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LETTER TO CANADA’S MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENTHonourable representatives,I am writing to you from Rome, Italy, on the 45 th day of my hunger strike to compel our highestreligious authorities, Pope Francis and the College of Cardinals, to abandon hypocrisy andprotect the people from an international system that is out of control.You have been elected to serve your constituents and to protect the constitution. More than this,you have a moral responsibility to safeguard the fundamental rights of Canadians, especially theright to life, which are being trampled on with impunity by the United Nations and its agencies,with the full cooperation of our own government, for the sake of demographic and geopoliticalobjectives that fall under the purview of international security prerogatives.Every federal administration since 1945 has fully cooperated with the international community ina covert program of population control that constitutes genocide and has done and continues todo irreparable harm to the genetic and intellectual endowment of the human species, sickeningmillions of Canadians and causing the premature death of millions more. While the intent andrationale are sound, as it is meant to be a substitute to war and therefore a vehicle for peace, themethods used are immoral, unlawful and downright diabolical. Moreover, they are no longernecessitated by the insurmountable obstacles of the past.I have definitively detailed these methods in two books that you have a duty to read withoutdelay and act upon the vital information they relay:Killing Us Softly: Causes and Consequences of the Global Depopulation Policyhttp://real-agenda.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/CHEMICAL_AND_BIOLOGICAL_DEPOPULATION.pdfChemical and Biological Depopulationhttp://real-agenda.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/KILLING-US-SOFTLY2.pdfYes, it is better to wage war on human fertility than be forced to wage conventional wars or fallvictim to thermonuclear weapons, but there is no need to turn the basic elements of life intoweapons of mass sterility and morbidity when legislation can empower every Canadian citizen toassume responsibility for population control.There need not be a conflict between national and international interests. Once Canadians areapprised of the facts, every rational being will conclude that controlling population growth is anunavoidable imperative in a finite planet whose maximum carrying capacity humankind has longreached and even surpassed.Ban all endocrine disruptors, GMOs, chemical spraying, and vaccines that are the weapons ofchoice in the arsenal of the depopulation lobby in its war against human fertility. Stop using theinstitutions of state and taxpayers’ money to pervert the rule of law, debase science and bypass253

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