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10. Your last act of desperation, my 3-hour entrapment in the police van with informer andprison mole, Andrew Meeks, and his dimwitted sidekick, Dalio Saint Luis, has notresulted in drug charges, as you had hoped and planned in order to prevent me fromattending high court under the pretext that I was caught in possession of illicit drugs.One would think you would have learned from your first mishap in 2011, which ended upin the text of my application to the U.N. for interim measures, published by The OsloTimes of Norway and by Fathers for Justice of the UK for the world to see.I will now outline what the Crown wants vis-à-vis what I want, since no resolution is possibleunless both sides are satisfied.The Crown wants:1. To protect the individuals it has coopted, coerced and/or manipulated to conspire againstme, or to violate due process, from being found personally liable in civil courts;2. To ensure that I no longer expose further illegal policies at home or abroad, especiallyconcerning the depopulation policy and its offshoots;3. And that I withdraw my international lawsuits and help restore Canada’s badly bruisedreputation, credibility and dignity.By contrast, I want:1. To be acquitted of all charges, including the guilty plea I was forced into in August 2011,and that my record is restored to its formerly pristine condition;2. To resume my life and be reunited with my family and that my children and I areproperly compensated for damages and suffering;3. To be allowed to work discreetly on changing the methodology of the depopulationpolicy from covert poisoning to overt legislation.What we both can agree on is that much is at stake to fail in reaching a mutually satisfactorysolution and that we both have the common good at heart, but that while I held myself to thehighest standards, you sank to the lowest.This being the case, I am willing to offer the following:1. I will drop the civil lawsuits2. I will allow the U.N. to decide when and under what circumstances my history of thedepopulation policy is published3. I will drop the international lawsuits and will withdraw from the internet the followingarticles:234

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