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DAY 32(Tuesday, 20 May 2014)FUGITIVE FROM INJUSTICEIt is DAY 32 of my hunger strike and I woke up feeling full of life and hope and excited to startthe day. I have been entirely free of hunger and even cravings throughout the day and havemanaged to walk first to St. Peter’s and back for my daily prayer, which I did first thing in themorning, and then trudged through town the entire afternoon to find the right filming location,which ended up being the Palatino ruins. All in all I covered a whopping 30 Km. Yes, at times,I did feel dizzy, but never tired or weak. The human body truly is a marvel.Our guardian angels have ensured that we paid the rent for the next two weeks and this took aload off my shoulders. Nick and I can now concentrate on the documentary and on enlighteningthe public while we wait for a response from Pope Francis. This also means that my hungerstrike will be at least 45 days long, which is symbolically important because Jesus hungered inthe wilderness for 40 days.The scales show that I have lost 100 grams since yesterday and that means I now weigh 76.4 Kgor 168 pounds and 7 ounces. The total weight loss to date is 15.8 Kg or 34 pounds and 13ounces. My body has therefore shrunk by 17.1% and has done so by losing an average of 510grams or 18 ounces a day.In yesterday’s update, I promised to tell you about my escape from Canada. It happened inFebruary 2012, the coldest month of the year. In December, I had done a TV interview withAdam Bierman, the host of New Jersey Insider on Princeton TV, in which I discussed the covertprogram of surveillance and censorship I had uncovered in the UK. That interview is availableonline on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/33346698.Princeton TV then booked me for a second interview so I could name the politicians, judges,lawyers and doctors who framed me and then falsified medical records and court transcripts andcommitted perjury in order to get away with it. The second interview was canceled due to heavypressure from Washington on Princeton TV, but I had my say nevertheless by publishing anarticle called “The Kingston Hillbillies” that was heavily censored for over a year but that is nowfreely available online: https://wikispooks.com/w/images/2/24/The_Kingston_Hillbillies.pdfIn retaliation the Canadian authorities dropped all pretenses that I was arrested due to criminalcode violations and sent an explicit warning through my then criminal lawyer, John Olver, thatunless I “cease and desist speaking publicly about state secrets I would be arrested again and thistime on new charges”. I told them to come get me because my rights and liberties are notnegotiable and I will not abandon my children to fascists.139

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