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democratic checks and balances in order to institute psychosocial and economic strategies thatsubvert the family structure.Fail to do this and to add your voice publicly and firmly in condemnation of the GlobalDepopulation Policy and we, the people, will hold you personally accountable and will try andconvict you for collusion in crimes against humanity and genocide.Do not labor under the false comfort that you are protected by an invincible system. Thesystem’s safeguards – secrecy, deception, misdirection, and denial – have fallen and unless youcomprehend the precarious situation you find yourselves in and the potential for violence at anunprecedented order of magnitude you will be buried along with the system.I hope I have made myself clear. If not, my hunger strike timeline will hopefully help youunderstand that the tide has turned and you better find yourselves on the right side of history orelse become its newest victims and be reviled as mass murderers for all eternity.http://www.ice-pix.se/globaldepopulation/?fbrefresh=kevinprayerLet us make Canada a shining example for the world to follow and for once in our history leadrather than follow.May you find the strength, courage and integrity you will need to put the people’s interestsbefore your own!Sincerely,Kevin Galalae256

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