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DAY 42(Friday, 30 May 2014)WATCH ME, ERICH! WATCH ME!It is DAY 42 of my hunger strike and I continue to be in perfect health, undoubtedly much to thechagrin of the Vatican clerics.The rate at which I am losing weight has decreased considerably, as it was expected. Whileduring the first week I lost more than a kilogram a day, during the second week I only lost anaverage of half a kilogram a day, during the third and fourth week an average of 250 grams aday, during the fifth week an average of 100 grams a day, and during the sixth week I have onlylost an average of 50 grams a day.I now weigh 75.5 Kg or 166 pounds and 7 ounces. The total weight loss to date is 17 Kg or 37pounds and 8 ounces. My body has therefore shrunk by 18.4% and has done so by losing anaverage of 415 grams or 14.6 ounces a day.Nearly 2000 years ago Jesus scolded the “chief priests and the teachers of the law” for theirdepravity and destroyed their temple. History repeats itself though on a far more civilized level.And while I am not here in Rome to destroy the Church but to save its moral principles, theleaders of the Church are destroying it themselves by their complete lack of moral principles. Infact, the entire system, of which the Vatican is an intrinsic part, is imploding.The thinner I get the more spiritual I become and my daily prayers are a source of joy, tranquilityand wellbeing that I have come to love and need. I lose myself in them only to find myself in thebosom of the universal subconscious, in God’s embrace.When on Saturday, 23 February 2013, I left the hospital ward of the Quinte Detention Centre andjoined my fellow inmates in dorm four I was in God’s embrace. Perhaps I will never be closer toGod than I was during those 75 days of hunger and solitary confinement. And that this shouldhave happened in that terrible place, where human beings torture other human beings, says morethan I could ever say about the power and tangible presence of the divine.If I should ever come to be in a position of great power, one of my first actions will be todissolve all prisons and replace them with healing centers. My experience in jail has shown methat there are no criminals, but only lost souls and victims of a system and of a society thatshatters the best in humans; a system that is sick and sickens us all, both literally andfiguratively.This is not the time or place to give you a full assessment of Canada’s prison system, which isbeyond contempt, as is Canada’s judiciary and law enforcement. This is however the time to tell219

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