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DAY 45(Monday, 2 June 2014)FREE AT LASTIt is DAY 45 of my hunger strike and the battle continues. I have just finished an Avaaz petitionand hope the censors will not stop its distribution the way they did with the Change.org petitionfrom a few days earlier. This is the link to it:https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Pope_Francis_Tell_the_world_the_truth_about_covert_methods_of_depopulation_1/?clLSggbAs planned, Nick and I spent the day at the Vatican Museum to get the footage we need tocomplete segment five of our documentary. Despite the massive crowds it was a very specialday for me as I was able to revisit some of my favorite works of art. As some of you may know,I studied art and architectural history and prior to settling down to have a family I was aninternational fine arts consultant and appraiser for almost a decade.Back now to what happened to me in jail.Once I confronted the undercover team and explained to them that I knew their true identity andthat I had informed the warden, an incident was created to find an excuse to move me out of thegeneral population dorm and put me in super protective custody. To humiliate rather thanprotect me I was relegated to the wing designated for child molesters and spent the last threemonths of my nine-month pre-trial detention in an 8 x 12 feet cell along with two other inmates.This wing was under 23.5 hours a day lock-down, which means that we did not get out of thatcell for more than 30 minutes a day. The music blared from bad speakers from noon untilbedtime at 11 AM and every sound coming from the inmates housed in the 8 cells of the wingreverberated and made the bliss of silence impossible.Since the cells were built for two inmates but always housed three – in violation of national andinternational law – the last inmate to come into the cell slept on the floor. For the first monthand a half of my three month stay in this cell I was relegated to the cold concrete floor.Although it was never admitted, my cell mates were government implants again. One wastrained in psychology and was there to test and probe me, while the other was there for myprotection and to ensure that the first does not overstep his boundaries. It is my guess that myprotection had been ordered by the international courts but there is no way of knowing for certainuntil the system drops the secrecy and provides access to my file.The dynamic in the cell was very interesting to say the least but it would take me weeks toproperly recollect those events. What I can do here is let you read my legal defense, which Iwrote in that cell under the most terrible circumstances one can think of and perched on my top246

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