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would be hampered by various levels of jurisdiction. I am in other words using the inflexibilityand rigidity of the system against itself, much like I learned in Judo to use the superior weightand strength of the opponent against him and in my favor.While no one in the media utters a word, the system delegates The Oslo Times, a NorwegianEnglish-language online media, to publish a piece about my escape from Canada, which I wasasked to write myself and did so in the third person singular and gave the title “Activist FleesCanada in Terror”:http://www.theoslotimes.com/activist-flees-canada-in-terror/The Oslo Times published it along with an appeal to NGOs to come to my defense, an appealthat has since been taken down and that was answered by no NGO whatsoever, with theexception of a UN connected and delegated Swiss NGO called SOS Rassissmus Deutsch-Schweitz, which issued a timid SOS appeal that it then refused to put up on its website and isnow only available on my Academia account:https://www.academia.edu/4857151/SOS_Appeal_for_Kevin_GalalaeThese moves on the part of the system were intended to preserve the appearance that the westernworld has a functional civil society and media, when in fact all established NGOs have long beensubsumed into the matrix of control just as the mainstream media has. They all take orders fromthe system and depend on it for funding and cushy jobs.Being now nearly three years into my fight against the system I begin to comprehend how itoperates and that it is based not on substance but form, on the necessity to maintain the illusionof the rule of law and democracy when in fact it operates entirely outside the law and ofdemocratic checks and balances.My first articles on covert surveillance and censorship in UK and EU universities, for instance,were published only Cryptome and Wikispooks, the former being controlled by the AmericanCIA and the latter by the British SIS. The rationale for this is simple. If you control the socalledalternative media, you know who leaks information and can then pick them up andimprison them, you give the impression of a free press and a functional civil society, you keepyour enemies close, and you have a repository of sensitive information that few will see and thatthe system can use to gauge where the pressure points are and when it needs to ease up in orderto keep the herd calm.That my first “help” came from Norway, in the form of The Oslo Times, and from Switzerland,in the form of SOS Rassissmus Deutsch-Schweitz is no coincidence either. The West has builtup the reputation of Norway and Switzerland as bastions of human rights and democracy, andthere is some truth to this description, but these countries are nevertheless system players andtheir function is to serve as intermediaries in conflict situations be it between nations or between167

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