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The issue which needs to be faced is one closely linked to the process of globalization which is nowaffecting every aspect of the life of nations, people sand individuals, and is accompanied bypolitical and economic changes which are often uncontrolled and even uncontrollable. This in factis what touches most closely the lives of nations and individual citizens. While it is true thatglobalization offers opportunities for development and enrichment, it is also true that it can causeincreased poverty and hunger, which in turn can spark chain reactions often leading to widelydisparate forms of violence. Nor can we underestimate the fact that the fruits of technological andscientific progress can, for all their enormous benefits to humanity, be used in a way that clearlyviolates the order of creation, even to the point of denying the sacredness of life and stripping thehuman person and the family of their natural identity.In this complex situation, mankind finds itself at risk. What is the way to move forward? TheChurch never tires of insisting that it can only be done by respecting "ethical imperatives".Consistent with this stand, the Holy See continues to call for the promotion and the protection ofrights as sanctioned by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, above all the right to life and,not least, the right of religious freedom.”(Full speech is available here: http://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/it/bollettino/pubblico/2010/11/09/0689/01567.html)Clearly, Archbishop Viganò is a man in the know and in him I will find a sympathetic ear, Ireasoned. The letter I wrote him on the afternoon of 8 December 2012, just one day prior to myreturn to Canada, is groundbreaking in many ways and until today I have never made it public. Itundoubtedly rocked the Vatican to the core. Here it is:8 December 2012Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganòApostolic Nuncio to the United StatesApostolic Nunciature of the Holy Sea3339 Massachusetts Ave. NWWashington D.C., 2008nuntiususa@nuntiususa.orgThe Most Reverend, Archbishop Viganò,I seek refuge in the Vatican embassy in the hope that His Holiness will grant me political andspiritual asylum, as well as asylum of a nature not yet recognized by the international communityand its laws as no such threat has previously haunted the citizens of free and sovereign states;asylum for the sanctity of the body and mind, sanctity that is threatened by the covert chemicaland biological poisons unleashed on innocents by our own governments in the name of theglobal depopulation policy. I therefore seek sanctuary, safe passage, protection and assistancefrom the Vatican, requests that I describe in more detail below.Having read the intervention speech you gave as Secretary General of the Governatorate of theHoly Sea at the Interpol General Assembly in November 2010, I know that in you I shall find asympathetic ear and an informed mind familiar with the bitter reality that is being concealedfrom the general public at incalculable cost to our humanity, societies and to Creation itself. It190

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