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Richard stated again and again that unless I play ball with the system I will be placed in solitaryconfinement and will not get out of there for at least two years.When that did not work either, the boys shifted in third gear and told me incessantly that I wouldspend “a century in the penitentiary”, that the Crown can delay the trial three times, each timefor six months, and that I would be stuck in pre-trial detention for years before I could defendmyself in court.When that didn’t work either, Erich brought me the sad news that his ex-wife had abscondedwith another man and abandoned his children and therefore he was now forced to plead guilty toget out of jail and take care of his children. This was of course designed to plant the idea in myhead that the same could have happened to my wife and that I better plead guilty and get out ofjail to be there for my children.When that didn’t work either the system panicked and switched in fourth gear. After delaying amandatory three month detention review by more than a month, which is a gross violation of dueprocess, they put two police informers and scumbags in the van in which we were transported toand from court with the intent of saddling me with drug possession charges. The two scumbagswere given copious amounts of drugs (marihuana and pills) and once we arrived at thecourthouse the cops, instead of taking us to the holding cells, locked us in the van and thescumbags were allowed to roll and smoke joint after joint undisturbed. They kept asking me tosmoke me so I would be caught on camera and charged and thus be taken back to jail and missmy appearance before the high court judge. But because I did not take the bait the cops, who Icould hear fidgeting in the front seat, kept us locked in the van for nearly four hours and refusedto open the doors to let me take a leak and to breathe fresh air, so that I would at least be stonedout of my head and incoherent when I appear in front of the judge. That the judge was in on it iseasily proven because when I was finally let out of the van it was lunch time, the court house hadbeen cleared of people, the court room was empty, and the proceedings took place behind closeddoors and during lunch time, which never happens.Despite the drug-induced high, I defended myself beautifully and had the presence of mind to tellthe judge what had happened and that I don’t appreciate the police attempt to frame and entrapme into drug charges. The judge did not say a word, even though I asked him to order aninvestigation. He stayed mum the whole time and then stood up and left the courtroom withoutsaying a word. Needless to say, my detention was found justified.Even more desperate now, the system kicked in the highest gear and flooded the dorm withdrugs. Erich, who had previously played the pious man who follows the word of God and wouldnever do drugs, began smoking dope as though his life depended on it and did so with three orfour others as close to my bunk bed as possible to keep me on a continuous high so I could notdo any legal work. By then, my government-appointed lawyer, Jeanelle Khan, whose task had223

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