchanging its position on contraceptives.http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/church-must-update-teaching-on-marriage-andfamily-pope-francis-head-of-syn257

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