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DAY 35(Friday, 23 May 2014)THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW ITIt is DAY 35 of my hunger strike and the cravings have become a real nuisance. My heart hasbeen acting up lately and I realized that I had not taken any salt for over a month, which the heartneeds to function properly. I addressed this by eating three or four salted olives a day for thepast two days and will continue to do so for the duration of my hunger strike so I do not keelover from a heart attack and give the Vatican cause to have a celebratory party.My presence here has sent the system into panic and they are now up to the same old desperatescheming to force me to quit the hunger strike. Just as in 2011, when they needed to get me tostop my hunger strike in Strasbourg, France, so this time these immoral cowards are using mywife, Cynthia Ann Marshall.Two days ago, I received a letter from my wife’s lawyer, Lanny Kamin, who is an unscrupulouscharacter, informing me that my wife has put my belongings in storage and that unless I pay forthe storage costs my belongings will be disposed of. This move has been orchestrated to forceme to return to Canada lest I lose all my property. They know very well that they havebankrupted me and I no longer have a credit card to be able to pay for storage from Italy.My wife, who is working closely with the system and therefore with the depopulation lobby, hasturned on me in Judas fashion and knows that I care deeply about my belongings and amemotionally attached to many items, especially since they are irreplaceable as they containthousands of family photographs, the handwritten memoirs of several ancestors, hours of videofootage from decades past, precious art and books, and my own writings, including a 1000-pagemanuscript that took me two years to write and I have yet to publish. My intellectual propertyalone is worth a fortune.I shot back a few letters that I will make public unless they back off. To teach them a lesson, Ihave also published my affidavit from the civil lawsuit I launched against the Kingston Policeand which contains evidence of foul play and of serious criminal misconduct on the part of thevery people in charge of the administration of justice and law enforcement in Canada that willshock even the most jaded reader. You can all read this 237 page file here:https://www.academia.edu/7133059/Affidavit_of_Kevin_Galalae_in_Civil_Proceedings_against_the_Kingston_PoliceBut now let me return to my odyssey where I left off, Florida, my sister’s house.163

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