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DAY 37(Sunday, 25 May 2014)PAST AND PRESENTIt is DAY 37 of my hunger strike and I continue to be in the best of health especially now that Ihave addressed the sodium issue and my heart is ticking again as it should. Angered by thesystem’s latest attack on me and fueled by the four olives a day that I now grant myself, I haveneeded to get out of the house and both yesterday and today went for long walks, at least 25 Kmeach day.The scales show that I have lost only 100 grams in the past two days and that means I now weigh75.8 Kg or 167 pounds and 2 ounces. The total weight loss to date is 16.4 Kg or 36 pounds and2 ounces. My body has therefore shrunk by 17.7% and has done so by losing an average of 455grams or 16 ounces a day.Yesterday’s destination was the church of Santa Maria della Vittoria to see Bernini’s famousstatue, “The Ecstasy of St. Theresa”. And today I went to visit the basilica of Santa MariaMaggiore, which has extraterritorial status since it belongs to the Vatican and is patrolled byVatican not Italian Police. To my delight, I arrived just as a huge congregation of Filipinos washolding a special mass and the enormous nave and aisles of this serene and tranquil basilica wereteeming with people shrouded in the scent and haze of incense.I confess that yesterday I caved in to my cravings and eat a cone of Italian gelato with threeflavors – pistachio, limone, and straciatella. Needless to say, it was pure heaven. And sincethere was no water to be had in glass bottles – and I never drink out of plastic anymore, knowingwhat I do about BPA – I bought myself a freshly squeezed orange juice and as I drank it I couldfeel the vitamins surge through every cell in my body and all the way to my eyeballs, whichthanked me immediately with better vision.To ascertain if the papacy is behind the threat to destroy my belongings in my absence, I sent anemail to the Vatican and carbon copied it to all relevant people. I await their response before Ipublish it, if indeed I need to.Before I went on my wondering through town today, I did my prayer on St. Peter’s square earlyin the morning. The square was almost empty because Pope Francis is not in the country to giveSunday mass. He is in the Holy Land, as you all know. Instead, the large screens were rolleddown and broadcasting live from the Middle East. As I prayed, a muezzin (person who recitesthe call to prayer at mosques) gave a lilting and evocative call to prayer or sermon of some sortin Arabic and I found it extraordinarily powerful and beautiful. It helped lift me to a higherrealm in my prayer and soon tears poured out of my eyes uncontrollably and I could hear a photo180

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