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In addition and in parallel to my work on the media directory, I wrote and published a series ofhard-hitting open letters to various entities and was given access to the website of professionaljournalists in Europe, the European Journalism Community (EJC), to whom I am grateful fortheir courage and integrity, for they allowed me to bypass the system while using the system’sresources. I chose the recipients of my letters carefully and crafted my letters accordingly andwith the strategic goal in mind of breaking the ranks of the depopulation coalition or at the veryleast weakening its foundation.These are my open letters:Letter to Religious Leaders (24 September 2012)http://community.ejc.net/profiles/blogs/letter-to-religious-leaders-1?xg_source=activityLetter to UN Human Rights Commissioner Navanethem Pillay (4 October 2012)http://community.ejc.net/profiles/blogs/letter-to-un-human-rights-commissioner-navanethempillay?xg_source=activityLetter to Anti-Fluoridation Leaders (3 October 2012)http://community.ejc.net/profiles/blogs/letter-to-anti-fluoridation-leaders?xg_source=activityDr. Bill Osmunson, President of the Washington Action for Safe Water, confirms thefluoridation genocide (10 October 2012)http://community.ejc.net/profiles/blogs/dr-bill-osmunson-president-of-the-washington-actionfor-safe?xg_source=activityLetter to the Vatican (18 October 2012)http://community.ejc.net/profiles/blogs/letter-to-the-vatican?xg_source=activityLetter to Lieutenant General Patricia D. Horoho (24 October 2012)http://community.ejc.net/profiles/blogs/letter-to-lieutenant-general-patricia-dhoroho?xg_source=activityLetter to Chinese doctors and scientists of the Chinese Medical Journal (15 November 2012)http://community.ejc.net/profiles/blogs/letter-to-chinese-doctors-and-scientists-of-the-chinesemedical?xg_source=activityLetter to the Media (28 November 2012)http://community.ejc.net/profiles/blogs/letter-to-the-media?xg_source=activityOpen Letter to David Rockefeller, Sr. (29 November 2012)http://community.ejc.net/profiles/blogs/open-letter-to-david-rockefeller-sr?xg_source=activity184

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